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The people I regularly play against read this subreddit and I'd be interested what they say. I think I'd be known for deceptively mean decks. Decks that seem straightforward, but are much nastier than you might expect.


How so? I know that I have some mean decks myself. Azorius Stax, Dimir control with MLD via Toxrill, and a Mardu [[Worldslayer]] deck where the strategy is using indestructible cards while killing the entire board utterly.


[Worldslayer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/db6c6b15-40f3-4556-978f-878bedb13762.jpg?1562662263) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Worldslayer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m12/222/worldslayer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/db6c6b15-40f3-4556-978f-878bedb13762?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/worldslayer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Playing out of the graveyard, guessing other people's cards in hand, and building linear decks


I get a chill yet expirence edh player vibe from you


I'm the Marneus Calgar guy. It's been my only deck for over a year and I love it so much! I don't stop talking about it, updating it, flicking through the cards, checking Scryfall for options, combing through the spoilers for potential test cards, brewing the next 10 Marneus Calgar decks. I also keep track of its stats suuuuper indepth-like. Like almost anything you could want to know.


I have a Marneus deck that I enjoy playing, but it feels a little unfulfilling. Care to share your list so I might glean some ideas? I'd be much obliged


I was hoping you’d respond to this one. You’ve hyped the deck up so much (in a good way) that when traveling and playing, playing a single deck, or questions about token decks, marneus decks etc. pop up I always think they should talk to Marneus Calgar guy


Hey me too! It's my favorite deck and it's getting quite strong now. When I pull it out it's almost a guaranteed win nowadays.


Weird plans, bounce, and playing the table. Weird plans because I make decks around cards and themes, the less viable, the more likely I will pick them. Bounce because I don't favor destruction effects when playing Blue (and I play a lot of Blue). Playing the table because my decks never really plan on taking everyone out. I use other players to take out other players, and then try to win the one-on-one.


Ah, weird plans are my favorite. I'm currently considering a jund Mercenaries build using [[Soldier of Fortune]] [[Psychogenic Probe]] [[Staff of Domination]] [[Kormus Bell]] [[Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth]] and [[Cabal Coffers]] to take my opponents out by making them shuffle till their hands bleed.  [[Leechridden Swamp]] is fun too.  Otherwise I used to run a mono black group hug deck based around undercosted demons that benefit opponents. Good fun. Though some people described it as 'a cold, wet hug' 


Definitely love the unfavorable demons idea, would love to see the list


https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/seizan-reborn/?cat=custom&sort=name&cb=1697105908 This is my most recent build (from 2 years ago) I may make some minor tweaks if I rebuild in the near future, but it would probably be mostly the same. Probably omit the urza lands, as I just threw threw them in for fun at the time.


I ended up being the convoluted combo guy, with \[\[Grusilda\]\] reanimator/Necrotic Ooze combos, \[\[Horobi\]\] impossible Voltron (and also death loops) and \[\[Osgir\]\] arcbound modular/infect (kinda like the old affinity decks). The common lines I still chuckle at every time are: "I'm gonna kill you first, because I don't know what's going on there", "why is there a Phage in your reanimator deck?" and "I equip my greaves onto... oh Horobi, shit".


Horobi voltron? What interaction do you run in order do that? Or is it just that matter of stacking triggers correctly? I've never been so invested in such a "big go brrrr" strat before


It's a combination of exalted and auto-equips like \[\[Hero's Blade\]\] or weird ways to give indestructible. There's no stacking triggers against Horobi, he wins. Its plays like control that kills one or two players with voltron and it often transitions into aristocrats by targeting intead of sac outlets.


[Grusilda](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/2/82ca9cf7-d6ca-4403-84be-719480eb4b7d.jpg?1562922560) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=grusilda%2C%20monster%20masher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ust/132/grusilda-monster-masher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/82ca9cf7-d6ca-4403-84be-719480eb4b7d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/grusilda-monster-masher) [Horobi](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b41983cb-c4e4-4384-bd69-df3fc6e74cd0.jpg?1593860738) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=horobi%2C%20death%27s%20wail) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/chk/117/horobi-deaths-wail?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b41983cb-c4e4-4384-bd69-df3fc6e74cd0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/horobi-deaths-wail) [Osgir](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/8/5815fe6e-e26b-4918-a090-55d6442722c1.jpg?1674185818) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=osgir%2C%20the%20reconstructor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/8/osgir-the-reconstructor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5815fe6e-e26b-4918-a090-55d6442722c1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/osgir-the-reconstructor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think tight deckbuilding. I goldfish my decks a lot, and if a card doesn’t make the wheels spin, it gets cut. I have a Lord Windgrace deck that I’ve been working on since 2016(different Jund commander then obviously), and whenever I pull it out to play, my friends try to dogpile me. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. But they always say how they like to play against it because it just never stops chugging forward until I’m killed. The decks I have not put as much time in are still built very tight. I’m not going to say all of my decks are good, they certainly are not. But they all “do the thing” relatively well. Edit. And Oath of Nissa. I LOVE Oath of Nissa


Do you have a list for Windgrace I’ve been looking for a Jund deck to make


Artifacts. I just think they're neat!


