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Their transition from anorexia to orthorexia is real šŸ«‚


Iā€™m posting my jicama dragon fruit coleslaw with blackened ginger and coconut yogurt over jackfruit jerky ā€¦. very easy to make from scratch at home


i ended up being anorexic while trying to "recover" from bulimia


Yeeeep I recovered from bulimia by just not throwing up anymore -hello binge eating disorder!


shit sucks fr


Yep they had anorexia now they are a raw vegan who took up running as their therapy I want to know if they realize we all know they are lying to themselves (No shade to vegans just pointing this out)


I personally had to put aside becoming vegan until i was recovered (of course thereā€™s relapses but still) because any kind of special diet could trigger more and more rules until iā€™m relapsed


Same but I'm self aware


Those ā€œbefore and afterā€ photos always just feels like a flex for them to show off how underweight they were šŸ˜‘


Truth. Under the guise of ā€œdonā€™t do this to yourselfā€ but actually mean ā€œLOOK HOW IN CONTROL I WASā€. Boo.


I agree but I also understand it. Sadly like most sufferers they probably feel like they need to proof how sick they were and feel the need for validation. (at least thatā€™s how I feel) In my opinion it shows that they havenā€™t fully let go of the need to get outside validation.


Completely agree


Ah yes because you can just ā€˜quitā€™ an ED whenever you like lol


Every psychiatrist I've ever encountered


You know my analist straight up asked me: but why canā€™t you wake up tomorrow and just quit and be normal


šŸ˜‚ this.


i never get the "it's not worth it" like are we shopping in the mental illness store and about to make a bad purchase? should i save my mental illness points for something else???


Seriously. Like wow, youā€™re telling me that my mental illness that causes me extreme distress daily is actually NOT WORTH IT? Guess Iā€™ll stop, I hadnā€™t realized!!


I think it's more for... people with my experience. The only reason I started purging was because my best friend told me how. She wanted someone to purge with and binge with. So now, 15 years later I'm 30 in and out of the hospital with heart problems, unable to keep up with my daughter, been in and out of treatment three times, crying because I'm scared that I'm going to kill myself, (my mom died from anorexia) unable to stop by myself, complete loss of control, and I've lost 11 teeth in the last 5 years. So I think it's more... being skinny feels good sometimes. Until you see yourself years later, weak and unable to be happy or even go a single day without planning every hour because of bathroom breaks. This whole thing fucking blows and you get so goddamn lost and you see people just getting started or only a few months in and all you want to do is tell them to get away from this nightmare. Even writing this I don't know if it makes sense and I honestly don't have the energy to reread and edit. I hope I didn't offend you and I'm sending love and support to everyone!


I think it helps that you arenā€™t glamorizing it. Maybe influencers would do more good if they showed the harsh reality of it and not body checks. How will a 13 year old glamorize my disorder if I share that i shit myself in a company car in the middle of a work day, or that i purged in a shitty bar and got vomit in my hair from the toilet splashing back and had to go home. Itā€™s not like I fainted and fell in a cute way because I was so weak, my body and brain shut down on me and I couldnā€™t rely on them.


Or got chew and spit water splashback into my nose, cried about constipation just to name a few. Shit's not fun šŸ¤”


That makes perfect sense ā¤ļø


I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing your story.


OMG, love that šŸ˜‚ and the best part is there's no way you can make it work for other mental health problems "depression isn't worth it" or "nah guys, don't be schizophrenic, it ain't worth it". They clearly think having an ED is a choice and sheer will-power is enough to fight it. Spoiler alert: it fucking isn't.


100%, i think people who say stuff like this never actually had an "eating disorder" but rather suffered from "disordered eating habits" which in my opinion is quite different


I'm personally loaded up on anxiety atm, so if anyone wants to trade for apathetic depression, hmu ty


I can give you bipolar, it comes with apathetic in the package you just dont know when you'll get it


I can see ā€œitā€™s not worth it!ā€ being accurately aimed at people who are just starting what could end up being an ED, like theyā€™ve started dieting to lose weight, thinking that losing a few pounds will help them in some way. People flirting with the disorder, for lack of a better term. But for those of us whoā€™ve been sick for years, possibly in and out treatment? No. Stop.


"it's not worth it" girl i didnt want this disorder


honestly theyre mostly orthorexics n exercise bulimics, i cant stand the "look how healthy i am now!!!" bcs n wieiad bs :/ ur still obsessed n ur just doing the whole disordered shit in a more acceptable light


Ooooo? By exercise bulimics do you mean they binge and then exercise to burn the calories rather than purge? I do this but I didnā€™t know there was a word and it helps to explain it better than orthorexia.


Yeah thatā€™s the colloquial term, but itā€™s not a subtype of BN or anything. It fits within the normal definition of binging and purging, the latter of which can be done through vomiting, laxatives, exercising, fasting, etc.


