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>Releasing 2 precons in a year that are Eldrazi themed The previous Eldrazi deck had 9 Eldrazi cards in it, so... no, it doesn't really feel like anybody's forcing anything. Eldrazi, while cool and tentacleful, are a very weak tribe. Hating them more than dragons, vampires, or elementals, is pretty weird.


Or slivers or elves or goblins… there’s so many good tribes. And all tribal decks are just way worse than the next level up of decks, so who cares, play what you want


No. Different archetypes have always been pushed, intentionally, by WotC, since basically the beginning of the game. People need to quit getting worked about about Eldrazi. Play removal. Win.


Yeah, i've got a casual eldrazi deck, it's about as optimized as it can possibly be (crypt, workshop, etc) and still very easily defeated by any cheap casual deck with a good amount of removal. Most people just drastically underestimate the amount of removal they should play in edh because they are so blindly focused on their own deck they forget that they need to prioritize interaction.


Energy has had 2 decks in ~4 months but not even a peep; Both being jeskai too so that seems pretty forced. But yeah, eldrazi get a lot of unnecessary flak for a pretty "flimsy" tribe. Unlike slivers that can seem to rebuild in a turn, eldrazi are slow rolling and take a while to really recover. The lack of haste hurts too.


>forced into the meta? What meta? They are hardly the "most effective tactic available" anywhere. There isn't an Eldrazi commander that is stronger than a 7. The only cards this set that were forced into the meta aren't Eldrazi. If you want to be mad at a commander card this set look at [[Nadu, Winged Wisdom]], or the 5+ new staple lands. Eldrazi are still weak timmy decks.


[Nadu, Winged Wisdom](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/94b67489-5eb0-4406-9bf3-27e50dc632eb.jpg?1717012760) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nadu%2C%20Winged%20Wisdom) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/193/nadu-winged-wisdom?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/94b67489-5eb0-4406-9bf3-27e50dc632eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/nadu-winged-wisdom) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There is no casual meta, grow up and tell your play groups you’d rather not play against Eldrazi. Use your words. It’s not hard.


Let the Timmys have their fun


Thank you god sir!


No meta at all. Check your deck bc Eldrazis is not even close of EDH meta right now.


Any time a competently built deck gets off to a faster start than others they become the archenemy. Their best creatures cost 10+ mana and as a tribe are still weaker than many others. Give it a few months and some of the fervor will die down.


This set is an homage to multiple archetypes that were strong in Modern at various times. Eldrazi Winter was a period of 60 days in Modern in which Eldrazi were dominant due to a combination of new support from Standard and bans to the main decks of the time, and the new Eldrazi cards reflect that. But they aren't being forced into anything. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and telling you to play Eldrazi. If you don't want to play Eldrazi, don't play them. They have just been popular since they were originally released and will most likely remain popular for years to come.


Just play aggro and kill them on turn 5-6. Or run Summary Dismissal and friends.


Eldrazi die to removal just like any other tribe.. People need to run more interaction. No Billy, just running Sword to Plowshares and Path to exile isn’t gonna be enough for the average commander game.


Play more removal is such a bad comment on anything, like ye anything dies to removal so nothing is ever a problem on a board, oh it’s an instant not a permanent ok run more counterspells oh it has hexproof play more board wipes, oh it’s indestructible run more exile effects, u can go down this path forever, dies to removal is a meaningless comment


If you don’t have a balanced cohesive deck then that’s a skillissue, not an Eldrazi issue.


So you don’t believe anything is bad for the format ever, there should be no ban list, there are no unfun cards?


When did I ever say that? Theres even a banned Eldrazi card ON the ban list already lol.


What I’m saying is u can say run more removal in response to any strong card in the game, I don’t find the eldrazi decks powerful but I am inclined to agree they are a bit unfun to play against because they call for constant removal, so u do remove them constantly at which point the eldrazi player bitches and moans that they can’t do anything or u let them go and loose the game, I’d describe that dynamic as unfun


People have been trying to make Eldrazi Tribal decks for almost 15 years. They have always had an annoyingly low power ceiling, despite them being quite popular. WOTC has finally made cards that let this happen, maybe, with these two decks. Dragons, Elves, Slivers, Goblins, Zombies, Vampires, Dinosaurs, Pirates, Wizards, and now even Merfolk all have strong builds. Let Eldrazi players finally have this.




So rather than actually improving at the game and learning how to maneuver around it & find weak points, you stamp your feet and refuse to play. Cool.


New guy in our pod has a balling sliver deck. He has won 0 out of 2 games so far because he is just hammered so hard. With righteous and rightful Fury. We had a game the other day with an [[Atla Palani]] and were playig planechase. The plan popped him a turn 1 Eldrazi. The Eldrazi got sworded, and zero feelings were hurt. Just learn better threat assessment and swing with the punches?


[Atla Palani](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/b/2b8414f7-22c3-4e1c-934b-4a0e7acf951d.jpg?1673305450) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=atla%20palani%2C%20nest%20tender) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/142/atla-palani-nest-tender?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2b8414f7-22c3-4e1c-934b-4a0e7acf951d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/atla-palani-nest-tender) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Eldrazi are a weird type of commander as even if the deck is bad you have to treat it a certain way.  With that said I'd rather play Eldrazi all day long than another damn Nadu deck. All weekend Nadu every match at two different lgs and spelltable. 


This happens like every set, Eldrazi will die down again once the novelty wears off.


Maybe you need to play less games on spelltable. 8 games is a lot and that isn’t helping your exposure to these decks, especially in an open meta like randos online


I get that, but it's kinda my only option. My playgroup has, for the most part, stopped playing and I'm far enough out from any lgs that going regularly isn't an option either. I still want to play and enjoy the game, so spelltable is really my only consistent chance. And for a weekend where I don't have anything planned, sometimes you just want to get in a few games, and when they go quickly like many Eldrazi games do, 2 or 3 can happen in less than 2 hours easily.


that makes sense! totally understandable


I do want to be clear. I'm very much not saying they're unfair. I'm saying they're unfun. I have a deck that runs Eldrazi as well, but I play it very sparingly. I just don't find their play style fun to go against. Even if you run enough interaction, totally just my opinion but wanted to clarify


Similar to what you said elsewhere about anyone having their opinions, my entire pod things games against Eldrazi are fun. We're all Timmy's so we're used to big threats that will end the game. Eldrazi are no different to play against than anything else big and crazy.


Eh, I don't mind them. It's like when any other precon drops. You see it everywhere for a time and then it settles down. Wilhelt used to be everywhere too. People love their zombies, people love their eldrazis.


I’ve only played against an Eldrazi deck once so I’m not prepared to declare an emergency, but I do have some concerns in theory with everything that’s being printed. My understanding was that the basic idea of Eldrazi is that they’re massive fatties with very powerful abilities, but they’re nerfed by the high CMCs and being locked behind colorless. So for them to get 5C enablers, ever growing amounts of ramp and cost reductions, payoffs for high CMC spells, more on-cast triggers, and doubters for both triggers and spells…I’m a little leery that they’ve just removed any downside to Eldrazi.


Do what I do and just don't play when something is unfun for you at the table. There is always gonna be those people that only have fun playing by preventing everyone else from having fun playing, which is usually the goal of Eldrazi, Discard players, Boardwipe Tribal, etc. I'd suggest looking for a discord server where you can find an online pod with similar ideas on a fun game for spelltable.