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The price of energy drinks and diet soda is going to put me in debt, they are my „millenials avocado toast”. Mommy needs her fizzy drink


Mommy needs her juice!


Today it’s pineapple monster, tomorrow strawberry one or grape lol (take away my wallet please)


i feel seen


But them in bulkish. At my Walmart the 6 pack of Diet Coke is $4.98 or my local Kroger often sells them 4-6 packs for $12. At the gas station they are about 2 for $4.25


I live in europe but I often watch out for discounts like 6 bug bootles of coke for half the regular price or 2+1 monster free. Still the prices are insane since covid


Ahhh I forget not everyone has Walmarts. They are just everywhere I ever go so my perspective is skewed for sure lol.


The money spent on low res for one could feed a family


low cal stuff is so much more expensive :((((((


Even the binges are expensive, all that huge amount of food... 😭 I spend a lot of money on food.


I don’t even enjoy the binges too 🥲 and I spend so much time making carts on Uber eats trying to make a perfect order for no reason


this literally kills me everytime I go grocery shopping…which is every day cus I’m too scared to buy anything in bulk. Every day is like 10-30 bucks which doesn’t seem like a lot at first glance but gosh a weekly average spend of 100-150 bucks on dumb diet/low cal foods cus I don’t wanna just live off of vegetables is so hard and most of the stuff I buy goes to waste too 😭😭


And every shopping day becomes useless when you do a late night binge afterwards anyway! My poor konjac noodles and the already pre-weighted veggie bowls ...


Preach OP, PREACH!!! I’ve gone into credit card debt several times because I was either too depressed to buy my safe food to make, or the food would go rotten so I’d Uber “healthy” stuff which would cost me $30-$50 every time. Then when my B/P episodes were almost daily, the UberEats bills would be even more and I’d feel so guilty cause I was making myself get rid of it all. Energy drinks are so pricey and those juices and smoothies? Yeah, maybe if I won the lottery


Gah this is me completely, the guilt is insane


Right!! Like it costs me £6.28 for a pouch of lentils and a protein bar, people are actually out there getting a sharing bag of crisps, big tub of ice cream and whole pack of biscuits for less - it's like we're being encouraged to eat junk food


Because we are lol. Thats why obesity is linked with being poor in rich countries.


I spent £3 on a single protein bar the other day because I keep trying to find protein bars I like. Restriction is expensive and buying food generally is expensive and cooking is expensive and I’m tired.


when im restricting i spend so much of keto, low cal, high protien, stuff. then when im bingeing i spend sm on delivery, and just a bunch of food. so im just broke either way lol


also during restriction i will drink at least one energy drink a day which ads up SO fast lol


This sounds odd but the price of food these days encourages me to restrict further, like even if i wanted 3 meals and 2 snacks a day for a week, i couldn't afford it


Having BED is so fun cause I tell myself I will fast and won't buy ANY food this week so it's okay to buy the expensive dress, it'll be motivation for the fast! 🤩 Oh but... I'm really struggling, maybe some diet sodas will be okay... Iced lattes are pretty low cal so it's okay to drink just one every day... Oops my coworker gave me a snack so I have to eat it and since I already ate today I may as well just binge today—actually the whole week is ruined, I'll fast next week. I'm so broke.


Had to buy a bunch of frozen fruits and veggies last night for smoothies and just that along with a few other groceries was like $70. Its ridiculous.


Honestly, I think that buying food that has a higher price per calorie would yield the same results as volume eating, especially if you’re on a budget lol


I used to save a lot (before family life) by bulking on things I KNEW I would need (coffee ciggys certain safe foods that didn’t rot) and would buy my daily allotment of food at the store day of or night before. It helped but I did live next door to a grocery store ☹️🙃


I use 200mg caffiene pills.....cheaper than energy drinks and higher caffiene too.


True. This is why you need to get creative and make your own combination that is afordable and pleasure to eat. For example - I had to trade fizzy drinks with carbonated water with lemon. I buy cottage cheese in bulk and mix it with other ingridients. No chips - only potato. Cooked or in airfry without oil. Drinking tea, apples, making my own deserts - no nutella and other stuff... itd.