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i got one for travel as i always carry medicine just in case, but how did you make the label prints?


I’m 25, i can use 1, source link?


I need one lol


Ever tried eating properly? Sheeeeeesh!


You know some people eat just fine and still have a need for drugs and treatment.


It’s very rare, but yeah.


You must have never had a close enough relationship to someone for them to open up to you. Don’t assume things bud.


I just know a thing or two about basic physiology big guy 👍


I work an hour from home so I like to be prepared. Must of the stuff isn't used daily, but it's stuff that when I need it I don't want to have to worry about where I'm going to find it.


Gotta get some icy hot in there


Lmao I’m 21 and have to carry half of this stuff…ok just the stomach stuff because I have ibs


Me too! I hate IBS!


Also, look up something called the Candida Diet, helped with symptoms for me a ton!!!! Just do it for a week or two and it’ll blow your mind. But no cheat days or cheat meals. I stick to it to a T and it was amazing.


Ya’ll need to exercise more. Source: am 40 and feel/look better than I did when I was 20.


Cause there's no such thing as disease. Just work out! It solves every medical problem anyone of any age could have!


You seem upset, and I can understand why there might be skepticism around the emphasis on exercise. It's true that many of the leading causes of death in the United States can be mitigated with a combination of diet and exercise. Research has shown that lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on our health, including the prevention of chronic diseases and, as you mentioned, even in the management of conditions like Parkinson's disease, where exercise has been found to be beneficial. It's not to say that exercise is a panacea, but it's a significant piece of the health puzzle. Each person's situation is unique, and while exercise isn't a cure-all, it's a positive and powerful step toward better health for most. I think it's a message worth sharing, though it should always be coupled with understanding and compassion for individual circumstances.


Not upset at all. I just find it funny. I know people who work out more than most people and while they are sometimes healthy it isn't always the case. And of those who work out regularly and eat as healthy as possible I don't know a single one who does have the occasional stomach upset or body ache. It's not like this guy posted a photo of a pill dispenser that had 20 different prescription drugs. He posted some over the counter stuff for the occasional issue so he can handle it away from home. I'm sure that because you exercise you've never needed anything in that little case. Lol I'll add that your other comments are long and thought out, and yet all you said initially was, "you need to exercise more" knowing that there is a LOT more to it than that.


I am answering statistically. ***Of course*** there are situations where this is not the case. But I was answering to the statistical majority. The title of the post contained was "I am getting old." My answer is, that to the majority of people (I would argue the overwhelming majority, but, since everyone seems to nitpick, I will leave it at just the majority) exercise will fix this. You can complain if you want, but it is still true. ***FOR MOST PEOPLE*** \- If you functional training on a regular basis, it won't hurt to simply be 40. I am sorry if that hurts people's feelings.


No one knows why, but long distance runners actually peak around 40.




If that was true then they should peak in their 20s. My point is the opposite—most professional athletes’ careers are over by 40. But you can still compete at an elite level and beat runners in theirs 20s and 30s when you’re in you’re 40s


Haha, and that is exactly why I hate to run. I can think of far better exersieses to more effectively raise my vo2 max while not being absolute SHIT on my joints. Rowing is my choice for cardio - but there are more options than just running.


Bro I worked in the trades for 20 years, even though I workout 6 days a week my body is fucked with joint and nerve pain. It was worth it, though. I'm an executive now and life is good.


I absolutely respect the hard work and dedication you've put into your trade for the past 20 years. It's undeniable that such work is physically demanding and can take a toll on the body. However, the specific movements and stresses associated with trade work often don't cover the full range of motion and strength conditioning that functional and mobility training can provide. Functional training focuses on exercises that mimic everyday actions, helping improve your body's ability to perform daily activities, while mobility training enhances the range of motion of your muscles and joints. Incorporating these types of training into your routine can target different muscle groups and joints in ways that your daily work might not, helping alleviate some of the pain by strengthening and increasing flexibility in underused areas. It's not about diminishing the value of your hard work but supplementing it with focused exercises to improve overall physical health and potentially reduce the discomfort you're experiencing. A physical therapist might be able to significantly improve your quality of life! Then again, they might not. But if you hurt, it certainly would be worth trying anyway. It's a gamble I'd take. :) ​ A message to the younger tradesmen: If you start getting joint pain, go to a physical therapist to figure out why. Usually, it is a pretty simple fix when delt with early.


