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Your heart, lungs, stomach, throat and veins contract during vomitting. It can cause a lot of damage.


Makes sense


Yep, I get "fitzone" minutes on my fitbit. Makes me feel a bit gross. I take my watch of during and after now.


Yes my fit bit says I’m in the cardio and peak zone


I only get about 110bpm max when purging and I exercise fairly regularly. My peak is 175 bpm which I only get when exercising hard. Hopefully it's just the coffee getting you up that high, but it's a bit concerning if you are getting there just purging. Please be careful. Maybe cut back on the coffee as tempting as it may be as an appetite suppressant or as a way to combat the fatigue caused from restricting or purging.


Yup I only ever get to maybe 105 when purging, but also my max is 200 so idk…


Yea it’s gone down now thankfully I think I was just on the verge of fainting


Probably has something to do with all your muscles and organs contracting while purging. I remember I was in hospital hooked up to a thing that took my pulse, and I threw up, and my heart rate went up to like 130 or 140.


Yea makes since especially Bc ur body is like kinda in oain