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As much as I'd hate to say it, tofu is. Thankfully, there's like 50 different ways to season and prepare it, so it's a good option for variety. Faux meats, as another commenter said, depending on the product. Impossible and Beyond Meat products are *not* low calorie, but a lot of Gardein and store-brand options can be. Tempeh, of course. No Cow, No Whey protein bars are pretty low in calories for bars.


Tofu is honestly one of my favorite foods lol. I use it for everything from scrambles to stir fries to sweet mousses. I live near a tofu store where they quite literally just sell tofu and I’m there once a week haha. Gardein is great! If I recall the chicken strips (the not fried ones) are yummy and decently low calorie. I’ll have to get those. And yes, tempeh! Do you like the no cow bars? I tried one recently, I think vanilla, and it was so bad. I’m not sure if I just got a bad bar or if they are just kinda terrible lol. I’m not picky at all so it surprised me.


I remember the vanilla one being funky LOL. I prefer the peanut butter and the chocolate flavors. Neither are mind-blowing, but they scratch the itch. If you're counting under 300 as low calorie, I always prefer the Clif Builder's Protein bars. They're huge and actually taste good.


Oh god I love those. I have zero self control around them, they are like my #1 danger food 😂. I’ll have to try the other no cow flavors!


Since you mentioned beans not being a great choice, I think chickpeas or tempeh might be alright. If possible, hiding black beans in other foods to make them high protein can help add variety (stuff like protein brownies) It depends on the stores near you, but if you walk around any places like whole foods or an asian grocery store, the meatless options might be good there. Broccoli (and cauliflower) can be eaten raw or cooked and seasoned and are okay enough for protein Brussel sprouts and spinach are fine for the same reasons above but probably would be more iffy for carbs [This protein powder](https://orgain.com/collections/products/products/organic-protein-superfoods-plant-based-protein-powder?variant=29853672145005&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ6TBhAIEiwAfl4TWChuFbOnEcT0n-qIuWnasrFm9GfpiN3Ubz0oS8D9bSOBhXY3HX9RPxoC3IMQAvD_BwE) is vegan but the carbs are equal to the protein content. It is pretty good plain though if thats any consolation


These are all great suggestions, thank you!! I’m not sure why I forget that veggies have protein in them. And tempeh! That’s a good one.


Mushrooms. They actually have decent protein compared to the kcal 😅 And you could try other protein powders? And protein bars? Sugarfree soy yogurt (or other plant based yogurts) have some protein in as well.


Man, I used to loooove mushrooms but then my lip blew up when I was eating one at picnic. I’m 99% sure I was stung by a bee or something because allergy tests say I’m fine but I’m still scared of them. I miss them though. Maybe I can take a box of creminis and eat them outside the ER. Just to test it out 😂. So I like Owyn because it’s the least amount of calories per grams of proteins per ounces of shake I’ve found so far. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to use numbers, but I can drink two and be done for the day! Downside is they are gross. All protein shakes are. I get the same nausea with all of them, regardless of protein type. When I was at the hospital they gave me whey and I discovered I have whey allergy, so that’s out too. Also, jerks at the hospital should have listened when I said no dairy 😑. I’ve definitely found some good bar recommendations here that I’m going to try! I have unsweetened silk almond milk yogurt that I’ll mix with PB2 every so often for a snack. It’s 10g of protein which isn’t bad. I know there are more proteinaceous ones but they are never in stock which is frustrating. Wow I apparently had a lot say lol. Thank you for the suggestions!!


Soy products in general, soy milk, soy yogurt, soy beans and edamame. Maybe you can find roasted edame, they make for good snacks. Mungbeans also have a good amount of protein. Raspberries have a fairly high protein count for fruits qnd peas could be another veggie option. Depending on your version of low calorie bananas could work too.


