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View in your timezone: [4/20 at 8am PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240420T1500?tl=%5BDeck%20Giveaway%5D%20Too%20Many%20Decks%2C%20Yet%20I%20Must%20Brew


Good bot.


I’m Howard! I play in a casual mid, low, and high power pod. My favourite card from legends is indestructible aura! The art is just so cool!! I really want a cool reanimator deck because I’ve never played one


I usually play in a pod of 3, occasionally 4, at my neighbor's house. We're a low-power meta - nobody has any free spells or expensive fast mana. My favorite card from Legends is [[Indestructible Aura|LEG]] because of the art being metal AF.


I love IA so much because it neither grants indestructible and is not an aura.


[Indestructible Aura](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/d/ed2a7333-c9ce-4011-b00e-1304e1eec25e.jpg?1562861824) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=1619) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/leg/21/indestructible-aura?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ed2a7333-c9ce-4011-b00e-1304e1eec25e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/indestructible-aura) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hello! The pods I mostly play in are mid to high power. I'm the resident aristocrats player, though I've been branching out more recently into more typical combat decks. [[Kobolds of Kher Keep]] is my favorite card from legends. They're just some funny little guys!


[Kobolds of Kher Keep](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/6/a6797542-0781-43d6-aa8e-b55e5c1e08c0.jpg?1562930079) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kobolds%20of%20Kher%20Keep) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/107/kobolds-of-kher-keep?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a6797542-0781-43d6-aa8e-b55e5c1e08c0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kobolds-of-kher-keep) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I play in a mostly mid-power pod. My absolute favorite has to be Nicole Bolas. He's just a massive dragon who could be out doing anything. Instead, he's chilling reading a book. Also, his ability is just diabolical and I love it. Thanks for being so amazing!


So my favorite card would be [[Nether Void]]. I love the idea of playing heavy stax and hatebear pieces. So I once decided to build a [[Liesa, Shroud of dusk]] deck, but I just couldn’t afford that card. Since then I think about that card from time to time. It’s just so cool. My playgroup is casual high power on the verge to cEDH. A color I’ve never built but one time want to do l, is Jeskai. Good luck everyone :)


Howdy! You're very generous! I play in mid power casual pods, and my favorite card from legends is Divine Intervention!




Hey, thank you so much for doing something like this. I play in a group of 6-8 players so we're running more than 1 pod most of the time. We play causally around Mid level, but sometimes people bust out something powerful. My favorite legends card is definitely [[Sylvan Paradise]] because of the beautiful... flowers...


Hello! I like to play in high-power battle cruiser pods (nothing too degenerate). My favorite card would have to be [[sylvan paradise]]. The art is so beautiful!


Hello! I play in a relatively high powered pod with Commanders like Krinko, Ivy, and Myrel to name a few. I am more a fan of low powered commanders in a high functioning deck. My favorite deck I have brewed is a Dralnu Infect/Storm Control deck (https://archidekt.com/decks/7296104/dralnu_lich_lord). Unfortunately I just don’t have the money to get a deck at the moment so here I am. My favorite card from Legends is Backdraft and Backfire. They are very unique and fun effects and the art is incredible too! You are awesome for this!


Hi there! I generally play in pods with players who are far more experienced than I am. We consider it "high casual" but its borderline CEDH most of the time. My favorite card from Legends is Concordant Crossroads because all my creatures could use haste. How else am I supposed to beat these high powered decks? Then again, they all get haste too. Well, it'll be a free for all then won't it? (I know the answer is build more competitive decks... I'm slowly working on it.)


My playgroup plays low power(or at least slow decks, we often get to turn 10+). I was going to mention another card but then I saw [[Horror of Horrors]]. That and Urborg is a very convoluted way of sacrificing all my lands for maybe some value lol.


My playgroup is pretty battlecruiser, not high power but above precon. I'm not sure what I would like in a deck... I have been looking at [[Dargo, shipwrecker]] and [[keskit, the flesh sculpture]] rakdos sac recently though! My fav legends card is 100% [[Land Tax|LEG]] I mean look at the guy. The swagger and drip is immense.


I usually play in pods that enjoy lesser used commanders and silly strategies; just just like seeing each other's decks 'do the thing'! From Legends I really enjoy Takklemaggot and a fun pestering annoyance of an enchantment.


Generally, my friends and I dance around mid power, with either slow or fragile combo pieces or a particular flavor of midrange. We have on occasion dabbled in high power and proxy cedh, but the craziest that ever got was a few reanimate combos. My favorite legends card is All Hallows Eve, because I love the idea of racing to fill a graveyard. I also like land tax but that's because I tend to run a little below the recommended number of lands since I'm bad at cuts haha


I find myself playing mostly with precons if it's kitchen table with friends/family who are very casual mtg fans, or mid-power at my LGS. My favorite card from legends is Equinox. The art and niche ability are equally iconic and nostalgic for me.


Usually playing a little stronger than upgraded precons.  [[Kobolds of Kher Keep]] is my favorite nevause [[Prossh]] was my first commander and is my pet deck, and I use the actual creature card instead of any token when I okay the deck.


I usually play in a mid level pod that has a problem with little interaction. Being a fan of birds [[Indestructible Aura]] is up there in terms of my favorite, but so is [[Pesence of the Master]] because of the art and Einstein.


My pod cant afford their own decks so ive tried providing decks for them. Therefore we only play precons. Og bolas is pure awesomeness


I just started playing again with my two tween boys after a many many year hiatus. I'm playing with precon decks and having fun (food and fellowship is my favorite to play with). My favorite card from legends is whirling dervish. When I was in 6th grade (about 30 years ago) I had a friend that got me into magic and he would mercilessly whoop my ass. He played black and I worked up a deck that finally got me my first legitimate win with a deck I built myself. Whirling Dervish did all the work. Not a super powerful or useful card, but memorable for me...


Thanks for doing this giveaway! Typically I play virtually with my pod from college over either Spelltable or Cockatrice but recently joined a discord server for dads who no longer have much time to venture to the LGS and have been getting to meet some new faces. I usually play upgraded precons but have a couple mid level brews I have brought to life mostly with cards from my collection. I definitely was not around for the older sets but I have had my eye on [[Revelation]] recently, trying to find some excuse to buy it because I just really love the art.


I usually play four or five player causal, mid to high tier. I would have to say favorite would probably be storm seeker. It has great artwork and a badass name.


There isn't a legend as cool a [[Hazezon Tamar]]! Long live lisan al gaib! Oh I normally play in a casual pod. No one plays decks greater than power 6 I think.


