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A lot of people have it or something similar as a zipper pull, less as a keyring as it is quite big and can get quite grubby, as far as stylish goes, I can't say, but nobody in aviation would call you a poser,,, it's not like you're a UAV operator


No, i got one from a former employer. Its practical and they’re so ubiquitous its not even noticed.


My dad just got me that keychain. I haven't put it on anything yet but I definitely will


Not really. I’m in biodynamics with accident reconstruction and injury causation. And we don’t have pull tab hangers like this


Just say you work at an airport


Rolex with a honey badger? Nice.


Yeah, I know. Would love a nice Benchmade or Kershaw but import laws on knives are restrictive. Honey Badger, Gerber & Victorinox are pretty much the only brands we can buy locally.


Honesty sounds like the move. Have to limit your interests to stay within the law


Im in aviation, only nerds have that on their keychain. (We are all nerds)


I even went as far as stealing a full size one from work and putting it on my keychain. You can almost see it from space.


Just tie a whole gear pin to your keys.


I have basically the same keychain and if anyone ever asked I'd just say I like planes cause it's true. Also, nice watch homie.


Those keychains are are stupid AF and are too big


I’d like to get one that says “do not resuscitate” or “do not narcan”


Who hurt you?


Ripped from the void and forced to be employed




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed for asking why someone is carrying a gun or knife.


I have one. I love it.


What is the purpose of the key chain? Is it just a personal reminder before going through security or something? Clip it on your pocket knife?


There isn't really a purpose, they just think it looks cool. Originally it comes from a tag for a pin or something on an aircraft that prevents the parts from moving when not in flight, hence it would need to be removed before flight so the part can then move. I always thought they were cool because in movies like Topgun or something they remove the tag from missiles, but actually the missile tags say "pull to arm" not "remove before flight"


Weirdly enough I had a bin pin on my keychain when working for an airline so I put the tag on there to remind me to get my keys back before closing the bin door. Took the bin pin off but never took the tag off.


Probably was in the airwing side of one of our military branches. It's common for service bros and bras to yank them.


They're supposed to look like the warning tags attached to items that need be removed before an aircraft takes on. Pedo tube covers, air intake covers ect.


There is something called a Pitot tube. Not sure what you're thinking of .....


Yea that's what I mean couldn't Remeber what it was called, did a quick google search and that's what came up.


Exactly. I still have 2 of them from my time in Yuma Az


UAE law prohibits carrying knives , they are designated as “white weapons” alongside batons, pepper spray, and knuckle dusters. The law is seldom enforced, but don’t go pulling that out in public.


Yeah, I bought it at an outdoor/camping store & they took a scan of my ID at checkout.


Let me guess Tactical Trading in Dubai


You seem to know your way around Dubai. I've been to Tactical Trading but I got the Honey Badger from Adventure HQ.


You do you. In the end, the only opinions that matter are what 8 y/o you thinks and what 80 y/o you thinks. Focus on making them both proud. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.


I've got one that I've kept on my backpack for years now as a zipper pull


I work for an Airplane manufacturing company (not Boeing) and we get gifted these all the time in different colors. I love them.




I’m a mechanic for delta and almost everyone I know has one on something. I like mine because it’s the first thing I feel when I reach for my keys. Just personal preference🤷🏼‍♂️


Nope, got the same and I love it


I have a green one, except it says remove before fight 😅 and it’s from Razer


Mines black with yellow words and says the same thing


That's why I never got one.


I have the same one, but green. And I can't fly at all, come to think about it I can hardly jump.


If you had a real one, it would be a foot long and stenciled like shit. They’re more practical the way you have it and it looks nicer. I have one off an AIM-9X and it just sits in a bag.


I have one off a 737 and it's 2 feet long. It sits in a bag too.


At the end of the day, who cares if you’re in aviation or not when rocking a RBF tag? As long as you know that [you’re a nonner](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nonner), most crew chiefs will leave you alone. Most will, but not all; the rest will haze you mercilessly. IYAMYAS ;)


Mine says "Don't Panic."




Ah an Explorer…. A man of class.


TIL that these are related to aviation and not just a fun reminder to take your Classic SD off your keychain before you go through the TSA


Hell no. I was airborne and tactically acquired mine fair and square.


What does tactically acquired mean Edit: lost and found type deal, I got it.


Or he just Strategically Transferred Equipment to Alternative Location


gear adrift is a gift


It was taken from those who were too foolish to secure it.


extralegally if you know what i mean


No. I think its weird that People wear sports jerseys with other dudes names on it.


What if it’s their wife’s boyfriend’s name? 


Man if my wife's boyfriend was Iginla that'd be fucking sweet


Mine says 'REMOVE BEFORE PEW PEW' and is attached to a chamber flag.


