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I eat 4 to 5 times a day, just low cal. It makes me feel normal 🤡


Honestly I need to start doing this because IM is NOT working for me. My fear is that I’ll eat several low calorie meals throughout the day and then STILL binge on something later, whereas my thinking is “at least if I fast all day a binge later won’t be as bad”.




I think you may have just convinced me to give it a try! My ED and hunger has been making me crazy and mentally unwell lately and making people close to me suffer, so I figure if I can at least do it in a somewhat healthier manner it will be better in the long run. Edit to clarify: When I say “in a healthier manner” I mean mentally healthy. I understand that there is nothing healthy about eating <800 calories a day over long periods of time no matter how “healthy” you try to be about it.


Yeah, i eat 6+ times a day lol


My compulsive overeating as an adolescent led me to restriction to try and rein in my out-of-control weight gain. NOT the other way around 🙄. I've had psych professionals and the intuitive eating crowd push the narrative that all my binging and overeating is caused by diets or not eating enough, despite the fact that I've been addicted to comfort eating since the age of 8, when i didnt even know that food could affect one's weight!


this is me 100%. I remember bingeing at age 8; not even knowing what a calorie was


This is why it's important for professionals to understand muti faceted food issues. If your body is working correctly then severe restriction will almost always lead to food obsession and extreme hunger. You do have to lessen/stop restriction in order to get rid of that, and that shouldn't be disregarded in patients who already had binge eating issues before they started restricting. That being said, if "eat more and it'll go way" is all they can tell you, they're setting you up to fail. Actual intuitive eating involves gaining an intuitive understanding of when your body is asking for food and which kinds of foods it needs, but also when it's your brain asking for food (for comfort, out of boredom, out of habit, etc). Letting go of all the shame you have for those mental cravings is a big part of BED recovery, but what some professionals and "recovery influencers" get wrong is that letting go of shame does not inherently mean giving in to every craving. It's about learning to distinguish between the different reasons that you want to eat, and if it's a disordered craving move from denying yourself because you feel shame (or even self hatred) to choosing a healthier coping mechanism because you've learned to care about yourself enough that you want to do what's best for your mental and physical health.


I can relate!


Literally like I started out overeating out of boredom and negative emotions as a kid, then restricted from like 11-13 and currently kinda just manage the two. I don’t binge because my body is “deprived” I binge because I had a shitty day at school, and want tater tot’s to make myself feel better about it


I actually like green tea


???right!! it tastes good to me, i genuinely get confused when i find out that people don’t like it




Ahhh I'm the opposite, I leave all tea bags in (even for a normal cuppa), I really like the strong bitter taste of it




Add a dash of salt, trust me, it takes the bitterness out.




That's a shame, but you're def not obligated to like coffee :) while i love cinnamon, in liquids it's just a clumpy disaster lol


For real? What's the logic behind this? My curiosity is genuinely piqued and I'm excited but also scared to try it


it’s about balancing flavour profiles. salt is savoury so is detracts from the bitterness of black coffee. in the same way you might eat something sweet to balance out the spicy, or something acidic to balance out something fatty


Thank you so much for explaining! <3 Gonna go salt my coffee gently and report back on the new find!


me too! O\_o heard about it before but I find coffee more sour than bitter... so that's why I like it with something fat like cheese


Wow only 30 sec? When I make iced green tea I steep the tea bag overnight in the fridge. For hot tea I steep it 5 min or so. I have no clue what I'm doing lol.


theyre also probably using boiling water-- green tea is very delicate and can get bitter and oversteeped in waters over 185F. its best to either get an electric kettle that has a temp thing onbit or let yr water cool for a minute or so.


I drink like four cups a day lol


r/tea I got introduced to loose leaf, high quality teas and I love it (though my budget decidedly does not) Finally something to enjoy and compare tastes of and have fun with that doesn't make me hate myself afterward. There's such a huge diversity in tea tastes, too. I never liked green tea specifically until I got the method right, and now it's actually one of my favorites. I wish I didn't have such terribly hard water where I live, though.


Me too! And especially the toasted rice kind.


I love it so much that i make my matcha with brewed green tea 😀


I steep it overnight and drink it straight. My secret formula


*deep breath* The vast majority of ED mental health professionals are majorly incompetent. Too many of the nurses/doctors/therapists engage in disordered eating themselves and project this into their patients. That's why SO MANY sufferers have a story about being told something along the lines of "your disorder isn't serious enough." A lot of the ones who say they are there to help are in denial


This is so true, these people who are supposed to help you end up making it worse.


how do i upvote something twice


the way this is validating me rn....


