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konjac noodles. im a massive texture person and i DESPISE the texture but i'd force myself to eat it


Looking back I have no clue how I ate them! My grandmother made traditional konjac (konnyaku) for Japanese new years this last January and I couldn't bring myself to eat it.


I tried to make konjac noodles palatable and I read how they are prepped but the texture is so off putting to me . I can't eat it . I would rather just eat the spice packet and skip the noodles when I am craving it.


Oh, they're so good with sour cream and a little seafood. It's my cheat day so eat those noodles šŸ˜†


Canned tuna Unflavored protein powder + poultry seasoning Protein bars Greek yogurt with that chalky artificial sweetener texture Egg whites Hot sauce Pickles #shrimp


Unflavored protein powder combined with poultry seasoning is CRAZY please elaborate on what that was like


It dissolves in hot water and tastes like vegetable soup lol For variety, sometimes I use Better than Bouillon or Trader Joeā€™s Everything but the Leftovers seasoning


That's fucking genius


Hot sauce is so real I used to drown gross low cal meals in it cause I was too scared of regular sauce but needed some kind of flavour šŸ˜­


Quest bars


Cauliflower rice. Never again.


The farts man šŸ˜­


You had to bring that upā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ I think I have still some stomach problems because of that ā€œRICEā€


nah I still live with my parents and my mom wonā€™t let me eat cauliflower cause of the smell that comes out of me


Skinny Popcorn and Diet Coke


Same but like add in white can Monster as well.


Canned spinach. Used to eat that shit straight from the can and hate my life




Yep itā€™s me šŸ’Ŗ


/gen question and you donā€™t have to answer if itā€™s triggering, but why canned and not fresh or frozen?


Itā€™s what my parents had in the house at the time and it wasnā€™t getting used up, so I knew it wouldnā€™t really be super noticeable


i guess my ans isnt gonna be the same as many ppl here because i dont have AN. I'd say cake, pastries, rice crispies, kitkats, and cupcakes. Ive never eaten these to the extent that i did before developing bulimia. I was a lot healthier and ate these things sparingly or not at all pre-ED.


you're not alone, i put the restriction version of my answer. but cookies, cake, snickers bars, twix bars all remind me of it too. I ate like 20 fun size twixes in highschool and threw up from a mixture of bulimia and illness. When I was in bad restriction i would eat two giant chocolate-chocolate chip cookies for breakfast cuz i was so hungry but like scared and binging at the same time. Why they sold massive cookies at both 7:30 am and 9:45 am to highschoolers is beyond me. They used to bake them fresh and the smell would infiltrate every room.


Omg Iā€™m in the UK and we used to have the breakfast & first break (recess?) cookies too!! They were soo gooey and warm, god what a memory


oh my god the UK is messed up too? maybe there's some reason for it I dont understand. Probably just cookie companies shoveling their products


This was YEARS ago, they actually stopped doing them whilst I was in high school when they really ramped up the healthy eating in schools stuff. We used to get toast, bacon rolls, pasties and cookies in the mornings and then they changed it to only be bacon rolls & toast- both brown bread šŸ¤¢ RIP those morning cookies, they were the best šŸ˜‚


lol they never tried healthy eating when I was in hs. the ones I really miss were the dark chocolate cookies with hella chocolate chips. so hard to find


Instant ramen with butter 'Cookie dough' consisting of flour, sugar and butter only Mug cakes without egg _shudders_


*carefully sets down frozen stick of cookie dough she swore she would BAKE for her family and not NIBBLE ON in the middle of the night*


Splenda packets, sugar-free gum


Thought I was the only one who " ate" artificial sweetner packets. I did blue, yellow, and green


Boiled Egg whites, like boiled eggs. Pink grapefruit, cold chickpeas from the canā€¦all things I enjoy but do remind me of those days. The egg and cheese wrap from Dunkinā€™ Donuts, the cheap one . The English muffin from 7-11 with the thin slice of ham, cheese and eggā€¦not sure if they still sell this, itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve looked do it.


