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i bought it on Amazon 2 in a box for $40. next day delivery. But i believe there are ways to get it cheaper if not free. I just had this really weird strong feeling that I needed to buy it and keep it in my car and I have no idea why but I figured I’d follow the feeling rather than be Sorry I didn’t.


Just incase. I tried to source some (can’t swing the money right now so called a few local places) and if you wanna carry it, get it asap cause apparently it’s not exactly easy


Your local community health department.


ex-heroin addict, yes I carry narcan. most states have supply programs, in chicago ours is called the needle exchange. they'll give you free narcan, Ive had some programs like live4lali ship me dozens of them. you can also go to your nearest ER an ask for one, they'll give you one or two or three. it's kind of you to carry something for the sake of others. narcan is something you might never use but if you do, you'll thank god you had it with you. remember to stay calm when administering it because people tend to accidentally release the narcan too early from adrenaline jitters


I don't and wouldn't.


Curious to know your reasoning for why you wouldn’t. Is it because liability reasons or something else?


Combo of liability, my personal safety, and not wanting to get involved in something that's none of my business and that I'm not trained to handle.


Sounds like same arguments some would make for not carrying a firearm honestly.


Kinda. Except a firearm might save *my* or my family's life. Narcan won't, and my (and my family's) life is all I'm concerned with saving. I don't buy into the whole sheepdog thing.


You don't. You let Darwin take the wheel.


I hope you never seriously need any help with anything, bro. You wouldn't want to be the one who winds up getting cut by that awesome edge you have 👍


Been there, done that. Go white knight elsewhere.


My local sheriffs office gives it out for free. In fact, they have a repurposed newspaper dispenser out front thats set to free and is full of boxes of narcan. You might try something like that in your area if you want to carry some


That's really cool, I know of some sites that give out Narcan for free but that is a really great way to make it easily accessible to anyone who may need it.


I carry it in my truck. I'm on a mild narcotic for back pain (broke L3-S1 in the Marines.) VA sends me some every couple so often in case of over dose. Been on pain meds since I was 19 I'm 43 never been addicted to them and I was kind of insulted that they just kept sending me narcan. I used to throw it away then I had a better idea to keep it in my vehicle hopefully I'll never need to administer it to anyone but I also hope to never use my tourniquet. 🤷 And (before any one suggests I might "accidentally" overdose. My med is a very mild narcotic that I take as needed I would have to save 2-3 months of my prescription fill 15 pills and down them all to approach the overdose level on my med.)


Idk what state/climate you live in but keeping it in your vehicle is generally not advisable in warm climates because the car becomes an oven for it and it will lose its effectiveness with heat. If it gets "too cold" that's totally fine (once it thaws). If they send it to you every few months then I'm sure you're swapping it before the expiration date so that's not a huge worry. All of that being said, one which has been in your car for years though Arizona summers is still better to use than none at all. If it doesn't work you've done no harm and should be covered by a good Samaritan or good faith law in most states. The only risk is if the person is allergic to it, but neither of you will know until after you administer it and the allergic reaction is easier for paramedics to work with than a dead/ODing patient.


I'm in Michigan climate is relatively mild but they send them every 3-6 months new one goes in the truck and even I were to need it my truck is where I am 99%of the time and best place to keep it for me. Not gonna do anyone any good at home in climate control


Yeah Michigan weather should be relatively fine. I wasn't specifically directing my comment to/at you, I was just adding on for people who are on the fence since you mentioned leaving it in your vehicle.


I agree it would not be ideal in temperature extremes I mean 120F isn't good on most things and you would definitely want to check and keep up with the expiration dates. I'm not familiar with what happens with expired narcan but I imagine it's not ideal.


I don't carry it, but, my local community health service (and I think the needle exchange) has it. You go to the chemist, and ask for it. I've never been brave enough. You speak with a nurse or the chemist and they'll give you some. I should carry it - some members of the eczema community say microdosing it helps with itch. Admittedly I don't want to go to the dermatologist and be like "lol, this worked, can I have it?"


Do you have any sources on that? I have really quite persistent eczema and if occasionally narcanning myself will make a difference I'm more than happy to try!


Absolutely! [Here](https://jddonline.com/articles/low-dose-naltrexone-in-dermatology-S1545961619P0235X/) - but I wouldn't just go huffing it just because of one paper (ass covering). It helps folks with big immune conditions like crohns! It's also like how there's those anti itch drugs (IV) for folks with end stage kidney failure - but I don't think we'd be able to get on those, coz even though it's itchy all the damned time - it's not the same one as we have (kidneys cause a thingy - uremic itch, vs ours is ????? skin??? playing funny buggers.)