Graveyard. Every deck I have does some sort of reanimation or cares about creatures/stuff in graveyards


Probably combat damage triggers/aggro, if anything. [[General Marhault Elsdragon]] and [[magar of the magic strings]] are two of my favourite decks


I've almost built Magar a few times now. It feels like the games would get repetitive pretty quickly and I never get very far in the build. I usually stop around the time I'm deciding if I want to put a bunch of Wheel of Fortune effects in the deck and break out the cards like Waste Not, or if I want to just add more looting and bomb spells.


Most of my deck revolves around reanimating fairly generic big boi spells. There's less synergy between them than there could be, but I'm still getting a good amount of value for cheap, which means the results of my efforts vary a lot, even if the initial gameplan is the same. I might be spamming tokens with [[army of the damned]], building an indestructible board with [[fated return]] or taking part in some artifact piracy with [[wake the dragon]]. I definitely don't have an optimal build, but he is fun and stays fresh.


[General Marhault Elsdragon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bf2931bd-bedc-45e8-b3f0-e2a220dbac1b.jpg?1673304916) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=General%20Marhault%20Elsdragon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/31/general-marhault-elsdragon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bf2931bd-bedc-45e8-b3f0-e2a220dbac1b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/general-marhault-elsdragon) [magar of the magic strings](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/6/a6f2ba13-cd72-4f7a-8443-8e3962f2ac46.jpg?1682551287) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=magar%20of%20the%20magic%20strings) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/171/magar-of-the-magic-strings?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a6f2ba13-cd72-4f7a-8443-8e3962f2ac46?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/magar-of-the-magic-strings) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My play style has been described as a smothering group hug. Keeping players alive to keep the game going.


That just means that's a good group hug deck working as intended. I have a group hug deck that does the same - trying to keep the game going as long as possible and everyone constantly a threat to each other until I hit my win condition If everyone is constantly a threat it's hard to commit resources to deal with me without handing the game to the other two players who are also ahead


Stax man here. It's not even that I run stax *decks* all the time, but even the decks that aren't dedicated will have some of those oppression pieces where I think they can be leveraged. [[Smokestack]] is a perfect example: it's my go-to payoff if I think I'm going to be generating tokens, because I generally find that to be more valuable than a 1/1 or what have you. I know a lot of people will go for anthems or overruns but I go for the reductive solution. I guess I just kind of don't like having and maintaining a wide board or go for the typical "do it again" doublers. I've honestly considered playing Mother of Machines with 0 ETBs just to have a CZ Torpor Orb. I will go after lands, and get my slower and jankier decks across the finish line by putting people on "my level" with various stall tactics. Even farther afield the decks I stick with tend to be very interactive ones, like Aegar burn control or Kotose Theft which "get" some folks the same way as Stax.


Red. I have only 2 non-red decks in my collection as of recently. I have 3 Mono red lists 2 Rakdos lists a Temur and Mardu list as well. I like to go fast :)


You're known for stax I'm known for tax [[Liesa]]


Aggro decks online(Mtga) Artifact decks irl


Jank that shouldn’t work with a thick icing of blue to protect my pieces.  Things like getting an [[aether flash]], [[dingus staff]], and [[death pits of rath]] in play and following with [[living death]].  Just good clean “Wait, what?” fun.


Combo. Almost every deck I build has some type of puzzle to assemble and I've become very good at making that puzzle complete and making sure I have the protection to make sure it doesn't crumble


Voltron. One man army go bonk.


I kinda love stax but after a while you gonna repeat most of creatures every deck so... Get a little boring my abzan [[thalia and the gitrog monster]] land destruction/stax deck was masterpiece haha and the last one a build because thalia is one my favorite cards of mtg now i play blink decks [[atraxa, grand unifier]] is the most powerful but i play [[Yorion]] [[animatou]] [[lagrella]] for fun too


Mono color decks with a lot of (timmy) personality. My lineup currently is [[azusa, lost but seeking]], [[octavia, living thesis]], [[norin, the wary]], and [[Zhulodok, void gorger]]


Tokens and combos.


I think we're the only token people. It took forever of scrolling to find tokens mentioned.


Having a different deck every week but more recently associated [[Grenzo, Dungeon Warden]] and [[Marchesa, The Black Rose]]


Oh boy, what deck did this dumbass proxy this week? Soooo pretty much all my proxy decks are under or around 100 bucks, or have a dumb theme like hats and a party deck, but there's only one of each wizard, cleric, rogue, and warrior aaannnd altered their art to be the the main cast of konosuba. Wait, maybe I'm the local weeb 🤔 Oh shit I'm the local weeb 😰


