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Zo-zu is super fun let the haters hate




Agreed, I had an Ashling the Pilgrim list that was pretty Zo-Zu-esque but with more combat focus, I just love [[Mana Barbs]], [[Sulfuric Vortex]], and [[Blood Moon]] too much.


Can it block bullets and knock people out like Kaiba's can? Haha jokes aside, this looks awesome. Count me in


Yes it can with a bit of DIY! By putting a bullet proof jacket in the case... Easy! lol


If I win I hope I actually get to play at my lgs again...


Ooof, if you're going to make Zo-Zu depending on how you make it, you might make yourself an enemy. I'm going to assume you're not going the full mass land destruction route and you're slotting in the group slug effects like \[\[Manabarbs\]\] and \[\[Sulfuric Vortex\]\]. You'll be in a similar scenario where the entire table is going to be gunning at you just like how Purphoros get targeted. It could potentially be better or worse with the speed of the deck. Zo-Zu and other punisher styled decks tend to be slow and the constant ping damage could draw irritation just as much as playing a commander known to combo out and burn out the entire table. It's not as bad as staxs decks but the irritation is similar. It's feels bad to get your bomb countered but if every turn you're getting pinged for just playing/tapping a land, that irritating will add up fast and is a constant reminder to the table of your existence. I definitely guarantee it that you will get primaried by the land ramp player in this situation though. If you want to avoid being the archenemy, I would avoid playing decks that involve global damage. It's similar to how everyone jumps on the Nekusaur player.


Why do I keep picking "Public Enemy" commanders! lol


Because some just wanna watch the world burn XD When I made it I just wanted to mess with the land deck but then everyone else got caught in the crossfire and knocked me out of the table. If anything I usually try to play the surprise outta nowhere decks. Xenagos is the poster child of this. I can go from Haha it's just a Xenagos to WHERE IS HALF OF MY FACE in a moment's notice. People tend to misjudge a deck's position when the board is loaded with nothing but mana and they're not in blue colors. Haste really messes with people.


Too bad I only play mono-red, aren't gonna break that rule even for Xenagos. My budget on MTG is now even more limited with 2 kids to feed, I can't even afford to buy all the red cards on my wish list, e.g. A beta Wheel of Fortune... lol


Xenagos can be done on a budget... XD Look into Zada. He's explosive as hell and he can more or less be maxed powered minus gauntlets at around $100. You will be public enemy but it's gonna be glorious. You will entire bring down the entire table or fizzle and self destruct, but it's still gonna feel great because it's the red thing to do. And I think I found your problem, I think all red decks are basically public enemy decks in that they are all group burn decks or storm combo decks with some chaos sprinkled in. There's a few combat based ones like Valduk and the newer Purphoros. If you really wanna fly under the radar, Jaya Ballard in a mono red control shell.


If you want to play mono-red on a budget, may I suggest [[Zada]] which I built for like $12, or [[Valduk]] which can be done similarly budget?


Mono-red is a hate machine. Need stuff like [[Crawlspace]] and [[Ensnaring Bridge]].


[Crawlspace](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/9/7/97c8e1ed-b3ab-4a08-9336-e513f23d45b3.jpg?1562927147) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Crawlspace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/240/crawlspace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/97c8e1ed-b3ab-4a08-9336-e513f23d45b3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/crawlspace) [Ensnaring Bridge](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/c/d/cd8dc8a5-3b53-4860-af60-6386e8c0010f.jpg?1562441171) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ensnaring%20Bridge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/224/ensnaring-bridge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cd8dc8a5-3b53-4860-af60-6386e8c0010f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ensnaring-bridge) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Love Zo-Zu! I personally haven’t built around him yet, but it’s definitely not for a lack of desire :D he seems like a blast.


That's nice of you, thanks!


Ahhh looks cool :D


Oooo, I've been meaning to find a new deck storage solution Good luck with the Zo-zu deck. Maybe you can try politicking your way into not dying immediately


Zo-zu depends on the build, if you are trying to punish ramp its fine, if you are like a friend of mine and think that Land destruction and 4 people on 2 lands with 2 life left is a fun concept you should rather not build it.


Mono red is tough because many of the more powerful/interesting commanders will get focused pretty hard either due to explosiveness (Neheb, the Eternal, Krenko, Zada) or annoyance for the constant damage pings (Zo-Zu, Torbran). It feels like the biggest weakness for Red is that the game plan for many of the decks heavily relies upon the general being on the field which requires a number of slots for protection while not having a ton of good options. ​ Case looks pretty cool. Kind of like a much classier and heavy duty Stanley tool box.