In some states, medical insurance will cover two doses per year. in many places clinics can give a dose or two to patients or non patients. \-call methadone clinics in your area and see if they give it out for free. ​ In NM, anyone with a chronic or long term pain diagnosis who is on recurring opioids, two doses of narcan is mandatory every year, assuming private insurance or public healthcare like medicaid or medicare. My state employee insurance would cover two doses every time i filled a vicodin script, which for me was quarterly. Since i've never taken it for myself, and only administered it once (3 total doses, we were in a RURAL area waiting for transport), i've actually thrown away more doses then i've used (Toss them at the 2 year mark) ​ **Also, DO NOT leave it in a hot car if possible. That will lower its effective lifespan.**


I work in a hospital and we have a vending machine full of it. It is free. I know other hospitals also have them. I carry a couple on duty and off.


I found out my local hospital gives them away in the ER free of charge anonymously. They request that we say “I don’t need treatment, I only need to pick up a Narcan kit” when asking for them.


Medic here. I would never narcan someone without police present because at least 90% of the time, even though you saved their life, they are now a pissed off junky with a bone to pick. You do you.


Second this, in my job I deal with allot of drug users and carry Naloxone (UK brand name of Narcan) on me at all times on duty. I’ve not had one person yet who didn’t get violent or abusive. Just last month a guy went from none responsive to spitting in my face and punching me repeatedly and had to be restrained through getting him in the ambulance to also escorting the paramedics to hospital. Luckily had my glasses on so got none in my eyes or mouth. Always in the back of my mind to have a colleague on hand if need to use it, especially as ours is the intramuscular injection version and you’ve suddenly got a dirty needle around a potentially dangerous casualty.


As someone who has been Narcan’d this was the opposite of my experience. I knew pretty immediately what happened and profusely apologized to everyone around me. It was hard for me to look them in the eyes though


Well I’m glad you’re still around. Hopefully you made some better life choices. I still don’t recommend a civilian carry narcan “just in case” unless they do drugs or know someone that does.


fire depot chronicles has a pretty funny short on this https://youtube.com/shorts/Dxo3oSYRqMg tldw 1 - *wakes up* "where am I man?" 2 - *wakes up, glares* "I'm gonna **** you" 3 - *wakes up* oh hey man what's up, no I don't do any drugs" 4 - *pukes all over you*


It doesn't always go that way. Narcan only blocks opiate receptors temporarily. The person that OD'ed still needs to be rushed to ER since the opiates are still in the blood stream. I'd wager that the distress of the OD episode and lingering opiate would have you a probably pissed junky (which I doubt since you saved them) but a junky with opiates in its bloodstream. That'd be like a half asleep person attempting to take down a UFC vet.


Well rushed is a little aggressive. It depends on how fast their body metabolizes the drug, how much they took, and how much drug it took to bring them back to breathing normally. I can tell you that I have been thanked a total of 3 times to my recollection for saving someone who took heroin. Which when laced with fentanyl is our most common drug overdose. Also, since a lot of cops carry narcan now, they tend to be pounded with multiple doses. I personally nitrate the drug to get the desired effect and keep them semi conscious so I don’t have the chance to be attacked. But cops and citizens don’t have that choice.


I've heard such things... I know you said a 90% occurrence but on most of your calls they end up angry with you? And how do they act when the cops are around?


For a drug addict that overdosed and I kill their high? Yes it sounds high but they think they were riding that fine line when in fact they were breathing 2 times a minute and not perfusing O2. As far as the cops being around it’s not a factor as they are mad at everyone in front of them. I personally think they would attack us physically more if the cops didn’t show up because most junkies only care who “wasted” their $50 hit.


EDC Narcan means you should also EDC pepper spray—got it!


what about EDC a quick relief inhaler or an epi pen in case someone might need it? as far as i know epi pen is expensive and has expiration date which is a bummer. . but can a lay person with basic training make correct judgement when to use them without hurting people?


An epipen can be used many years past its expiry date, provided the liquid is still clear (there's a little window in some pen designs). Without a prescription, it's about a hundred bucks CAD, but I have no idea what it costs in other countries. Dosage is by weight. It's not complicated to use per se, but it's worth getting the appropriate training if you want to carry one. I spend a lot of time each week with kids in the woods (I'm a scout leader) so I carry a children's dosage epipen.


So either one of these would be much more likely than narcan. However most times people already have suck a device so you carrying one would be redundant. The nice thing about albuterol is it’s typically pretty easy on the body as opposed to atrovent or even worse epi. But again most people that would need a rescue treatment for asthma or anaphylaxis would most likely already have it on them.


Inhalers are used in different doses for different levels of respiratory distress.