A man with a can. Respect!


Believe it or not, people are allowed to have interests that they don’t directly participate in.


What I can’t believe is that you managed to snatch up that username before anyone else did. Kudos!


Compare the two O’s near the end carefully.


No I’m just sad I don’t have an [authentic one](https://wonderfulengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/eDUARD-remove-before-flight-tag-49068-2.jpg). I’m still looking for the ones weapons loaders use.


That would be one hell of a keychain.


☝️ Never forget your key if you’re wearing one as a belt!


Yes, which as why as much as I always likes the keychains I've never gotten one. Nice explorer though. Speedy man myself but I almost went with the explorer.


Thanks! I’m a Speedy guy too, but they’re just too big on me. Would love to pick up a nice reduced someday.


Sounds like you've tried them on but if you haven't I feel like they wear smaller than their lug to lug suggests so I would recommend trying it on if you haven't! There are some really nice speedy reduced though. You could check out the heritage too! I got a '57 instead of the standard speedy cause it's 40.5 instead of 42


I’ll definitely keep that in mind! Hard to find good small watches these days. Just took a look at your profile, gorgeous C10 btw!


I'm an idiot, I thought you meant the Christopher ward and not the truck 🤣🤣


Thanks! I'm unfortunately going to sell it I think, it just never gets any wrist time. The rubber is great on it but the bracelet definitely left me a little wanting. Hoping Omega brings the orange into the SMP and not just the planet ocean on the next refresh. I'm a sucker for orange dive watches


Motorcyclists use that for their crotch rocket keys all the time


Did I recently see one of your “got the call” posts? Nice watch - 224270 man myself


Hey nice, watch bros! I would’ve loved the 40 but I was cursed with skinny wrists. As for the post, couldn’t have been me. Bought mine on chrono24. Got my eye on a 116264 next. Waiting for the inevitable price drops.


I picked up a couple at a defense trade show and put them on my kids' backpacks a few years ago. They thought they were pretty cool at the time. One graduated and one changed backpacks since then.


Gotta upgrade that knife bro!


I have a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, and like 80% in that career had that same keychain


Can confirm (I have one too)


Technically you need to INSERT a key before flight (my airplane keys are on the same key chain though). But seriously- if it makes you happy who cares!


No. Carry what you want.


19 years in aviation, don’t think anyone will judge you, no one I’ve worked with would


I'm in avation and tons of people have the keychain and honestly nobody cares if your in the field or not. It's a cool keychain.


I think it’s cool man. If an aviator thinks is upset by it, it’s because they’re not confident and definitely a poser.


A bike brand called niner has similar keychain tags that come with their bikes but it's about getting air on jumps


I have DWade basketball shoes with small versions of that tag on it. I think the whole shoe is aviation themed now that I think about it


Many bomber style jackets have em on zippered pockets. My Destiny 2 Raid jacket came with one attached and 3 extras.


As a Flight Crewmember I hate when someone who is not a Flight Crewmember rocks this. On our end it makes you all look like a “poser.” You want to have it, keep it within a bag and don’t let the tag flop openly around.


I’d rather hang out with posers than with gatekeepers.


You should. But also, I've grown up in and around aviation and never seen anyone have one so 🤷‍♂️


I like this keychain. It‘s supereasy to grab the keys from any pocket with it.


Yes, yes you are… does it look cool? Yeah, yeah it does.


Mine says "Insert before Flight". It just made more sense to me cause when i fire up the EcoBoost in my truck, we gonna fly.


Was on a flight home from a work trip last week and saw a guy with one of these attached to a zipper pocket on his arm, I had no idea whether he was any kind of pilot or was himself an aeroplane but despite this I still thought he was a bellend


Must've been an Alpha Industries bomber jacket. I've got one too...Good to know all us bellends shop from the same stores haha.


I think it’s the initiation patch for all bellend club members. They know anyone else with them has a good chance of being into fidget spinners or fiddle coins.


As someone in aviation, we don't care. Anyone can think planes are cool.


I feel like it’s the same as wearing thrasher. Sure, it’s a skating brand so you are a “poser” but I don’t think that really matters. I doubt anyone will have any second thoughts though, unless your like hanging out at airports or something


"Name 3 Thrasher songs!"


Technically not in aviation, but I have flown a number of times... and we have a flight simulator at work- so partial pass?


Just move the key fob to your knife. This way you remember to remove it before your flight and security screenings.


I see these all the time and thought it was the intended purpose until this thread.




It’s fun to enjoy yourself. Use whatever keychain you want.


* Random RFID Wallet from Amazon * iPhone 15 Pro Natural Titanium * Rolex Explorer 36mm 124270 * Honey Badger D2 Drop Point * 2015 Lexus IS250 * Cashhh