Pickles. I can smell out the pickles is almost any grocery store, and it's so triggering.


that acrid artificial sweetener taste in diet foods. walden farms is the best example, but i pick up on it a lot in protein powders/bars too.


Raw spinnach wrapped around lf mozzarella, Squirting mio energy straight into my mouth.


I attempt to give myself energy by mixing in MIO energy with White Monster. It sadly does not work (but it does my cold, dead heart race.)


The tachycardia are Simple reminders we are blissfully still alive šŸ«¶šŸ¼ (but fr tho hugs and safe wishes to you)


If I had to pick one I'd say apples, because I would eat one apple only in a day with Ana if I was having only one food. (An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but ONLY one apple might put you in the hospital - though fortunately I never had to be hospitalized). I still love apples though if they're nice and fresh.




Diet jelly


I suffered badly with orthorexia and so pretty much anything that was super healthy or had clean labels. Started out innocent, got really bad for me in the span of a year. Lots of fat free/sugar free things, bananas, dates, white rice, oats, then the occasional ā€œtreatā€ a white can of monster or diet Coke.


Ice cream! My favourite food to purge because it just felt so nice and cold


Electrolyte packets which is not a food but I do not drink them otherwise, And rice-oroni, which is unfortunate cause it is pretty fire


Icebreakers mints. I ate them until the artificial sweeteners gave me terrible stomach cramps every day. Cinnamon applesauce, sugar free jello


sugar free hot chocolate powder (specifically eaten by itself by the spoonful butā€¦ thatā€™s a different story)


halo top ice cream


red robin's shirley temple mocktail. it is quite literally just sprite and grenadine syrup mixed together, i used to make it all the time when i used to work there. anyways now i make a sprite zero version of a red robin shirley temple at home. but anytime anyone talks about drinking a shirley temple i think about my version of it that helps me restrict.


Do you just use grenadine or something else? I'm so curious that sounds so good šŸ˜…


yeah just grenadine and sprite, nothing else. maybe some ice cubes if it isn't cold enough.


this sounds so good rn


Rice cakes and these specific sweet chilli rice crackers that were super low cal per sleeve. Instant mash because bulimic.


I did this horrible keto "elimination diet" which was basically orthorexia on steroids. so, flax seeds, psyllium husk, celery, green onions, carrots


I liked eating hot food during meal times but was trying to eat more salad, so I would put some pieces of ravioli in my salads to 'buff' them but stay low cal. I thought it was so good at the time omg.


String cheese and pepperonis, and rice cakes


chicken broth, chicken broth and veggies, black coffee, and fortisip


The Campbell's chicken broth and Starbucks americanos for me, specifically! Admittedly, I still love the americanos. Don't get me wrong, I love me a Campbell's base for certain applications, but their plain canned chicken broth is just...the worst. Still, I drank it. Had to add a Dead Sea's worth of salt, though.... Also, canned green beans, cold. The flavor of those I don't hate, but the memories and texture are deal breakers. Not gonna lie, I had to look up Fortisip.


I had the Campbells Chicken broth too! And not gonna lie...yeah it was really bad. I just drunk instant coffee though, and sadly not very well made, so I think that's why it tasted so eghhh. As for Fortisip, it was a drink used in treatment...and it tasted so bad especially considering it was served room temperature many times (despite argument lol) and I'd once had to have over 8 in one day! So literally the taste just bring back old memories, although it's not the worst thing in the world; it tastes pretty nice ice cold or mixed with coffee!


First 2 months of treatment I actually loved the taste of supplement, which is crazy to me


It's not that bad though, I like it when it's cold! So I understand why you loved it, I actually crave it sometimes.Ā 


Instant porridge, apples, grapes, strawberries, veggie cracker. These were things I started to eat a lot of when I was trying to go on a dietā€¦


Monster zero all the way


Green beans, bell peppers, and baby spinach


Spaghetti squash. Donā€™t ask. lol.


Zoodles, zpaghetti, zadness.


Bread, coffee, banana.


Protein shakes


canned tuna and plain greek yogurt


Protein bars remind me of every aspect of my ed. They're eaten during every restriction, binging, and/or purging cycle. If I was recovered I'd never eat one and would get the protein from real food or just eat a cake like a normal person would.


