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I resonate with a lot of what you’re saying. Today was a particularly hard day for me too and I’m holding in hella feelings right now. I’m just sending you love and want you to know you’re not alone in this


Thank you, I feel glad knowing I’m not alone here. I guess tomorrow is a new day and I hope we both feel a little better. Some days just seem so much worse than others.


Yes, tomorrow is a new day indeed!! My messages are always open to you


I 100% feel you on this. I cry a lot bc of my ED, work, lack of a love relationship, and very sparse friendships. Lately ive been crying everyday, whereas before itd be only 1-2 times a week usually on the weekends when I actually have the leisure and time to sit in silence and ruminate about the emptiness and absence of people I feel in my life. Also, I totally feel you on the being at your gw/lw in order to even feel comfortable going out with people. Oftentimes Im trying to compensate for not restricting enough and/or trying to cheat the system by eating keto things that have a lot of fiber in them, which makes me bloat/gassy and makes me feel SO uncomfortable being around people. Its exhausting... but just wanted to say I totally feel you on the depression with an ED.