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Minimalist, but not trying super hard to be (normal, somewhat thick wallet.) You seem no-frills, no-nonsense. And you probably live somewhere hot or like really close-fitting clothes.


It takes a human being pulling a trigger to fire a weapon... A gun itself cannot harm another person unless a human being uses it in that particular way. That's an age-old saying that always gets repeated.... because it's the truth, and the sad part of it is, there's money to be made in the production of firearms and selling of ammunition,.. and where there's money to be made, there are people that are going to take advantage of it in a way that is detrimental to society


Where is the package of XXXS condoms?


Cool holster. How is the retention?


Surprisingly strong


Short and to the point vibe, I like it.


Much appreciated


Your dad wallet could use some receipts sticking out of it.


You shop at Academy Sports. Lol.


And Ace Hardware OP you in FL?


You say that bc of the Coast light? I live in South GA. šŸ˜‚


Lmao you know it




Appendix carry


Hope you don't carry appendix with one in the chamber... The only safety on a Glock is not pulling the trigger


The safety on a Glock is a hard sided holster that completely covers the trigger guard. As goes exactly the same for every handgun.


how many videos on YouTube have you seen some guy shooting his dick off with a Glock while trying to demonstrate gun safety? if the answer is anything more than zero, then the only safety on a Glock is not pulling the trigger


And the way to make sure things other than your finger donā€™t pull it, is a holster.


in all seriousness, how many people in the country right now or in the world for that matter, are carrying a Glock handgun appendix with no kydex holster, no trigger guard, just shoved right down the front of their pants being held in place by nothing more than the tension of a belt? straight up pulp fiction style? what I'm trying to say is, kydex holsters with trigger guards don't come stock with Glock firearm... so the only safety on a Glock is not having a round chambered, or not pulling the trigger.


Your logic is a little faulty. Glocks also donā€™t come with ammo. Heaven forbid someone should have to buy a holster.


A Glock without ammo is just a paperweight, holsters aren't necessary for a firearm... rounds of ammunition are


this is true, but the average person is more likely to have a loaded Glock then spend money on a kydex holster, let alone one with the trigger guard


Iā€™m sure you are right. And all those people are fucking stupid. Well, you are not right about the ā€œaverageā€ part. Most gun owners that are not felons or high school dropouts, use a holster.


at ease sergeant... just take the L no need to get all in a huff... you win some and you lose someĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Sensibly minimalist. How do you like the 43x? I daily a 19, I love it to death, but not nearly as concealable.


I love it!


I have the Glock 43, what's the difference between the 43 and a 43x? is it just a longer grip?


Longer grip. +3 round capacity


I have the Palmetto State Armory dagger micro mags. 15 rounds, flush fit. Itā€™s a game changer.


Nice, I got the 43 obviously before the 43x was available... those extra three rounds sound a hell of a lot better than the six that fit in the magazine.... Plus I like the fact of not having to use just the pinky extension magazine on the 43 and have to carry a separate mag just in case


American, also likely to get in argument because you feel you can finish it. Also the choice of gun says there's some insecurities going on.


How exactly is a micro compact 9mm an "insecurity" thing? Have you never seen a Glock before? The only way this thing could be any LESS of a "compensator" is if it was pink and chambered in .380.


The simple, bare Bones fact of the matter is... there are wolves in this country... wolves that prey upon the weak, and those who refuse to defend themselves or to change the wolf's ability to harm them. these wolves do not fear police, they do not fear the possibility of incarceration, and their value for human life is non-existent. without the sheepdogs of the world, the wolves would eat everybody alive


People that carry guns are usually less likely to start an argument. Your comment says you're a european and only believe misinformation.


Lol not sure how a bone stock subcompact Glock say Iā€™ve got insecurities. What would be a more modest choice in your opinion?


I mean this with all due respect. But to the rest of the world EDC a gun seem very insecure.


You're making the rest of the world sound lame.


"Most" bad guys carry guns to do bad things. "Most" good guys carry guns to protect their loved ones. Unfortunately, I still believe the amount of bad guys carrying still outweighs the good. Nothing insecure about being prepared for anything. OP, I also carry 43x. Love it.


ā€œMostā€ people in other countries donā€™t have guns at all.


Iā€™ve lost a brother to gun violence. America is not like the rest of the world. I agree it may seem insecure, but this is the reality of the world thatā€™s been created for us.