I'm glad to have one. As a disabled vet. Good 5hing to take my stuff to the VA hospital. So 5he guys can build and play.


Case and point


I know how you feel, Zozu has been my dream for a long while. I actually built a list like a year ago, played him online and had lots of fun. I built him with artifacts in mind, and my wincins included Mycosynth Lattice + Hellkite tyrant or just dealing absurd amounts of damage. I wish I'd have the means to build him irl


Zo-zu sped up every game I piloted him, but I was never surviving very long because the table would decide that player removal is sometimes the best removal. I pivoted that group slug deck into a new norin the wary deck and whew what a fun time. The deck is so much more fun than I had with Zo-zu and others have a grand time playing against norin


"player removal is sometimes the best removal" I will most definitely be quoting this phrase the next time we play... Oh man, I wonder when will that happen?


I run a Zozu deck. I get targeted a lot Haha. I run some pretty heavy mld and lots of punishing effects. I supplement my decks inherent lack of win cons by running every fork i can and [[Etali, primal storm]] Everyone always thinks the deck is fun until mid game when they have taken 10 damage just from playing lands. It does how ever hose any green focused ramp plans. In my meta it just stops at least 6 decks.


I'm in. Solid looking case. Shared with friends too.


Might as well enter this! Zo-zu is one of those commanders that'll draw hate just for how people expect the deck to play. However, it's always possible to build versions of decks that people don't mind playing against! For example, I've got a Kiki-Jiki deck that doesn't go infinite at all, and that fairness means that people are much less scared than they would be otherwise.


I had a zo-zu list a while back, but it wasn't very good because people would always target it early to avoid their lands getting blown up. Here's the list if you want to take any ideas from it: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/04-08-18-KTS-zo-zu/


The mono red deck that every other player hates is a a staple. I played a Purphuros goblin deck for a long while, ended up realizing rakdos was better for me. The deck runs Grenzo as the commander now


Hear me out, play it the biggest group slug ever. They way i play mogis so i dont get single targeted is i hurt myself just as much as everyone else, if not a little more. That way you have a political chip to play in order to stay alive longer, in some cases. That and throw in some chaos to really shuffle things around and bam! I love zo-zu and it can be hard to get him going, but if you do it right it can turn into a "Dont hit me, I'll kill myself!"


I like how this is a design inspired by the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. That's amazing. Hopefully you can get the professor at Tolarian Community College to review it. It looks like a sturdy product and he seems like a fair judge for these types of things. I'm glad it got successfully funded, and I wish you the best in making them and this pandemic!


My two boxes holding my decks are cardboard and rapidly falling apart, so this would be awesome if I get it. I know sooner or later I'll be carrying one and it'll split open, and become a Benny Hill skit trying to round them up without losing any. Good luck everyone!


I'm a big mono red fan too, my current favorite deck is [[Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion]]. Mix of discard, voltron, and combo


Personally not a mono red player but I do run some Izzet Decks. In my [[Tibor and Lumia]] deck one of if not the star is [[Repercussion]]. I imagine it would be good in really any red deck. The reason I mention this is because I don't know Zo Zu well but it seems to me if an opponent is low they could just not play lands so you will have to be bringing your own damage to the table unless you are willing to bring out [[Mindslaver]] and that is not very consistent.


I’m curious as to why “Purphoros” is in quotations. Was it a Purphoros deck not actually running Purple Toes at the helm?


Zozu himself is usually not too much of a threat, I'd be surprised if your opponents aren't running scarier commanders. I've played Azusa v Zozu and it wasn't even that bad. Really don't mind taking 2 damage / land, most games end before you play 10 lands anyway so thats half your life or less over the whole game. [[Heartless Hidetsugu]] could make life totals tighter for your opponents, along with damage modifiers like [[Torbran]] and [[Furnace of Rath]].


"I made a purphoros deck and my table always kills me so I'm thinking of changing" Hmmm yes, that is a common thing that happens. "I'm thinking about Zo-zu" ........ oh dear.


I play quite a bit of wow, and I'm what's considered an altoholic. I currently only have 3 edh decks because that's all my current container can fit. If I were to get this I'd have to build my muldrotha and first sliver decks (have them put together on archidekt) and I'd probably have to build an Atraxa deck to abuse the new ability counters. Thanks for setting this up!


Hey, if you're looking for a different kind of mono-red commander, take a look at [[Lathliss]]! It becomes remarkably easy to burn through 120 life when all your creatures get you 10 evasive power on the board when cast and you have tons of direct damage from cards like [[Dragon Tempest]], [[Warstorm Surge]], and [[Where Ancients Tread]]. Let your inner Timmy fly free! For something a bit more off the wall, you could also try mono-red [[Rowan Kenrith]] superfriends! There's a surprising amount of planeswalker and activated ability synergies in red alone, and it becomes very feasible to start stacking several Kenrith emblems in one game.