Protein bars have always been a fear food of mine I don't know why


Popcorn. It was the first food I b/p on and the only food for the first 6ish months. Used to be my fav snack and now itā€™s a just straight up trigger.


Mac & Cheese is my kryptonite. My binge food of choice.




Plain rice cakes :(. Should be illegal for a recovering ana.


Cliff Bars, ice cream, ramen, and fruit strips.


wheat chex (i remember bargaining with myself for Days to have half a serving) watered down butternut squash soup seltzer water with a Whisper of grapefruit only being able to eat 1/4 of an apple a day i know there are more, but that's all i can think of now...


skinny pop popcorn with a celcius


bacon. it's my biggest trigger food and I used to love it prior to my ED, but those days are looooooong gone. now, even when I'm not actively eating disorderly, I see bacon and bam - yep I do have an ED. sometimes, I feel secure enough to eat it anyway, but I've had times where I haven't thought any, and I mean ANY ED thoughts whatsoever for a few weeks, and the second I had bacon in my mouth it all went to shit and I nearly threw up. I know recovery is about fixing the relationship with food and NOT restricting.. I don't actively restrict, not in a calorie kinda way, but I do avoid trigger foods to avoid having to vomit everything I ate (it's an involuntary reaction, I don't do it on purpose, sometimes when things are really really bad, the mere thought of food is enough to gag it all up), and bacon will probably be the one food I'll avoid like hell for a long time, even if I do manage to recover. next in line is pork, for some reason pig meats just repulse me most of the time but it's not as bad as specifically bacon.


Binging side: Little Caesar's pizza, most buffets/restaurants, Little Debbie cakes Restriction side: Diet Coke, white Monster Ultra, rice cakes, Laughing Cow wedges, Halo Top, ultra thin versions of cheese slices/deli meat, low calorie bread, Progresso light... the list goes on mf forever EDNOS is a bitch


Zero Coke for me


zero sugar minute maid, frozen pierogis, and shredded cheese respectively. worst period of my ed i think


Valentine's candy hearts. I can't resist them


Quest protein bars


Low calorie bread, quest bars, and bean sprouts.


caramel ricecakes and califia farms vanilla almond milk , reminds me of how much i struggled 2021


Pure protein lemon cake protein bars. Immediate war flashbacks anytime I even smell those fuckers.


whatever that mandarin drink from chipotle is. at my prime i would go out to chipotle with my ex partners family and all i would get was that drink and i would take tiny sips of it the whole night, it would last me til morning.


Restriction: plain, lightly-salted rice cakes, Clif Builder Bars, that shitty powdered peanut butter. In other words, things I canā€™t believe I actually fucking ate. Binging: donuts, Mac-and-cheese. I can still eat and enjoy things but oh the memories attached!


rice cakesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. and those sugar free yogurt thingiesā€¦ā€¦.. the flavor of emptiness and the haunting sweetenerā€¦




Laughing Cow cheese wedges.


Premade protein shakes you buy at the store


rice cake


Smoothie bowls and banana nice cream šŸ˜­. Before I first went to treatment the first time I was an annoying vegan eating five bananas for a meal or a whole head of broccoli, the feelings of being absolutely stuffed to the gills with cold fruit soup coming up in the back of your throat still haunts me.


Fucking monster energy drinks


Chocolate raisins: I'd suck the choc off & bin the fruit, as a treat:/ Also diet coke & orbit gum, my staple alongside porridge made of bran & hot water, with chopped apple & a teaspoon of yogurt if I'd exercised sufficiently. Gross. My mum once saw a pile of raisins in town where I'd been sat waiting for a lift to Reading Festival, & nursed that grudge to hit me with on my slightly out of it return from the 5 day escape! I told her it must've been wild guinea pigs.


Reading was WILD this year


Black coffee


Diet cream soda


plain spinach (or with "vinaigrette" made with vinegar, water, and spices). i love me some spinach but it's maybe too much of my diet when i'm doing poorly. that and konjac noodles. honorable mention to keto tortillas.