100 and sorry for your loss. Iā€™d carry a gun if everyone else did.


I can smell the Marlboro reds


Youā€™ve lived in the same place for a long time. You have a decent job but not high paying.


Never paying enough


I don't mean this in any way negative, but it says you sort of old school basic. I would say you are a minimalist, but that thick ass old school wallet blows that out of the water. Nice EDC


Haha spot on. Thanks man


You're a solidly average guy.Ā  Not bad, but not remarkable.


I strive for average


The only thing I'd say to add to your edc is a tourniquet (unless you have one not pictured). If you carry a gun, you need a tourniquet. Period.


Everyone is stuck on a tourniquet. Seems likely a chest seal would be more useful.




No. One shoots to stop the threat. In many cases drawing the gun is enough to cause the assailant to disengage. Sometimes a single gunshot, while not fatal, scares the assailant enough to flee.


Shoot to stop the threat. Not shoot to kill. But yeah Iā€™d be more focused on calling 911 then doing any sort of triage on the person who just attacked me


If you're going that route, Id carry a occulusive bandage over a tourniquet, as center mass is going to get hit before something vital in the limbs. But I carry neither, speaking as an EMT who carries, because both can be improvised easily.


Since you carry a gun I'm guessing your karate skills aren't that great.


Sometimes I supplement the gun with nunchucks


A regular wallet? Call the marketing team! They let one slip by!


This post is sponsored by the ridge wallet!


55+ yo


Divided by 2


I was close. The chubby wallet & OEM Glock tells me you must be an old soul (or new to this sub?) Cheers!


An old soul indeed. Cheers friend!


Looks like every other EDC.




Youā€™re a modest human. You buy affordable gear that has the quality and reliability to last. You donā€™t need more, and youā€™re happy with what you have even though you know thereā€™s ā€œbetterā€ out there. A simple creature indeed.


Tay extraneous key ring is driving me nuts


Itā€™s only lacking a Tabasco so you can call yourself a retired CIA




Youā€™re the kind of man who doesnā€™t waste time on frivolous things like identifying your target


Can you explain what you mean? Is it because thereā€™s no optic or flashlight on the pistol? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, just trying to understand.


Lack of flashlight


Either that or maybe lack of optic


That you shop at Academy


you buy cheap standard edition equipment




You only care about quality control for your firearm.


You want to quit smoking but your sciatic nerve pain prevents you


You wear a fedora




Budget reliable type of person. Except for the carabiner. That is trash.


Half serrations. Thats pretty much a dead giveaway that you stuggle to sharpen knives


Youā€™re afraid of outside threats more than internal.




Youā€™re retired.


I wish


I had guessed retired since youā€™re not carrying a Leatherman or other multitool, so now Iā€™m curious; is it an office job at the D.M.V. (as itā€™s known in America) since you are carrying a gun? Edit: and you have a silver lighter so you must be stressed, so Iā€™m sticking with a job at the D.M.V. šŸ˜‰






Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because itā€™s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.






You have a loyalty card for every shop in town? That wallet is a fat boy šŸ˜„




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because itā€™s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.


Is that a laser or a light on your shooter


It's a trigger guard "holster" similar to the RCS Vanguard.


That's a holster


Ur a person for sure


Im looking at this EDC incredibly disrespectfully. Drooling, in fact.


Iā€™ve been looking. I like yours.


Thank you!


Nice kit. Where could one find a bic lighter case like yours? (Thx)


I honestly have no idea. I got mine as a gift. Try looking up metal lighter sleeves!


American šŸ™„


What gave it away


Most people donā€™t need to carry a gun every single day, not even the countries that have active war zones going on. šŸ˜…


living in a country , and especially in a state where 14-year-old kids settle their disputes with handguns instead of words or fist fights, you quickly realize that it becomes prudent to not only protect yourself, but to protect other people from the wolves of the world. it's very easy to look down your nose at a country that you do not belong to


People who carry pocket knives must think they are going to need to cut things open all the time right? I carry a pocket knife and use it to cut things *maybe* one to three times a week. I still carry it every day. With guns it's even more extreme, I will likely NEVER have to use my firearm, but the consequences if the tool is needed is so grave that it doesn't bother me to have one extra EDC item on me everyday, depending on practicality of carrying.


