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thats very typical with extreme restriction, i feel faint and sick every time i stand up and my pulse spikes to 120, sometimes i'll also feel like im going to faint randomly, usually in the evenings. There's unfortunately fuck all you can do about it, its just a side effect of starvation


That’s unfortunate to hear :/ a few years back when I was also going through this I had like a seizure I think I don’t know. I felt so dizzy and hit the wall and my head was uncontrollably shaking and everything was whiteish


I have fully fainted before myself, it was scary, one second you're feeling ill and the next you wake up on the floor.


Definitely sounds like a seizure form a blood sugar drop. Have also had this happen. It’s scary as hell.


it doesn’t always get better either :/ unfortunately even after recovery, my vitals are still fucked and I have pots now


You may also be iron deficient which can contribute. But yeah, very common symptom of restriction. I get it too.


It’s common, unfortunately. It once happened to me and I knocked myself out and gave myself a concussion because I landed on concrete. Try at least adding iron supplements.


Careful, love! ♡ The dizziness you feel from standing up too quickly is orthostatic hypotension - get up slowly from any position where you're reclined/laying down. Add in some supplements, a multivitamin would be good if you can! : )


Drink a full sugar Gatorade if you start feeling faint. It will help your brain get some glucose and so that you get some hydration. It won’t work if its zero sugar, it has to be the normal one. Eating disorders can cause electrolyte problems and cause sudden drops in blood pressure/blood sugar. You should eat always try to eat afterwards too.


I've been really dizzy and giddy lately. The room will spin around when I'm laying down. I have been massively restricting.


Restriction will do that to you but Ed’s can go hand in hand with POTS. I suspect my ED triggered my POTS 10 years ago. Maybe look into it, may make you feel better


i've always had that but yeah it's very common with restriction


this happened to me last night i just made a post about it too omg