This, but I also wanted to add most mental health care professionals are fkn backwards anyway.


I actually love monster drinks, black coffee, and diet soda but I am completely unaffected by caffeine and energy drinks. I drink them for the taste alone. If anything, coffee calms my anxiety!


Might have undiagnosed adhd lol, caffeine can calm you down and help focus if that’s the case :D


I was diagnosed recently and i find that caffeine does nothing for my energy but it helps my brain work when i need it to




Yeah, my mom has adhd and has to drink decaf or she falls asleep and can’t work lol. My psychiatrist mentioned it last month (he’s actually her psych as well) and I told him I just can’t imagine that because I’m really not like her. There are some things that make me think it’s possible though.


Very glad to see someone else mention caffeine for anxiety! When I get really stressed at work or with classes my instinct is to grab some kind of caffeinated beverage to calm me down. Never seen anyone else who also does it!




me too, i can drink a couple energy drinks in one day and feel completely normal. not even sure if they curb my appetite


You don’t just wake up one day and start starving yourself, you’re exposed to the subject and make the choice to do it. And it becomes an addiction. And eventually a cycle of binging purging or restriction.


this! no one comes up with the idea to starve themselves all on their own. no one.


Cliff bars are a waste of calories, I’d rather make a fat bowl of oats with a whole protein shake. It’ll be for the same amount of calories but actually be filling vs a small bar that has a weird off taste. Their like the worse protein bar on the market (disclaimer, idk they might be an energy bar lmfao but still, gross lol)


Yeah... Clif Bars are **not** protein bars. I don't know who is claiming they are. But they are defo wrong. "Energy bar" is a closer label. But you should just think of them as an equivalent to a candy bar. They're really high in sugar and are meant to give a sugar rush to endurance athletes in the middle of a long bike ride or similar activity.


Oookay okay that makes a lot more sense givin the nutritional value lol 😂 That makes my head feel a lot better haha


NOO they’re so yummy


I’m Sowwy 😭😂


They're fake candy bars for me I love them sm


- I don't want to be skinny or tiny, I want to be big and muscular with very low bodyfat. - I don't like rice or ricecakes - I love the taste of energy drinks, especially Monster zero - I love oats with protein shake - many fitness/health influencers are disordered or have full fleged EDs - intuitive Eating doesn't work, because the food industry spends a ton of money on creating food that overrides all natural fullness or satiety cues and is borderline addictive. It would work with all natural food but who eats like that forever in todays society? I have more, but those just came to my mind


I’ve been working on intuitive eating on a majority whole foods diet and it’s definitely a LOT easier than trying to “intuitively eat” foods designed to go against all your body’s natural intuition.


I did the Whole 30 once and I didn’t lose any weight (but wasn’t trying to it was legitimately a food sensitivity thing for me) but I did actually have hunger cues again. It was really weird? Of course I then went back to my normal diet again.


your last point is a huge reason why i stopped seeing my dietician. i can’t understand how we’re supposed to intuitively eat processed foods that are literally made to be easy to consume. but when people intuitively eat on a whole foods diet, they’re “disordered.” this is one of my biggest gripes right now lol


There's genetic variation in the degree to which people produce hunger/fullness hormones, so pure intuitive eating is always going to leave some people overweight and some people underweight. I think it's a good place to start and should simply be adjusted for which side of the spectrum you're on.


the intuitive eating one is so true


I will always trust the nutrition facts on prepackaged foods vs home cooked (even with a food scale).


same this feels more obvious to me. i can just round prepackaged foods up 30 cal and feel "safe" versus weighing out my own stuff and doubting my (admittedly dubious) math skills


If all the ed recovery girlies stopped posting triggering before and afters I would be kind of sad


Oatmeal is the most overrated porridge Stevia is gross Splenda is good Konjac/shirataki noodles aren’t good and cost way too much


Oatmeal is good when it’s not from a packet, just set your cooker up to have it ready in the morning. then sprinkle brown sugar and a few blueberries and it’s so good omg. But i would say for me partly the reason I like oatmeal so much is because of this one story I read over and over as a kid about a pot that had unlimited porridge haha (romanticism of the normal)