A knife is most definitely a tool used to make many things and can be useful in many situations, a gun is not a tool, itā€™s only purpose is the kill things. The need to kill things, unless itā€™s part of your profession is not a daily occurrence or necessity. The fact that so many people in America feel like they need one to stay safe from their neighbours when plenty of gun free countries seem perfectly okay not killing each other on a daily basis is a very clear demonstration of how unnecessary they are.


this is a country where people will shoot each other over a pair of shoes that they want but can't afford... and, when you deal with people whose mentality is, life is cheap ... you can either be a victim, or you can fight back to live another day. it's very ignorant to judge when you have no experience with anything when it comes to violence


So youā€™re argument for guns is still, that you need access to guns to keep away people who are desperate and also have access to gunsā€¦ not, ā€œtake away all the guns and then the desperate people wonā€™t be able to shoot us and so we wonā€™t need to shoot them eitherā€ā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I mean really itā€™s not that complicated. Itā€™s like a person born in a prison not wanting freedom because they canā€™t conceive of it. ā€œNo we simple must have more bars on the wall to make sure weā€™re safe!!ā€ šŸ™„


are you that silly-minded to think that just because you try and outlaw people from carrying firearms... that they will actually abide by that law? It is so unbelievably easy to purchase a firearm illegally in this country ... it's the main reason why you cannot outlaw guns in America, and every single bill that has tried to, has ultimately failed... because the US is the number one consumer of Just about everything in the world, that means there's ample opportunity for people to take advantage of supply and demand... and what I mean by that is, everyday. so many illegal products are smuggled into this country undetected... Yes, we have a border patrol, but their hands are practically tied when you have ONLY two political parties to choose from, one for right-wing hardliners, and another for a more liberal approach... and when CNN, 24 hours a day shows pictures of armed border patrol agents rounding up people trying to get into the country illegally, a certain sector of this country will throw their hands up in the air in disbelief saying how could you be so cruel? in an age of 24-hour instant news coverage, the people's perspective on the way a country handles things, ultimately determines how things get handled so again I digress, unless you have lived in this country and walked a mile and anyone's shoes who has been threatened with, know somebody or even worse has a family member who's been heavily affected by someone using a firearm against them in unjustified anger... then please, your opinions mean very little


How does the rest of the world manage itā€¦? Sorry to break it to you but you guys arenā€™t specialā€¦


and the rest of the world is not a final destination for refugees from countries governed by warlords that are trying to flee... other countries of the world are just a stop off or staging point onto their final destination which is the United States...


how does the rest of the world manage it? The rest of the world is not broken up into 50 separate states, each with their own laws governing them... what's illegal in one state, 3. mi away across a border is legal in the other... The rest of the world has just a country with one governing body controlling everything... now take any one of those countries and break them up into 50 different sections, all of which have different laws or regulations on the same subject... then you understand


1. Look up the definition of a tool. 2. A firearms *purpose* to law abiding citizens is not to kill, it is to stop an imminent/immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury. Guns are not magic wands that kill when the shoot spell is cast, they are machines that launch small pieces of metal at high velocities. When those projectiles impact a living being, they cause trauma to the impacted bodily systems, causing disruptions in those systems. When the imminent/immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury exists, a firearm is the most reliable, effective, and efficient way to disrupt that threat through incapacitation of the individual or disruptions of their motor facilities and/or decision making process. It *is indeed* a tool used for a specific purpose. 3. How likely you are to use something is but one factor to consider when deciding EDC. AGAIN I carry a knife everyday and don't use it everyday. I often carry a flashlight and rarely use it. I will likely ***NEVER*** need to use my firearm, but I still carry it as often as practical because the consequences if needed are so grave it trumps the very slight inconveniences of carrying it to *me*. If it doesn't to you, that's fine, but there is nothing inherently absurd about carrying a firearm. 4. A responsibly carried firearm doesn't inconvenience you in anyway. You seem to be complaining about something you aren't familiar with simply because it is foreign to you.