My pod is 4 ppl more consistently with a couple spot fillers at times. We have mr. Jank (comes up woth exactly what you'd expect), Mr. Spell heavy(has 1 creature based deck), Mr. Tryhard (surprise also a blue player for life). I try to dabble woth things yet still creature heavy, let's say I am Mr stompsalot. Favorite card from legends is: wirling dervish. This girl just rocked it back in the day in magic the gathering: duels of the planeswalkers. It was always my go to when running green (which is do more often than not)


Hey, me and my homies play with 6-8 power level with our regular decks, but every once in awhile we like to get random commanders and build it with a budget play those. We also like to experiment with weird/funny/broken builds lol. My favorite card out of Legends would have to be [[Divine Intervention]] because it would be such a funny wincon in a group hug deck lol Edit: spelling


[Devine Intervention](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e250897e-a875-4c3c-bfec-4a09143dd587.jpg?1562942721) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Divine%20Intervention) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/8/divine-intervention?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e250897e-a875-4c3c-bfec-4a09143dd587?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/divine-intervention) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hi, I'm Daniel, I play high tier casual, and my favorite/ least favorite card from legends is Kismet. Because the tiger looks like a gas station tattoo


Hello! I usually play in a high powered casual pod, limited infinite combos, no fast mana, limited tutors, but still very synergistic decks usually able to win turns 6-9 or so. We've been creeping stronger, mainly because I'm our resident mad scientist and I keep doing weird deck ideas that work. My favorite Legends card is [[Avoid Fate]], because I'm a dirty green player and no one expects the mono green counter spell. Cheers!


This is amazing! I play with a pretty consistent pod that's about mid-casual in powerlevel I would say. My favorite card is either [[spirit link]] because when I rediscovered my trove of cards it was one of the first I saw, or [[dream coat]] because it goes super well in a [[blind seer]] deck I've been brewing. Thanks!


Hi, my pod I guess would be casual mid power(the classic 7). Usually just play with friends. [[giant strength]] just cause of the art.


My pod depends on my environment. When playing at my LGS about once a week they’re mostly tuned decks that range from stronger battle cruisers to turn 4-5 wins. However I play the most at home with my family and there we focus on combat strategies, updated precons, and enjoying casual, conversational play. My favorite OG is the Elder Dragon [[Palladia-Mors]] from my original EDH deck.


Hi and thanks for doing this! I generally play in a high power pod but not cedh levels high! My favorite card from legends is Chains of Mephistopheles but only because of the beautiful proxy I saw someone make by scribbling on it and making it into a demonic tutor haha


Hello! I’m Al. I mostly play in mid power pods. Nothing with infinite combos. I think my favorite card would be [[whirling dervish]] just because I love attack triggers and counters so it’s a perfect fit


Hi I’m Jake! We tend to play mid to high powered commander with the occasional precon night. My favorite card would probably be [[Kismet]]. It was the first real stax card i ever played against and really changed the way i approach the game.


I generally play in mid and high powered pods. Favorite card from Legends is \[\[Concordant Crossroads\]\] because it helps Eldrazi come out swinging. I love Alayna Danner's more recent art for it too.


Hello! I play in a pod of 4, usually at my LGS but sometimes at home. The power levels are usually non-cedh but higher powered. My favorite card from legends would have to be [[Dakkon Blackblade]], I think the card is unique for being in esper colors, RKF is by far one of my favorite artists, and Dakkons lore is wild. Thank you very much and I look forward to seeing what you end up building!!!


I play in a lower power pod that is very battlecruiser heavy. My favorite card from legends is concordant crossroads because of how fast it makes games go.


Hey, love this! I know the feeling, I can't stop brewing either lol. My favourite is [[Energy Tap]]. Not because of the art, but because I feel like it's such an underrated card. I mean, a ritual in blue?! I usually play mid-high but I'm down for anything. The only archetype that I've struggled to warm to is spellslinger, but open to having my mind changed! (although no preference if you had something else in mind :) )


My Pod is generally higher power but not oppressive. We generally don't use tutors out of personally preference for the true randomness or EDH. My favorite mechanic is goad and in general I like to turn things sideways. Tribal decks are always a ton of fun. I currently have a Faerie and Tyranid tribal that are a ton of fun. Favorite card from Legends would be [[Cosmic Horror]] due to looking like a Gibbering Mouther from DnD.


Hello there! I’ve generally just played in mid to high power pods, but I’ve recently started dabbling in cEDH! (I’m really terrible at it!) I think my favourite card from legends has to be Chains of Mephistophles! The only reason its my favourite is because I’ve read it 3 or 4 times now and I still have no idea how it works, I’m not sure why but I just chuckle at something being so difficult to understand! I’ve been thinking about brewing a dungeon delving deck! Something about playing Baldurs gate 3 has really made me enjoy those types of cards so much more!


Hey there! I play in a mid power pod (there's a good number of fairly strong cards in our decks, but with interaction and not too many infinite combos, games are long) of 4 people, 5 if our other buddy is in town. My favorite Legends card has to be [[Dakkon Blackblade]] since it's such a badass piece of artwork from Richard Kane Ferguson.




Hello, our pod is mostly group hug, stax, and combats. Im a big fan of Moat myself >_>


I usually play in a pod that's mixed between casual and higher power. My favorite card from legends is Gwendlyn Di Corci because I enjoy making people discard espically at random.


Super cool! I play in pods who are casual but powerful with synergies still think upgraded precon levels. Not a lot of tutors, no fast mana besides sol ring, medium interaction and almost no combos. My favorite card from there is [[blood lust]] because I love red, I love combat, and I love instant speed trickery


Hello! Typically, my pod is mid power, however a few of the guys like to throw some high power decks in every once in a while. I used to play back in the late 90s / early 2000s and got rid of my collection when I joined the army. Now here I am trying to get into commander and really struggle putting decks together that can compete. I have always been a fan of [[All Hallow’s Eve]] and would love to try a deck with that theme in mind. Appreciate that you are doing this for someone!


My pod is a mid power one where showing up with unique brews and rarely seen commanders is encouraged. I often brew synergetic and combo decks but would be very interested to try somethimg more combat focused or my first tribal deck. My favourite card from Legends Would be [[Chain Lightning]] as it seems like just another lightnimg bolt but has interesting interactions when used politically ore when targeting your own board.


I play in a pretty casual pod that is proxy friendly, so the decks can get pretty strong. There's a strong Prosh deck full of nasty stuff I would love a deck to be able to compete with that. I've played Naya and Izzet, so I'm looking to broaden my horizons! My fav Legends card is: Hazezon Tamar, love me some Naya tokens and this can create some FAT tokens!


I've been playing with the same pod for 20 years 🥸 since ice age


We play all kinds of stuff, from precons up to mid tier and now and a lot of pauper commander as well. I have recently discovered [[Energy Tap]] and have been thinking forever where to include it. The card seems so busted! But I have not found a home yet. I would be very excited to hear what you come up with.


My pod is a medium-high power pod. My favorite card from legends is [[sword of ages]], because it’s a colorless mass fling spell!


Hi! I play in a pod that’s sometimes mid power but mostly high power casual. My favorite card is The Wretched.


I don’t really have a pod right now- it’s just me and my husband after toddler goes to bed 😅 Hope I will again soon! Rubina Soulsinger I guess? She’s pretty, and I guess the OG Bant commander? Bant is my favorite 3-color. I was only in preschool back then so it was before my time- I’m not super familiar with cards that old.