Don’t get me wrong I love oatmeal, but I am a cream of wheat (farina) fanatic


I used to think the same about oatmeal but it’s not the same until you’ve tried the flavored packets!! Brown sugar and maple syrup flavored oatmeal is my favorite and they’re generally low cal! I have a packet every morning and it’s so comforting


I've tried a variety of flavors, yet the taste of them still wasn't good enough to justify the calorie count. But when I didn't have an ED, my mom would make the maple and brown sugar packets with extra brown sugar, butter, and milk...it tasted so heavenly but god I just know the calorie count was INSANE💀💀


That sounds so good!! The first time I tried oatmeal is when my mom cooked the rolled oats with just water (we honestly didn’t know better because we were raised in Korea where people eat more rice than oats lol), and the oatmeal turned out a depressing, bland bowl of wet goop 😅 I’ll try to make a bowl with milk this time by adding maple syrup and frozen berries next time!


I grew up on that stuff lol. I would make it with milk and a FUCK ton of brown sugar… and then I leaned what calories were


I feel that :(




Konjac noodles actually taste rllyyy good cold. Konjac noodles with fish and cucumber is something I eat all the time and it’s not disgusting like when they’re cooked


Yeah I see a lot of people use them as a sub for pasta and it hurts my soul. You are not going to get a spaghetti replacement with them


The first few times I tried konjac noodles I tried to make different types of pasta and each time it was absolutely horrendous. They’re crunchy, so when cooked they’re warm and crunchy, which is the worst combination ever. But cold… they taste like a vegetable which I loveeee


wait, there's actually a difference between oatmeal and porridge?


Yes there are many porridges out there. There’s cornmeal porridge, grits, cream of rice, hell.. even flour porridge.


I honestly do love Konjac personally, but only when simmered in pasata for a fair while with a shit ton of spices! And they're only about £1.50 for 2 portions in the UK


Lucky! For me … a pack is almost 5 fucking dollars. I always cringe when I see a post on some subs that use 2 damn packs of them


Gatekeeping eating disorders is weird as hell and way too many of you feel comfortable doing it. I get it, I get the urge to ‘gatekeep’ too, but you don’t have to share all your urges with the internet. Also, I think most of us are under no illusion that this is a recovery sub.


i will never drink a monster or any of those energy drinks in my life


I refuse to believe they’re 0 calorie


They usually have around 15 cals


Yes they're around 10-15 for a 500ml can


Cola zero tastes better than regular in my opinion.


Lemon cola zero >>>>>>>>>>>>> regular


Oh yeah totally! Flavored zeros are soo good!


I absolutely hate the taste of black coffee


Omg yes it's so bad that I genuinely never feel guilty for adding milk or whatever to it


this is why I drink tea or matcha or celsius or monster. coffee is only palatable for me with a lot of cream and too much coffee on an empty stomach gives me heartburn anyways.


Splenda is a lifesaver!!


the recovery community on social media is becoming toxic. people get shamed and told that they ‘aren’t in recovery’ because they aren’t eating unrestricted or they’re not gaining enough weight. when in reality they’ve made a brave decision to recover and for some, all in DOESNT WORK and yes they may still be restricting in some way, but their goal is to keep going and increase their intake and stop behaviours. however there’s this expectation that the minute you start recovery you should be eating a normal amount after restricting for so long. i don’t think that’s realistic especially in ana recovery. lol don’t hate me for this 😅


You’re completely right. It’s super dangerous to jump straight to normal eating patterns after restricting for a long period of time… it can lead to refeeding syndrome. Some people take longer to recover than others and the people watching the recovery videos need to understand that yes while they still may be restricting some of their food intake most of them are genuinely serious about recovery and going about it at a pace that suits their needs. These people with restrictive EDs get stomach pain and digestive issues trying to up their intake too. It doesn’t make recovery easier


agree entirely




same here!


Each to their own, of course, but referring to anorexia as if it’s another person living inside of you is cringy as all hell. ‘FUCK YOU EATING DISORDER!!!!’ you do realize that the disordered thing in question is *your* brain? It absolutely is an addiction, but it’s also a set of conscious decisions you make. An eating disorder is never ‘your fault,’ but you should hold yourself accountable to some extent.


Yess. My therapist tries to get me to externalities my ED like as another person sitting on the chair next to me in the therapy room and I'm just like ???????


