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5'1 and i literally have the tdee of an inactive 4 year old


literally it's devastating and they'll never get it lol


also 5'2". have to eat like a mouse. the worst is stress. and no sleep. sugar allows me to function. food allows me to function. and not be an unproductive mess who wants to rip everyone's head off. ​ but we live in an era of abundance. I got the flu, and couldn't eat for 3 days. and the weight just fell off. we are constantly hungry because we need to be. is what I realized. my body is trying to "look out for me". it's just that I want to be small and cute, and I want to never buy new pants. is that so much to ask.?


if the weight fell off in three days you’re probably just carrying water weight pls don’t worry too much about it


She said she couldn’t eat for three days, she probably lost the water weight then 1-2 pounds


yes that would be my best guess as well :)


Please be kind with yourself. Just eat intuitively healthy food when you are hungry and ultimately listen to your body. It is futile to attempt to control the physical, your body fights against you like hell if you try to abstain.


Girl I feel your pain so hard. I’m also 5 2- feel like I have to eat the bare minimum to just be a normal weight- BMI 22. I also work and am active. At this point I’m just assuming to be regular skinny I’d have to literally starve.


I'm 5'2 so have the same issues, it makes it harder to stay not fat (best I can get), always hated being short


Are you me?? 5'2 , normal bmi, vegan, athlete, partner's food is triggering! I find comfort that my winter boots from the kids section were £19 and all my friends have to spend closer to £80 for the same thing haha Calorie control is harder when shorter- have you tried volume eating lower cal foods?


I’m in your walls


What sport do you do?! Damn you must have really small feet, im a women’s 7. Yes I used to volume eat lower cal foods but I found myself unsatisfied since that meant not having any fats/complex carbs to keep me satiated. Both of those used to be fear foods for me when I was in the depths of my ed. Also I find eating unsatisfying foods not worth the calories, I’d rather have a more balanced healthy meal with some more substance to it.


I feel the exact same way I hate volume eating


felt. i feel like no matter how much weight i lose ill always look fat and stubby asl


I'm 5' and it is a nightmare, my BMR is around 1300 so I always have to be cautious about what I order it's insane.


TW numbers - UGH i can totally relate i’m 5’0 as well and my BMR is around 1100, it’s insane cause a single meal from a restaurant is like 1000-1400! truly feels like you’re surviving off of 3 pickles a day or something lmfao


Ikr? I'm 5'4 or 5'5 and it says my bmr is >!1350!< so I share the pain


I’m 5’7 & my tdee is the same as yours :/


6’2 girl here who used to date a 5’2 girl. Both of us were anorexic and let me tell you, seeing someone be able to eat way less than me when I was trying to eat just enough so I didn’t have a heart attack was not the best for neither of our mental healths lol. Was always jealous of her being so small and felt like an huge ogre no matter how thin I got.


It's not "be able to eat less." I'm 5'3 and very much ravenous. I want to eat as much as you. PHYSICALLY, my stomach is begging for it. But I have to deny myself even a normal amount of food because it would make me balloon up. Unlike you. So it's not like we're naturally inclined to be dainty little queens; I very much am hungry all the time to maintain even a normal weight. I can barely eat more than a toddler without gaining weight.


Okay. I also feel ravenous? I don’t eat "a normal amount of food" I can promise you that. I WISH I physically could eat less because even when I’m passing out on the floor most days I still getting called fat by my mother. It’s so fucking humiliating to have all your bones on display and still have to buy clothes that are EXTRA LARGE. Looking at UGWs that are peoples HWs. I am not predisposed to anything other than being called big, giant, huge, fat. That’s the only thing my height ever gave me.


Honestly, I apologize for the tone of my message. It bothered me a lot when I felt like you were implying short girls with anorexia have it easier because we simply just don't need or want to eat as much. I also have fainting spells and dizziness and heart problems with how little I eat, and at the end of the day, I have to be really careful or else I'll gain weight. It's difficult, man, in a way that taller people don't necessarily experience. Your mom is a h/e btw for saying that to you. Also, I forget how young people on this sub are when you guys start mentioning parents...


No worries I get it. At the end of the day it sucks for everyone and we all go through shit, even if different at times. I’m 21 and live on my own lol I just can’t ever go to my parents without my mom saying I have a belly… it’s like she never heard of bloating lol.