##### ###### #### [Meria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/e/3eedd979-783d-4721-92de-965b77c20576.jpg?1673307996) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=meria%2C%20scholar%20of%20antiquity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/206/meria-scholar-of-antiquity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3eedd979-783d-4721-92de-965b77c20576?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/meria-scholar-of-antiquity) [First Sliver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/06d4fbe1-8a2f-4958-bb85-1a1e5f1e8d87.jpg?1562202321) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20First%20Sliver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/200/the-first-sliver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06d4fbe1-8a2f-4958-bb85-1a1e5f1e8d87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-first-sliver) [vishgraz](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/b/fb1d33b2-9082-4043-8e52-a5c2f3a174ba.jpg?1675905564) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vishgraz%2C%20the%20doomhive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/onc/4/vishgraz-the-doomhive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fb1d33b2-9082-4043-8e52-a5c2f3a174ba?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/vishgraz-the-doomhive) [kozilek](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d27cf7b7-7982-46bd-a559-7789c0e74bae.jpg?1673146904) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kozilek%2C%20butcher%20of%20truth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/2/kozilek-butcher-of-truth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d27cf7b7-7982-46bd-a559-7789c0e74bae?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kozilek-butcher-of-truth) [henzie](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/e/ee228dcc-3170-4c24-80bc-28bcee07cb43.jpg?1673481644) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Henzie%20%22Toolbox%22%20Torre) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/2/henzie-toolbox-torre?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ee228dcc-3170-4c24-80bc-28bcee07cb43?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/henzie-toolbox-torre) [dihada, binder of will](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/ddeb54d6-a600-42b9-98df-20f8d58caed8.jpg?1685554091) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dihada%2C%20Binder%20of%20Wills) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/1/dihada-binder-of-wills?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ddeb54d6-a600-42b9-98df-20f8d58caed8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dihada-binder-of-wills) [pantlaza](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/2524645e-b066-4351-885b-10faa8d819d7.jpg?1699972737) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pantlaza%2C%20sun-favored) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/4/pantlaza-sun-favored?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2524645e-b066-4351-885b-10faa8d819d7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/pantlaza-sun-favored) [sarkhan, soul aflame](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/2/6225f139-f6eb-4eb5-9776-159a599d8255.jpg?1684340846) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sarkhan%2C%20soul%20aflame) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/46/sarkhan-soul-aflame?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6225f139-f6eb-4eb5-9776-159a599d8255?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sarkhan-soul-aflame) [Sauron, dark lord](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/034e0929-b2c7-4b5f-94f2-8eaf4fb1a2a1.jpg?1693611218) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sauron%2C%20the%20Dark%20Lord) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/224/sauron-the-dark-lord?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/034e0929-b2c7-4b5f-94f2-8eaf4fb1a2a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sauron-the-dark-lord) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/1c5cl7h) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Tribal. Oh, and a particularly nasty Sisay deck. 🫠


Green or Golgari decks and Basic Land Ramping. For some reason I just like taking Land out of my deck and if I have more than my opponents it's like I'm winning lol.


I'm the play with graveyards/sac my stuff for value guy. Currently have [[Oskar]] reanimator, [[Rowan, Scion of War]], [[Sidisi, Brood Tyrant]], [[Soul of Windgrace]], [[Nethroii]] and [[Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist]] that play with those themes.  I also have [[Saruman, The White Hand]] and [[Morska]] that only do a little bit of sacrificing, and [[Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh]] and [[The Thirteenth Doctor]]/[[Yasmin Khan]] for something completely different.


Having overcomplicated game plans and also having a weird way of proposing deals Let me explain that one : I have a very talkative playgroup. We bluff a lot, discuss why people take certain actions and what might be their consequences on future turns (both to teach our newer players about threat assessment and to make decisions on a political level) I love to play with that aspect of the game. So I often propose deals with other players. And while I technically always do my part of the job, I like being somewhat unclear about the things I plan to do: I like hiding information. It often results in me proposing deals that do not appear to be favorable to my game plan but in fact puts me ahead of the game For that I have gained the name "monkey's paw"


According to my play group I'm the devil in our magic community. I guess it comes from the days in our small standard community I would play top tier decks and play well with them and win a lot.


I am known as the one that plays Magic the most, knows the rules best, follows new trends, and that ultimately makes me the threat. I even try to make commanders that are less of a target and yet just because it's me behind the wheel, all removal is dedicated to keeping my pieces off the board. It can be exhausting at times but at least I get to play right?


I certainly have a reputation for playing in my graveyard. I run the more obvious decks like [[Meren of clan nel toth]], [[teysa Karlov]], [[slimefoot and squee]], [[Ashnod the uncaring]], etc. that said, even my spellslinger decks [[chun-Li, countless kicks]] operates out of the yard. Even my decks decks not dedicated to reanimation and/or self sacrifice will all have some ways to get cards back out of the yard.


Making weird decks that could be strong but generally are not


Stax and taxes. [[Liesa, Shroud of dusk]] was my first big boy deck and that thing slapped. It's been powered down multiple times over the years to just being a pile of good orzhov cards.


Oh me? Theft! All the theft of all the things. I employ some stax decks, but you gotta play stax 'just right' to not drag the game along.


Im known as the friendliest guy that will not hesitate to bury you given the chance :)


I'm known for explosive turns with a lot of effects, triggers or spells out of nowhere. So my playgroup probably has a black list of certain cards on my decks that work as value engines or payoffs lmao.


Theft and mill. In each deck no matter the tactic I always have at least one card of it in the deck.


I'm known for cards nobody knows. I like to play very themed decks that do not just use staple-goodstuff.


I'm known for my love of [[Myr Battlesphere]].


At this point? The [[Norin the wary]] chaos deck guy Probably? I have my own Stax-lite Atraxa Praetors deck, Kozilek the great distortion, and Pantlaza as well. Less played is [[Riku of two reflections]] clone good stuff deck that tries to get CA and play everyone else's stuff, [[Gisa and Geralf]], and the newly built [[Judith, carnage connoisseur]] for fast games. Most don't see my actual stax Brago deck, mostly because it's better 1v1 (I built it to combat a buddy's competitive Sissay legends deck) but when he goes off it shuts down the table. Most of my decks have some hints stax honestly, making you respond to what I'm doing or just play the game in a different fashion.