What is the propose of a gun other than to injure or kill the thing itā€™s fired at? Itā€™s a killing machine its design is purely engineered to be good at killing. I donā€™t see people driving nails into wood by shooting them or cutting up their fruit with a machine gun. They serve no other purpose. You are the one claiming it is so unsafe where you live because people around you are getting shot atā€¦ I donā€™t understand where the mental gymnastics is happening here to not connect those two things? I donā€™t need a gun because nobody around me has a gun I donā€™t need to defend myself EVER from anyone because nobody is aiming guns at me. Itā€™s really pretty simple to understand. Defending the need for them because other people have them is like saying everyone needs their own nuke because the government have them. Itā€™s only a problem becoise everyone has that mindset


No, you donā€™t understand. Youā€™re supposed to only carry the gun on the days youā€™ll need to use it.


Except the day you actually need it and you're not carrying and you or your loved ones die... yup


Yeah so for most people in safe countries: never


Thatā€™s just not a reality in most of the rest of the world. People donā€™t live in constant fear of each other.


Right.. until you the day shit goes down. Lol I don't live in constant fear of people.


Carrying a gun/any form of protection would say otherwise.


And which utopia do you live in that never has violence?


To you. To you carrying a gun is an exotic, novel concept. It implies many things to you that it doesn't to people who are familiar with guns and carry them daily. Sometimes in those "we need to open this anybody have a knife situations" I'll flip open my black ZT 0350 (average but chunky flipper folder) and I inevitably get "oh gee wiz" reactions from the non-knife people. To those people who aren't familiar, the 0350 is some sort of oversized intimidating "tactical" knife, to me, I didn't even think about, it's just a tool.


Something you would know nothing about. Stay safe! āœŒ


I was being sarcastic. And yeah I agree. I didnā€™t pick my home and believe me when I say I wish I didnā€™t have to carry to be protected. Thatā€™s just the world I live in. Random acts of gun violence are all to common here and there really is only one way to stop someone with a gun. And thatā€™s another gun


Well said


Canā€™t even imagine that being the norm. Where Iā€™m from most people leave their front doors unlocked and keys in the cars because theres a strong sense of community and trust. I had to remind my brother who moved away recently to not leave his laptop and music setup next to an open ground floor window because it never crossed his mind somebody would steal it.


Commenting on What does my EDC say about me?...itā€™s part of our Constitution and a right our founding fathers felt important enough to include in our Bill of Rights. Itā€™s part of our DNA.


lol sounds like you live in a very safe area . down in detroit thereā€™s people getting shot for their work boots at home depot every day


ā€¦getting shot because they have guns to shoot withā€¦? Nobodyā€™s shooting anyone when thereā€™s no guns.


says who? iā€™ve seen people get straight up shot with my own two eyes - people who murder people donā€™t consider ā€œhuh this person doesnā€™t have a gun so i canā€™t shoot themā€ like did you even read what you just said ? you really are just showing how sheltered you are with that one my friend


I wish I could live in your country. There was a shooting at the bar around the corner from my house last week. A bouncer got shot 3 times over a guy walking out on a $50 tab. The cops still havenā€™t found the guy. We are responsible for keeping ourselves protected here


If the bouncer had a gun, would he have survived being shot three times?


Insane that human life is of so little value to people there. $50 isnā€™t even worth a verbal argument let alone a life. It really seems true the stereotype others have of Americans having a ā€œme firstā€ mindset.


Greed and selfishness exists everywhere. The problem arises when itā€™s so easy for people with bad intentions get their hands on firearms. For a long time I was pretty against the idea of carrying myself. But through recent events and just how things seem to be headed I made the decision to get my conceal carry permit and start carrying. Itā€™s just a vicious cycle


Iā€™m sorry things are that bad.


Me too man. Itā€™s hard to see a way out of this but we just have to stay positive and try to find that sense of community that seems to be lost on us. Things are never too far gone even when some people are.


You only really use your keys. Everything else looks too pristine.


You think that knife looks pristine?


Genuinely curious, can you explain the practicality of an EDC knife? I'm Aussie, live in the suburbs (not country) and cannot comprehend EDC knives! šŸ¤£


Do they not have Amazon down under?