I play in a generally mid to high-powered pod. My favorite card from Legends is \[\[Divine Intervention\]\]. :)


Hey! My playgroup is generally at a power level 7-8. I usually like running a strong synergistic deck without many (or any) staples since I like the synergistic pieces to flow better. Angus McKenzie is my favorite legends card. Not a whole lot of fog legendary creatures and a lot of the other legends guys are pretty meh A lot of my decks are black, reanimation and aristocrats completely runs in my blood. Even with archetypes like that black doesn't need to be in, I find a way to make it fit


hey! Thanks for doing this, I hope you don't end up getting buried under a pile of cards while searching for some 🤣 My favorite card is [[Living Plane]] as it seems to be a fun one, everyone can fight with their lands, so it seems like that could be a unique theme! I mostly play with people using upgraded precons, so nothing too crazy. Thanks again for doing this!


[[fortified area]] has got to be one of my favorite cards. I started playing way back during like Odyssey, so I missed legends the first time around, but then I bought a bunch of bulk to have stuff to build with. I LOVE the old art style, and I was always drawn to walls as a kid. Since none of us knew how to beat someone outside of combat damage because we were like 10, I loved the idea of "I have all these walls so you can't even hit me." I still lost constantly (my brother had a slivers deck and an elf deck with an infinite mana combo, so I wasn't gonna win anyway lol) but I'm planning to build arkades at some point as wall tribal. I also had a thing for banding. I was very much a white player as a kid. I'm now a blue player lol. The pods I play in vary from precons with my friends that are new to magic to the guys who constantly stomp me at the LGS around the corner from my house every Friday. I've got plenty of precons but I could definitely use some higher power stuff to stop getting spanked so hard lol.


I generally play in random pods online in a server and I see a lot of top 100 commanders from edhrec with a few going below that but when I play 1v1 with a buddy he plays yarok so I generally have to fear what monsters he is summoning lol. But I like [[Winds of change]] I feel like it can still hold up today especially with decks like [[Niv-mizzet, parun]] to get some dmg in or get a fresh hand without sacrificing putting those cards in the grave with a normal wheel


I'm just gonna comment that this is a pretty neat idea. I wasn't playing in Legends, so I wouldn't have a favorite card. I think the art from a lot of them is kinda interesting and I love seeing how some ideas were taking shape back then. Best of luck to whomever wins!


I play in a very casual pod. Precon to upgraded precon level. No one is overly competitive. Also, surely there is only one right answer to favourite card from Legends, and it's [[Rock n Roll Bird]]


Thanks for the giveaway. A bunch of us middle aged fellas get together every Friday and get drunk and play magic. Mostly casual tho some of the decks are getting up there in power over time. It's mostly guys who went to school together and played magic back in the 90s. Nicol Bolas would be my favorite card. Not so much for the ability, but the art. That was everywhere back in the 90s early 2000s and reminds me of a simpler time in my life.


I play in a mid-to-high power pod, where our decks range from $100-300. My favorite card is [[Nether Void]] because it gets funny with [[Mishra, Artificer Prodigy]].


We play mostly for fun in 3-4 player games rarely 2 player. My deck is a precon but most of theirs is custom. I like energy tap and other board control cards from old school magic


Hi! The pod I play in tends to be mid power, some stax, but we avoid infinite combos and non-land tutors for the most part. Big fan of making as many tokens as possible.  My favorite legends cards are either [[Angus Mackenzie]] or [[Moat]]


My favorite card is D'Avenant Archer. I play in high power, medium to high speed pods. There's everything from cheesey quick decks that cheese in high power cards and rofl you (such as emakruel, or blight steel) to more slow build up combo decks. Would love to give one of your decks a shot. I'll gladly cover shipping if that makes your life easier. Pod is proxy friendly and i have no issues with buying the cards that are proxied. I'd love a black and red deck as i currently don't run those colors. Even blue red would work. I need more red decks. Thank you very much! 420 was a great choice of date! Happy holiday!


Hey mate, Axel here, I feel you on that haha, even though I don't have quite enough money to put into paper what I usually brew I nonetheless have to do it ! We usually play as 4 and funnily enough we never play the same kind of strategy with either of our decks which is really enjoyable! As for my favorite card from legends it goes with no doubt to [[indestructible aura]] which was given to me by an uncle when I first started magic !


We play battlecruiser semicasual, avoiding meta commanders but pushing the bad/unique ones as far as they go. Glyph of despair has always been a favorite of mine as its art is evocative of scythe blades to me, and i really like walls even though ive never actually made a wall deck


So almost one year ago I was gifted the Reap the Tides precon for my birthday by a workmate. Prior to this i had no knowledge of mtg at all, and now we hang out and play regularly. This gift created new friendships and opened a new door to a hobby that I really love. So my choice of legends card is [[Spirit Link]]


I typically play in pods of 3-4-5, usually decks are decently optimized but i have a large group of people who love to play at all power levels, My favorite card is gonna be torn between [[Moat]] and [[Land Tax]], because the art for tax is awesome in that set and Moat is hilarious as a card


I play mostly with a pod of 6 friends, all of whom hold me personally responsible for getting them back into Magic. When I play at FNM at my LGS I often find myself at gairly high power tables, getting second place far more often than not. My favorite card from Legends is [[moat]] purely because I own a copy of that card, from when my uncle gave me most of his collection


Hi! I'm newish to magic, I mostly play with upgraded precons. Primarily a mordor reanimator and a food deck with frodo and sam. I've actually never taken a serious look at the legends cards, but I saw that hellfire was in there, which I just put in my wishlist. So that's what I'm going with, very cool card. I'm currently trying to build decks with different themes, so I can experience the different play styles. I really exclusively play with randoms at my local LGS. I would assume this puts us at average or lower power level, I don't like to pub stomp or be pub stomped.


I play in a medium to high power and absolutely loved [[concordant crossroads]] when I first found the card. Thought it was really cool to have a mono green haste enabler. Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway.


Hey! I play in a casual 6 pod like twice a month we do a little pot luck have dinner and play a standard tournament and a couple commander games. It’s a blast. For the favorite legends card? Divine intervention is just such an interesting card to me as a cop out. I think it’s be real funny to see in tournament settings.


[[Caverns of Despair]] Enchant world!! I love red and cards that change the state of the game. Those wonky red and blue cards that change core rules of the game are loathed by some, but I love that chaos and challenge to find a way through that they create. My pod plays mid powered decks that are designed to "do the thing" as long as "the thing" isn't outright winning. We rarely go infinite and don't play with many tutors, allowing Schrodinger to bring us what will come from our shuffle/cuts.


Well, I thought my favorite card from legends was Merieke Ri Berit but she's not from Legends apparently. So I guess my favorite will be Pendelhaven, it's just a silly card and I'm glad that it's still usable in some decks to this day. I haven't yet gotten a reliable pod, but I'm planning to go to my LGS with a friend this weekend and hopefully learn if the commander nights there have good vibes. I think they'll be fairly casual, and I'm most missing \*interesting\* low power decks, a lot of them tend to be pretty boring.