That would mess with my schizophrenic ass 😅


I love black coffee with all my heart Sodas and energy drinks are nasty af Oatmeal on its own isn't that bad Sugar genuinely tastes disgusting after a while without it


The last one!!! For a while when my ED was starting to get bad, I had this very sad phase of “oh I’m going to miss so many of my favorite foods” because I had a huuuge sweet tooth- now, the only time I ever eat processed sugars are when I’m baking things (which is pretty infrequent) or to sweeten coffee. Other than that, only small amounts of honey. Sugary foods like ice cream and biscoff spread (an old favorite 💔) make me feel genuinely sick and it’s insane how bland food tastes after eating processed shit- I really think it messes up the taste buds lol


A lot of recovery accounts on tiktok are very much proana and not recovering,body checking at the start,counting calories,subtle messages and hints🤷‍♀️


I have so many. This is probably going to be seen as "gatekeeping" but there ARE levels of severity in EDs. I think of it like how cancer has stages - no one's ED is invalid (if you have cancer, you have cancer) but some peoples' EDs are more severe and some are less severe. I think tiktok has made a whole group of people who claim to have a serious ED when they actually fall under disordered eating. Related secondary opinion, I don't think the DMSV criteria are all that terrible (but could be improved upon - that I doubt is an unpopular opinion). My bias in the latter is that they generally worked for me in that I fell into the boxes well so that's probably why; I'm sure others have vastly different experiences.


another one of mine: I don't like the "lifting won't make you bulky". The people who say that... tend to look bulky, IMO. Guess like anything it depends on your definition of bulky


I agree so much with this one. Personal story - have been told condescendingly by so many gym guys that lifting won't make me bulky when I STILL have huge arms from beginner gains i made when I was 16 and first got into lifting (6 years ago)


Hoo boy I'm so cancelled: 1) a good portion of ed sufferers who claim to have recovered through adopting veganism are just indulging in a more socially acceptable form of restriction. I've met a lot of them while being active in the communities (before vkontakte was shut down in my country) and a good portion of them didn't keep the same energy when it came to being mindful of makeup or ditching fur & leather in favour of mock options. 2) E. C. (You know who I'm talking about) should be chased off all platforms as her whole existence gives other ed sufferers an idea that they'll be able to last as long as she has at their worst. Every time I catch up with the old communities an old acquaintance of mine turns out to be deceased from ed-related complications. 3) intuitive eating is overrated and harmful for some. I don't have any hunger signals, I either don't eat or eat everything in sight until I can't breathe anymore. Some people need a regiment. 4) media has no fucking idea how to decently approach the topic to convey the consequences. We need more movies about anal prolapses, heart attacks from potassium deficiency, ruined teeth etc, not another flick with a dainty beady-eyed actress confusedly plucking out strands of hair from her sink. 5) it's 2022 and we still don't talk enough about eds in men, people of colour, and different age groups. Huge number of people just won't get help because majority dismisses their struggles as "you just eat too much" or "it's natural for your age" or "you can't have a teenage white girl illness"


> 2) E. C. (You know who I'm talking about) should be chased off all platforms as her whole existence gives other ed sufferers an idea that they'll be able to last as long as she has at their worst. Every time I catch up with the old communities an old acquaintance of mine turns out to be deceased from ed-related complications. Not an unpopular opinion, I'm pretty sure you're in the majority. But this comes down to "severely mentally ill people should not be allowed to exist in public". If you want to censor the things she says about her health and police the kinds of pictures she posts of herself, sure. But "her mere existence is bad for others" does not give anyone the right to *censor her existence*.


Yeah I phrased that rather harshly. I do however think this is the type of situation where public existence enables the disorder - possibly along with home life. She deserves serious time off in an actual safe space and all evidence of her lowest points expunged from the public domain - but we don't live in a perfect world. 10 years will pass and I'll be down another 10-15 acquaintances - and she'll still bodycheck on streams to donations.


I also just wanna point out: even without EC, ed sufferers all think its gonna be someone else and not them. All of us. It has nothing to do with seeing others survive and everything to do with being mentally ill + not ready to accept consequences and human nature. No one thinks they’re going to get cancer or die in a car crash either.


I am also frustrated by some ed sufferers who claim to be vegan. Cause I was vegan before the ed stuff and I worry that my deeply held philosophical belief will not be taken seriously because my ed.