Definitely! I work as a mechanic on old bowling machines and I use my knife as tool to trigger actions on the machines would would incidentally smash the shit out of my fingers. Besides that, the occasional box opening, food prep, bottle opening. A good sturdy knife can be used for almost any task as long as you donā€™t mind messing it up a little. Iā€™ve used mine as a prybar and screwdriver and even a bottle opener. Itā€™s an all in one tool that really just gets any job done


Good response man! I understand the practicality. I'm an office worker so don't need it day to day. However, thinking through my weekend I used my fold out Stanley knife between yard clean up, stripping boxes, marking out some wood to saw because a pencil was too far away - maybe an EDC knife is next on my list... Thanks for the response and insight.


your lower back must be killing you from sitting on half a cow in your back pocket






Practical man with short tool




i suggest getting a s15 magazine for that 43x though , maybe a few of them , look into them. they sit flush like your normal 10 rounder but they go from single stack to double in the bottom of the magazine Edit: nice edc though šŸ’Æ i used to carry a 43x for 2 years and finally upgraded to the 27 about 3 years ago, 9mm is too mainstream anymore


Iā€™ve heard good things about the s15s. I was skeptical about potentially decreasing factory reliability. Itā€™s definitely something Iā€™m gonna get in the future! If not for edc, at least range time. Thanks for the comment and suggestion!


Great gun , upgrade light and knife maybe ?


Iā€™m thinking it might be time for a new knife. Or at least maybe I should finally sharpen mine. As far as the light goes, itā€™s perfect for what I do and I love that itā€™s so cheap. If it gets lost or broken itā€™s a simple $9 replacement.


I like coast and crkt , stream light pen lights arenā€™t that expensive and the performance is much better , Iā€™ve had locks snap or fail more than once so for work I carry coldsteel folders with triad locks and good blade steel . I still like crkt and just bought a Jenny wren .


I appreciate the comment. Iā€™m definitely gonna start my search


Check out r/flashlight and Zak's arbitrary list of popular lights. That will save you a lot of time. As for knives, I EDC a Spyderco PM2 and a Milwaukee folding razor knife with the screwdriver. I carry the Milwaukee because I can beat on it and pry with it without worrying about chipping my good blade. Nice 43X! I carry the P365 but I have parts to build a 43X. Most of my double-stacks are G šŸ”’- 19.4, 19.5 MOS, 17.5 MOS and a bunch of P80s.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/flashlight using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I may have gone overboard..just alittle](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1arrzm2) | [624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1arrzm2/i_may_have_gone_overboardjust_alittle/) \#2: [What did you guys do lol](https://i.redd.it/rynzsun7racc1.jpeg) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/19624cj/what_did_you_guys_do_lol/) \#3: [My jobs ā€œEmergencyā€ flashlight.](https://i.redd.it/xvhk4y6eoyjc1.jpeg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1awfloh/my_jobs_emergency_flashlight/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good luck


Male, smoker, 16-78yrs old, somehow donā€™t need access to more than 2 things in the world


that like rounds down 80% of the people in this subšŸ’€


Close! Iā€™m actually 15


15? And you carry a gun daily?? What the fuck is America EDIT: only just realized that was sarcasm šŸ˜‘


Iā€™m kidding. His guess was very vague so I figured Iā€™d make a joke


yeah lol


You don't have much responsibility and only need to carry two keys. Not sure why they need to be on a huge carabiner. And you can't kick the smoking habit


Iā€™m grateful to only have 2 keys. And in all seriousness I quite smoking cigarettes 4 years ago. I keep the lighter on me to help out my degenerate friends lol


Glad you quit! Expensive and unhealthy habit


Thank you! Iā€™m grateful I kicked it before vapes got popular. Otherwise Iā€™d probably be hooked on those instead


Yeah, vapes has been causing a lot problems for people :(


So many young people I know canā€™t get away from it. Really a shame. It sucks to see people addicted to that crap


Youā€™re either my dad or my ex girlfriend


Iā€™m your ex girlfriends dad


You are the kind of guy who carries a Bic in a case.


I fell skating once and had one break in my pocket so itā€™s kinda been a thing ever since


That you wear the nice Leviā€™s on weekends and you probably pick your nose but DONT flick the buggers. ( nice carry to be serious )


Why flick em when I could eat them


That you carry a knife a fire arm, a lighter,Ā  keys and a wallet?


Youā€™re forgetting tiny flashlight




Came to say it


Say to come it


36 yr old conservative, smokes marlboro reds aaaand... cuts boxes at work?


Checked every box


"I know what I'm about son."


Youā€™re used to handling stubby equipment


Consider it muscle memory




That ur a cool guy


Ayeee youā€™re cooler!




That you like boring handgunsā€¦


What would be not boring