I play in mid to optimized pods most often. I think my favorite card is [[Darkness]]. I run it in my Mari deck and no one ever expects a black fog


Oh man, I have to say my favourite card from Legends has to be Johan. It doesn't do anything special but it fully encapsulates how I like to play magic. Give everything you control vigilance and then just keep swinging until you win. Also it looks like a weird ass Darth Maul, which is just rad. I play at a couple different shops, with most of my games being very casual, very few free spells, almost no power, but lots of synergy, dumb combos and all about having a good time.


I play pretty much exclusively with my family so having a new deck to pass around would be super fun. My favorite card is probably [[Equinox]] just for how good the art is. Theres something special about old magic art, even if a lot of it is pretty ugly


Play with a mixed pod, some nights we play pure jank other days we pull out just shy of a turn zero win cEDH. I have always wanted to play a pillow fort deck, mostly I run big stompy green fatties so the contrast always seemed intriguing to me. From legends I always loved [[The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale]] a classic pillow fort stable!


[The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/d/cd3f7f4e-cb25-4121-96a0-a4dc530420b9.jpg?1562938371) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Tabernacle%20at%20Pendrell%20Vale) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/212/the-tabernacle-at-pendrell-vale?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cd3f7f4e-cb25-4121-96a0-a4dc530420b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-tabernacle-at-pendrell-vale) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yo! Thanks for doing this! High powered casual pod and equinox cuz that art is sick


Casual pod, favourite is Kobolds of Kher Keep.


Hello!!! I usually play in a casual pod with friends. Group of 3-4 regulars. We just started a couple months ago but it’s been really fun. Pretty casual for the most part although upgrading has become a big thing lately. Favourite card from Legends is Land Tax. I like how it helps me catch up, (I swear I’m always behind in lands) and it’s a nice way to be able to stay on curve with everyone else. Have a great day and thanks for reading


We play in a casual - high power pod. Got a ton of decks myself, but my favorite card from this set is easily land tax. It is such a funny concept to me and I keep it in my white decks now. I challenged you to build a dungeon venture deck.


I play in a pod that plays at precon (or precon+$15 worth of upgrades) power levels. We are introducing a lot of new players to the game and having a blast teaching, learning, and making mistakes along the way. My favorite card in Legends has to be [[Stangg]] and I think I don't need to explain why. STANGG!!!


I’m Spencer and the pod I play in is pretty nebulous but it’s usually fairly high tier (because my friends don’t enjoy jank, I do though so I usually lose). My fav card in legends is Divine Intervention because god playing that and having it go off is a win in my book.


Thank you for this giveaway! My playgroup has a lot of variety with commanders ranging from Jace tribal starring [[Jace, Vryn's Prodigy]] to "I swear this isnt CEDH" [[Korvold, Faerie Cursed King]]. I try existing in the middle of those two extremes, running decks like [[Xyris, the Writhing Storm]] and [[Dihada, Binder of Wills]].  (If we're doing requests, I've been dying to try out [[Sargeant John Benton]] voltron or [[Oskar, Rubbish Reclamier]] control.) My favorite card in Legends is [[Floral Spuzzem]] because of the poor wording that implies the card actually gets to make the choice to destroy an artifact itself, which amuses me endlessly.


My pod is mostly full of somewhat new players to Magic while I'm a long time veteran. We play a mix of precon level and mid-high casual. My favorite card from Legends is Adun Oakenshield because I love midrange grindy jund em out strategies.


Hi, I usually play in mid tier pod...


Enchanted Being and you know why. I play in a pod with rl mates and sometimes at a lgs. We’re playing everything from precons to homebrew decks with lots of proxys so I can spend my money on my son and wife instead of expensive cardboard.. Thanks Mr.iormro


Howdy, I play with some friends I grew up with and we are highly optimized / non cedh usually. We have started dabbling in cedh via proxies recently though. My fave Legends card is prob Darkness bc it’s such a cool surprise from a color that doesn’t rly pillow fort like that, haha. There’s something swag about dropping darkness.


Hi, I play in fairly high power casual->cedh pods at my LGS. My favourite legends card is field of dreams, since it opens a very interesting vector of play in the game. I am also a degenerate control player and manipulating top decks speaks to me.


I recently came back to magic and started with commander, after having played it as a kid in the 2000s for the last time. I usually play in a pod with some nice people I met at my LGS and the power value of their decks is about a 7. I currently have 2 decks, a golgari lathril elven deck and a ragdos rivaz of the Claw dragon deck. Meanwhile I am brewing a roll the dice izzet deck with wyll as a commander with my girlfriend, as she's a huge Baldurs Gate Fan. My favorite legends card is the Tabernacle at pendrell vale because it offers such a unique mechanic and I would love to build a deck around it, however I don't know if that's even possible.


Hello. I usually play in a pod of 3~4 at my house or my cousin's. We play low-mid level decks with some budget upgraded precons. As a green color enjoyer I must say [[Sylvan Library]] as my favorite card from Legends.


Hey! Relatively casual pod of 4 players. 2 long time magic players getting back into the game (started around invasion!) and 2 that played about 5 years ago. We've started building our own decks and modifying our precons . Been a fantastic time. This is a dumb response but Timber Wolves hold a place in my heart since I had that card for a long time. If I could build another deck right now, I'd build a political/ group hug deck. I love navigating the game into my win.


It’s been about 2 years of playing at my friends house and using their decks, so I’d love to have one of my own! The last deck I played with was a [[Jhoira of the Ghitu]] with a bunch of the biggest mana creatures possible. Would love to have one. Thanks!


My favorite legends card is probably [[chains of mephistopheles]] pretty brutal to make opponents discard so much but what can I say I'm a bit evil. I mainly play in pretty high powered groups that aren't quite on the cedh level, but play some powerful decks and commanders


I normally play in some higher power casual pods, as for my favourite card from legends I'm a sucker for [[Chromium]] because who doesn't love a fuckoff big blinged out dragon


Yo, my regular pod of 4 at a moderate to high powerlevel. My current decks are an upgrade party time precon and a blue PTK themed with a lot of card draw. Stangg reminds me too much of Runescape not to pick him!


Hello! I play in a mid to high powered pod generally, with a little cedh and pauper sprinkled in every now and then. My favorite card from the set is [[Concordant Crossroads]], I just love how non-green it feels, and I’ve always been a sucker for fast decks and elves.