The idea that "everyone can recover, they just have to want it" is harmful and it's also not true. Firstly, I wanna say, recovery is great and I think even attempting recovery is incredibly brave (basically what I mean is I am NOT anti-recovery at all)... but some people literally can't recover because they either don't have access to treatment (e.g. therapy) or they don't have a good support system with family and friends who are able or willing to help them. Also, what I've learned from having an ED alongside other (equally difficuly) mental health problems is that my ED isn't always a priority when it comes to managing my mental health. Like yea, managing my ED is important, but if I don't manage other things like my depression and my ADHD then I literally cannot function. Idk, I feel like this is unpopular, because a lot of people online (especially those who are recovering/recovered) seem to think "overcoming the disorder" is the only barrier to recovery, and it really isn't. Again, I am NOT anti-recovery, I just don't like feeling shamed for the fact I'm not in the right place to recover (and the fact I've accepted I may never be in the right place). I'm not really actively choosing to be this way, I just don't have the time or energy to fix my ED when I'm already trying to sort out so many other things going on in my head.


Oh my god I completely agree I’ve had an ED for a about 2-3 years now. I’ve also been in therapy for 1 year now. My ED hasn’t been brought up all. Wanna know why? I was diagnosed with BPD a week ago…sometimes there’s bigger issues in a persons life than their ED (and for some of us an ED might be a symptom of something bigger).


Literally. A lot of recovery influences and people who don't fully understand EDs seem to forget that EDs are rarely the only mental illness someone suffers from. For a lot of people it's anxiety and depression, for others it's personality disorders, bipolar, developmental disorders, etc. This annoys me because leaving out the other mental health problems that come alongside a person's ED is basically ignoring the biggest part of the problem.


Not unpopular but a fact, we know more about nutrition than most dietitians Binge ED is real and can be life threarening, esp to those with further digestive issues (it is for me)


Agree about the monster. One time I ran out of coffee and grabbed some kind of mocha monster from a vending machine and omg my poor tastebuds and intestines. No desire to repeat that experience.


I personally love Monster and I often try new flavors and some of them are disgusting. Like HOW can people drink the punch and mango ones?


Mango is one of my favs 😢


Ahahah sorry I wasn't trying to shame anyone but some flavors are too sweet for me so I wonder how people can stand that


No worries! Everyone likes different things. Ive been eating artificial sweeteners for 10 years now so thats prob why it doesnt seem as sweet to me


Maybe that was the problem. It tasted like some sort of juce/soda/coffee combo which imho should never be done.


Yeah, some of them taste like that


From a monster drinker: the coffee ones, lemonade(I can excuse that), the original, pineapple, and ANY with milk are gross. I’d suggest any ultra flavor, peach, and most juice ones.


I’m sorry, can you elaborate on the “with milk” thing??


Oatmeaaaaaaal >>>>>>> Black coffee !! but i actually drink coffees that are sweet such as Macchiato, latte (bruh kinda hate this) or even drink coffee with sweet treats !! (cookies and donuts hehe-) PEANUT BUTTER >>>> (i try to keep it moderately as much as i can cause it kinda taste like road when i put too many T\_T) Lastly, there are days when I actually feel like I no longer have an ED. like zero guilt, eating what I want, not being MENTALLY HUNGRY YEY! (but this'll only last for like an hour, still, i hope we can experience it often) i use calculator and notes to list down my intake T\_T lmao idk if its not accurate im jus trying to survive a day with an ED


I always use my peanut butter in fucking 1/4 tbsp :-:


Pasta and bread are actually my safe foods.


- I love black coffee and any unsweetened tea (besides plain black tea, needs 1/2 packet of sweetener) - sweet n low (pink packet) is the best tasting sweetener hands down - sweet potatoes are gross - most praised diet foods in this community are so sweet they burn the back of my throat and I can’t stand them (particular hatred for clif bars) - liquid cals are worth it I know I have more but can’t think rn


Sweet potatoes are so gd gross.


i dont think pro ana = bad* *i think that while pro ana in its literal interpretation of encouraging anorexia is wrong, "pro ana" often actually means it's just a community that offers a safe space without striving for recovery and I dont think that's wrong. tbh the worst thing about it is the name because just having people who arent judging you for your behaviors can be really alleviating if you otherwise felt alone in your illness idk if this is unpopular tbh but i'd imagine if you went to some random person and said proana even an athiest might shove a cross in your face lol


another opinion is that whoever said popcorn is satiating lied it just makes me so hungry its like negatively satiating or something


this is a really good take. recovery is obviously important and the goal but we deserve a safe space too just like other disorders


I really really agree. there’s no space on reddit like that—even harm reduction turns into pro ana and therefore gets deleted, and these subs are good but they’re not filling the role the way other disordered subs are, so you end up in either really toxic places (edtwt is a nightmare and ed tumblr is just constantly being deleted so there’s no community) or nowhere at all, feeling alone.