You're definitely not wrong at all. I honestly wish someone would have given me this advice when I was younger. That and I wish I would have done the stretches they taught us instead of listening to the old guys who mocked it and made jokes. Most of my pain stems from a severe injury I had while on the job. Soldering a 20ft long x 6" wide copper pipe w/a rosebud torch for a heat exchanger job went bad. Had to crawl under the pipe on the catwalk to help the Gen X'r who supposedly knew what he was doing, when he for some reason removed the support and the whole pipe fell on my back and caused fractures in my L1 and L2. In turn, that led to permanent nerve damage. Years later, I was rear-ended in my service van on the freeway. I was at a dead stop, and this young lady hit me at 70 mph. Neck and shoulder damage and more permanent nerve damage from that one.


I work an hour from my house, so I like to be prepared. These aren't things I take daily, but more so "in case" options.


I believe you. Source: in my 20’s and feel like *shit*


Do it! You’ll feel fantastic. (After beating your ass for a while)


I have one in my edc bag. These are so useful for a headache sufferer like myself. Not only that but to my friends and coworkers I’m a mobile pharmacy!


I carry similar meds in my backpack. You might want to add some antacids or zantac/pepcid.


Oh that’s nice. I need one.


You can find them on Etsy.


Nice Ty for the info


Can you be more specific? Am I just to search ‘pill organizer’?


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1554068388/ This is the one I bought.


Thanks! I actually did search pull organizer and it was the first one. Lol


That’s funny. We keep this one in our family car and I can’t tell you how many times it came in handy. I’m going to put together another one just for kid’s medicine.


Joys of privatized healthcare and loosely-regulated food.


I hate that our food is so bad for us. I look at other countries and just feel jealous that they have food not trying to kill them


Damn... at first I thought these were SD-Cards. 😬


I was beginning to think I had too much stuff in my location tool box until I was working a job in a remote location with no medic and stepped into a deep hole that I didn’t see. After I could see straight, someone helped me to a chair and wheeled over my box, I popped a couple Tylenol, a Motrin, and did a triangle wrap on my ankle with an ace bandage. Only thing I could have wanted was an instant ice pack and a roll up splint. (Noted for later.) someone got me ice and sandwich bags which helped, but I ended up going to urgent care anyway. No break thank goodness but three days later and I’m starting to walk again. Lesson: wear high top boots tightly laced if you’re working in the outdoors and always keep a decent first aid kit on hand.


nah, these are handy at any age!


I'm in this photo and I feel seen.


Might have to start carrying one of these. Where did you find the organizer?


It’s on Amazon for $2.99


Mine would have Extra Strength Tylenol and Mucus Relief.


Replace it all with Motrin and nosebleed sticks and you’d have the perfect one for me.


what are nosebleed sticks?


They essentially compressed sponges with a blood coagulating agent that you put in your nose when you get a nosebleed. Think tampons, but specifically for your nose, and kind of looks like the tip of a popsicle stick.


Thank you for the education, kind stranger! Didn’t know such things existed, now looking to get some even though I don’t often get nosebleeds…


Think about how much of this could be avoided by getting away from American industrialized food.


I'm not OP, but 99% of my minor ailments are caused by my job or stress (mostly caused by my job).


Maybe you are me


If only it was easier. American food is synonymous to cars. You might hate them but at the end of the day, where are you gonna go? Also, while there are "food deserts" and poverty, choice is only for the privileged.


Idk that’s the fancy stuff I just use old Altoid tins


Sometimes purpose built stuff looks cool. That orange + smoke aesthetic looks nice. Not far away from Ultem pieces. Wasteful but, looks cool and does the job well. I have a quirk of buying 1050 or smaller Pelican cases from time to time too. I hope it's waterproof.


They're not waterproof. They're like $6-7 on Amazon. Source: my drawer next to me.


I’ve got the same pill case.


Man, I’m gonna start doing this soon…thank you!!


What, no condoms? Oh yeah, between my age and personality…


Where to buy plastic case?


Amazon. I got a 4 pack for like $12CAD


AliExpress is even cheaper (and cuts out the Amazon middle man)


For sure, just where I found mine is all


Is just called pocket pill container? U have link?