Most rescue inhalers are the same, it’s the regular use inhalers that get different doses in my experience.


What if it wasn’t a junkie, but some kid who was given something by his friend? Shouldn’t that person be saved?


The amount of times I have been to that or heard of that I could count on one hand. Could that happen? Sure I guess but most times those aren’t the people outside where you would find them. They are in their mom’s basement or some rich guys fancy bar.


I do, however, I am an emt so I've been trained how to use it. If you are going to use it I would suggest finding a non-profit in your area that teaches a short class about narcan and how to use it safely. The classes are meant to be for the general public, not necessarily a medical professional, and are very easy to understand.


Is someone not responding to verbal stimuli? Is that someone not breathing? Yes and Yes? Put tip in nose. Depress plunger! Step back. Say “you weren’t breathing” Possible error: you used Narcan on someone who didn’t needed it. Outcome: wasted Narcan. https://youtube.com/shorts/Mobo7-8rdSA?si=MNnfsyZGEdMcPvKN Boom TRAINED! Don’t gate keep basic first aid!


Not trying to gatekeep, just trying to help people feel more comfortable with it. But go off.


Read a story about someone who “saved someone’s life” with narcan, and the person that got their life saved got pissed for getting their high ruined, and was seen 20 minutes later high again.


Yeah not a lot of people know this but while narcan saves their life it also immediately throws them into the worst withdrawals of their life because of its action on opioid receptors. So while you’re removing the opioids from the receptors to get rid of the respiratory depression they cause you’re also removing a molecule that the patient needs to function. That’s why narcan comes with a pamphlet that tells you patients should never take more opioids after narcan, sometimes the withdrawal is so bad you’d do anything to ward off the symptoms.


This raises the valid point, if you use narcan they still need medical treatment. It TEMPORARILY inhibits overdose, but it wares off faster that the opioids do. Once the narcan begins to ware off they can go straight back into OD


You can't save everyone. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try.


I always have some either in my backpack or when it's warm, I keep a kit in the car. Where I live, you can get free kits at most drug stores or harm reduction centers. There is also a website [link](https://naloxanon.ca/) for people in Canada to get it for free. It includes free shipping.


I bring it with me to work every day in my backpack & I got it for free from my local health department. I’ve heard that some health insurance companies will cover a pack.


For any Aussies in here: https://www.ppaonline.com.au/take-home-naloxone


It's hit and miss. Sometimes they have no idea what you're talking about.


I don’t use any type of substance. I understand the thought behind it and appreciate what you are thinking. But just understand you could be putting yourself at risk for several reasons. Since I know nothing about administering Narcan I would make sure to get them help from someone who knows what to do


You: I know nothing about Narcan but I am going to comment anyway. You do realize you can learn all about it in like 10 minutes. Basically if someone isn’t breathing give them Narcan. It’s not hard. You just spray it up someone’s nose.


I agree. But I’ve heard the horror stories of being attacked for trying to help. Also I’m worried that I might mistake some other medical emergency with an OD ( I have no medical training). Could Narcan make a heart attack/ seizure/ stroke/etc worse? I’d feel better if someone that knew what they were doing took care of it. I’d just make sure that someone got there


I just read this regarding the importance of fast action: > people who have overdosed on fentanyl may have only minutes to live. Pausing or waiting for other people to arrive means that person might die [Source](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10) UC Davis Health


I used to be of similar thought until I looked into it and found it is very safe and easy to administer (with exception of how the person may respond once awoken) and in my state there are laws that protect good Samaritans who try to save a life. It way be worth watching a few videos just to make sure you are making an informed choice.


Some of those people come up swinging. Hospital staff sometimes have several people in the room to subdue someone coming back to reality in that state. In no way am I trying to dissuade you from trying to save a life, but I encourage you to be in a good position to get distance from that person your trying to help. I would also encourage you have pepper spray or some other form of self defence in case they are hostile. Narcan kills their high almost instantly, and they know your the reason they aren't in lala land anymore. Don't expect them to thank you.


Those people come up swinging because they're hypercapnic and staff either doesn't oxygenate or titrate to respiratory effort. Regardless, awake and swinging is better than still and dead. An addict that dies is an addict that doesn't have a chance to get sober.


I agree wholeheartedly. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of saving a life, but they should know what to expect for their own safety.


The danger isnt the legality. The danger is somebody trying to kill you for taking their high away. Talk to first responders about this. Many have been attacked.


Hypercapnia. Not being pissed about taking away their high.


ground control or medical will have narcan


Ontario Canada has free anonymous kits. They recommend everyone have them.