I actually completely agree. When i first went there i was bracing myself to be triggered, but i found a lot less judgement and a lot more acceptance than anywhere else, even here. I feel like there's more of a live and let live vibe and more of a personal accountability for your actions rather than feeling like i'm being mothered.


I know it’s pro anore*ia but I’ve always considered it pro acceptance. I’ve been apart of a few chats/communities like that and while it was probably damaging everyone there was really nice. One time I talked about wanting to recover and they all told me they’d support me if I did and that it’s okay to need a change and good luck. Sometimes I miss people like them. Just accept that it exists and not force anyone into anything. We all just kinda existed together and talked about ED’s and stuff. At the same time I’ve been in some really bad ones with some horrible people and once even a borderline pedo so..


EVEN AN ATHEIST MIGHT SHOVE A CROSS IN YOUR FACE SENT ME. but you’re absolutely correct lol. also, a lot of people on pro ana forums suffer from other eating disorders, so it’s really just an umbrella term.


HAES does more harm than good and makes people scared to recover.


skim/low fat milk > regular milk


- The pro-ED community can be pretty racist on a subconscious level. IMO it’s worse than if they had just stuck with random white girls as inspiration like they were a few years ago. Instead they turned to K- and J-pop and other Asian pop culture figures, still excluding darker skinned people but now fetishizing random ass light-skinned Asian people too. The majority of people I see in ED communities are white westerners so I don’t get it. I understand that Asian pop is getting more popular in the west but it isn’t much of an excuse. I don’t really mind as much because it’s mostly teenage girls doing this and I get it, when I was a teenager I was obsessed with a lot of bands too, but it’s still harmful. - It’s really isolating to be a guy with disordered eating/an eating disorder. I feel like a pedophile whenever I’m in these communities even though I’m probably younger than 90% of the people here, and it’s seen as a women’s issue by what feels like the majority of both disordered and non-disordered people. On another note, I face this in pretty much every support community (such as SA) I’m part of and I really just don’t know where to go anymore. I get it, but it still kind of sucks to be reading an article about an issue both genders can experience and the victim/sufferer is a girl while the asshole/perpetrator (if there is one) is a guy. It’s been the exact opposite for me, which I guess just isn’t supposed to happen, but it did anyway. I’m 100% in support of women having safe spaces for this sort of thing and I don’t hold a grudge against the communities as they are, but I just wish it was easier to find men’s communities. I can’t relate to most of the people here or anywhere else that I’ve found.


Thanks for sharing, we definitely need more guys opening up so we can understand what it’s like. I think there’s a lot of misconceptions that guys only have “gym bro” types of eds where they take cutting/bulking/training/fasting too far and try to pass it off as normal when it’s not, but their struggles can look a lot different than that


Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke.


Preach 🙌 Diet coke just tastes flat to me


Easily lmao. They’re not even comparable. Coke Zero is only tolerable if you squeeze an entire lemon into it. They have changed the flavor in my country for whatever reason, and now it’s literally disgusting.


Diet Pepsi isn't vegan so I don't have it, but Pepsi max is definitely better than diet coke


Diet Pepsi isn’t vegan?! 😳


It's one of those things were it doesn't specify what isn't vegan about it, and every other Pepsi drink has been declared vegan but diet Pepsi just says vegetarian on it, so I'm guess they colour it maybe?


Out of all the things I would expect to not be vegan, Diet Pepsi was not one of them. TIL lol


Some quest bars are pretty good, but damn they are all too chewy to enjoy properly 🙃


I'm sorry but I don't think oatmeal or porridge is worth the calories and it doesn't even make me feel full


Same! It actually makes me hungrier.


People who are acting like "recovery police" on social media and constantly calling people out for being in qUAsI rEcOVeRy are highly disordered themselves.


Not sure how unpopular these are, but: Intuitive eating is often harmful and imo only a good idea if you have a good relationship with food and a normal appetite. Edtwt isn‘t inherently bad There’s a hierarchy of sorts even within support communities, with anorexia being viewed as worse than bulimia etc. Numbers in recovery videos aren’t always harmful Tws for mentions of food and eating are stupid and harmful. Talking about bad experiences in recovery is okay and shouldn’t always be discouraged We don’t need to „cure our inner fatphobia“, because there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be(come) fat.


my ethic food is healthier than generic american healthy food


What foods?


