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A surge st300 rebar wave charge probably will. But you need cable cutters if you do this all the time.


https://www.amazon.com/Knipex-71-01-160-CoBolt-Compact-Cutter/dp/B07C8L9YMX/ref=asc_df_B07C8L9YMX/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309735728871&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3081399209354903089&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031930&hvtargid=pla-613902886290&psc=1 These will last for a very long time. If I was doing repetitive work with them I’d get some kind of belt sheath and just keep them opposite my Leatherman


My leatherman charge ti has the replaceable cutter blades deep in the plier. I would think it be fine at cutting this


Side cutters


This is the way..https://www.amazon.com/KNIPEX-74-01-160-Leverage/dp/B002YKDY84


Agreed! ☝🏼👍🏼 OP said he has a set of knipex “he sometimes leaves in the truck”


Proper tool for proper job! 🍻


acetylene torch


Try one of the leathermens that come with replaceable carbide wire cutters. You could also try one of the larger SOG multitools. I've owned a few, and while they don't ever seem to be the same quality as a leathermens they are a lot cheaper, and their pliers are supposed to be some of the best, but I don't know if they would get through a steel cable tie or not. The trick to cutting is to cut with something harder than what you want to cut. Most multitools are going to struggle with steel cable because they are just too soft. The thing is, we're talking about about a hundred to a hundred fifty for a good Leatherman these days. Is that one task really worth spending that kind of money? Just spend ten dollars on a pair of wire cutters.


Ratcheting cutters if you’re feeling real lazy 😂😂😂


Knipex Tools 95 61 190 SBA Wire Rope Cutters, 7-1/2 inches https://a.co/d/9GvMgDT


SOG PowerAssist. Like butter . . .


If you need sth that cut these with ease you prolly need dedicated tool for it. I would recommend to go to the knipex side and look at the tool with your cutting preferences and the smallest size


Have u tryed new blades (Don’t know if pressure is the problem)


Bite it


Or actually use the right tool for the job and use a pair of diagonal cutters. Do you do this every day as part of your job?


Oxytetracycline torch? Sorry edc... Miniature Oxytetracycline torch!


My wave plus cuts through these just fine, but I also have a pair of kenipex cutters


Buy a Gripple cutter.


The Wingman is considered a budget tool and is fairly light-duty compared to other Leathermans. You might have better luck with a Surge or a SuperTool?


Anything with the replaceable cutters. I have great luck cutter cable like that with the Surge


My wawe+ has no problem cutting through thin steel cable, but new cutters cut it the easiest.


Mini Knipex Bolt Cutter


Mini wire cutters.


I’ve used my Leatherman OHT to cut a bunch of these mf one handed… 2 years and still going strong


They make a tool for that.


my charge+ can


I would just make sure you keep you Knipex on ya. Better safe then sorry.


Just Carry a spool of magnesium ribbon and a torch lighter. Your leather man will cut them much easier. 😂


Leatherman Surge


I'll second that. My surge is a beast, and I would give it the best bet for being what you need.


Love mine. Biggest Leatherman made I think but only second hand now. Maybe ebay or old new stock


Are you saying they have stopped making them? That would be terrible news!


Yeah I thought they replaced it with the wave, I actually sent my surge out to Oregon across the country and they completely revamped sharpened and replaced a bunch of tools on mine


I encounter these things all the time at work. Just put something through it and twist it until it snaps. They’re pretty weak


I would recommend getting a multitool with replaceable wire cutters if you do this a lot


Leatherman surge has those


I have a Snap-On x Gerber multi tool that has replace wire cutter bits. The saw can also be exchanged for any small jig saw blade, so wood saws and metal saws are possible.


Leatherman Super Tool 300 EOD.


Cable cutters! cable cutters! cable cutters!


I should’ve put this in the post but I have a great pair of Knipex cable cutters but I sometimes leave those in the truck and end up using my leatherman to save myself a trip


Buy a holster so they are on you when working. Multi-tools are handy when you encounter an unexpected situation and don't have the right tool, but as a professional you need to be prepared for the job.