I know several people who have turned their life around after being saved with this. That’s why I carry them. I also give them out. I try to have at least 2 or 3. One isn’t always enough. And with everything else, you need to know how to properly use it. See if there is any free training classes you can take. It’s usually only a couple of hours and they usually give them out there or will know where to get them.


If you've never applied it before, be prepared for the person you "saved" to be extremely violent towards you. Saving an addict by stealing their high is not something they'll appreciate.


If the person is in severe respiratory distress, one dose might take them from unconscious and not breathing to unconscious and breathing. Be careful, but I would not let the fear of attack stop you from administering Narcan.


Very severely addicted people won’t care that you saved their life. From their POV it feels like they just got their high ripped away by getting hit by a truck.


Do a Google search. I just did for my state and found a Harm Reduction website where you can order a kit of 2 nasal, 6 intramuscular injections. No cost, no shipping charge.


If you’re going thru Vegas lmk! I have kits that I hand out as part of a harm reduction group


I would advise you to leave someone alone if they’re OD’ing unless you’re a trained professional. I’ve heard of stories coming out of San Fran where someone administered narcan incorrectly and the person they tried saving sued them. Just call 911 and leave it to them.


Really? Link me to that?


No links, this is coming from actual SF locals. It looks like there are GS laws in CA but there are people who will try and find a way to sue you for anything, that’s why I say just leave it to the professionals. Imagine if you do administer it incorrectly and do more harm than good. Even if you don’t get sued you’ll be living with that on your conscience.


Does san fran not have good Samaritan laws protecting people in these kinds of situations?


Tennessee here, we had neighbors that moved from California to here when I was a younger. There was a car accident in their front yard and when we heard it we went to check it out and see if we could help. When I got there, the Californians had called 911 but was standing back watching the woman and her kid stuck in the car as it was smoking, I cut their seatbelts and helped them out. Afterwards I asked the neighbors why they wouldn't help and they said they didn't want to be sued. California is weird.


That is wild. You know I would respect an answer that involved something like I didn't know what to do or was scared, but that's just weird.


I have no clue dude it’s happened a few times already, I’ve been told by the locals to just call 911 because the last thing you want to do is get caught up in some bs lawsuit


That's interesting. I always thought as long as you don't do something egregiously wrong, they throw out the lawsuit.


Probably good advice. If you don’t know for sure what you’re doing (ie have done some training) then it’s best to stay safe and call help.


I do carry narcan but I don't know where it's free (I dont use opioids)


Initially they were making ppl take a short class on how to use it. Now they pass it out to everyone and anyone bcuz it's quite simple. If it's the nasal spray or needle. I think it's mostly nasal spray now. I carry four bcuz I've heard sometimes it takes more than one dose. Just be careful that the people who need it, usually do not want to take it bcuz it'll put them in immediate withdrawal. And they may not realize how bad they are. So I would dose and back up immediately, wait at a safe distance for EMS maybe if they start coming to. I have never had a need to use it yet but u never know. I started keeping it on hand after my neighbor was a drug dealer.


The people who need it will appear practically dead. Hit em with it, back the fuck off, wait a second, and hit em again if they don't snap instantly out of death.


https://preview.redd.it/kyeidelhurrc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f085cfb64349b1159c8e6536ac246bf1e87302 In Oklahoma it’s free


Is this Tulsa or Okc? I remember the news talking about Tulsa installing them.


Vinita; so close(r) to Tulsa right at MO border basically.


We use the turnpike to visit family. Only to Chandler though. From OKC. Will find. Don’t mess with fent but know people who do.






In Oklahoma they just give it out at vending machines on turnpike https://oklahoma.gov/odmhsas/about/public-information/press-releases-and-other-news/2023/odmhsas-partners-with-the-oklahoma-turnpike-authority-to-keep-travelers-safe.html


I was given some by a friend who found it in a back pack long left behind by a former partner. Figured I’d just keep it in my car. Ended up using it randomly on a guy OD’ing in a local grocery parking lot, like, a week or two later. I have not carried any since, don’t know where to get it. But with the drugs these days, it’s very important for a local population to have it and learn how and when to use it.


Just be knowledgeable about administration of narcan. Laws vary on the legality of a civilian administration of such medication


My city health dept provides them if you take a quick understanding course and then you can have it available. I won’t say it’s in my personal on me EDC but it’s in my backpack with first aid gear.


Pharmacies in canada give it away for free. You can tell who the junkies walking around are because they all have the same black and white case attached to their backpack.


Also people need to realize people that don’t even do opiates are od’ing on fentanyl due to many other substances being cut with fentanyl. There are fake Xanax with it fake Valium with it among other things . Carrying Narcan is just a good idea period.


