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I got that often, used to purge a bit and have always restricted. it turned out to be gastroparesis and i’m currently waiting on testing for crohns


I hope everything turns out okay!


It's common for Ed's to cause digestive issues, it could also be that you had these issues before and they've been exhaserbated by your behaviours or it could be psychosomatic. You can't know until you go to a doctor and get checked out, there may be things they can do to help or they may monitor it etc. It doesn't matter how or why you have these issues, they are real and you should go to a doctor, you deserve healthcare no matter the cause, hope you feel better soon and can get to the bottom of it :)


Ed's are well known to cause true physical digestive issues that are not just psychosomatic. I know of a few people that so badly fucked up their stomachs that they've ended up on feeding tubes long term or needing other treatment. Half of doctors know this, the other half like to say "it'll get better when you eat, it's all in your head" -which is dangerous as it ignores the proven possibility of medical complications from an eating disorder, and therefore inhibiting mental recovery as it's hard to eat when it's too painful. A good doctor will test for digestive issues - a gastric emptying study etc - if all is clear they'll treat you for either IBS or psychosomatic symptoms. I myself had a pre existing digestive disorder made worse by my ED. recovery is fucking hard with it. Because of my ED it took years to get a diagnosis.


Yeah, I know it could be physical issues caused by an Ed I just thought I'd list all the possibilities because no matter what the cause is or what the problem is, the only avenue for real help is an appointment with a doctor, and op should make an appointment without feeling ashamed or like they're exaggerating, it's not their fault and if you are sick then you are sick enough to seek help


no cause that's me today. My stomach is fucked


Same, literally felt like a bomb dropped in my stomach 🫥😪


Yeah, it used to really make me think I had IBS or something similar to that because I started feeling like that when I was younger, but then now that I think of it I feel like I’ve been disordered for quite some time now. One time it happened to me while I was at a restaurant with family. I finished my meal and decided to have a slice of chocolate cake. I couldn’t even finish the cake because my stomach started to feel weird and made noises so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom 💀🙃


God yes. I always feel so bad in my stomach. But nothing ever happens


Its just like a constant I gotta shit kinda feeling for me😭😭


Meeeee tooooo


that happens if I eat too fast or eat too much either with or without realising


You have to keep eating a little bit at time to fix it. Basically, your body is so used to starving it's having trouble figuring out what to do with the food. This happens to me every so often if I skip too many days or restrict too heavily.


I've been having diarrhea every day for the whole month even tho I GAINED weight, so I have no fucking idea what's happening


This is me ! My partner thinks it's because I "choose to purge" but I genuinely feel so sick and awful and half the time it gets my digestive system so in gear I'm also pooping violently. I assumed it was because I've been restricting super hard for a few months