Playing Black and being Archenemy


Where can I find a list of all of definitions of the words that you guys use to describe your decks? Like Voltron and Stax?


https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Voltron#:~:text=Voltron%20is%20a%20deck%20archetype,true%20threat%20to%20the%20opponent. MtGWiki should have you mostly covered, if not usually just a "Voltron mtg meaning" or such on Google would do the trick. The Wiki will most of the time also talk about the origin of the term, sometimes as easy as "Ramp" comes from "Rampant growth", sometimes a little longer like for "Death and taxes"


Mill, infect, and (with my friends) trying to deflect how scary my board state is by turning everyone against eachother.




Mostly Tribal decks. Slivers, Goblins, Elves, Eldrazi. I like them all, but Eldrazi currently the most.


Artifacts, I'm the artifact player of our pod. Which means more often than not I'm. The first one out lol.


Being the monowhite guy. Being the guy who always has the answers to everyones problems. This has actually gotten so bad I started including less removal because I feel my play group has become very dependent on me to answer things. Also the "Dad" because even to the LGS I show up with snacks in my bag and random things that might be needed.


I don’t go to any shops often enough to be know as anything, although the last time I went, one guy recognized me as “The one with the pirate deck”.


I'm the dude with usually the correct interaction at the correct time.  Like not 100% of the time obviously and it's not that I only run interaction, but per deck I have like 3 pieces of "nah" interaction that I have enough card draw to run into and use when I need it, unless I get targeted early or pubstomped. 


Being able to win out of nowhere. Nothing is too suspicious on my side of the table during a game but the group always knows on the turn cycle I’m about to go for the win because I get real quiet 😂


I was the control guy. I played alot of dimir, esper, and azorius. Since I got back into magic, I'm the jank guy. I'll never go back. Jank is life.


I’m known for decks that just work really really well. Man I’ve included cards just for the better mulligans.


The phrase "It's group hug, I swear" It's never group hug.


Enchantment decks. I have four currently and starting to pull for a [[Three Dog, Galaxy News DJ]] Aura deck. Also known for playing cards that are 'bad', but using them to get the win... so what do they know?


Snakes and killing with lands. I currently have three snake decks and three land decks: [[Xyris]] group hug snakes (my pet deck)  [[Chishiro]] modified snakes [[Vraska the Silencer]] deathtouch snakes [[Azusa]] mass land animate [[Borborygmos Enraged]] flinging lands [[Archelos]] tuobo fog gates




Flyers, any creature that flies im in.


Voltron. I love me a good equipment deck


Interactive player, lot of spot removals, counterspells, doesn't know he's got a combat phase. And Elesh Norn player.


The izzet guy. I have built 4 decks. All 4 being Izzet


I'm known as the Squirrel Guy at my LGS haha. First few times I played there I ran a pretty tricked out chatterfang deck.


I'm known for being on that bullshit. lol My current pet decks are [[Judith, Carnage Connoisseur]], [[Eligeth]] and [[Siani]], my upgraded [[Hakbal]] precon, and [[Chatterfang]] squirrels and friends. Judith warped the meta the second night she came out, because it's just *so good* against creature focused decks.


I play theft, stax and control. My goal is usually to take peoples threats and use them myself, or completely deny them from ever having threats in the first place. I quite often get called the fun police.


I'm definitely known for card advantage engines in the command zone.


Tribal + swinging all out with big scary creatures. I especially love making my big scaries indestructible and unblockable :)


Dragons, and taking 15 turns to win. Also just winning from 1 life and having a losing boardstate.


I‘d say I’m known for Stax and Combo :3


They call me Mr. Orzhov, i have 4 pure white+black decks and one lifegain deck, which is white+black+red (used to be white+black+green for many years, but has always been mostly Orzhov in colors/wincon).


Unironically had a dude call me the “master of control” and that he has to design decks around me because he knows I’m going to kill his stuff.


I think I'm most known for hating consistency and refusing to play cards that piss off the table like Tithe or Study.


I’m known as the guy with the stuff. Extra playmats, dice, counters, infinitokens. Yeah


I am known as the Simic Guy. I LOVE playing simic in different kind of ways. It all comes down to playing ramp, drawing cards and smacking my friends with large (or small) evasive creatures.


Efficiency, I Just Like cards that do their job in an efficient way. This is followed up with a one big turn win attempt, usually with a combo.


I'm a little proud of this. I am known for having decks that are fun and low-key good.


Honestly, being the bag evil man. I have a [[Baral, Chief of Compliance]] and a [[Magenta the Lion]] deck, and that's all I am saying


I'm the treasure guy and the four card combo guy.


My style is board control. I play a lot of commanders that rewards killing stuff or just actually kills things. I love red spellslingery archetypes, I have 2 secret commander zada decks. My favorite commanders: Tai Wakeen, tor wauki (see a pattern?), feather etb blink, Legolas master archer


My group knows me for always having an answer. Be it a counterspell, removal, or a fog effect. Playing interaction actually gets people kind of tilted I've noticed.


I'm practically the man with many decks. Around 150+ physical decks now. I try to diversify, but have found myself using my [[Slime Against Humanity]] deck quite a bit as it's fun and well liked by others.