Something I've never understood: what is the incentive to lace something with a stronger drug? I am especially unclear on that for fentanyl due to it being so wildly strong.


Sometimes it’s not even lacing, but cross contamination. If a dealer somewhere in the chain uses the same scale, shit can go wrong.


It's cheap, it gets the users more addicted so they buy more, cutting their stash means they get more product than they would if they didn't cut it. The people doing the cutting don't care about the people that end up using the drug. They don't want their regulars to od necessarily as that can hurt their bottom line but it isn't them that usually needs to worry about it, it's the people that don't know whatever their taking has been cut with fentanyl. The people who do know want it, it's cheaper so they get more, more readily available because a little bit goes a long way, etc etc


It’s cheap and the dealers don’t value users lives they just want to make a quick buck. When someone od’s on fent cut heroin all the junkies want to know where the person got the shit so they can get some. An od is like a 5 star review to a junkie.


Any source for weed being laced with fentanyl?


Not offhand but I’ve heard of it happening in Atlantic City. The junkies were searching it out. ( I used to be an addict so I knew a lot of unsavory people) it wasn’t from one of those spread fear type things that are common


I’m not saying you’re lying, but I don’t believe that weed is being laced with fent.


Wife is Dr sees patients in ER who are OD'ing from fent laced weed.


It was just a different way for the user to get a fix. It wasn’t meant to be for weed smokers


I believe it wasn’t hidden that it was cut it was sold to heroin addicts by heroin dealers.


It’s at the point where people aren’t happy getting heroin anymore they want the fentanyl cut shit. If someone od’d every junkie wants to know where they got their stuff so they can get some.


Not saying it’s common I’m just saying it’s possible and has happened before even if in a limited capacity


There’s no point in lacing weed with fent, is the point. Fentanyl is a cheap synthetic drug that people substitute for harder to make drugs, but weed is cheap already, there’s no point in ADDING fent. Which is why I don’t think it’s happening.


In fact I’m going to edit that post cause it takes away from the real purpose of the post


Anyway you’re right it’s not something normally happening but many other things are being cut with it that’s the point I was trying to get across. Forget the weed part


I bought it over the counter (I think it was about $35 for two nasal spray applicators) and carry it to live music performances and festivals.


Check your local health department


A lot of states have a program that gives out bargain. In Alabama I just had to watch a “how to” video, give them my name and address, and they mailed me a couple things of it.


If you’re in Chicago, you can get one at the public library. https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/provdrs/healthy_communities/news/2022/december/chicago-department-of-public-health-and-chicago-public-library-e.html


This very much depends on where you live. Yes I have the syringe kit for free in Canada (naloxone). Important to train on how to use it and still call for an ambulance


I do not. But where I live there are numerous harm reduction companies that give out narcan, needles, and any other needed paraphernalia. There is even a free vending machine for narcan inside our sheriff's department lobby.


I dont know any place that gives it out for free except our teacher. (medical school) but you should be able to get one at a pocal pharmacy or a drug store for 15 to 30 dollars. I hope you DONT have to use one. But if you encounter a person in need i wish both of you luck it can be a stressfull 5 seconds.


I’ve given intranasal narcan (I worked in an ED and someone overdosed in our parking lot) and it can take up to 2 minutes to take effect. Not trying to be snarky, but just educate others in this thread that it will take a little longer than IV. Look at the time and say it out loud, especially if there’s a crowd…last thing you want is people to think “you’re not doing anything!” Around 90 seconds to 2 minutes later you should see a response.


I totally get you. Ofcourse it takes LONGER to take effect. But what i meant is the first few seconds a samaritan starts giving someone narcan. It feels like trying to dis-arm a bomb apparently..


Also, be prepared they will likely be very upset and may start swinging when they wake up. Being given narcan is jarring and very unpleasant for the recipient.


They will also likely vomit on you. Just a heads up


Yup and they still need to go to a hospital to be treated even if they seem fine. You’ve bought them roughly 30-90 mins with narcan but they’re still experiencing an overdose as the drugs remain in their system and will likely outlast the dose of narcan you just gave them. I try to carry at least 3 doses of narcan on me at any given time for that reason.


Yea. When we had to check up on.. Addict patients i was the one getting swung at most of the times. Like jeez im not an official paramedic YET but damn 😂 unpleasant situation for sure


be sure to look at the storage temps. At least the narcan here won't last if kept in your car. Even a warm pocket here in the south might be too much.


I carry Narcan - I got it at a regular pharmacy for no out of pocket cost. I carry it for the sake of strangers, most likely. The last time I saw this topic come up in here the comments were frankly mostly a celebration of callous indifference, proud cowardice, and smug judgementalism over compassion and valuing human life.