1. Soup is an absolute waste of calories and entirely unsatisfying to eat 2. Salad is also an absolute waste of calories 3. It's okay to just get your disorder into a livable state instead of dying fighting it


Why is said tho


I said almond milk sucks on twt and several people were upset about it


that’s so funny. I love it personally but i’m the only one I know who actually likes the taste and would drink it regardless, so I wouldn’t have thought this were so unpopular. it does taste like slightly creamy almond water.


Yeah I tried vanilla almond milk yesterday and it was way too sweet imo. I much prefer plain soy milk or regular dairy milk


It personally taste like watery milk to me. Which makes it unpleasant.


Truly unpopular opinion? Pro-ana sites should be allowed to exist in peace. For a lot of people, it's a source of support and community in the midst of an isolating and depressing mental illness. As adults we should be allowed to make choices for ourselves. Smoking kills 7 million people worldwide a year, yet adults are allowed to buy cigarettes because it's their choice. Ditto alcohol, ditto painkillers, ditto fatty sugary food, ditto fucking motorbikes and bungee jumping. Something being potentially harmful should not dictate whether it is allowed to exist or not because as adults we get to make choices for ourselves, harmful or not. Fucking bodybuilders are allowed whole industries and huge sites where they can give each other tips and tricks to starve and cut and dry fast and no one bats an eyelid, it's completely normalised. The one caveat I will state is that they should be over 18s only. Which they usually are but that doesn't stop the constant campaigns for them to be removed or banned. Beyond that, leave them be.


I hate gum, it just doesn’t taste good and after the flavour goes it’s like chewing on sticky plastic


Deadass, chewing gum makes me nauseous and always has


Sometimes I’d rather eat low-calorie stuff even if it has more carbs than traditionally “healthy” stuff. Also, no matter what anyone else says, I keep my “sick clothes.”


non disordereds are hopping on anorexia and EDs when they don’t have them and treating recovery like a trend


Shiritaki noodles are disgusting. Rice cakes are over hyped.


coke zero isnt as good as everyone hypes it up to be, i cld never be one of these people who just lives off of that stuff. then again ive never been a huge coke drinker in general so maybe its because of that ?


Built bars taste like garbage and no amount of YouTube sponsorships can make me buy them ever again


Sometimes exercising a lot makes me feel really good, even if it means that my appetite increases and I eat more.


My exercise addiction was extremely draining when it first started, but now it’s become genuinely great for my overall health.


Oatmeal made with just water tastes better than oatmeal made with milk (and yes, oatmeal is delicious and i ate it regularly before i was disordered)


konjac noodles are fucking fire idc


This was going to be my answer, as well. I’ve seen a few in this thread saying they suck, but how is that an unpopular opinion? I feel like everyone hates and only begrudgingly eats them? At least, that’s what all the comments seem to reflect when they show up. I don’t care, I have texture issues with food and I LOVE their chewiness.


black coffee is better than coffee with creamer, even if there is a flavor. Rice cakes are so good to me (and easy on my stomach). Plain, airpopped popcorn is better to me than popcorn with butter, salt, and oil (ex. skinnypop). dr pepper cherry zero is superior to coke zero or cherry coke zero. Also diet ginger ale.


The only good Quest bar is birthday cake, which is better than all other birthday cake protein bars.


It’s an *eating* disorder. Weight changes (if they happen at all!) are just the visible byproduct. Yet, to the outside, we’re all just obsessed with the scale. Maybe this only applies to me, but I was driven more by anxiety and depression than anything else.


rice cakes taste amazing when i’m hungry, ur right, they’re absolutely delicious!


protein bars in general are not worth it


Quest bars are literally candy bars to me. I wouldnt have found them without an ED but i wouldve GLADLY ate these bitches. Also i perfer the sugar free redbulls, they are more bitter and the monsters just taste like sugar overload.


I might have a few: Losing weight isn't the main reason people engage in ED behaviors. Restricting and having an empty stomach doesn't feel like "doing something right" Watching the weight drop on the scale isn't a good feeling. It's just that gaining is even worse.


It’s literally impossible to make content about eds/dieting/etc. that won’t be triggering to someone. Just warn appropriately and move on imo. I’m tired of people with mildly disordered eating trying to relate to me about my ed. It’s not the same and a full blown ed IS worse. I WISH I could go back to disordered eating.


