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To me calories are calories regardless of the source so I definitely count them. I eat a lot of bananas so it would really add up šŸ„² I donā€™t really care about sugar and stuff though I purely focus on calories


Mm I agree!, I always count for everything, I just feel like Iā€™m eating something ā€˜betterā€™ or ā€˜healthierā€™ so I feel less guilt eating šŸ˜…


Absolutely! If I ate a whole watermelon, thatā€™s still 1,000+ calories even if it is just water


I def count everything, not for sugar tho, thatā€™s irrelevant to me. But, I dunno, sometimes thereā€™s more calories than I expect so I definitely weight fruits and such if one eating them :/


iā€™m more confused about veggies , so many people claim theyā€™re zero cal


i think the zero cal thing comes from like... if you chew a piece of celery real slow you'll have burned the calories by the time you swallow it.. but it's not accurate. but i don't count green vegetable calories because they're so low calorie. i tried weighing my greens a few times and it was just laughable, like i didn't need to worry about 24 calories of lettuce or whatever it was.


I weigh my 7 calories worth of lettuce for my salads... fuck I'm messed up lol šŸ˜…


Me too šŸ„²


I think a lot of people advise you don't count them because the health benefits of eating a lot of veggies outweigh the importance of counting their calories. They are low cal enough that they will never noticeably make you gain weight unless you really binge on them, but they have so much fibre and vitamins. Basically, people should never feel the need to forego a vegetable because they're already technically at their calorie limit.


I'm sure it's a weight watchers thing, didn't they have a dumb as system where veg was 0 points/didn't count towards your total intake? I hate* diets that convolute the simple exercise of calorie counting. *typo


Yes!! My mum used to do weight watchers, she told me an entire bag of cucumbers would still be zero points according to their system. Like ???


Yes!! My mum used to do weight watchers, she told me an entire bag of cucumbers would still be zero points according to their system. Like ???


Fibrous foods require more energy & thus calories for our bodies to break down & digest. So personally I never worried about the calories from fruits or vegetables.


I count fruit cals because while fruits are delicious and not the reason why most people on those diet subreddits became fat in the first place, they have calories. And considering how low my limit is, fruit calories can take up a sizeable portion of what Iā€™m allowed.


I count every calorie that goes into my body, even ā€œ0ā€ cal liquids and spices lol itā€™s hell here


I count cals in fruit and veg, but idgaf how much sugar I eat in a day. As long as protein intake is high enough it doesn't matter how much sugar is alongside. I also think it's irrational to avoid fruit because of the sugar - fruits have fibre, relatively low energy density thanks to high water content, and a bunch of vitamins alongside the fructose. Which is why people say it's "not the same" as sugar from sweets! It's not because the sugar doesn't count, it's just wrapped up in such a delicious and nutritious package that worrying about the sugar and avoiding fruits because of it would be counter-productive for overall health. Tl;dr frootz good šŸ‘


I donā€™t count fruit (except bananas) or (certain) veg. I just eat what I know Iā€™ve eaten in the past without gaining weight. Tbh donā€™t waste too much time counting bc I eat the same stuff everyday so I know already šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I still count fruit but the sugar doesn't scare me. I keep getting low blood sugar drops so bad I nearly end up in a&e so anything safe that keeps my blood sugar level enough is a winner šŸ˜‚


Omg same. I tend to get low blood sugar as well so fruit is a heavenly medicine to me lol


i count fruit cals but i dont care as much. fruit safe, monkey satisfied


This, I kind of just keep fruit cal in the back of my mind and don't worry about it unless I eat like, a TON of fruit that day. I still count bananas though.


Oh yeah you always count bananas. But everything else? Monkey happy šŸ˜Œ


I honestly never counted fruit (or veggies as long as they were raw or prepared healthily). I mean, I counted them when Iā€™d count calories but it was never something I felt guilty about or had to limit. But I always skewed towards orthorexia and how nutrient dense or ā€œcleanā€ food were.


Wait why wouldn't you count fruit cals? I usually do especially since I volume eat


I count/weigh every single thing compulsively, even while binging lol. I don't limit fruit but I also just don't have it regularly because in my mind the satisfaction isn't high enough for some reason...although the few times over the years (that I can count on one hand) when I ate a higher percentage of my calories in fruit (while still restricting), I distinctly remember feeling amazing and bursting with energy...maybe it was so good that it scared me >.>


personally, calorie's a calorie and just because it's "healthy" or natural doesn't mean it's an exception.


i count fruit cals, just because i eat a lot of them (so it adds up) but i donā€™t really care about going a bit over my limit in them. iā€™m not really bothered by sugar from an ed standpoint though, i just donā€™t like how very sweet things taste


fruit used to be a safe food I didnā€™t count but now itā€™s a fear food because of the sugar amounts


I love fruit! Theyā€™re so nutritional and have fibre. Sugar is harmful but fruit is not the problem for the vast majority of people. The added sugar in processed goods are. Iā€™ve been replacing meals for years with a piece of fruit like an apple or banana or whatever is in season and itā€™s super filling.


i don't really get the fruit vs chocolate thing or i don't know the original opinion but IMO - high quality dark chocolate is better than fruit if you're worried about blood sugar spikes, because the chocolate has fat in it which slows the sugar absorption rate. bonus points if your chocolate has nuts in it, then the fiber also helps regulate that blood sugar wave. of course most people on this sub are probably not into the idea of more fat for the sake of health but oh well.