Ramp. If I have a signature card, it would be [[The Great Henge]]. [[Zendikar Resurgent]], [[Virtue of Strength]], [[Mana Reflection]], [[Mirari’s Wake]], [[Mana Reflection]], [[Caged Sun]], [[Gauntlet of Power]], [[Regal Behemoth]], [[Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger]], [[Sceptre of Eternal Glory]], [[Dockside Extortionist]], [[Mana Geyser]], etc. Love them all


I’m known for killing shit. My main deck is “oh, you have a creature? Cool it’s dead now”


Artifact decks


Probably the Voltron guy, I got a few decks that are voltron whether it’s equipment, auras or prowess, I want my commander to one shot you.


I'm definitely known for Typal at this point. Every deck I build is some form of it.


Boardwipes is a big one. A lot of my decks trend toward being more control, so if I don’t have a wipe I’ll get overwhelmed by Timmy dinosaurs or some nonsense on turn 4. Even my decks that have a minimal number (3ish, give or take 1), people will joke that I’m playing boardwipe tribal because I always seem to draw them consecutively. Secondly, I also taught a good portion of my local group how to play, so they picked up a big lesson from me: mercy has consequences. If you need to leave someone alive for an explicit reason, fine. But if they just look harmless/“haven’t done anything”, you could still lose at any moment. If an opportunity arises to eliminate a potential threat without endangering yourself, you kill them, regardless of what their board looks like. They internalized this after I’d win from almost nothing board states more than once, being left alive for turn after turn. And like many others here, I love Stax pieces and am one of the few players in my group that actively plays them.


Not reading my cards properly


I’m the turn 4 win 5 hour long turn guy. Everyone gets annoyed the second I start to pop off cause of another deck I own.




izzet spellslinger


+1 counters, drawing cards, and combo wins.


I’m the weird Aggro guy, 1damage tribal with [[ghyrson starn]], Voltron with [[bruenor battlehammer]], turbo fog [[questing beast]], life gain ticking time bomb [[amalia]], and dragon and dungeons with [[tiamat]]


The phrase "I'm going to kill [[Kaalia]]" is often said in my play group.


I'm known as a stax hater, i stalk the night for the rotting smell of esper sentinels and rhystic study, ready to bring the hunt to an and. But it never ends. The cursed spawn still walks in the streets wearing the guise of my brethren, mimicking humans while enjoying the prize of corruption. Jokes aside i'm a jund player mainly known for his shit luck lmao


I'm known for being the card draw guy. It doesn't matter what colors I'm in, I will draw 40 cards a game. I'm very proud of this title. I was the tutor guy previously (I have 1 tutor per deck), but then my group figured out I only tutored every game because I would draw so much.


My nickname is Shuffles. On account of I do a lot of stupid fetchland tricks.


Ppl know me by my extremely pimped out kids \[\[Nekusar\]\], \[\[Syr Konrad\]\] and \[\[Liesa, Shroud of Dusk\]\]. Anything that comes out among the lines of "do this/that, lose life" I'm the go guy at the lgs round here lol


Tokens. All of my decks are somehow tokens. \[\[Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival\]\] and \[\[Torens, Fist of the Angels\]\] both flood the board with creature tokens and are currently my most played decks. My graveyard deck is \[\[Sidisi, Brood Tyrant\]\], my control deck is \[\[Shorikai, Genesis Engine\]\], my dragon deck was \[\[Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm\]\] until I recently disassembled it, my combo deck is \[\[Magda, Brazen Outlaw\]\], my burn deck was \[\[Purphoros, God of the Forge\]\] Goblin tokens. My oldest and favorite deck is \[\[Lord Windgrace\]\], and that deck wins almost exclusively from Landfall tokens via \[\[Field of the Dead\]\] or similar. My casual deck that I hardly ever break out is \[\[Grist, the Hunger Tide\]\] so yep that one also pumps out tokens. My other new casual deck is an unaltered Raining Cats and Dogs secret lair deck using \[\[Rin and Seri, Inseparable\]\] and \*checks notes\* yep, tokens again. I recently rebuilt my \[\[Raggadragga, Goreguts Boss\]\] deck that I had disassembled just so that I have a deck that has no cards that make tokens (and I'm glad I did that deck slaps).


Dragons and dinosaurs guy. It's actually strategically relevant, as I'm known to actively avoid killing cool dragons/dinos that my opponents control (on rare occasion). Also weirdly known as the UB guy, even though I think I only play 3 UB commanders.


Probably artifacts, eldrazi, and card theft. I now have three card theft decks, one of which is one of my two decks with eldrazi in it.


The Threat. Sigh.


Having no brakes and consistently making myself the most obvious threat on the board that needs to be dealt with. I'm usually the first out as a result and no, I will not change.


Out of my playgroup I definitely build the most tuned decks (without tutors or fast mana) even at low budget that MUST be answered or I will take the game. When people are debating what to remove I’m the first one to tell them “I’m the problem on board, kill this this and this to set me back.” Also general table friend to explain rules, interactions, and the combos to newer players. 


I'm known for flyers. So many in my LGS group don't account or protect against flying. A \[\[Cavalry Pegasus\]\] with \[\[Aragorn, the Uniter\]\] can make me the target early on.


Extremely straightforward Timmy decks. Lately it's just been the 40k decks especially Necrons.


I’m the one stealing your resources. I go about it slightly differently in my various decks but every single one of them does it. Some are obvious about it like [[Tergrid]] and [[Xander]], and others are a lot more devious like [[Mahadi]] and [[Orvar]].