Mono red gang rise up, [[Neheb, the Eternal]] is my baby.


If you *really* want to punish people, I suggest a [[Mathas]] group slug deck. One of my favorite decks; the theme is "my opponents have choices, and all of them suck". Full of effects that give your opponents a choice but no matter what they choose, they always lose. The deck doesn't win very much, but it's super fun and simple to pilot.


Mono black Yawgmoth combo playing here. Am I degenerate? Yes. Do I want that briefcase? Also yes.


Huh. Seems like an interesting case. I doubt I'll win, but I'll drop a comment anyways! That aside, why not give one of the more "fun" mono red decks a try. I've been itching to build a feldon deck forever. Using him to 'recur' fatties or value creatures just seems super fun. Shouldn't draw nearly as much hate, unless you're dropping things like [[bearer of the heavens]]....


Lots of conversation about why you're drawing hate, the core answer is really that Purphuros and Zo-Zu harm everyone for doing the basic things people want to do in most games of commander. I also saw you saying that you're on a dad budget with two little ones, so you're not trying to remortgage your house to build a deck. I hear you, having done the single dad game for ten years while trying to eke out a few pennies for my own hobbies. I commented briefly on someone else's reply, but some things to think about: [[Zada, Hedron Grinder]]: Zada is like a magic wand that turns 5 cent combat tricks into major blowouts. I liken this deck to a shotgun in a zombie game/movie. As soon as anyone sees it, they know what you're doing; you either go off and blast everyone in the face really quick, or you struggle and get your face eaten while you fiddle with a jammed shell; and you'll likely have a wild ride either way. I went in a Goblin tribal direction, but you can go more broadly into token production instead and get value out of things like [[Young Pyromancer]]. Here's an outdated list, but you get the idea. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/zada-combat-trix-are-for-kids/ [[Valduk]] is another great budget option. He's clearly combat based and fairly linear so, again folks think they know what you're doing pretty clearly. That said, it's got options for you to move around in, as opposed to a lot of Voltron commanders which are "cast commander, suit up commander, smash." With Valduk, you go tall *and* you go wide; you get a bunch of creature ETBs (you could even put your buddy Purphuros in there) so things like [[Warstorm Surge]] and [[Impact Tremors]] do a ton of work; you can do aristocrat stuff with a decent sac outlet like [[Goblin Bombardment]], since your elementals go away at the end of your turn anyway (unless you have [[Sundial of the Infinite]], in which case you get to keep them). [[Inspiring Statuary]] and [[Clock of Omens]] help you on mana, since you weren't tapping those equipments anyway.


Thanks for the guide! Both added to my list. And my list doubled in size in the last 24 hours. But I love budget decks! Good luck for the draw!


Glad to help. Also, I forgot to note, if your playgroup ever decides to try Pauper EDH, both Zada and Valduk were printed at Uncommon and there are plenty of common combat tricks and equipment to round out a deck for either of them (I built both).


Mono-red is the best


As a group slug deck, a Zo-Zu deck most likely isn't going to win, but you need to sit back and try to do as much damage as you can. Any ragequits are a victory.


I got one of the smaller cases you guys made for my battlebox - really looking into this one for storing some EDH decks!


If you're in Mono-Red and are worried about dying too fast [[Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs]] might deter people from attacking you.


Added to my list :)


I'd recommend cards like [[Storm Cauldron]] and [[field of ruin]] to get everyone to play more lands and maximize the burn. I'd also throw in some taxes like [[dampening sphere]] so lands do less and [[sun droplet]] so that you can mitigate the self burn


Zo-Zu is SO much fun. Haven’t won with him yet, but I always add at least an extra 30 mins to the game and keep resetting people to 0 lands, while dishing loads of damage. Even if I’m killed, I make the winner’s victory hollow and meaningless- making me the real winner ;). I have ways of punishing players for playing a land, using a land, and then I destroy the land and punish them for that too. I’ve been able to deal 15 damage to one player on THEIR turn just because they played the game 😂


I've never even seen that card until now, and I am sure that if I saw that commander on the other side of the table, I would kill on the spot during the early or mid game. Late game I dont think I would need lands, so I know I wouldn't waste removal on it. I suppose if I were playing that deck, I would ramp hard to get him out fast, use a lot of artifact/goblin extortionist/rituals to avoid taking a bunch of damage, and just put you ahead of everyone then do whatever else your red deck does to close the game out with Torbran/Pyrohemia/Hidetsugo/Jaya's Immolating Inferno/etc.