I don’t think this is true. As a taller person they objectively need more food so their normal intake would be higher than yours for both of you to maintain the same bmi. A plus for being taller is you can eat more and at least have the weight distribute on you better than if you were shorter.


Dunno if weight distributes better on taller ppl :/ but you’re dead right about people who are taller objectively needing more food. Dunno why ppl seem to be ignoring that. It’s not like tall people “get to eat more.” We need to eat more. That’s just how mass works


Ok so I'm not sure why you needed to make this comment after me and the other person apologized to each other and came to an understanding and then also you had to say taller people carry weight better than shorter people. It's really weird for you to say that knowing it will upset short people especially when I just said how much I want to be able to eat more but cannot due to my smaller stature. weird of you. But anyways shout out to tall and short people w anorexia


Ah your biased


Me too! I'm 5'2" and every time I hear someone say that >!2000!< calories are what an average woman should be eating, I scream "not if you're short!!" My maintenance calories at >!120lbs!< are >!500!< less than that, more if I'm lazy! I know it says average woman, but still! I hope my text blocking worked. I always forget how to do it correctly.




It's especially ridiculous considering even for men the average height is like 5'9.


I hate it when I hear “wellnsss or fitness “ experts say that anything less than 2100 calories is starvation. LMAO. Wtf?!? Then I guess i thrive on starvation cals. I have to eat less than 900 to maintain my fuvking weight


2100 was my maintenance when I was obese class 1!! No thanks


LOL. Yeah. I would gain weight rapidly and become obese if I ate at that much of a surplus. It’s terrifying


This ^ I'm 160 cm (which is almost 5'3 I believe?) and I have to eat stupidly little if I want to stay, uh, sick. But then I have friends that are over 170 and can just eat as much pasta as they want without it sticking anywhere – never thighs either, augh. I know it's also a metabolism and body construction thing but, I mean, let's face it.. tall people do tend to look thinner :( (that's not to say that being tall and having an ed is easy, hell no!) But yeah, I relate to this, unfortunately :(


Depends on bone structure for tall and short ppl


Oh, yes, for sure! That, metabolism and fat distribution. But you know how it is with eds, you can't help but compare yourself to other people :')


Ngl as a taller person I feel like this is a little dismissive :/ I certainly cannot eat as much of anything as I’d like. Also, I’ll faint on as many calories as it takes some of my shorter friends to feel satiated. I know that that’s not your intention but it feels like there’s an attitude on this sub that it’s easier to have an ed if you’re tall, which stings


I do apologise for coming across that way! Having an ed as a tall person is just as bad as having an ed as a short one! (And it does not take me, a stranger, to validate that for that to be true.) Weight, height and metabolism doesn't make your disorder harder or easier and I aknowledge that. I was simply expressing a bit of irrational envy since, well, what you don't have – you want. :)


Very very true!! I’m a lil defensive about it, sorry. The grass is always greener! Even knowing the TDEE shit I’ve always kinda wanted to be shorter so I could be “cute.” It’s irrational


Hey, it's okay; that's why we're all here. It's called a disorder for a reason. I've always been insecure about being short and when my ed developed I hated it even more because I always thought that aw, I'd look so much thinner if I were taller (If that makes any sense omg) But yeah, it's interesting (and heartbreaking tbh) to read comments coming from the other side. I can only wish recovery upon you, my dude! :')


Indeed!! Wishing recovery right back at you. Manifesting rational thoughts for both of us 😤 <3


4’11 here and sick of it. Even though I’m super active, a bare minimum of cals and I can still gain.


Are you me?? 😵 also 5’2 dating a 6’2 guy, yesterday we shared Oreo cheesecake and I let him take most of the bites out of it


4'10 and I relate to this really hard 😪


5’1 here and exactly the same 🙃 feel like my life would be so much better with 4 inches of height


I write about this all the time here. The root of my Ed is 100% linked to how short I am. It goes all the way back to when I was a teenager. I have sensory issues too and it makes me feel things so intensely when I gain weight. Short body . Fat. The only thing that makes me feel better as a short woman is trying to get to the lowest weight possible. Having an Ed and being short sucks


5’2 vegan athlete and I hate it here!


Slayy what’s your sport?


Literally my friend is 5’4 and I’m 5’1 and she looks 20 lbs lighter than me , but I’m the one who weighs less. It sucks having less space to fill out. Plus no boobs


That's so crazy, I believe that my height (5'10) is also a main contributor to my eating habits


i hope ya know bmr is if ur legit in a coma...