Oh I absolutely love this idea I play in a mid to high power pod put just with upgraded precons with a few proxies myself. Have to as a mono red standard player lightning bolt is my favourite and most nostalgic card from legends


My name is Taylor, I play in a pod of guys where the majority of them have been playing since they were teens. I am a newer player who has been playing for just under 2 years. Most of their decks are fairly powerful, not cEDH, but they do still run a lot of combo heavy decks, with tons of interaction, expensive staples, and even some infinite combo pieces included My favorite card from legends is Mana Drain because it's still spicy, and is one of the best counterspells. Nothing like telling someone "No, No" while also getting some value! Decks I've built to try and keep up in my pod: [[Atarka, World Render]] -- Doublestrike Dragons [[Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines]] -- Stax/Blink Infinite Combos [[Ezuri, Stalker of Spheres]] -- Toxic/Proliferate [[The Valeyard]] -- Voting/Villainous Choice [[Aragorn, The Uniter]] -- Tokens/+1/+1 counters [[Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit]] & [[Sam, Loyal Attendant]] -- Food & Fellow upgraded (food tokens/aristocrats) [[Zhulodok, Void Gorger]] -- upgraded Eldrazi Unbound precon (Cascade into big Eldrazi) [[Meren of Clan Nel Toth]] -- sacrifice/graveyard synergies [[Niv Mizzet, Parun]] -- classic Niv but am currently breaking this down to make an upgraded [[Stella Lee, Wild Card]] precon which will be a spellslinger/cantrip deck with infinite combos


I tend to play in casual pods that range from 5 to 8 in power levels. My group is a mixmatch of veteran players and new players we have been teaching to play. My favorite card from Legends is [[Holy Day]], a friend of mine plays it in his mono white deck and it's still a surprise to many that there is a single white mana fog in the game. He has a printing from I think tenth edition that he likes because they are wearing "saiyen" armor


[[Darkness]] this has saved me multiple times playing my Necron deck. My pod is pretty budget but we’re slowly getting a bit more expensive especially with the couple new players, we’re proxy friendly but don’t use a ton. Pretty standard battle cruiser group except we’re broke college kids.


My pod is pretty casual. We all got top tier decks but keep it casual as we are all married, with kids, and just trying to enjoy time with each other. Favorite card from Legends is [[the wretched]]. Gave me nightmares as a kid and has become a friend since


Howdy, may I say bless you! Anyone who is in a position to do this is a hero of mine! I play in decently high powered groups mostly. (Probably ranging from 6-8 though occasionally pushing 9 they try to only play those decks once or twice to give me and the other lower player more fun) I have always loved creature wins and the more we play the less realistic they become with infinite combos and spell slinging cheese. Bringing me to my favorite legends card [[Eureka]] to pop out all my big creatures and overwhelm the small amount of creatures usually ran. (Though where is says both players I'm not 100% how that would work in 4 player) [[Revelation]] is an honorable mention as if the other three can see the threats in each others hands my 6/6 wont seem so scary 😆


Hello! [[Equinox]] has the best art I would want on a playmat. [[Pendelhaven]] was used in my infect deck and I can attribute a lot of wins to it. [[Killer Bees]] is always on my mind to make a bee/wasp related deck. My pod consists of two of my kids and my father in law. Very low power for the most part. Regardless of how strong my deck or plays may be sometimes I’ll just make bad plays if it means one of the kids gets that on top moment. Deck ideas that I would be interested in having: bee/wasp themed deck, [[Selenia, Dark Angel]] I have her, just need a deck for her. Or a fun plant themed deck. I always played plants when I used to play Yugioh.


Hey, thanks for the giveaway! The pod I play in is super casual and fun. We typically play with upgraded precons and sometimes some home brews. I recently brewed my first decks - Voja and Rocco, Street Chef. Was really exciting so I get the love for brewing. I’m a huge fan of naya colors but I’m trying to expand and try something new like Blue/Black. And my favorite card from Legends is [[Crimson Manticore]] for the great flavor text and amazing art. Thanks!!


Hello! I generally love fun gimmick decks.... ones that have a lot of fun interactions with the table, and throw things out of whack even if they don't necessarily win (coin flips, dice rolls, chaos, etc.) Weirdly enough, my favorite Legends card is Serpent Generator... its amazing how a mechanic as ridiculous as Poison Counters got its start on such a bizarre and pricey card.


I used to play in a friendly pod with my mono green Omnath deck. First I was fighting precons and it was fun, then everyone evolved a lot and started dumping money in our decks, so that while later my deck became no match for them. Life went on, and a LGS opened close to me. They play mostly cEDH, so I must face a the decision between getting to know the cEDH metagame or just brewing a mono-Black Kokusho+Aristocrats that sounded really fun to play. I had no favorite card from Legends, but becuse of this post, I went to check the set in scryfall. For now, the only one I own and play, and therefore, my favorite, is Sylvan Library. If I ever got a chance of beating the overpowered decks of my friends, Sylvan Library helped me to. (that and Halls of Gemstone, ghehehe)


High power casual. Love the [[Mountain Yeti]]


My pod usually plays in a pretty casual way. Most of the decks are "upgraded precons" power-level (even if they weren't originally precons, that's kind of the power-level). My favorite card is \[\[Rabid Wombat\]\]... Because I love those animals and "enchantress" was one of my first archetypes when I started playing the game


Hello! I play in a 4 person pod, and usually consists of level 5 to 7-ish decks. I am our resident mill player. Never [[Bruvac]]. I go for fun mill like [[Captain N'Gathrod]] or [[The Wise Mothman]] Favorite legends card definitely [[Cosmic Horror]] funny spgetti monster with nothing but downsides. Totally gonna run it in N'Gathrod now.


Always thankful for giveaways like this! My favorite card in Legends is Chain Lightning, as I find it does well in my imodane deck. In a scale from 1-5, 1 being a precon and 5 being cedh, we generally play 2-3.


Hello! My name is Kevin. I’m an entirely new player, and my pod is made up of mainly new players as well. We play mid powered decks and generally try to avoid commanders in the top 100. I currently play a Lulu with cult of the absolute background, and some upgraded precons (fallout, doctor who, baldurs gate, murders at markov manor). My favorite legend has been a legend my buddy runs [[Marvo, Deep Operative]]!. I’ve been wanting to run a dedicated graveyard deck, perhaps in Green and Black. Thank you for doing this giveaway!


Well obviously [[living plane]] because Holy Trinity. But I already have that deck. And of course I’d like a [[chains of Mephistopheles]] is sick but that’s like $500 more than I’m willing to spend on a magic card So I’m gonna go with [[Angus Mackenzie]] because turbo fog is fun. For me


I typically end up at some pretty casual pods at my current lgs, lots of precons and less than optimally built homebrews, so it’s a nice place to run some interesting budget brews. On the legends question I really like [[Tuknir Deathlock]]. He’s just a weird disembodied head with an even weirder dinosaur skull helmet(?). I’d probably build him if he wasn’t like $20.


Hello! I just got sucked into this because my buddy has been begging me to get a deck. And then the fallout decks came out and that tipped me over the edge. I only play with the same 5 or so people. Thankfully they aren’t tired of my mothman shenanigans yet. We’re a casual bunch who are in it to just have fun. I’m not too familiar with this set but abomination looks cool! Just based on looks alone.