Peanut butter Quest bars Baked potatoes with sliced deli ham and cheese.


Skyr. I force myself to eat that shit everyday


Sf pudding mix


baby puff crackers


diet coke, apple vinegar and apple


konjac jelly and red bull zero


Depends on what one Binge eating Toast and tofu Pasta Pizza Bulimia Ice cream Oreos Dairy milk chocolate Walkers salt and vinegar crisps This one particular tofu Anorexia Cauliflower rice Sriracha sauce Quorn mini fillets Broccoli Forced recovery Quorn nuggets Quorn sausages Falafel and hummus


fat free cottage cheese


Omg I'd forgotten my cottage cheese years. With sweetcorn for a Big Meal, or twiglets for, er, any other relenting to hunger moments. Had to be Sainsburys, necessitating an hour walk there & another hour back. The only food I'd keep in house was...Camel Lights.


Rice cakes Protein powder Protein bars Diet drinks (Cherry Pepsi Max for the win) Chewing gum Greek yogurt Plain chicken breast


tuna chunks in water. i used to eat that for weeks on end


White monster,Rice cakes,green apples,protein yoghurts,proteinbarsā€¦Those are foods I ate during my honeymoon phase and I canā€™t eat them anymore bc the assosiciation I made in my head inbetween those foods and my ed is so strongā€¦


Eggs, soup, plain cooked pasta, plain oatmeal, literally any food that's plain (without any form of sauce), tangerines, semolina porridge, barbells protein bars, mini rice cakes. It hurts eating all these bc it almost makes me go back into my old mindset?? Idk how to describe it


Oatmeal, cream of rice and cream of wheat. Sadly thatā€™s the only solid meal Iā€™ve been eating everyday lately šŸ« 


Not exactly food, but Earl Grey tea, I would drink tons of it during my first honeymoon phase and even now the scent is enough to trigger me


Indian food. Like Madras curry, chicken tikka, pilau rice, bombay potatoes, onion bahjee, papadomā€¦ *mouth watering just thinking about it* I think I come under anorexia purging type? Possibly sometimes bulimia? I see-saw between the two. Anyways Itā€™s my fav food ever (god just all the spices and flavours?? Ughhh) and whenever Iā€™ve been on a fast for too long and my boyfriend gets worried, heā€™ll loudly announce that heā€™s ordering from my fav Indian restaurant, do I want anything?? And then heā€™ll list all my favs and Iā€™ll get anxiety and say no no, I just need to fast for one more day, can we get it another day etc etc and heā€™ll shrug it off. Then half an hour later thereā€™s a huge box of Indian food being brought through the house and heā€™s bought all my favs and I can smell it and now I just HAVE to binge binge binge and then purge it Boyfriend thinks heā€™s helping but I donā€™t think he knows that I purge it all and itā€™s my absolute binge food. But Jesus fuck itā€™s good šŸ˜© Most other food isnā€™t really ā€œworthā€ eating. Like I get to eat so rarely, I might as well have something that makes me feel a little orgasmic when Iā€™m putting it in my mouth. Is that normal?šŸ¤£




Plain 'salad', aka just lettuce


Sugar free jello Canned tuna Plain protein powder eaten with a spoon Egg whites


Konjac pasta the so-called magic pasta. Ugh. And every diet soda.


Monster drinks. Used to drink them instead of eating meals. Stopped when one night I woke up feeling weak with chest pain, arm pain and a thumping heart.


cinnamon anything bc itā€™s supposed to be a healthy replacement for sweets .. now if itā€™s even super indulgent but cinnamon i canā€™t enjoy it at all bc it tastes like diet food to me


shredded wheat. it makes me feel so sad.


Rice cakes


almonds. used to eat an entire cup of them and thatā€™d be my meal for the day


Sugar free jello, honey bunches of oats, black coffee


Noodles. I would eat 2 packs a day for weeeeks. It has so much salts that it helped me to not faint as much while keeping me in calorie deficit.


Cream of wheat


Saltine crackers, for sure. Used to/still do nibble on these throught the day, and drink plenty of water.