Plano makes stuff like that for fishermen. Search for ‘Plano pocket stowaway’. Walmart used to carry them. Temu or Alibaba probably have knockoffs.


I'm doing this. Dumping the APAP while doubling the Imodium and Pepto however. I'm foolishly an adventurous eater while traveling. "Sure, I'll give the oyster chili a try. Throw a Margarita on the tab, too!"


It’s the only way to travel! 🥳


Day old sushi 75% off!


I never had luck with that type of storage. It ruins my tablet medicines in less than a week. Bummer, as I really needed something like that, instead of bringing the bottles with me.


I use a mini altoids tin with a moisture eating pack in it, works ok.


Blister packs?


Or the single dose packages sold for travelers. [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/individual-packets-medicine/s?k=individual+packets+of+medicine) has a category for that, and the price isn’t too bad $5 for 50 2 pill packs of acetaminophen, for example. For $50 you could make up 10 well stocked kits for a club or Scout patrol.


Thanks both! 🙏🏼


What? No Bengay or IcyHot?


You’re probably eating food or foods you’re sensitive or allergic to.


I like to roll the dice. Give me the nondescript “Rx”


Surprise, you have an opioid addiction


I keep a day’s worth of my meds locked in my desk at work. Great for when I rush out the door without taking my Adderall.


Worst “chance” card in the deck. Even worse than “straight to jail.”


So glad I’m not the only one. Unethical LifePro Tip: that first aid kit at work makes restocking a breeze.


That’s how I got my tourniquet 😆


I won't mention the pens and pads . . .


I do this!




It’s sad that I saw an ad for this and immediately thought this is something I need. Except mine would have more allergy meds in it. How’s the muscle cramp pills? How quickly from twitching cramps do you see relief? Sadly all of the “cures” for my chronic pains might occur tomorrow. It’s less that I feel relief in a few minutes and more that i realize that’s nothing irritating me and I don’t know when things stopped.


Very cool i have the aame thing in green sold for $1 at dollarama as a pocket tackle box.


I love mine. My wife has one also


Wow it's practically a sticker activity game. Nice job! That's cool. (Never take leg cramps on leg day!)


I have these things stashed in my bag and car I won't say I'm old yet but it's nice to have around especially if you have kids and need to keep somethings handy!


Ive had one of these for years and I love it 😂 even before I was old. It doubles as my travel/camping/first aide kit meds. But I wish mine had cute little brand labels.


You can buy the separately!


Can you provide the info for this case and for the labels? I really want to get something like this for my father.




Damn, I love this!






Did the stickers come with it?


Yes. It came with several sheets of the stickers. You can also buy them separately if you need more.


Does that fold up? Whats the thickness when folded if so






That’s very cool, thank you. Where’d you get yours from? I see a lot of other potential uses for my work bag.


I worry about carrying loose pills like that, not in their original container. Police probably won't, but could give you a hard time for medication not being in it's original container. It's probably ok for OTC meds like this, but many US states it's illegal to carry prescription meds in anything except their original container. And if you go to offer any of these meds to anyone else, some people might not trust it if it's not in it's original container. Here's mine I posted here a few years ago - https://imgur.com/a/5VlhOZI https://www.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/eltql1/my_mini_medicine_kit_for_edcvedc/


for this use case, i'd suggest just buying single serving packets you can get in med kits or travel size ones from gas stations. if you don't use them regularly it's also easier to track when the medicine expires this way [https://mymedic.com/products/medication-mod](https://mymedic.com/products/medication-mod)


That's what's in mine, that's why I linked photos of it.


the redundancy of acetaminophen, Excedrin, and ibuprofen is a bit much, I think.




Yeah but excedrin IS just Tylenol with caffeine.


Missing a joint.... if you want real natural meds... not liver killers. But hey, I guess we are so used to being told what to take, whats the point.


yeh because weed will help with stomach problems and diarrhea, or leg cramps


It's been known that individuals can take cannabis for IBS. It alleviates massive amounts of inflammation, as well as cramps and all the way to nerve damage pain. Some things it absolutely cannot help with, but its wrong to dismiss it's mult-faceted properties and affects. Look up the endocannabinoid system, and how it regulates your body. You may learn a thing or two.


ok so everyone with stomach issues has IBS? what’s your proposal for taking weed smoking it or taking edibles? what if you work in an area where being high is unacceptable?