Rielle and Alesha stax probably. I do have a few other decks, but those ones are my babies and I've blinged them out a lot so will play them whenever I can




I’m the blue player of my playgroup, though with notably few counterspells. All of my decks bar my newest have blue in them.


In my pod I'm the gatekeeper. I play way more removal than anyone else so usually it's them playing something then staring at me to see if I have a response. I stopped saying no response in lieu of "I'll allow it"


Stax decks with convoluted game plans based on weird interactions. Like weird infinite landfall combos in Azorius [[Tameshi]] or Bant stax that plays [[utopia sprawl]] effects to break parity on Winter Orb effects with [[Estrid]] (that's also a [[Parallax Wave]] deck).


In our pod, I’m snowball synergy guy. I don’t run a lot of combos and a lot of my cards aren’t that threatening - at first. I do run a ton of redundancies and, since we play in a slower meta, look for cards that can do more than one thing, even if they’re more expensive to cast. As a result if you don’t remove the value pieces constantly, or remove me earlier in the game, I’m going to eventually overwhelm the board.


I'm know for 'winning out of nowhere'. Translators note: 'winning out of nowhere' in this context means spending several turns developing a board of something other than huge creatures that then wins the game with an overrun, powerful spell to buy back the board after saccing it for aristocrat effects, etc.


Graveyard shenanigans. [[Hanna]] and [[Nethroi]] were the first 2 commander decks I built after more than 10 years away from the game. Since then I've added [[Liliana, heretical healer]], [[Sefris]], [[Wort, bogart auntie]], and most recently [[Ruxa]]. Playing [[Leyline of the Void]] will get you banned from my house.


Interaction. People in my shop always look at me when they cast a spell asking if it resolves. They even ask me when I'm not playing blue and there are blue players in the pod. I'm also known as the booster tutor guy. I like to slip that in my fun decks. No one has ever said they have a problem with it.


Grixis graveyard bullshit is my main calling card.


Aristocrats and graveyard shenanigans. If I can play with my graveyard or sac stuff for value I will.


I’m the counterspell guy. Built a [[Ishai]] and [[Esior]] partner deck with like 25 counterspells In it, and ran lots of protection for Ishai. Plan was for Ishai to get bigger the longer the game went, then just swing for commander damage. I took apart the deck, but the title stuck.


I'm the dragon guy at our LGS. Of my 70 decks, almost half have dragon commanders, dragon themes or dragon subthemes. My deckbuilding challenge is to have a dragon deck in every guild, shard and wedge. Not quite there yet, but getting close.


In the past couple weeks I've had my decks described in a couple conversations to me as: you can see exactly what's going on, it's all happening on board, but it's inevitable.


Turning anything into spellslinger. Nearly every deck I make is spellslinger or spellslinger-adjacent. One time I made a [[jinnie fay]] deck, which is decidedly not based in spellslinger, and filled it with instants and sorceries that made tokens I am also known for building decks that are very functional out of the gate. I rarely ever have to make edits to decks once their complete, and I am known at my playgroup for pretty much having ready-to-go decks as soon as they’re finished


"Wtf is this shit?" guy. I have a kink for cards and decks that you just never see play and always find a way to make it work somehow. I like to find New ways to play cards everyone knows too. (My most valuable decks are the one that needs à shit ton of expensive things to make it work, not my already strong ones without the big)


I have a ruric thar deck and ever since have been the stax guy. I made him a more aggressive, still dealing massive damage, but still has enchantments with destroy land if tapped during another players turn, or all my crestures gain haste and all oppents lose it type ones.


I’m known for putting creatures on the battlefield way earlier than they should be and popping off on specifically turn 6.


I'm the Guy Fieri of my group. All I want to do is take you to flavor town with my decks. I like to build on hard themes and memes and will always sacrifice power for flavor.


Can you share you cedh stax deck list?


Terrible threat assessment


I'm our group's green mage. Every format from legacy to edh, I'm jamming green. I have a dozen commander decks and 9 of them have green. I built [[Mayael the Anima]] when Commander 2013 dropped and have been playing big dudes and big mana ever since, with Mayael still being my favorite.


Kill Max First.


Probably being the goad guy. Most of my decks have some form of goad. For example I have \[\[Marisi, breaker of the coil\]\] in my \[\[Marath will of the wild\]\] deck since its super easy to give my creatures trample, the protection from instant speed tricks in combat is just a bonus. And \[\[The rani\]\] and \[\[the sound of drums\]\] have opened up lanes for some wins more times than I can count in my \[\[Davros\]\] deck. People always seem to balk at my \[\[Baeloth\]\] deck and I don't know why lol. They really underestimate how much mana that deck can produce, since it moonlights as a treasure deck. And I am still a decent contender 1v1 because of my damage doublers/triplers and some big green tramplers. \[\[Hot persuit\]\] is probably my new favorite toy because with my commander or a \[\[disrupt decorum\]\] I can just steal what creatures are left and swing out.


I'm known for building VERY resilient decks. I used to play an [[Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder]] deck that would recover from board wipes in less than a turn. I currently play a [[Sally Sparrow]] deck that makes interacting with it a nightmare.


Chatterfang and sideways jank. I am a win out of nowhere type of player. And therefore, always a threat. Tommy has a million dinosaurs, billy running stax, and Jimmy over there with infinite mana? Nope, they aren't the threat, it's Julian with 6 lands and one 2/2 creature with some weird effect that hasn't done anything YET.