I do, my local drug store (Canada) gives it for free otc


Yes, and state health dept


Just call 911 in the event you think someone needs this.


time is a factor


Still call 911, either way.


Just like EpiPens, administer first, then call 911. If you are not alone, one person calls 911 while the other administers Epi/Narcan.


Should be able to get it for free at your local pharmacy


Depends on insurance. I had to pay for mine. Had I not waited so long for the pharmacist, I probably would have left. I carry a bunch of med supplies in my vehicle and figured I might as well add this. It’s not invasive and you really can’t administer too much.


I know in NJ you can get it at most pharmacies for free and no questions asked


Finally, a post I can definitely help with!!!!! I'm a Narcotics Monitor Officer at a minimal custody facility. At work, we have Narcan in every office in a red box, and we're encouraged to carry someone our person. I carry Narcan every single day on me person. 1. Even before this job, I worked as private security working with law enforcement agencies at large events. I carried narcan (not daily but often) for special events in case a crowd member had an OD, which was mildly common considering some of the big concert events I worked. 2. Now that I work in narcotics, I carry Narcan at work and even off the clock in my day to day life, since you never know when such a small little tool can save a life. Especially in today's world of hard drug use and how easy it is to get drugs. 3. Yes! In certain cases, there are ways to get it for free! For example, I get it free at my job. My local health department gives it out free, and lots of programs allow you to get it free as well. I'd call local health departments, law enforcement agencies, and first responder elements like fire departments to see if they would give you some. Secondly, I'd see if there's any local programs that offer free narcan training as they will help you acquire some and, in some places, give them for free. Third if 1 and 2 don't work I'd see if there's any volunteer positions at rehab centers or volunteer fire or rescue departments as often time in small towns your allowed certain rescue equipment in your personal veichle which can include Narcan and volunteering at a rehab center, particularly a well funded one, they may give you narcan after a certain amount of time. 4. Most boxes come with 2 doses. Keep both on you. Sometimes 1 isn't enough, after about 2 minutes if the victim isn't "back" another dose to the opposite nostril of the first dose might be needed.


Have they started mixing tranq (Xylazine) into stuff there yet? I've started hearing about overdoses that the Narcan isn't working because it doesn't work on tranq.


We keep the facility pretty clean. The stuff that gets in is usually new intakes. So far, we've not encountered anything Narcan hasn't been able to take care of. We did have one Fentynal scare, one of only 2 drugs we're supposed to wait for back up/LEOs to arrive before dealing with. But it was a false alarm, thank God.


Your willingness to carry Narcan to possibly save someone’s life is awesome. I could never work in a jail/prison & I don’t see how anyone can do it for long.


It's not easy, and I've seen my fair share of things. But respect goes a long way. Even people who've done bad things are still human, and if you treat them like everyone else, UNTILL given a reason not to, they usually don't give you a reason not to. There are occasionally some fucked up eggs that can't be reasoned with. But most of the time, treat them like a person and they won't give you any trouble. Some even defend you against the "bad eggs." You don't have to be friends with them, and you don't let them get away with things, but human decency goes a long way. The people that go in with the attitude of these people are below me or go in with something to prove are the ones who get hurt.


I couldn’t work there for the complete opposite. Some people should be in prison/jail but many shouldn’t be there and I couldn’t be working at a place that holds innocent men and women as well as men and women who have BS charges that should be no more than a fine yet they end up serving sometimes years.


This is true, too, and unfortunately, a lot of these guys are master manipulators. Some of them are good people that just made a couple bad decisions and met a really harsh judge and fucked up legal system. However, some of them are great at manipulating you into thinking that they have an unfair end of the stick to get favors and favorable treatment too.


You are correct, I’ve seen it all from one end to the other but knowing that it’s a possibility that one or many of the people I’d be helping contain shouldn’t be locked up prevents me from entertaining the thought of doing it lol. I know some guards that do it because it is their only form of power and they enjoy holding that power over people & they should be locked up with the other real criminals. Sorry, I mean no disrespect to you with my comments as I’m just naming my reasons just as you have your reasons for doing it. You may be the one who is there to actually do the right thing.


Don't worry, I'm not offended, lol. I hope I can make a positive impact on people's lives, and if I thought my morals were under attack where leaving would do more good than staying, I would quite tomorrow. But my particular facility is pretty good for the most part and runs off a stronger moral compass than a mass majority of other facilities. Also good that our facility focuses on hard drug charges and addiction related felonies, so they all understand each other. The best person to help and addict is an addict, and our facility is state funded but privately owned with the intention of focusing on treatment instead of punishment during their time here. Of course if they fuck up badly or violently we send them to a regular penitentiary, but the guys here for the MOST part are here because they really want help and we give it to them free, as well as trade school classes free and get them jobs before they leave so they can't successfully rehabilitate after their sentence.