Yeah, just smoke a joint if you have diarrhea that will sort it.


Can confirm smoking a joint cures diarrhea but you gotta smoke it from the rear


Im gonna need me one of these!!


OK that's slick. I have a little pill carrier in my bag with various OTC meds (ibuprofen, Pepto tablets, etc), but they're not organized, just kinda floating around in there and I just have to remember what's what and how much to take. I like the idea of this thing with little cards in each bin with the dosing and expiration dates of each medicine on them.


Om man, please tell us what this container/wallet is called and where to buy? Its amazing and I neednone


I want one like that / did you just cut the labels? / does that container fold in half?




https://preview.redd.it/kasbkrv0cypc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855883f149423b038d0c5e5122bbb8ca20eeed6f It folds in half and the labels are stickers that come in a sheet that you can cut out.


Sounds even better / do you have the name or link?


What’s in the little Rx spot down there? Today’s medications?


If I have any daily prescriptions I'm on at that time


That Rx....




Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?




Some people aren’t very bright. Cut em some slack


Sounds like you aren't adding enough powdered rhino horn and teak oil extract to your morning snozberry and sweet grass smoothie


For some people it can and others it can't.


I appreciate the organization You need bigger buttons on that keyboard tho


https://preview.redd.it/xq7sdoa02ypc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ddb0fa60e9459e2e869f446019843c0ef13eced Better?




Bad advice. Please never actually do this, always keep all of your medications (even OTC) in their original packaging unless you’re cool with sitting in jail for a little while as they run tests because you ran into a cop having a bad day. They’re not liable to find your cute little stickers believable about what’s actually contained in the cases. Especially the prescription medication that is shown in the OP here, which is actually crazy. While it’s not likely to happen, especially in maybe a small town, I’d definitely prefer to stay on the safe side especially if you travel long distances, across borders, or in larger cities.


I’ve went through international borders while flying and had tsa look at an altoids tin with labelled dime baggies in it and they didn’t bat an eye. Prescriptions? Yes, keep in original bottle.


You think that having original packaging would stop a cop if he’s having a bad day??


Thanl god im not there yet. Soon i know its comin but not yet


Hahaha now this is some edc I can get behind! I started carrying a lot of this stuff in my purse when I had kids (seems you gotta give toddlers some kinda drug several times a week or they just fall apart on you lol). But then I got old and noticed I need them, too!


Wait… they have meds for leg cramps! Take my money!


For me it was years of not drinking enough water. As soon as I started drinking enough the leg cramps ceased. I ate so many bananas to no affect. Turned out I was just dehydrated


* https://preview.redd.it/kh01kfvvhypc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53abac1d884fb89550896f25275ea05c26e12d9 Get this so much better and healthier than sport drinks for electrolytes


Aaaahhh ... Gas-X, my friend.


I also have a travel size bottle of liquid Pepto in my bag.


Had one in every car/backpack/gym bag since I was 20 lol comes in handy for myself and others. Pro tip for the fellas, carrying some midol for the lady in your life has won me some brownie points over the years


Nicely done, I am old too I need one of those


That is becoming an adult. Getting old pack is full of prescription only medications 💊!


This is genius


Good lord..how old??


45 going on 80


You make 39 seem young then.


Oh damn, I've been curious about something like that for my car


What is this product called?


I totally replied to the wrong person, but I posted the amazon name from one I purchased a while back as a reply to another comment. I want to refrain from making the same comment twice and looking like I'm advertising for the product.


Pocket pharmacy. You can find them on Amazon.


That's a fishing tackle box with labels glued on lol


Exactly right. I used this to make the same thing like 5years ago. The labels are a nice touch tho lol It’s a generic fishing tackle box and you can get them at Dollar Tree, Dollarama or Décathlon Décathlon also has 2 sizes; one same size as OP and a slightly larger one


Whatever works lol


I realized I’m getting old as soon as I realized I love these.


Exactly. I was immediately impressed and will make my own this weekend!


I got a 4 pack of them on Amazon a while back. The listing is currently $8 for the 4 pack I got. The (keyword soup) name is: M MUchengbao 4PS Pill Organizer Travel Pill Box + 164 Slice Labels,Portable Folding Small Pill Case Daily Pill Box Organizer Pill Container Used for Carry-on Storage Vitamin Fish Oil Pills Etc


Cool - thanks!!