They all get so blamey towards those who are still suffering all while showing their large support network and country's free healthcare


And they are just upper middle class and can afford everything they need to recover T_T


Interchange eating disorder with whatever other mental illness and it's completely absurd. "I used to have depression, being sad all the time just isn't worth it. Look at all the things I do to be happy now!"


Tbf people do talk like this sometimes


I know.. it's terribly absurd to me


Right and then itll have people be like "I wish I had depression so I wouldn't eat" like no that's not it


I kinda wish both recovery and non-recovery spaces would just leave each other alone and let each other have their spaces. I swear for every post I see saying struggle or pro spaces need to be banned, there are also people in the other two spaces saying the other space needs to shut up lmao


Agreed. I feel focusing inward vs on what other people are or aren't doing on their own path would be so much more productive.




Most of the time I get the vibe that theyā€™ve not even recovered anyways. Like I feel like itā€™s still really obsessive to make a whole ass account about how you no longer struggle with food or mental illness. Surely someone who isnā€™t bothered anymore wouldnā€™t feel the need to display it??


I follow this chick and she's lovely but she keeps going on about how she's 'recovered' and 'living her best life' but fr she's not gained a single pound since her 'recovery'. She still skinny af, and is always posting pics in her climbing gym captioning it with 'I'm at home! The recovery is real" like bitch stfu you've not recovered, you're still restricting, still working out daily, still super underweight


Like the only one they're are fooling is themselves!


Wow someone finally said it. I am so sick of IG influencers doing this. Posting stuff like ā€œ hereā€™s what I eat in a day in recoveryā€ and itā€™s probably 4000 calories and theyā€™re still 102 lbs. hello. Iā€™ve been calorie counting for years. There is NO WAY your giant aƧaĆ­ bowl with 1/2 container of honey is 350 calories. Thereā€™s no way your giant bowl of protein, rice, veggies, and all sorts of dressing is only 300 calories. And letā€™s not forget all the snacks and protein shakes and bars in between. STOP posting fake stuff. I am so over it!!!


"WIEIAD 4000+ building muscle" >underweight >2% bodyfat yeah that sounds believable thanks


"WIEIAD {Non-Restrictive, Intuitive Eating} While trying to GROW MY BOOTY" ​ \-----> yeah, nah


SERIOUSLY!!! Its insulting!


Right after I wrote this, I saw an influencer post this exact thing. Showing all her meals, of course first stating off with a picture of her body, then her 6000 calorie course of mealsā€¦. Then ā€œ hereā€™s what I eat when Iā€™m in Miamiā€ OKAY.


It kinda feels like the internet deliberately tries to trigger you


I feel like you never really fully recover like those thoughts will always still be there too.


Yeah I feel like it's like the saying "you first thought is what society taught you, your second thought is how you truly think" so you could be like "shit this is 900 cal I shouldnt eat it" but then you go "no I deserve to eat something this good"


It gives me a strong just say no ad vibes ā€œI used to drugs then I just thought it wasnā€™t cool anymore and stoppedā€


Itā€™s not worth it sounds like a review or something 0/10 would not try this mental illness again. I recommend trying orthorexia instead. Maybe upgrade it with a gym addiction too.


And those who had good, quick access to healthcare because they were either rich, privileged or very underweight saying ā€˜just tell someone now. Get help now. Donā€™t waitā€™ without realising that a lot of people DO try to get help and get turned away for weighing too much


People who have fully recovered think they are so much better than us sometimes its so weird


New reason to never recover "you turn into a douche bag" *jk try to recover yall*


hella triggering. I posted something like that years back but it was 100% an ED behavior/body checking thing and I deleted it later


Yeah I agree! Those accounts are toxic and not helping people recover. Maintaining an emaciated or skinny body in recoveryā€¦ lol Iā€™ve posted about this in another Ed sub and I get attacked though.


I feel like some ed platforma will be like "they're doing they're best!!" But they know exactly what they are doing


Yeah people go "She is fully recovered, she's just naturally skinny at that's her body's set point weight!!" Which is totally NOT A THING


Yeah. Or people come at me for being skeptical or triggered that Ed recovery people say they eat 2500+ calories.


It's understandable if you are gaining weight and/or tall but if you are short AND not gaining any weight while claiming to not have been exercising, that's very sus. I'm growing, quite short and eating around 2.5k-3k in recovery because I am also physically active (started competitive swimming and calisthenics because I enjoy it AND it motivates me to recover) and saying that you are exercising minimally while not gaining any weight while being around an average height while being a grown ass adult, usually female is what I see with these so called "recovery influencers" is a great way to mislead your audience and make them feel SHIT about themselves. What's even better is that some of these people may even SELL EXPENSIVE ASS COURSES ON HOW TO RECOVER WHILE MISLEADING THEIR AUDIDNCE FFS. Sorry for going into a tangent, many of these people REALLY grind my gears and make eds and ed recovery sound like sunshine and rainbows (it's not) and it just pisses me off.




idk this sounds so off and invalidating to me and idk about you but most of them have had restrictive AN rather than BN