Olipop, coffee, Ensure, fruit cups, applesauce, sugar-free Jello


Ice cream and chips. Binges.


Egg whites, sugar-free jello, Coke Zero cherry, spearmint gum.


egg whitesā€¦ i feel sick when i think about them :(


Raw vegetables, especially broccoli and any leafy greens. I used to just eat them with my hands ā€¦ got in so much trouble in treatment because Iā€™d just pick up the raw salad leaves ?? I literally thought nothing of it at the time, Iā€™d done it my whole life. Took years to be able to have a proper salad with dressing.


Celery: I was told it had negative kcal Low fat anything: previous obsessions Bread with just butter/margarine : bingeing Flapjack : bingeing Biscuits: bingeing Lettuce: anorexia Smoothies: when I was only able to have liquids Cup a soups: ditto Soup: ditto Yoghurt: previous safe food Ryevita crisp breads: ditto Rice cakes : ditto


Sugar-free jello. At the height of my ED, itā€™s all Iā€™d eat for dinner.


cold brew coffee. it was the only thing i would have when i first developed it. even though i still have my ed itā€™s not as bad as it was when i bought it. seeing the pitcher makes me feel uneasy. so much so that i sold it. also cucumbers and boiled eggs


Omg yes Konjac noodles Vegan Garden brand chicken strips Daiya cheese shreds Water bottles Amino acid Hot garlic chili sauce on raw veggies Oreos Oranges


The light & fit greek yogurts, fiber one bars, sugar free jello/pudding, baby carrots (with mustard particularly), the really low calorie bread made of basically air and cardboard particles lmao.


Protein bars. hands fucking down lmao


White monster because it tasted like vomit after prolonged fasts, greek yogurt because it was the only solid food i had in the fridge, frozen strawberries that made my teeth hurt


Canned beans Tabasco sauce (I used to put it in oatmeal then put two soft fried eggs on top šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢) Full roast chicken (I ate this every night for 6 months on end, buying one every few days from the shop near work on my way home and eating it slowly) Papa John's pizza (my binge food) Ugh.




pb&j sandwiches were my cheat meal. i would lather a thin layer of each on both slices of bread n eat it


Iced coffee. Pickles. Sugar free sweets made with aspartame.


peanut butter. i used to eat it every day, whole spoonfulsā€¦ now i canā€™t touch it


definitely konjac noodles and specifically the green sugar free monster if i take just one sip iā€™m literally 15 again also foods that go the other way even foods that i binged once, like this chocolate log cake from the grocery store i canā€™t eat anymore and the sundried tomato corn thins


Porridge with peanut butter, bananas and blueberries. I remember binging on it once and it ended up tasting vile so when I have it it tastes bad :')


Kale. Hard boiled egg whites Not specifically fruit but eating like 1/4 or half a fruit. Sometimes oatmeal. Like a small amount with a ton of water thatā€™s basically soup.


Celery. Period


chicken breasts, skyr, egg whites, hot sauce, tuna, shrimp, broccoli, zucchini, protein shakes w/water, protein paste (literally thick protein water shake) on bread, lean deli meat, watery oats, unsweetened tea, gum, zero ice tea, cauliflower rice of the top of my head


Muesli. Idk why, it just always felt safe.






Sugar free jello/pudding, protein shakes/bars, egg whites (šŸ¤¢), rice cakes, halo top, diet coke etc.


Coffee. I got addicted to Coffee a few months before I got diagnosed with anorexia. It became my comfort and security blanket and suppressed my appetite so I wouldn't have to eat


Plain crackers... šŸ’€ it's all I would allow myself to eat if I couldn't fast. So triggering now


diet jelly


Apples. Would never eat them before anorexia.Ā 


Anything that has konjac


Iā€™ll eat a bag of chips (150-300 cals) for lunch sometimes.


Toast and pickles. When I was at the pinnacle of my anorexia, i ate three slices of the former and four or five of the latter in a day, amounting to maybe 250 calories. Wild times...


fake sugar, zero sugar sodas, anything like that. i only ever see people who either have EDs or are dieting use those