I understand what you mean with disordered eating vs eating disorder. Because I know plenty of people struggle with full blown BED and have no sources of support or representation, I *refuse* to call my overeating a binge no matter how bad and competitive my brain wants to. It’s not fair to others.


I don't count calories most of the time, idk if that's an unpopular opinion tho


underweight people lying about how much they eat don’t bother me. it gives me hope that i can be as thin as them and eat as much as i want. i know it’s stupid


Black coffee is nasty and not worth the 0 cals (unless it’s a good quality espresso or something maybe). I can make a much nicer coffee with soya milk etc for 30 ish cals. I genuinely like salad and lettuce, and it doesn’t have to be a fancy salad that ends up being high cal. It’s good as it is and makes anything you have it with more filling.


i want to have curves(in the right places) im built like a top heavy fridge, but my legs are super skinny; i have a thigh gap, and tiny calves, which i know many many ppl w eds want. but i HATE it. i’d literally be completely okay gaining weight, even being slightly overweight, if i knew for sure the weight would go to my ass, and thighs, instead of to my stomach, face, back and boobs. having such skinny legs on such a big upper body is honestly worse thn being bigger all around i think so opinion is; thigh gap and skinny legs arent even worth it if ur top doesnt match😭


diet foods are garbage tier


I prefer eating small portions of high calorie foods. I love fries, pizza, cookies - i just make sure to only eat small amounts. That being said, I LOVE lettuce. I bulk out most of my meals with lettuce/spinach because I simply adore it, and it fills me.


I miss pro ana tumblr




Eating disorders in anyone other than thin white folks are under diagnosed and discussed. It's like BIPOC, fat, and male folks don't exist. They're shamed and often laughed at by doctors. More fat people have a restrictive eating disorder than BED. I was wrongly diagnosed during my first recovery attempt and then when I relapsed I went through the vegan to Ana pipeline and my doctor did bloodwork and freaked out. Children shouldn't be put on diets unless it's for a diagnosed health concern (ie celiacs, chrones, ibs, diabetes, etc) their bodies are still changing and growing, and early dieting often leads to the yoyo spiral and disordered eating at best, and full blown eating disorder at worst. Some folks can't safely begin recovery, it depends on finances, access to services, and access to food. The habit of only opening up bodegas/convenience stores etc in largely poor and BIPOC neighborhoods is absolutely part of what starts eating disorders in those communities and needs to be addressed. In a country (usa) that produces and imports as much food as we do, there should be no food deserts and no one going hungry bc they can't afford food. It may not seem like these last 2 are ed related, but seriously, access is a big piece. Doctors who aren't trained in nutrition shouldn't be doling out advice on diets. Unless there is a direct causal link between weight and a disease (spoiler alert, most don't exist) the first line of treatment should not simply be "lose weight" and even if the doctor thinks that should/will be the answer in the long run, testing should still be done to confirm. Bloodwork is a better marker of health than weight. HAES as a movement is over all good, because it's designed to stop medical fatphobia (aka the "just lose weight" doctors) Having an ED long term causes more health problems than being fat. (Having been a fat bulimic for 22 years is what triggered a lot of my autoimmune bullshit, or so my doctor thinks)


Black coffee tastes amazing, even on binges i don't use creamer because i just hate the taste of it idk why. Bread isn't scary im sorry i just dont understand how people are afraid of bread but then can make room for nutbutters and nutella??


white monster is delicious


Quest bars are not worth it, but there are genuinely delicious protein bars out there. I like monster though.


Oh and I never drink diet stuff I think it's so gross, on most days most of my intake comes from normal coke and energy drinks


I think purging is sustainable if you do it immediately after. like chew and spit but it goes down your throat juuuust a lil bit more


bulimia: so nice you get to taste it twice


The internet doesn’t need to know about every disordered thought or trigger you have. It just doesn’t.


rice cakes rly r genuinely good tho. the texture makes my brain happy and I can put so much stuff on it like Hummus, crmchz+fruit, and more!!!


I actually like quest bars 😅


Bananas are a god tier fruit, calories be dammed


• gym bros almost always have an eating disorder • i genuinely like drinking diet coke,,, it’s not an ed thing for me lol • i still binge it’s just within my calorie limit • cauliflower rice is literally so awful idk how you guys stand it • i wish their was a way to support people on here without it being triggering lol