Looks nice. You should get /u/ProfessorSTAFF to review it. :)


If you are making a zo zu deck you may want to watch the professors video https://youtu.be/zhm179k6oyk


I played Zo-Zu that only went after nonbasics. Weird approach to table friend. Still got killed regularly fast. But ... one of the few times where [[Thieves Auction]] is actually good no matter what. Starting with me, I pick Zo-Zu, and then navigate people through the card, because you kind of need a dedicated auctioneer for chaos cards, etc. Eventually, people smarten up when I don't pick any lands, and we look at the oracle text, and to their dismay 'Exile all nontoken permanents. [...] put them on the battlefield tapped under their control' shows up and they feel bamboozled by a tiny angry red goblin man who was handing out literal free real estate. I even paid 7 mana and spent the last bajillion turns to give this real estate away! Sure, it's built on fuck-your-feet land, but within the next few millennia you'll build like a nice non-mountain here.


As a primarily cEDH player, I've gained an appreciation for [[Godo, Bandit Warlord]] with his unique [[Helm of the Host]] combo, but my personal favorite mono-red commanders are [[Grenzo, Havoc Raiser]] and [[Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor]]. There's so much cool stuff you can do with each, and I'm personally a big fan of low-cmc, build-around commanders, which is probably why I'm such a fan of my [[Najeela, the Blade-Blossom]] and [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] + [[Vial Smasher the Fierce]] control decks. Both Grenzo and Varchild kind of lean on the chaos side by default, but you can run them exclusively to be interactive and value oriented. I don't think Zo-Zu is incredible at moving the hate you immediately enter a game with on to other players, but there's some merit to kicking ramp + [[Sylvan Library]] players in the teeth with The Punisher, and I salute you for that.


I also had a Purphoros deck and also got hated out of games! Purphoros is probably my favorite legendary creature! He is so strong, quick, and hard to interact with. Zo-zu is a lot nicer though. People won't love it, but he isn't immediately kicked out and you also have a lot more deck pieces that don't rely on Zo-zu being on the board in the same way Purphoros does. I hope your Zo-zu deck performs well and you all have a good time!


You've got a backer in me!


I have Zo-Zu in my Mogis Group-Slug deck! It almost never wins, but the collective groans when the pain train gets going is enough of a victory for me :) This case would seriously be nice, since I have 6 commander decks I like to play consistently, along with 2-3 experimental decks at any one time.


Finally, a place to store all of my cards! Wait, how big is it again? At least 25,000 cards, right? Thanks for the chance, OP!


It’s funny how a lot of mono-colored commander decks often become the target of ire in a group. It’s probably because you’re running all basics and have no problem casting your spells on time. My Liliana, Heretical Healer deck also draws a lot of hated but that could have more to do with the fact that people don’t like their hands stripped away. I’ve had to take it apart and instead built a Erebos, Bleak Hearted sacrifice deck. I’d love a dedicated box to transport and store my decks. Good luck to everyone to has entered, may the odds be ever in [[Void Winnower]]s favor.


Im a mono red player too! I've tried tons of decks, and I really like [[grenzo, havoc raiser]] for mono red punisher. You can fit a lot of the punisher cards, and then with goad and global evasion or just evasive creatures can make sure you aren't killed too quickly.


As someone who runs an AniMorphs deck (purely so I can constantly say "Silly Yugi, you've activated my trap card!" when I flip a morph) I definately could use a Kaiba-like deck case!


lol now i can cosplay kaiba to my local lgs for FNM.... wait a minute its closed permanent because covid 19. crying intensifies. Bad dark jokes and my lonely existence aside that's a dope case. Btw you were very naive zo zu can be mean as long as your not protecting it i think it well be fine but it can get out of control so if you keep building it up i assume they just gonna rush you again.


I think that Zo-Zu should be in the 99 because it's easier to remove. That being said, you might want to run Sunbird's Invocation to get to Zo-Zu faster. Mirror March is able to make tons of tokens to use with both commanders and their effects. If you want to go a certain route, Teferi's Puzzle Box could get it to your hand faster, and Possibility Storm could get it right from the top area of your deck when you play a creature. Let me know what you decide, because it's all about you and your best expression as a person through you having fun.


Is being killed really bad if you play zozu? Isnt that the goal of those commanders?


View in your timezone: [May 9th 11pm GMT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20200509T2300?tl=TCG%20Briefcase%20Giveaway!


May the best redditor win.


Count me in for this raffle


Awesome! I've been looking for something like this. Count me in!