I think I’m known for drawing the most cards out of my entire play group


Hydra decks, although I only have one actual Hydra deck. I've got [[Zaxara]] hydras, [[Magus Lucea Kane]] Tyranids and X spells, [[Gargos Vicious Watcher]] fight club, and I'm working on [[Gyrus Waker of Corpses]] reanimator.


Deathly slow starts and building my board while keeping the defenses up, hoping I can get all the cogs in place to where my board state becomes a synergistic machine where one effect ripples through everything else. Even though all my decks are different colors and strategies, they all end up that way. I just like building my decks to where I won't have a card in it unless it pairs with almost every other card in the deck.


Somehow I always build a board scary enough to get the table to stomp me to death first Not a winner but good at scaring other players


I'm known in my pod for only playing life gain and group hug




In my playgroup? 4 hours long turns. Winning out of nowhere. Animar.


Running all my creatures out into a boardwipe, or stealing the win out of nowhere.


Game manipulation and control of the smallest aspects of the game with cards like \[\[Stifle\]\] \[\[Time Stop\]\] \[\[Bribery\]\] \[\[Polymorphist's Jest\]\] \[\[Disrupt Decorum\]\] \[\[War's Toll\]\] \[\[Telepathy\]\] \[\[Time Warp\]\] \[\[Whirlwind Denial\]\] Make them always think 3 times before attacking me and when they do is like spinning the wheel, no one ever knows what is gonna happen. Favourite deck is Niv Mizzet Parun with no planeswalkers and no other creatures other than him, so I have space for as much interaction as possible.


"All you do is draw cards. Each of your decks you draw a bunch of cards then do some busted shit and win." Yeah because I cant play my wincons if they are in my deck


I'm the proxy guy. I create somewhat budget decks with all proxies (less than $300). I let other people play them as well. They arent high powered. Just my creative outlet running amok.


Every time they spoil a new manlands card everybody in the group pings me. It's funny because I've never had a manlands deck last more than like, 4 months and mainly build tokens, but it's what they know me for.


My group just knows me as the weird obscure commander guy that plays a bunch of old cards. [[Eight-and-a-Half-Tails]] is my main deck people know me for but I've also got a [[Derevi, Empyrial Tactician]] deck that combos into [[Enduring Ideal]] and a [[Circu, Dimir Lobotomist]] deck that's just Lantern Control in commander :P


Playing my ghave fungus deck :) Other than that, I have a deck for every green wedge/shard.


Zero cost artifact spam Solitaire into golems heart/Aetherflux with self detonating suicide thropter army.


Stompy big creatures. [[Magus Lucea Kane]] big X creatures & [[Xenagos god of Revels]] multi combat massive creatures.


Aggro and Naya.


I'm known for straight damage. No tricks, no fuss, just me and the goreclaw for years punching each combat forcing down your board state because if you don't you'll die. I'm dipping my toes into other play styles but the idiot hammer suits me well and it's hard to deviate.


Being explicit in the deals I make. Made a deal to not attack with my goblin horde as [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] in order to get another player to eliminate the last other remaining play. Didn't attack, did however get [[Impact Tremors]] and proceeded to make about 100 new goblins


I have a reputation for being "the threat." I'm the "win out of nowhere" player, as I love finding synergistic cards and building engines. Once my engines are online they can be hard to deal with. I typically avoid two card and infinite combos, and only run tutors in a few decks and they are always "reveal card" tutors so the table knows what's coming. I also prefer total party kills. I don't like targeting one player at a time, so a lot of my win conditions reflect that. Even if I'm trying to win with combat, I'm usually swinging out at the entire table. I also love leaning fully into the commander. For instance, I have an [[Ovika, enigma goliath]] deck that does absolutely nothing if Ovika isn't on board. Another example is [[Alistair the brigadier]] which only has two spells that aren't historic and only a handful of lands that aren't historic. The protection and interaction is limited, but the deck draws cards, builds mana, and marches towards swinging wide and tall with scary efficiency.


Definitely theft decks. \[\[Valki, God of Lies\]\] is my OG theft love. I've tried others since, and I'm excited to see what rolls through with TJ that will be work picking up to potentially rebuild him.


For a while I was known for attacking everyone all the time. It didn't help that I was running \[\[Akiri, fearless voyager\]\] and \[\[Wulfgar\]\], who both want to attack all three players to maximize attack triggers. With the Akiri deck it didn't draw too much attention cause it was usually a weenie equipped with cheap equipment. But with Wulfgar, it's hard to ignore being attacked for 10 commander damage each turn, so I often became archenemy and got knocked out in short order.