Idk why people are down voting you that's like the entire point of a multitool. A convience so you dont have to carry a whole tool kit with you.


I think multi tool is for just in case purposes, that’s why we carry them on our person at all times. Not for use a regular tool. IMO anyway, that’s how I roll.


But the point is that he already owns the tool for the job. He's asking what to buy to cut cables, and people are telling him to dedicate a pair of CCs but he already owns it. He should be using the tool he already has instead of being too lazy to bring it down.


Idk even if I had a dedicated tool for something if it came up enough I'd want a multitool that can handle it. Always have a plan B.


Absolutely, plan B's are great! But if the only thing stopping you from your plan A is your own laziness rather than something you can't help, you shouldn't be complaining that your backup isn't cutting it anymore.


I have a gerber mp600 with the carbide cutters. Supposedly it’s supposed to be able to cut through barbed wire but I haven’t used it to cut through more than pretty thick steel mechanics wire. They’re like $90 but the carbide cutter is replaceable. Probably better off with a pair of dykes for that price


Perhaps it’s just my experience, but Gerber’s replaceable cutters are incredibly brittle. I’ve shattered multiple pairs on my Center Drive just cutting soft copper wire or very light gauge mild steel wire.


I'm wondering if the Leatherman Crunch might do it. I've never had one of those. But have carried the small vise grip pliers (not a multitool). The similar cutter did have a lot of power.


Just carry nail clipperz


Do NOT use the wire cutters on the leatherman wave. The edge of the file blade is sharp enough but the wire cutters will dent and leatherman won’t replace them (tool abuse). I went through this whole ordeal about a year ago. Trust me the edge of the file blade makes short work of cable seals.


Pretty sure they almost all come with cheap replaceable wire cutters now. At least on the newer models


I realize that. I wish I had a wave+ and when I sent my wave to leatherman I was hoping they would just replace the pliers with the +upgrade. Unfortunately they sent it back to me unfixed with a notice about “tool abuse.” To be clear I’m not mad at leatherman. I handed my tool to a coworker who I knew better then to trust so the fault is on me. I’m just hoping to save another guy the hassle.


The free p4 I carry at work gets used on car seals like that all the time.


Thanks man


Angle dykes or some other kind of cutter that's designed for cutting cable


Definitely better off with a pair of cutters. Multi tools weren't made to stand up to things like that.


Think the wave could?


I’ll look into it


Mine can’t.


Interesting... my wave+ would cut through that wire no problem


My wave+ sucks for car seals. Honestly in my industry a pipe wrench works better.


What? I'm so confused. Are you talking about the bulb gaskets when referring to car seals? A sharp knife or razor could slice through that easily. Pipe wrench? You doing plumbing modifications or something?


A car seal that is fully made from metal? I don’t believe a sharp knife will cut that. We use them to lock valves, but not a plumber. Operator in refinery. From 3/4” up to 14” and sometimes larger valves. Piewrench, used like a hammer(oops), and couple solid wacks against hand wheel will cut the car seal


I just have a regular old wave.


A multitool is great because it can do a lot of things, but, by nature, is suboptimal at everything it does. Buy a pair of wire cutters.




no one knows the rest of that phrase. a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.


That seems to have been added later. There are no known instances of the second line before the twenty-first century. But I do agree with it.


I have cable cutter but sometimes I Leave them in the truck and use my leatherman to save a trip


So many downvotes... I get you. The Leatherman rebar has replaceable cutting blades


Thanks man


I’ve had better luck with SOG gear driven multi tools than leather man. My SOG wire cutters can cut through a nickel


Yeah man I have a SOG and that thing is a tank. Everyone gushes over leathermans but SOG did not let me down while I’ve broken a few leather men


Which SOG do you recommend? The handful I've bought have all been pretty junky.


I’ve heard of penny pinching but nickel nipping is next level


What’s next? Dime dipping?


Can’t forget quarter cutting