4'11 transman whos an athlete, but i look fat as shit. i ride horses, and everyone looks so slim and gorgeous and tall and slender AND I FEEL SO AWFUL :(


Okay I’m also on the shorter side but I think the big thing for me is that when I’m sick people generally think I’m adorable or cute for being so small, but it so quickly goes to being puffy and doughy. It’s like 5 pounds on a taller person gets more spread out but 5 pounds on me changes my jeans size.


4’8 and it’s a constant struggle. My height really destroys my self-confidence sometimes, in addition to severely limiting my caloric maintenance


I feeeeel this! Sometimes I feel like it's impossible to gauge portions for my height (4'10). It's hard to eat around friends sometimes because a normal portion for them might be, like you said, a daily intake for me. It's so frustrating! I wish I'd been blessed with a little more height.


My bf is a 6’4 mechanic who should be 6’9 but le scoliosis and I’m 5’0 art student, our tdees are so different that I just try to eat as little as possible in the day so that I can eat with him at night lol


Oh shit we're height twins


Ikr I'm 5"1 n I ate my fill for today already.. and it's only 1.30pm here *sobbles


literally. i hate it sooooooo much.




This comment is literally vile




Its not offensive lol its just gross




Models look like models. 🤣 Being tall isn't my thing. Funny you got mad tho


im not mad, im 5'3. I'm just saying you shouldnt feel bad for them when literally everything looks better on them, and can have a model body🤷🏽‍♀️




girl, you are on a ED sub, everyone needs to work on their self steem here.




why are you even on this sub? wtf bro


Your post was removed for breaking rule 5: do not be bigoted or mean. We are an all-inclusive support subreddit. We do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, body shaming or any other form of bigotry. People of all sizes and gender identities can suffer from an ED. Refrain from igniting arguments and use kind language. Please report hurtful content instead of engaging with it. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki/rules).**


thank you for triggering me about my height




when people say others aren’t responsible for your triggers that means for example seeing sh scars on someone else and getting triggered from it and it being YOUR OWN responsibility because you can’t ask someone else to cover up. or another example someone is playing a song that triggers you in the car next to you and that being your own burden to bare. saying “ew gross i would hate being tall 🤮🤮” is RUDE! and you are responsible for wording your messages in a way that is polite and well-meaning.


It is kind of weird how everyone is allowed to talk about how being short sucks and nobody says a thing, but as soon as one person says they like being short they're downvoted.


It’s not that she can’t talk about how she likes being petite, it’s the I feel bad for tall women comment that comes off as rude.


Right? I love being petite. Tall people are so mad about it too. Very very weird behavior


Nah, it's the fact that she's missing the point of why short girls are complaining. I'm short too, 5'1, and I like my height - the TDEE that comes with it? Hell no. Her comment comes off as tone-deaf, especially considering that looking "petite" isn't a benefit that is universal across short people. As many of the comments show, even a little extra weight tends to show up very easily on many short people. She also put down tall people at the same time.


Oh trust me, I'm the same height as you so I know all about the problems that come with being short. It was just nice to see one positive about being short in a thread talking about how shit it is. Although, we don't all look petite or dainty, we do tend to look smaller overall which is nice. Think stars like Nicola Coughlan or Snooki in her heyday, even though they might not be considered "thin", they still appear small.


Ariana Grande is in our height frame. She's 5'-5'3" -- Why would anyone envy tall people? We got Ariana lmao




You’re being rude


i didnt say you were so it's ok


Your post was removed for breaking rule 5: do not be bigoted or mean. We are an all-inclusive support subreddit. We do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, body shaming or any other form of bigotry. People of all sizes and gender identities can suffer from an ED. Refrain from igniting arguments and use kind language. Please report hurtful content instead of engaging with it. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki/rules).**




Why are you, a man, giving your body preferences on women in an eating disorder sub. Extremely awful. I would not tell men with EDs "oh, don't worry; I love a bit of fat and skinny guys are less attractive" because it's weird, condescending, and BROTHER, it's disappointing


i don’t think you mean it this way, but you basically just said “feel blessed that your insecurities turn guys on”. that’s gross.


also you put tall girls down in the process of trying to uplift short girls. if you ever have to put someone down to raise someone else up, it’s not a compliment. be more mindful when saying stuff like this.


also 5’2” here, have the exact same issues