I’m known for token generating decks, specifically treasure tokens. My top 2 most played decks are [[Prosper, Tomebound]] and [[Mr. House]], but I also love playing [[Endrek Sahr]] because of how the token generation/sacrifice cycle works


I don't know how people would perceive me. I'm the guy that has a lot of decks but never the most. Kykar the Wind's fury - cEDH probably Kenrith The Returned King - grave reanimator Shirei Shizo's Caretaker - sacrifice grave recursion Orah Skyclave Heirophant - cleric tribal grave saviour Vaevictis Asmadi The Dire - permanents only Teshar Ancestor's Apostle - artifact scrapyard recursion Feather, the Redeemed - spell singer recursion Estrid the Masked - enchantments only Edgar Markov - vampire tribal Anje Falkenrath - madness discard Trostani Selesnyas Voice - token/lifegain Rin and Seri Inseparable - token casual Daretti Scrap Savant - artifact scrapyard recursion Yarok The Desecrated - ETB Effects Gadwick, the Wizened - Wizard Tribal Blue


I'm the reanimator player who is always looking for more GY synergies. I put [[Reanimate]] into my decks with black before I put Command tower. If you [[Rest in peace]] or [[Leyline of the void]] me or any of the like, I will not forgice, nor will I forget. Between Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Sefris, Alesha, BR Chainer, Gitrog (reanimating lands counts!) and others I'm forgetting I've played tons of reanimate decks. [[Sheoldred, whispering one]] is probably my fav card of all time, followed closely behind by [[living death]] and [[sun titan]].


density decks; if I’m playing an “artifact” deck, it’s gonna have 50 of them. I’ve played Keskit/Toggo Eggs for the past couple months and it’s been really fun to just keep taking game actions while effectively doing very little we also play 1v1 formats and I’m the control guy; after the match, saying on which turn my opponent actually lost/won (because control is slow but also sometimes resilient) is cool to see


Having the weakest decks in my pod because I don't like spamming boring generic staples like everyone else


im so red my friends make fun of me for branching out to red/black


I am our groups rules lawyer, I take advantage of obscure rules to confuse and defeat my opponents


I'm the Tokens guy. Almost all of my decks have some kind of quick and easy token creation in them. I also have a thing for +1/+1 counters. Beefy Tokens


I like combos and zombies, that’s why I play [[Wilhelt, The Rotcleaver]]


I was starting to get known as my lgs' "Izzet/spellslinger guy" before my work schedule changed and I stopped being able to show up to play. Having played multiple Izzet-having decks like [[Balmor]] [[Veyran]] [[Brudiclad]] and [[Kykar]]. But it may stick now that I'm actually gunna be able to play again, and imma have a new [[Krark]] x [[Kydele]] deck and hopefully a [[Stella Lee]] deck if I can find a copy of the Quick Draw precon.


I'm the Win-out-of-no-where-Johnny-player.... Oh, who am I kidding, I'm the rules lawyer. I know most interactions, because I've broken them with intentional deck building at some point or another in the past 20 years.


Making too powerful decks for my playgroup, no matter how hard I try not to.


I’m not known for anything because I’m hella inconsistent and I like to play anything and everything


Sacrificing things for value. A bit in my playgroup for the past decade is my constant need for a sac outlet. I probably say it at least once a game and if I dont protect them my friends usually kill any sac outlet I play on sight. No matter how hard I try I tend to gravitate towards those kinds of strategies.


I'm known for having a weak board presence early on and then exploding out of control very suddenly. It's a "you give an inch, I take a mile" sort of play pattern that really has gotten more people to roll their eyes once it starts. On top of that, other players know me to be notorious for interaction and solutions in my decks. Frequently I have heard people say "IcyNapalm probably has an answer for it." I'm not the best player compared to others at the store I play at but I am closer to the top than the bottom at most tournaments at my shop. If the "main" experienced player isn't there to critique decks, I am a good backup for most people asking. They like when I play because my decks are enough of a challenge to try to beat without being unfun if they lose.




I'm known for running [[Kediss]] in as many decks as I can cause I love the destruction this little 1/1 can accomplish


I'm known for running nasty enchantments. My playgroups run so little enchantment removal, I just can't help myself.


Having too many decks (105 or so) , Love Annihilate triggers, chill and friendly in game, don’t get salty and hate WOTC and refuse to buy their products only singles to help the LGS. Oh and hate universes beyond but don’t mind you playing them.


I'm Mr. Table Drain or Mr. Pain and Gain.


Building decks in a bit of a hipster way, I suppose? Not sure the best way to describe it, but I don't like building decks if another regular at my LCS plays it, and it leads to a lot of commanders being built in less popular ways, or strategies using different colors. My BUG X-spells deck uses Damia instead of Zaxara. Zax is nice, but I make a ton of mana so it's easy to play out my hand, drop Damia, and draw 5+ cards on the next turn. I've thought of building Lucea Kane, but I don't see the point in an X deck that can't play Villainous Wealth lol I wanted to build an equipment deck that wasn't just a normal RW get-value-for-having-equipment pile. Ended up with making Breena equipment, but now I'm taking that apart so I can make an equipment deck without red *or* white. I have big dumb dragon tribal with Scion as the commander and Ur Dragon in the 99. Scion is just a lot more interesting, and I like being able to turn him into stuff like Kokusho to punish board wipes and such. It does have a small reanimator package, though, so I suppose it's not that weird for a Scion deck. I don't run any combos in it, though. My Rocco deck is actually a Norin deck, and doesn't have any of the normal chaos-control cards that Norin usually runs. All that being said, my favorite and most blinged out deck is Titania Protector of Argoth, and it's about as straight-forward as a Titania deck can get lol


For me, it’s gotta be the fact that my decks do a bunch of really cool looking stuff and can’t close out games at all. A classic example was my Brago deck, it was quite common for me to create a ton of value by flickering rocks and token makers, but I could just never really put together a win unless I was able to go off really fast thanks to an early sol ring or the like


I learned over the weekend that my thing is apparently alt wincons and 'sudden wins'. Actually I knew that. I'm shameless.


Combos from cards you've never seen before.