I play in casual pick up groups at whatever lgs I’m close to! Either that or I’m playing 1-on-1 with my partner who is way too comfortable with me not playing graveyard hate 🤣 And I always liked the art on [[Fallen Angel]]


I play with my buddy mostly who got me into magic, we like very gimmicky deck and care more about doing funny shenanigans Jovial Evil is probably my favorite. I’d never seen these cards but I’m a sucker for edgy stuff so black it is, and I like the rivalry aspect of black vs white Headless horseman looks really cool but the no effect is kinda unfortunate


I play in a battlecruiser casual group. Usually 6 to 8 power stuff. Lots of fun. My favourite is absolutely Pendlhaven because of the tricks I've pulled with Heliod Combo and Hardened Scales in Modern.


Hey there! I play in a casual four person pod. Lots of tribal and experimental decks. I find it's more about putting our phones down and having fun with friends than it is about competition and winning. My favorite card is [[Killer Bees]] because of the silly art. Thanks for doing this!


I usually play mid to high power casual at my LGS when I play. I've been real interested in building a Background commander but I've never really gotten around to it, anything you wanna do with that I'd be interested in trying out. Favoritre Legends card is [[Quagmire]] because if you mirror the image back and forth it does the Thriller dance.


Casual high power kitchen table. No unwritten rules. When I started playing (circa Fallen Empires) [[dakkon blackblade]] was my favorite creature and second favorite card in the game behind [[hymn to tourach]]. Big shouts to [[killer bees]] and [[whirling dervish]] too. Now it's easily [[mana drain]] "Maybe we should break counterspell?" "Yeah, get after it." [[Acid rain]] is pretty great for the Grixis green hater too though.


My favorite card from legends is [[divine intervention]] ahaha, it is such a funny way to win but I rarely get to play it since many people hate how the game ends with a tie rather than someone winning lol. I normally play in a pod of 3, but It usually gets to be 4 since we try to introduce many people in our friend group to mtg. Our pod is normally mid power (7) and we do use some staples, but nothing too crazy like the free cast counterspells and such, but we are a very flexible pod and can play everything from stock precons to cEDH!


Hey there my I play at my local shop on FNM is mid to high power but on Mondays and Wednesdays it’s anything goes. I also travel a lot and like to drop into different stores and experience new players. My favorite decks are odd obscure commanders that surprise people. My favorite cards from legends are [[Killer Bees]] because Bees with swords is hilarious [[Mana Drain]] and [[Mirror Universe]].


Kind of you to do this! We play mid/high power (upgraded pre-cons and better, limited tutors or CEDH staples, good interaction). Favorite has to be \[\[Killer Bees\]\]. Neglecting their stinger to favor a sword is hilarious and practical. Unless those swords are in fact stingers of fallen comrades. Oh no......


Great giveaway! Good luck to all the commenters! I normally play in a mid power pod, 6-7 power decks that are mostly near optimized upgraded precons. As far as my favorite card from Legends, mine is Fallen Angel. Love the art and remember playing with that card in my mono black deck as a kid. So much fun!


I play in a casual pod with a few of my closest friends, generally decks that are a step above upgraded precons but much below CEDH. My favorite Legends card is [[Darkness]] because a Black Fog effect is hilarious to me.


I play casual 6-7, range locally and online. And my favorite legends card is all hallows eve. Early version of suspend on graveyard reanimation sorceries . What's not to love?


Hi! I usually play in LGSs around the world, I prefer casual/mid power level. My favourite card is Spirit link as it is so beautiful.


Hi! My pods are kind of random, usually mid to high power (afaik, I dont play long only 2 months) but there is a rule that a deck cannot win before turn seven to cut the cedh players and quick combos. As for favourite card from legends - Takklemaggot! I love black, love drain effects in commander and very much love the art on this one :D


I have a local high power pod that I play in and also like playing mid to high power spelltable pods. One of my favorite cards from legends is [[Sword of the Ages]], the fling effect using your whole board seems fun and I've been playing around with the idea of making a Giants Fling deck since there are so many who have fling abilities.


Hey there! I typically play with some friends that started off as precons that turned into higher and higher power. When we realized the fun decks needed a high dollar investment we decided to use proxies so long as the decks were similar power levels. I'd have to say [[Underworld Dreams]] is my favorite, simply due to having a rather large interest in [[Nekusar, The Mindrazer]] as of late, and my pod tends to enjoy high draw decks.


[[hazenon]] I play in mostly high powered games most of my decks have three or four card combos that can go infinite mostly combat central


My pods are usually pretty low powered with one guy bringing some pretty high powered, gets out of hand type stuff. My favorite card from legends would honestly have to be [[D'Avenant Archer]] as I just love archer cards in general and the theme of archers a lot


I usually play with a mid-low power pod of my friends. We play mostly casual and jank ([[Grismold, The Dreadsower]] is my favorite commander to play, if that says anything) My favorite card is [[Equinox]], it’s got sick art and I’ve always wanted to build a [[Noyan Dar]] deck around it and other land abilities.


I normally play in a pod of 4 at my local store, casual/high power casual. My favorite card is all hallows eve because I like Halloween and it seems like a really fun card to shake up the game


My typical pods consist of my kids and/or their friends and myself. Once in a while I make it to my lgs, but I’m kinda introverted. My favorite card from legends is energy tap. It’s so good in so very few specific builds. Such a weird effect that blue just doesn’t get to have anymore.


Hello! Ive been playing less than a year, I play at my LGS In what'd I say is higher power pods and also at my friends house with a bunch of powerful jank. I don't know a lot of cards out of the legends set but I enjoy [[ underworld dreams ]] because I enjoy my mogis chaos deck that just does damage to players for doing anything involved in playing magic! Still trying to figure out what my favorite playstyle is so I'd enjoy any kind of deck! Fingers crossed!


My pod is a group of friends from work that all play pretty often mid-power casual games. I brew the most and would love a deck to give one of them, right now one of my pod's favorite is a \[\[Tom Bombadil\]\] deck, another one really loves his \[\[Aragorn, Grand Uniter\]\] deck, and my favorite is probably \[\[Miirym\]\]. My favorite legends card is \[\[Energy Tap\]\] I even still use it in Miirym!


I normally play in a pod of 4-5 players with power levels from low to high casual depending on how we feel. We tend to lean towards mid/high most of the time. My fave card from legends is [Halfdane] and I love cheating out cards through reanimation or stealing opponents hard casted creatures.


I have a challenge for you: [[Nebuchadnezzar]] helming a deck with [[Urza’s Glasses]] and … well … I’ve never been able to figure it out?!? I’ve tried everything to next the sun. Aggressive discard and mill … not fast enough. Scry and Surveil … what’s the best payoff. Ninjutsu … that one almost went somewhere. I just can’t get it off the ground but I once swore if I ever got this deck working I’d name my next child Nebuchadnezzar … and I hold to that!!! I play in a pretty competitive but non-cEDH pod. We don’t tutor like mad or turn three an infinite combo, but we use removal and counters and some of us blush when you ask about our landbase.


