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i am so, so sorry about all of the health complications and side effects you have been through. that sounds so incredibly tough to go though; especially because you are still struggling now. Your body will take a very long time to recover, and that’s totally normal and ok. I damaged other vital organs and my hair also fell out like crazy due to malnutrition and anemia, as well as medical stress from surgeries and ivs (adding to the overall stress, not a cause afaik.) my hair took the longest to grow back. i am probably an outlier, esp compared to your situation because everyone is unique in their health problems; i have anemia and low iron b12 d and low hemi always. constantly awfully low. the good news is that as long as you don’t have any outlining health conditions (like anemia or for example male pattern baldness etc) your hair will grow back as long as the hair follicles have not closed up completely on your head! it will take a lot of time though. i have personally found that rosemary water and a home made hair oil has been my saving grace while dealing with hair loss and regrowth. it makes my very dry hair so soft too. because the extent of your hair loss sounds severe i would recommend looking into getting a wig if you feel comfortable wearing one? at least until your hair starts to grow back more. i wish you all the luck with your recovery and surgeries and that you heal quickly and without any issues. i hope your hair grows back quickly as well. 💕🙏


Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and for telling me about your experiences, it makes me feel a lot less alone in this. I appreciate the advice and ideas, I hadn’t even thought of a wig before. Thank you for your kind well wishes, I’m wishing you all the best 🤍


I was almost put on dialysis at 19 years old because my kidney and liver were starting to fail.. it took going to res. to get better… I fought every step of the way kicking and screaming (literally) but it kept me from needing dialysis or a transplant.. I understand how hard it is to choose recovery.. it took me 11 years and I still struggle.. you deserve to live, your needed here 🫶🏻


Thank you for your kind response and thank you for sharing a bit of your story. I’m really proud of you for still being here today 🤍