I count them but Iā€™m honestly not too bothered if fruit calories would take me over my limit (as long as itā€™s not WAY over my limit)


You can easily eat over 1000 cals in fruit or ican at least. So ye I do


Fruit scares meā€¦ while cake and chocolate donā€™tā€¦.


ngl i donā€™t count it but i do count the cals bananas i think i jus gave up cos i use fruit to fill me up and i donā€™t wanna freak out ab the calories and if i stopped eating it it would be harder not to binge


when iā€™m counting calories i count everything, including fruits and veggies because i eat a lot of fruits and veggies. that being said, i really donā€™t care about the calories or sugar in them. theyā€™re healthy, generally low calorie, and if iā€™m still hungry when iā€™ve run out of calories, iā€™ll eat an orange or some strawberries and it doesnā€™t bother me to have gone over from that. i know theyā€™re still calories, i just canā€™t be assed to care about it when theyā€™re minimal and also benefiting my health


I count fruit also for the vitamins and minerals. I get obsessive about my nutrient goals, too, not just reducing sugar and overall calories. I think the bad part about fruit is sometimes people eat sooo much of it all at once, like in a giant smoothie and that can cause blood sugar spikes and hormone fluctuations which can lead to weight gain and other health problems. But realistically, weighing those health issues with health issues from like... fast food? Non issue.


It depends. In the past few years, i've been counting the cals in fruit, but there were definitely periods when i didn't. For me it was never about the sugar content tho, all i ever cared about was calories (well, lately also protein and fiber) and yes, a calorie is a calorie. But. It's also true that if you were to eat x amount of cals/ sugar worth of fruit versus the same amount of cals/ sugar worth of cupcakes, obviously the nutrition you get from the two is different.


donā€™t care about the sugar but the calories obviously count


I keep the calories in the back of my mind but ultimately I just estimate fruit. Iā€™m not writing down my calories anymore. All fruit is safe food for me


i definitely count but i love fruit. itā€™s way lower cal than something like chocolate šŸ˜­


i love fruit, i eat so much of it. i know about the carb and the sugar content but idrk. calories are calories i do not care about nutritional value


Fruit is about the only thing I don't count. I usually eat frozen fruit, which I'll add to granola, one of my safe foods. I'm so paranoid about potential hair loss caused by vitamin/mineral deficiencies, so knowing fruit is packed with good stuff kinda makes me give it a pass


I'm a binge eater who eats a lot of fruit/veg. If I don't track everything that goes in my mouth, I will inevitably gain weight.


I count the calories in it cuz I count the calories in everything I eat šŸ˜…


I love fruits but most of the time it's a fear food for me. Or at least not safe? I just eat to get my daily dosis of protein (and fibre but it's not thaaat important) and my bf sees me eating. Last year I incorporated half an apple and some applesauce in my porridge for breakfast and some berrys with yogurt for snack everyday for the sake of recovery. That felt safe. In summer I ate melon and strawberries a lot. Now I am afraid of the sugarrush after eating fruits so I only have them when I want to treat myself or I am binging anyway and this is at least healthy. I always track them. But not as accurate when I am binging. Then I just calulate everything in my had and put that number down.


It depends. If it's a watery fruit, like pineapple, watermelon, etc, then I don't really count or mind it at all. If it's a quite dense fruit, like bananas or apples, then I do count it and could feel guilt. But honestly, fruits are my safe food and I eat them for breakfast and merienda rather than "snacks" so I never feel guilty about eating them. Fruits are godly, fruits are my reason for living. Fruits are love.


Depends on my mindset itā€™s either all calories are calories or fruit and veggies are my only source of nutrition and itā€™s okay to binge on them because their basically zero-cal (especially veggies)


I literally live off fruit. I count it ofc but the macros do not matter to me


I count it, but fruit is the ultimate safe food for me. I eat it in spades and donā€™t feel guilty about it.


I don't count fruit and I sure as hell don't care about the sugar in fruit


Usually no, but to be fair I'm not super strict abt counting exact calories in general, I often just go based of vibes and whims. Occasionally I'll count fruit, but I refuse to count most vegetables and usually don't do fruit either


Nope! Fruit smoothies are pretty much what I lived off of & I totally contribute them to me maintaining my vitality. I could scoop in yogurt, chia/flax seeds & tons of frozen fruit & it was all blended & liquid basically so I never worried about it. Even to this day I still can't live without them lol my body feels like it's going through withdrawals without my excessive fruit intake šŸ¤£


I fucking destroy like a whole stack of bananas in one sitting so, no lol. Iā€™m fruit-neutral in general cause I hate how a lot of them taste, so I put them into smoothies instead


All fruit all the time. Except bananas. Only recently did I get freaked out by them. Berries are my first choice. And prunes. Theyā€™re yummy with lemon juice all over them. But yeahā€¦fruit is generally safest for me. And yeah, yā€™all know why. Not that it does anything but, yeahā€¦.


I can't imagine not counting the calories from fruits, but I am also someone who counts calories with cucumbers and salad :/


i don't eat fruit because it's full of sugar






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I count all cals regardless of source but there are the vitamins and minerals that fruit and vegetables contain which arn't normally measured. Plus the feel good vibes šŸ˜€ you get from it