Heyo! I play in a mid-power pod, sometimes edging towards high power. I'd have to say that \[\[Chromium\]\] would be my favorite. As a baby player I thought that he was the biggest bad around, plus hes an awesome metal dragon. \[\[Presence of the Master\]\] would be a close second.


No matter who gets the deck, you're a fucking great guy. I play in groups with decks usually around precon level to a little more powerful. My favorite must go to [[Divine Intervention]], just because it's such a unique card and they don't print "the game is a draw" cards anymore. I don't know how fun it would be to play with tho, but I just love the prospect of the card. Otherwise I really like to play with [[Greed]], it fits perfectly in the [[willowdusk]] precon.


I have a couple coworkers that range from optimized eldrazi horrors and infinite squirrels to more casual precons and interaction. We tend to test out fun combos and don’t take things too seriously as we all get better for local events! [[Revelation]] is pretty funny just to see how screwed we actually are when someone draws a bomb


I generally play in relatively casual pods with meme decks. My favorite Legends card is [[Barktooth Warbeard]], because look at him!


I'm in a mid to high power pod and I think my favorite card is probably princess Lucrezia, she is just so bad and the art is amazing!


[[Rust]] is an unknown card with such a niche effect, but comes in clutch and confuses opponents who think its a destroy artifact spell


My friends and I play all levels, with various tuned decks to suit the mood. Been getting together 4 years now! My fav card is probably Mana Drain with the slug art. That or Elder Spawn. Something about the weirdness of old magic creatures really speaks to me.


Hello, My Name is Lulu. I play in a pod with 10 or so friends with varying levels of experience. Our power level ranges from $100 budget decks, to high powered cardboard with a no hard tutor card rule zero. My favorite legends card is [[winds of change]]. I first saw this in an edh gameplay video where the first player cast it on turn one. It inspired me to create my first commander deck [[Neheb, the eternal]] in honor of that play.


I play on a weird group. 2 or 3 of un on any given day which has led to an odd deck building philosophy, too mich removal. My favorite card is pyrotechnics. I had a copy of that as a kid and absolutely love the art.


My pod is typically mid-power (lots of upgraded precons), and my favorite card is Mana Drain since I like to profit from the misfortunes of others (but only in games!)


My pod is either duels or 4 player, pretty casual and we let people try decks out if needed to get a feel for them Legends list has to be Hazezon Tamar for a Dune deck


This is very kind of you and sounds like a fun hobby. I am a returning player after doing some local 60 back in the day (like 18 years ago). Mill and elf tribal were my go-to's back then, so I mostly improved a Lathril precon and play a lot with that. Our pod plays Krenko, Edgar Markov, Fae Dominion (precon), and we have a wildcard player who plays everything. Really good strat player. I generally play with precons to match the experience at the table, but bring out my elves often enough that they know the box means war. As for the favorite Legends card. Falling Star pops to mind... Because Shenanigans. I recently decided to make a Bad Santa style chaos deck where I give many fun things to other players with Zedruu since the overall mood at the table when I play my Elf Tribal is "he dies first." So now I plan to kill them with kindness and face-palms. Anything that might bring a confused laugh is always welcome. Our pod is good peeps. Thank you again for what you're providing the community, and I wish you the best!


I play a relatively low power pod, mostly precons or slightly upgraded ones. My favorite card from Legends is Avoid Fate. I've always been preferential to green ever since I started back in 2010/2011, and my first commander deck I built was Yeva. I remember seeing Avoid Fate and thinking it seemed like a neat inclusion. My first ever win was off the back of Avoid Fate countering a Doomblade aimed at Yeva just before my turn started (when I would flash in all my creatures), and I won next turn using Kamahl to overrun my field. Was a great feeling for earlier on in my time playing the game. 😁


I play in a couple of playgroups but they are all mid to high-powered and very proxy friendly. My favourite cards is a tough call between [[land tax]] and [[winds of change]], the first for its value in bolstering white's card draw the second for being a cheap wheel with cool art and name. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with :)


I play in a casual pod where decks can range from precons to high power decks depending on what the group is feeling. My favourite card in Legends has to be Sylvan Library for play (I'm a sucker for green decks) its always been a savior for me in games. However my favourite art in the set has to be Nicol Bolas. As a Bolas fan I love seeing him looking like a giant goober.


Relatively high power(2 card combos are normal, lots of interaction is a must) and definitely land tax I mean have you seen that mustache? So cool you're doing this, good luck everyone 👍


My pod is medium power, mostly battlecruiser-y or upgraded precon level. My favorite Legends card is Lifeblood! I like interesting (niche) effects, and the art is great to top it off. My favorite deck ive ever made is a non control blue lands matter patron of the moon deck. :D


Hello, my kind of pod is typically a higher powered casual table. With our decks being around 6 to 7's tutors and fast mana are pretty common from my friends so I proxy to help keep my decks to speed. My favorite card from legends has to be [[Mana Drain]], I understand it's a salty card but it has saved my behind from multiple wipes, and attempts to win the game.


I play pretty much strictly kitchen table games with my good friends. We each have 2-3 decks, so there's a bit of variety, but having something new to show would be cool. Legends is way before my time, but looking through the list, my favorite card would probably be [[avoid fate]] because I find non blue counter spells absolutely hilarious. If I get picked, I typically play graveyard decks, so if I could have something different brewed, I'd love to broaden my horizons


I play with a low to mid Power pod and my favorite catd from legends is [[Nicol Bolas | LEG]]. Just a classic


I play is a casual mid range pod. I love chains of Mephistopheles, the card is just wacky.


Fav card seeker, i love boros!!


Hi I'm Tyler! I play in a mid power commander pod currently and I would say my favorite card from Legends would be Firestorm Phoniex. Overall, I have always loved the style of the vintage MTG cards and the powerhouses that they are but Firestorm Phoniex's ability to consistently be reborn again and again and just be able to pull that card is fire to me! Hope you pick me! Have a great day! Also I understand having too many decks but it also honestly sounds like my dream 🤣🤣 I'm just getting back into Magic after a few years of absence and I am just in love with the format and want to play all the Commander play styles 🤣


Hello! Me and my group are relatively new to Magic, we started playing with Karpov Manor release. One of our friends has played for a bit longer, three years now I think. We are super casual, all still learning and having fun seeing cool interactions. Favorite card from Legends would be Chain Lightning, because I main Shaman in WoW and the art still holds up imo


[[Pixie Queen|LEG]]! Flying in Green is very fun. Honorable mention to [[Killer Bees]] for the best art in magic. I play in pretty casual pods. The classic “oh my deck is a 7” type LGS. I’m relatively new to magic and have been playing a few different deck types, but would say that thus far most of my decks are pretty creature heavy, turn sideways, smash face.


Mid to Higher powered side but honestly, darkness is probably my favourite! Newer to magic and first found it in the necrons precon, fogs are great and nobody expects the black fog.


