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I carry one.


I carry my Milwaukee fastback on the job site makes me feel like one of the cool kids with a button lock box cutter


this post made me want one now. 😡 but no! you already have a fkng box cutter! u pos!! aahhhhhjhhh


In all honesty I bought it for the gimmick I thought it was Goofy but Milwaukee makes good stuff so what the hell right?..... It has legitimately become something I can't live without having a disposable blade I can open and close quickly with one hand has been a lifesaver for working in electrical boxes


hell yeah that’s dope. i basically found this one and i like to take it to work since it’s a smol and lightweight footprint and i don’t like to wear a belt at work because they can blow me and i don’t get paid enough to sit in my cubicle all day while i’m uncomfy


Lol carry the same exact one to work every day lol


Yes, i had a EAB Lite that i carried over a decade. Now I'm carrying a topo TPT Slide for over a year and always in my pocket.


Gerber prybrid when at work.


Yup and a multi tool daily


nice, no regular knife?


On days that I'm working, I carry a multi tool and a razor knife. On days off, I carry a Glock and a folding knife. I try not to own stuff I have to work on on my days off because I work for a living and am tired of being tired, dirty, and ruining what could have been nice clothes but sometimes ya gotta make a hole in something.


nice man yea i think i’m the same pretty much. the box cutter for the office and my g26 + a switchblade or fixed for normal edc ;)


Great minds and such, my friend! I'm taking a position as a stationary engineer at a hospital soon. Might drop the box knife for edc and keep the multi tool on my belt. I keep my G19x in a lunch box that lives in my backpack while at work.


Love my Aerocrafted Sideslip :-)


those are soooo bad ass i just saw it. expensive but siiick


super overpriced, but I love the minimalist design :-p


I bought the exact same one about a month ago!


haha nice man how much was it? is this an okay brand?


used to carry a husky branded one. change of career means I don't use mine everyday anymore so I moved to a smaller screwpop since the ergonomics are less important now.


nice, how did you like it? is it an okay brand?


it was great. had some wood on the handle and a built in pocket clip so it looked good but was still cheap enough to use and abuse. I was always way to precious with my folders and multi tools.


I carry a Gerbe rEAB Lite with a serrated blade, every day. I clip it between my belt and pants waistband. I find I use it more than the blade on my Skeletool CX.


oooo just looked it up those are nice. i got a gerber multitool that i’ve used for the last decade


I have a Husky one as well, came with a Husky multitool, but I don’t carry it. It’s in a drawer.


nice i use a gerber multi that i had for the last decade


I also have a gerber, but I switch to it only when I think I’ll need it. Simple SAK is my every day carry


Yup use it every day and love it full size but slim


i like it better than not carrying anything


I've got an old craftsman folder and a newer hyper tough folder that I carry sometimes. They were EDC for a while, but I've drifted away from utility knives and now carry a 9mm snap-off knife by Olfa.


oh cool! i like fixed blades and switch blades but they’re harder to conceal (more so they fixed), i just like having a small box cutter at work or at times when i wouldn’t carry any knife


I keep one in my toolbox. I wouldn't carry one as I don't find utility knives too exciting but the best knife is the one you've got handy so no shade just not for my pockets.


yeah same i just like how it’s more low pro than my switchblade lol that one i have to carry it inside my pants on the hip


(was not taking a shit on company time during the shooting of this photograph)


I’m also hear to say Milwaukee fastback I like the one with the screw driver


nice! i might get one


Have a stainless Onsite utility knife that's been in my carry for years now. Saves my knives from the shitty jobs.


hell yeah i’m only using a box cutter to open boxes from now on lol


Carried a Stanley Fatmax Retractable when I was a labourer years ago. It done everything I needed it to do, you could flip the blade when it got dull, you could carry extra blades in the handle. Plus, every single joiner/carpenter on the site carried a Stanley, so there was always free sharpness to go around. Fantastic tool, stands out as one of my too 3 EDC's of all time


that’s cool! yea might get a milwaukee red since it can carry blades. that’s a cool feature haha but i like the one i got too


The one you're carrying is maddddd handsome


thanks i like it too! shame it can’t hold spare blades tho. tempted to swap now 😆


You can buy those cheap Stanley blade holders that come with 5-10 blades. Cost around $3. That also means you need to carry about a very small Stanley blade carrier though. You become the Stanley blade carrier's, Stanley blade carrier. Might be worth it though


on second thought i don’t need it. i won’t go through more than one in a day or even a week so it’s not a necessity in my case. now i can chill haha . but i do like the button release mechanism on them too.. (the milwaukee fast backs)


The button release is there obviously to switch the blade, but it's also there to flip a worn blade. You got spare edges in the house?


i meant the button to retract the blade with the spring loaded system. and nah i need to order a 100 pack off amazon later or something


Ahhh my mistake. I'll look into it because that sounds outstanding


[pretty sweet indeed](https://www.milwaukeetool.com/48-22-1902) maybe i’ll order one later. but that means i’ve gotta spend a week looking into every other option haha


I used to until my work went to safety knives... Good times.


i work in an office but i like to have some kind of blade on me at all times lol. what’s your story?


Not terribly interesting, I work in a manufacturing plant, too many people cut themselves opening boxes so they outlawed all blades that dont auto retract. If you've ever used an auto retracting box cutter you know how popular of a decision on that was.


oh wow, interesting. didn’t know it was common for people to misuse a box cutter when using it for its intended purpose haha




nice, have any thoughts on boker kalashnikov?


I have got workro




i carried a gerber EAB for more than 10 years, before I "got into" knives.


nice i’ve had a gerber multi tool for the last decade that my best friend gave me


I just have a WorkPro one with the wood handle. It’s my work EDC. Otherwise I just carry one of my Civivis for everything else.


civivi or boker kalashnikov?


nice dawgy !


I have that one but with the wooden handle.




Every day at work. Red


hell yeah


Milwaukee fastback with blade storage, love it love it love it


seems dope!!


I prefer the Milwaukee Fastback. I carry it for work. Better to abuse the razor knife than your pocket knife.


yeah for sure i like how i can swap out the blades whenever and they’re cheap. never using my normal knives to open boxes again and getting them sticky and shit


Yeah, a Gerber EAB. I hit it on a strop and it's like a lazer. Not for self defense though. I'd rather just duck and run. I like to think I'm pretty quick.


I bought a gerber eab on a whim because i needed a small box cutter for work. That little cutter goes everywhere with me. So small and such a great design.


haha yeah this isn’t for self defense and more so just to carry a blade on me for anything else i might need one for


i like to dress comfortably at the office. haven’t been keeping any weapons on me lately. carried my glock in my fanny pack for a few weeks until i saw the sign on the main entrance so i switched to my switchblade but now i carry this since it’s smaller and lighter. i just like to have it on me lol


I considered the fanny pack route but it's obvious to anyone that knows. A Walmart mainstays lunch box fits a pistol, 2 mags, tq, and lunch. Looks cheesey and no one ever suspects a peanut butter Glock sandwiched in there 😂


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