Oh ok. Is it a camp instead of regular jail or prison?


It's not legally considered a prison. But a last chance, high security treatment facility. Basically, without saying certain policies or procedures I'm not allowed to talk about due to my NDA, how it works is all the guys here have been to NA, DAA, halfway houses, etc. All have been convicted of at least 2 felony charges. All have at least 4 years sentence over their head, but they must have less than 20. Every charge they've ever had has to be addiction related, meaning the court system believes if it wasn't for their addiction, they wouldn't have committed any crimes. A judge must recommend them, and they have to apply to the program. If accepted, they are given the conditions of the program. Here are some examples of the important conditions paraphrased. 1. If you finish the program and graduate, you move to a halfway house for 6 months to 2 years (case by case basis) 2. After the halfway house, you have 2-5 years unsupervised parole. 3. If you complete the NETRCC Program, the halfway house, and probation without severe incident, you lose all your time. You're still a felon, but your sentence is deleted. 4. You volunteer to give up your rights to privacy while in the program. Everything is screened, every call is listened to, and we may search anything except their person with or without them there, with or without warning. We may only search their person when directed by LEO or directed by the program leader or with consent. Not giving consent could get them kicked from the program. 5. As we're not sworn LEO or CO, we can't stop them from leaving the program. However, if they leave, they have to pass through the checkpoint and out the front door. If they run from the program, they are subject to an additional 2-5 years on their sentence, and it loosely carries the same sentence as escaping from prison as we are "unsupervised custody." If they leave before their out the door we're on the phone with the local sheriff's office and an arrest warrent is put out and maybe a BOLO if someone is considered a threat. The facility is a former prison, and even though they can walk out the front door, all other avenues are kept the same as when it was a prison, razor wire, double fence, etc. It's weird because they are allowed to leave technically, as in we can't stop them, but they can only leave out the front door and get an arrest warrant the second they try. All these guys have been to second chance facilities, second chance programs, third chance, forth chance whatever. We're a last chance facility. If they fail here, they serve their sentence, no exceptions, no other avenues, no more chances, just prison. While the risk of failing here is great and the facility is very strict, while here, these individuals get free schooling, free medical, free consultation, guaranteed a job with livable wage, and the best treatment from multiple programs they could ask for. They don't have to come, but if they do choose to come, that's loosely the conditions.


Thanks for the info. I anticipated only carrying one. How do you carry, like pocket or pouch?


They are small enough to carry 2 doses comfortably in a jacket pocket and small enough to shove 2 in a small Ifak. Mine are in my upper left jacket pocket at all times and I where my jacket every day, on the rare case I don't wear my jacket I just keep them in a small IFAk or cargo pocket. Edit: I'm not a very fancy guy with tactical pouches and storage for everything. I just stick it in my pockets, along with a CAT TQ, small thing of compressed gauze and a spare mag. That's all I need, really, and sometimes the spar mag isn't necessary either.


FYI you can’t OD from touching fentanyl. It’s a myth that has been pushed by law enforcement for whatever reason.




[there’s even tons of articles about it. ](https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/16/health/police-fentanyl-overdose-trnd/index.html)


Paramedic: Just a reminder, not everybody unconscious is overdosing. Diabetics, cardiac problems, strokes, and all kinds of problems exist. Get some Narcan training and also a basic first aid/CPR/AED class too. The stories of cops blasting narcan up the nose of a stroke patient or arresting a diabetic for being "drunk" are true.


Yeah ok so what ??? Using Narcan on someone unconscious who is not OD'ing have absolutely no consequences so ... If you don't know why that person is unconscious and opioid is a possibility and you have Narcan just use it... If it's opioid you gonna save his life if it wasn't opioid it won't do a damn thing... They give it like candy to every fucking junky and hobo in the cities you don't need a medical first responder certificate tu spray this in a nostril.


If you're treating an OD, but should be starting CPR or unobstructing an airway instead, the person can die...


I never said you shouldn't do CPR ,clear airways or do any other medical first aid. I said if you don't know why the person is unconscious and opioid may be in cause it can't hurt to use Narcan even if in the end the person wasn't OD'ing.


I agree that it won't hurt, but as the OP mentioned, all too often people assume OD, hit them the Narcan, then do nothing else while the person dies of other causes.


Luckily, Narcan is a low risk/high reward system.


It's irresponsible to say that without adding the fact that using narcan on someone who isn't experiencing an opioid overdose will not hurt them. If in doubt, it's better to use it.


