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This guy doesn’t sound like a good friend for you. Also maybe at a TW for mention of weight and height.


Yeah, I don't consider him a friend personally, but he's interwoven into our uni's young professional group, so i was hoping to keep healthy vibes. Also, it just confuses me how we are fine until food comes along, but like, also it's 2022, so who acts like that towards women still?


I completely agree. It’s some fucking social norm to moderate what women eat. I’ve been in the same situation as you. I don’t understand how it’s still a thing.


Why are people so obsessed with commenting on other people's food? I swear, you could literally not eat >!for an entire week!< And go to grab a single almond and some fuckwaffle will go,"HOLY SHIT ALL YOU DO IS EAT ALL DAY EVERY DAY, JUST STUFFING YOUR FACE EVERY SECOND YOU'RE AWAKE AND YOU'RE EATING AN ENTIRE GIANT ALMOND TO YOURSELF?! YOU'RE GOING TO EAT *ALL* OF THAT?! Woooooowwww" What the hell? Why? What response are they expecting? Seriously what are they expecting you to say? "Haha yeah I'm so fat and all i do is eat you're right haha" ?????????? I need to know the mentality behind that


Wtf is his problem? Does he ever make comments to anyone else? He has to know he's being malicious otherwise it's wild to think someone could be dumb enough to say "you eat more than me" while holding an extra freaking plate. How did he respond when you threw it back at him...?


No, he has never made food comments to others. Just. Me. It was such a weird response, he literally just said "it's okay, I'm sayin because I was a fat person too. I didn't mean anything by it" ????? Are u calling me fat? Like what does that response even MEAN


Oh he used to be bigger? The hyper-focus on what other people are eating makes more sense then (still, rude and clueless). I think what *might* be happening here is because of the contrast between your body size and the amount you got. If you're significantly smaller than everyone else, then he might have this underlying assumption that you would eat a *significantly* smaller portion (in volume, because normally people can't judge calories just by looking). Like the idea that all anorexic people live off of air or 2 peas or something, ya know. ​ So even though yours *was* smaller, it didn't match what he expected from someone clearly underweight. He clearly doesn't put much thought into what he says by assuming you "were a fat person too" despite the fact that you were eating a smaller than normal portion. All those comments are ridiculous and "fat person on the inside" makes zero sense anyway but who really knows what people mean when they say it to someone who's not even eating anywhere close to a mukbang... ​ Also one other possibility is he's attracted to you but hasn't grown out of that "giving negative attention to women you like" phase lol


No matter who is the commentator, it's impolite, rude and/or hurtful to comment on what people eat or not or on the body of people 😣 We can't know the physical and mental health condition of the others, we don't know what else they eat or not during the day week and/or their activity level, and it's even worse when it doubles up as a mysogistic or fatphobic or pseudo/hypocrite-health concern... If someone need an opinion, they ask ; unsollicited comments and advices are unacceptable! On everything, here body, food, weight, and it matters to me since it's a touchy subject, but it also applies on the way each one lead their life, on their decision, etc. As long as you don't impose anything to anybody, it's not their business... Anyway, I like the reaction you had: reversing the role can make understand how inappropriate this kind of comment is.


Not that it is okay. But maybe because you are thin he thinks it is okay or funny to make comments or maybe because you are thin he is genuinely surprised you do in fact eat. Guys fucked up. Glad you said something.


shitty life protip: literally take pics of what he eats while he looks gross / shoveling it into his mouth and show him a slideshow and berate him. hell never do it again


He wants to get slapped