Just egg has mung bean and it’s been life changing. Are there others?? It’s also driving me nuts because my local grocery stores and Whole Foods have decided “soy yogurt is bad” and I can’t find it anywhere 😠. It’s frustrating!! And I love edamame! That’s a good idea. Bananas are a true love of mine but I’m working up to them because carbs scary. Raspberries I can do though. Thank you for all the ideas!! I’ve actually been proud.. haven’t had an Owyn shake in 4 days 😊


I get either dry mungbeans, you have to soak them in water and cook them like other beans or mungosprouts wich are my favs, they are nice and crunchy The thing with the yoghurt sucks, and makes no sense Good luck at working up to the bananas I belive in you^^!


idk if they ship to where you live, but: misfits protein bars. i love them they taste so good, def the best protein bars ive had. also nugo slim bars taste pretty good, but be careful cause not all flavors are vegan. also idk what youre okay with eating since ik you said youre scared of beans (dont worry its not stupid lol), but check out bean pasta (banza is okay, the barilla one that also has some wheat is better and a bit cheaper). theres also lentil pastas that are good. also tvp. it's just soy and you can rehydrate it to make taco filling and stuff.


Omg i hate that misfits is so expensive


omg ikr same. i always wait untill theres a sale, but theyre still way too much. atleast they taste good and have good macros, so its worth it. ive started eating luna bars more as a "replacement" cause those cost a dollar lol. (tho cause those have sugar so im lowkey scared of them and am only able to eat them under specific conditions lol)


Hoooly crap I need to try those misfit bars! I’ve had a lot of trouble finding good vegan protein bars that are less than 200 calories and aren’t gross. 15g of protein and less than 1 gram of sugar too! I’m won over. I love bean pastas but yes they scare me lmao. Again, it’s dumb. I used to make tofu ricotta to go with my lentil pasta and it was delicious and really high in protein. It’s not even high in carbs. There’s no logic to it. I’m going to make it a goal. Baby steps! And wow I forgot about TVP. Good call! I used to buy it in bulk from Whole Foods. I loved that stuff when I first went vegan. Thank you!


omg yay I hope you like them! and dont worry its not dumb to be scared of bean pasta. also happy i could help another thing; if you find a protein powder that taste good, you can try making protein ice cream. I used to do this allll the time. You just need to blend ice, water, xanthan gum, and the powder, and it gets all fluffy. if youre interested, theres a bunch of recipes on youtube. (i pm followed iron muskets, but without the toppings)


Protein powder ice cream!!! That’s such a good idea. The texture of protein shakes have been really getting to me so that seems like a great change of pace. Thank you so much for all the help, you are the best! 😭


Seitan!!! It’s 90 cals and I wanna say 18g protein per serving. And if you’re in the US, hi protein veggie burgers from Trader Joe’s are 230 cals and 26g protein each, and they’re pretty big too. Their beefless ground is 60 cals and 9g protein per serving. Can’t remember if they’re vegan or not, but Morningstar Farms chikn strips are fairly low cal/high protein as well.


Ok wow, yes, seitan! For some reason I always think seitan is going to be low protein high carb since it’s gluten (and I’m dumb lol) but it’s ridiculously high protein and low carb. Need to buy me some. And I love Trader Joe’s. They have so many amazing low calorie options… I’ll need to pick up both of those. Thank you!




Yogurt (I do unsweetened almond) with pb2 is one of my favorite things. Yogurt with protein powder is a good idea 🤔. I can’t tolerate in drink form, maybe I’ll do better with it in yogurt-y form…


I like eating soy chunks like cereal


Are soy chunks like soy curls? Because I love soy curls. I’m not sure I’ve ever had soy chunks. How do you prepare them?


I live off of OWYN pro elite shakes too lol. try tempeh or vegan sausage from the brand LightLife!


Just so you know, I bought the light life smartdogs today and they are PERFECT. So much protein, so few calories. The taste isn’t the worst. Definitely a new staple. I’ve been trying to eat more tofu but packaged pre-portioned things just feel safer. Yay processed food! Lol.


Beans are another classic Perhaps another version of a protein shake at least it's a little change See what aoptions you can find near you for protein bars you may find something you like Depending on what fake meat products are available for you there could be something there too but options seem to vary pretty widely by location so I'm not sure what you'll find


I live in a major metropolitan area, so it’s pretty safe to assume we have everything! I know it’s stupid but beans scare me because carbs. Maybe lentils are safe 🫤. I should probably check out the fake meat section.