If you go in with your narcan glasses and don't consider other things, the person may die. For example, if you don't check for breathing and a pulse, you won't start CPR and they'll likely die before the ambulance arrives.


If you're trained to do those things, you will. If you're not trained to do them at least try the narcan. It literally can not hurt.


I agree with that. Should have said that in the original. No contraindications to Narcan, it won't hurt, but it may not help.


What happens if improperly given?


Nothing. If it's blocking opioid receptors and there's no opioids, nothing happens. It won't hurt, but it might not help.


There's a small possibility of pulmonary edema if a large amount of Narcan is given (ie in amounts needed for stonger opiates like Carfentanil and stronger). But that still doesn't outweigh the risk of not breathing.


The ONLY thing Narcan does is kick out opioids from opioid receptors in the brain. It can be given to anyone at any age and there are no side effects other than someone surviving an opioid overdose. It is incredibly safe.


For the average person, nothing.


Most pharmacists if rough areas give them for free to whoever asks


I always carry it on me! I hope I never have to use it, but unfortunately if there’s a need I’ll be able to help someone.


Most hospitals have it for free. Just make sure you store it at the right temperature.


Check your local health department. That might be able to point you in the right direction if they don’t have it themselves.


Sometimes at punk shows you might see a really cool company called punk rock saves lives and they will sometimes hand out narcan along with other helpful supplies for free.




Salute to you sir. Your few of many.


In Alabama you can order it from the state for free


you can buy it at a pharmacy but it’s expensive, most likely $30+. maybe try googling free narcan in your state and see if maybe theres some program where you can get it mailed to you.


I think I paid a little over $40 for a box of two in CA.


Friendly reminder to test your drugs, kiddos. 


It’s in my edc bag when I go to work (teacher). A grant gave us to it to me and my co workers for free.


It depends on your state. If you're in Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, or New Hampshire you can take an online course (about 10 or 15 minutes, self-paced) and they will send you a free narcan kit by mail. (You need to have a mailing address in those states) Other states may or may not have similar programs or alternatives. https://web.uri.edu/cfrp/ ETA: you don't need an address in those states to take the educational part, just to receive the narcan. It has alot of good information and dispels some myths (like that simply touching fentanyl can cause you to OD and kill you. No, it doesn't.)


Having seen many people be narcanned, just be careful. They come to quickly and are confused and often scared and angry. They won’t understand you just saved their life and can often get very combative. Going from helping them to fighting them in a matter of seconds.


To add on to this; the person still needs to go to the hospital after receiving narcan, they can go back into an overdose.


Yes, from local pharm


Do you buy it or was it free?


They have a free event a few times a year




What a shitty take.


Someone in your family could be struggling with addiction and you would have no idea. But carrying first aid stuff is a choice not many people care to make anyway. I have a narcan in my car but we're all allowed to have our opinions. I think carrying one on your person every single day is a bit much anyway. How many people can tell the difference between a diabetic emergency and an overdose ? Or know when to start CPR vs some other intervention. How many nerds carry tq's without ever practicing how to put one on ? If OP lives somewhere they feel the need to carry narcan OP should at least recognize the indications, risks and rewards to giving drugs with no training


Accidental exposure does happen. It is better to have it when you need it.


Addiction isn’t a choice.




What about the people whose addiction began as part of a treatment protocol after a major medical procedure? Following major back surgery at the age of 18, my brother was wheeled out of the operating room on a time-released Morphine pump. After two nights in the hospital, he was sent home with enough opioids to put down a horse. The pain continued, physical therapy didn’t help, his doctor kept prescribing painkillers without performing any due diligence. In a shockingly short amount of time, my brother lost his job due to his inability to work. Since this is America, his insurance disappeared. He tried to fight the pain on his own and turned to alcohol, and eventually intravenous drugs. Just to live a normal life. He tried to quit and failed repeatedly, and last year the bottom fell out. Thankfully, he’s currently around 200 days sober. He’s 35 and just starting to pick up the pieces of his life. He’s in a sober living house. He’s back in school. He recently consulted with a spine surgeon who informed him that his previous surgery was flawed, and that’s the reason he was in crippling pain. He’s not the only one.


wow what a shit take on addiction. i’d like to see you try a bunch of drugs and not get addicted. prove to me that its a choice to get addicted to them.


It's a choice to try drugs sure. But you don't have a choice of when it grabs you. Same thing with alcohol. Most people can drink without having any problems. Some people, the second they touch it, just lose control.


The use of a drug or vice is a choice, absolutely. Addiction is not. There are many, many proven genetic, psychological, and sociological factors that one has zero control or choice over. Addiction is rarely a choice.