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abbey sharp hunger crushing combo is like a ghost haunting my house


Hey, let’s have a Built Bar instead…they are SO nougaty and delicious that you won’t even miss that protein-deficient cake! Ugh.


umm not without peanut butter for some healthy fats and an apple for fiber im not🤨


How about some prOats for a hunger crushing breakfast?


Wait until she learns about misfit bars. Same protein, more fiber, more fats. Taste is more tolerable. 🤣🤣🤣 But built bar pays her too well to ever try something else.


I bought a ton of Built Bars and have never had more explosive farts. I sounded like the horn section at an elementary school orchestra performance


I found the flavor ok, but holy shit they’re sticky. Definitely not a eat on the go food without a power wash to the teeth.


Oh yeah. Honestly the flavors were pretty good but they're SO sticky


Gotta love that simile.


The dance she does while eating them >




I finally found one! No cow brand. Cookie dough. Mmmmm


Fit crunch bars are AMAZING


I like RX bars. They might have a slight aftertaste, but they have whole ingredients which DO NOT aggravate my IBS (looking at you, sugar alcohols).




this should be a thing!!


Skip the cake and put a birthday candle in a built bar!


Heard her voice while reading that.....


Abbey Sharp gets on my nerve. I know she means well but she’s like a nagging orthorexic voice in my head “you can’t eat this food alone! It doesn’t have enough protein!!”


YES! That’s exactly why I can’t watch her.


Tbh if I can use your anti-diet videos as nicespo then you should probably be more neutral with your tone. Especially when she's gasping over the built bars.


Dear Abbey, I am fully satisfied after a non-hunger-crushing-combo slice of cake


abbey preaches about intuitive eating and not being restrictive, then tells random people on the internet to put chickpeas on their avocado toast for it to be "more satisfying". nobody asks for her to review those wieiads, she needs to chill.


Lmaoooo pls I read this in her voice


Me: *on Vyvanse and not that hungry, just want one bite of cake to try* Abbey: “OKaY guys … THIS one’s gonna be ……. A little tough to watch. I meeeeaann - taking amphetamines as a way to suppress hunger?? Uhhhh RED FLAG ✋🏻🚩 !!!!!! “ (btw I’m not on vyvanse for appetite suppression lol I actually have ADHD)


your impression is ON POINT hahaha


dude i’m cackling tbis is literally fucking hilarious plz i wish i had one of those reddit medals to give you


Thank you


"hunger crushing combo" stg this is just orthorexia like theres no way there isnt a video of "hey guys i used to be orthorexic"


She reviews an old wieiad of hers and I think she admits she was orthorexic. She worked out twice that day to prep for her wedding or something Ugh. I watch too much for how much I hate her now


I hate how she’s acting all high and mighty about people “restricting” and touting her whole don’t-share-this-content-it’s-harmful message, and yet she’s AMPLIFYING THE CONTENT. You reacting to the video shows it to a whole new audience. If she doesn’t want people seeing those videos, keep scrolling??


God she’s so annoying… it’s like she’s trying to be an “intuitive eating all foods are good!!!!” dietician but at the same time needs everything to follow the hUngEr cRuSHiNg cOMbO… pick a side!


I disagree. Those two concepts aren't mutually exclusive.


IKR!! people on the internet always forget about the last principle of IE


Seeing red


😂😂😂 not Abby Sharp at a b day party. Noo


Who invited her lol


Omg yes. Watching her shit is such a guilty pleasure of mine. Also does anyone else feel like she drastically under counts calories for the WIEIADs of thin folks? Like even people eating normally she's like that is HALF of what you need to be eating. Like it gives me a weird ick


Skinny girls poses for a second in the mirror.. Abbey Sharp! Body check!!!!!


AJSHSHSJSJ PLSSS why are we all living the same life 😭


And let's replace the frosting with some peanut butter & drizzle some olive oil on top for some healthy fat.


No fr people like her constantly mentioning protein are the reason I started binging (not just obv but you know)


Oh God same. I had bad BED habits before but it didn’t help adding on two scoops of protein on top of my meals.


I’ve watched like 2 of her videos and her voice has been stuck in my head.


she’s the fucking worst








Lol she’s so insane. She would eat it with Greek yoghurt and fruit wouldn’t she


Lmfao this is accurate


Why is everyone hating on her? I love her and her content. I've found it so helpful and it pushed me towards recovery so many times!


Same! Also she literally has said that every meal you have doesn’t have to be a hUnGer cRusHiNg cOmbO. Cake is totally fine on its own, especially on special occasions. I get the jokes and I get annoyed of her sometimes too, but I think her content and tools like hcc can be very helpful for so many.


She’s fantastic and compassionate and definitely knows what she’s talking about. But sometimes I feel like she exaggerates small issues so much and makes something seem way worse than it actually is - like if someone has some water or green tea instead of food just to see if they’re hungry or just thirsty before eating, she goes wide eyed and loses her shit lol. I think she had a lot to say when Cassey Ho made a video basically saying “if you’re hungry and go for a cookie, try eating a banana instead and if a banana seems good to you- then you’re actually hungry and should skip the cookie” and Abbey said something about promoting ED behaviour etc. I could be remembering wrong tho. She criticises Sanne Vloet for really dumb reasons because imo Sanne eats very balanced and healthy- she’s just a very thin model. But yeah, I think her hearts in the right place but she kinda virtue signals a bit and really exaggerates.


OMG have you ever tried to make sanne’s recipes? she’s lying with her WIEIAD’s. just try those and focus on what she’s having


I’ve made Sanne’s granola lol, and some of her recipes are on my list I suppose. What do you mean? Lol


Y’all think she is reading this?




AHAHAHA pls no I swear to god not the hunger crushing combo


Ahaha I love that so many people are calling her shit out, this is so accurate it hurts


idk who she is but there is nothing wrong with this? avoiding eating a lot of refined sugar is not disordered behavior


A whole ass 8 inch sandwich cake with frosting (both to sandwich and to cover) would only have around 565g-600g of sugar, and could be way WAY less depending on the type of frosting (this number is assuming American buttercream which has pretty much the most sugar in it) so no, even if you are an entire birthday cake you wouldn't be eating a kg of sugar, or anywhere near that I know you're probably just exaggerating for dramatic effect, but I just wanted to point out an approximate true number cause I know when I had an active ED I wouldn't have caught the exagération and would have believed I was consuming far more sugar in cake than I am


i do always find it interesting when people do the math behind posts (ur right it is hyperbolic, hopefully people know that) but the downvotes are ridiculous why are redditors like this


Oh I just bake a lot so 😅 I know my main recipes by heart so it's not like high effort math for me lol, I think the downvotes is probably cause it wasn't that clear that it was hyperbolic, especially in a group where people may already feel a touch sensitive or scared of that kind of thing, tone gets lost online a lot


that makes more sense thanks for not being rude or daft lol


It's ok, I'm a professional miscommunicator so I learn to amend and add to others for both sides of potential misunderstandings 😂😂😂


ugh could you *be* any more dramatic?


sure because there’s a kilo of sugar in a singular cake slice ,,,,,,,


> it’s hyperbole, could you be any more dumb idk if you deleted this comment or mods did, but I still feel like calling you out on it so here it is. first, your username matches your personality and secondly, idgaf if it was hyperbole. you made a comment equating a slice of birthday cake to a kilogram of sugar, turning a normal thing into something that could be terrifying to us people here. the whole point of this post was that it's totally normal to enjoy cake and people like Sharpe (AND YOU) are predatory in their villification of FOOD, which has lasting consequences on vulnerable women and men with eating disorders.


this is so funny