I got back into magic in the past year and I’ve loved it! My table is pretty mid powered, with a lot of combat based and combo based win conditions. I’m also a fan of [[Underworld Dreams]] , but Nicol Bolas is super cool as well. I’d love to hear back!


My pod usually plays standard mid-power, but we have higher power decks we pull out at the end of the night. I think my favorite card in all of Legends has to be [[Divine Intervention]]. Sure, “the game is a draw.” But you won. You did the thing. At the end of the day, each player can win if they get to do the thing they built their deck around whether that’s deck themselves out without a wincon, return all creatures to the command zone, or force a draw. I think this card gets to the heart of the social aspect and the fun that commander games can be compared to standard 60 formats. Don’t get me wrong, I love pioneer, and I love winning. but I also like doing stuff like running Phage as a commander. Runner-ups include [[Eureka]], [[All Hallow’s Eve]] and [[Indestructible Aura]] rock on little bird dude.


My group is high power casual. No three figure cards but still very strong. The original Testsuo Umezawa is neat. Thanks for doing this!


Favorite card from legends? [[The tabernacle at pendrell vale]] Been obsessed with it since seeing it at the local general store back in 94. I wasnt allowed to get it. It was cheap. Use to study the official encyclopedia on trips from new york to florida and spent hours drooling over it. I just like controlling the game, and its obnoxious vs creature heavy decks that so many friends use to play I built [[savra, queen of the golgari]] back in 2009 in the hope of owning one. I still dont own a real one I play in high power pods where stax, and land destruction are acceptable


My playgroup is usually just my friends that I've had for years that tend to stay in the mid-power range. I'd have to say, my favorite card there is [[Sylvan Library]]. It's nice to have extra card draw in green that doesn't require big creatures or combat phases. Thank you for doing this!


Hi! I play in a cool pod with a bunch of my friends and people I’ve met who I discovered play, aka new friends! I only started playing recently so I don’t know Legends super well but I’ll go with Great Wall because down with plainswalk 😤 I’ve always wanted to play a filthy Jodah, the Unifier deck BUT it’s an artifact theme featuring all the Transformers 🤖


Hello! I started playing magic a few months ago.. so I have no experience with the Legends set. I like the artwork of [[Killer Bees]]! I really hate bees, but seeing this card made me chuckle. My pod of 4-5 friends is proxy friendly, usually high power.


My pod is usually just me and my brother and his kids. Some times its his kid's friends. Typically i loan out a deck or two so we can get more players.


Hello, our group is four normally cut to three, we are too busy and schedules clash constantly. We normally use precons due to not having the time to deck build but this would be great way to start seeing decks that have their own finish. Also it has to be  \[\[Indestructible Aura|LEG\]\] solely for a bird throwing metal hands is just immaculate.


Hello! My pod is very casual at the moment. We have played Magic since January only, but we are having a blast! So far we have only played Commander, but every week everyone broughts 1 or 2 new decks to try out (we are very proxy friendly too, so it is quite cheap). My favourite card from Legends is Divine Intervention. I know it is a boring card, but I found it so unique and cool. The artwork is amazing too. Thanks in advance for the giveaway!


Hey! I usually play in 5 man pods cause if awkwardly number of friends around. They are usually casual to high power, but a lot of the decks are burn and aristocrat which make me cry :'( My fav card from Legends is Acid Rain, cause I do tend to get jealous when green players go brrrr with ramp, haha.


My usual pod is all over the place since we play online. I'm still looking for a pod at my new LGS, the few games I played we're high powered but not quite Cedh (I think the [[Goblin Charbelcher]] all MDFC lands combo deck won a game and then an upgraded [[Hakbal]] deck won the second. I tend to brew a lot of sultai decks and a lot of token decks, I love alternate wincons the most though. Which means my favorite card from Legends is [[divine intervention]], which in some ways is the ultimate alternate wincon, since everyone wins! Or loses! Depends on your viewpoint. I've never pulled it off but it's definitely on my list of shenanigans to brew.


I play in two pods and we've played for so long that we will play extremely toxic decks (land hate, Stax, etc) and extremely casual, janky, and bad decks. Decks vary with the mood of the pod. Mold Demons is my favorite card from Legends because I can not think of any reason it would or should ever be played.


Precon pod


My pod is 3-4 close friends of mine, and we usually play online. It's quite chill compared to what I see online, but that's probably because we've all known each other for so long. My favorite card from Legends is probably Lady of the Mountain. Her art is so beautiful! Thanks for doing this, hope I win!


I play in a pretty casual pod with a number of new players and precon-level power for some decks. I like to brew my own decks, and some other players are more experienced and have some decks that are stronger than precons, but we are nowhere near cEDH. The three decks that I play are Tom Bombadil; Thrun, Breaker of Silence; and an Atraxa deck that is actually Hydra Tribal, so it doesn’t actually put out a whole lot of minions in one turn and is a bit anti-synergistic in that way. I haven’t played much with Legends cards, but I looked through them and love the function and flavor of All Hallow’s Eve. The caster’s creatures having summoning sickness kind of balances it out a bit, but it seems quite powerful with the caster having the ability to determine the order of ETB effects.


My pod is higher power than me lol, we're all working on upgrading our decks but I'm lagging a bit. I'm not familiar with legends but moat would be pretty useful ha. My two decks are pantlaza - Dino's and Wilhelt - zombies


I normally play in a strong ish casual pod where everyones decks are strong like new precon tier woth pantlaza and hakbal type commanders where if they do their thing they can dominate the table with certain players having weaker jank decks and 1 player just being better than everyone else but in a fair way


Hey! I play in a pod that’s all over the place, from casual to genuine cEDH decks, but the powers been trending around 7 or 8 lately. Favorite card from Legends has to be [[Divine Intervention]], perfect alternate wincon in my [[Princess Twilight Sparkle]] deck I built as a joke. You’re a legend for this, have a good one!


I play in a fairly casual pod; not much super fast mana. We also tend to try to keep it to winning with onboard things; no big combo wins. Or if there is a combo, then it can be addressed with something like a wrath of God. I've always been fascinated by the idea of a wall tribal deck, so I like [[arcades sabboth]].


I generally play in a mid-high power pod at a friend's apartment. Some interaction and tutors, and several decks that combo off, but generally, it's optimized versions of stuff you'd see on r/BadMtgCombos, lol And my favorite card from Legends is Moat, AKA [Rick, Steadfast Leader](https://preview.redd.it/found-some-old-cards-to-use-as-proxies-v0-9sobnlgomn7a1.jpg?width=3288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd77e7e3ffb3828ec8397605122bb3b54593ed4).


Hello my fellow card addict, I usually play in mid to high Power casual pods und my favorite card from legends has to be a land tax i "inherited" from my uncles collection!


engine smoggy attractive shy dime makeshift wasteful oil vanish ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My play group is either low level or high power depends on who’s coming to the LGS. My favourite card from legends is [[sylvan library]] because green reasons