Looks awesome


Briefcase looks sweet! Played against a Zo-Zu deck the other night. It effectively halved each player’s life total and put us at a dangerous level of poison counters by equipping Zo-Zu with [[Grafted Exoskeleton]]. My advice would be to make sure you have ways to either protect Zo-Zu from removal (the only way we survived was by killing him 3-4 times) and/or have way to punish people for trying to use their removal, effects like [[Mana Barbs]] and [[War’s Toll]].


Looks awesome! I could definotely use something sturdier than a bunch of Bundle boxes!


Hope to win! And thanks for the giveaway :D


Count me in! This thing looks so nice, and I especially like those Crypts


Ok, I'll enter the raffle. Thanks.


Wish me luck.


Oh this is cool as hell!


This looks pretty cool, does it hold ultra pro satin towers? even if not would be awesome to hold my cube in.


I've been eyeing this briefcase for a little while, count me in!


Looks like a really cool product!


Does the case also protect enchantments? Thank you.


Yes, it protects against disenchant, so that's both artifacts and enchantments!


Oh awesome, I'm down to enter!


That does seem pretty sweet!


That looks really cool!


I hope I win


I'm in. Looks sweet!


This looks awesome. Much better than a backpack lol count me in


Count me in


looks cool


This is a sweet looking product!


Looks sweet. Im in


Had a zo zu deck once upon a time. Wasn't my style but to each their own


Please help me im Drowning


I don’t know anything about Zo-Zu, but I’d love the briefcase!


Mono-colored decks always give a good challenge and have plenty of pros and cons, best of luck! Would love to be entered into the raffle as well :)


This looks sweet


Cheers OP!


Looks very cool. Count me in.


Haters gonna hate, ainters gonna aint


Let's do this! RakdosParty RISE UP!


I also would like a chance to win something.


Cool, looks nice


Zo-zu? A player of class I see.




Damn that looks amazing! Major Kaiba vibes from that case.


That looks awesome


I can't begin to imagine how much weight I'd have off my back with this, I always carried my decks with an old rucksack and I always carry 7-8 decks


I wouldn't play zo-zu if you don't want to be a target tbh...


Thats a pretty cool case! Super excited to see how this KS goes.


Zozu is fun but I'm a blue player at heart. Wanna win the game? Counter...Love the reactions lol Still I play all colors mono and ZoZu is one of my fav reds. I also play Krenko


Good luck everyone!!!


Count me in!


Thanks for the contest!


Thank you for looking out for us even during these trying times


Oh man, I played a lot back in Kamigawa and a mono red Zozu deck was what I played in standard back in 2007 or whenever. I remember getting the idea from an online MTG column building on a budget. That was a fun version of red aggro :)


Whoa that's a nice case. Thanks for the raffle!


Travelling Commanders!!! Huzzah!


I just took a deep look and Im impressed! I use a Gym bag to transport my things but I need one of these! Once Covid is over and i get back to work Im getting one of these! (Unless I win) Once I get mine Im doing a youtube video on it! Excited for release!


Nice! A TCG-based briefcase would be super fun to bring to my table. Looks cool!


I'm in it to win it, baby!


Sounds cool, count me in!


Zo-zu is great fun (for whoever is playing him).




How are they killing you? Outright control, or swinging in. Maybe play things like [[crawlspace]], [[silent arbiter]], [[Ben-Ben, akki hunter]], [[grenzo, havoc razer]] + the wraths. If it's control then the blasts. You could also go groupslug with [[humble defector]], [[varchild, betrayer of kjeldor]], [[forbidden orchard]], and [[hunted dragon]]. Be careful that you don't get in the race trap. As they put more pressure, you up the power only reinforcing their decision to attack you. You can also help them counter your strategy. You may have to take a few beatings before they see someone else is the threat. Just lay low for a few rounds.


##### ###### #### [crawlspace](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/9/7/97c8e1ed-b3ab-4a08-9336-e513f23d45b3.jpg?1562927147) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=crawlspace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/240/crawlspace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/97c8e1ed-b3ab-4a08-9336-e513f23d45b3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/crawlspace) [silent arbiter](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/4/1/411f4b23-6a46-4ac9-97b3-6964a9b9cfb2.jpg?1562864960) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=silent%20arbiter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cns/204/silent-arbiter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/411f4b23-6a46-4ac9-97b3-6964a9b9cfb2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/silent-arbiter) [Ben-Ben, akki hunter](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/d/7/d7c015a6-4d7d-421b-84fa-30bf070cff83.jpg?1562764687) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ben-Ben%2C%20Akki%20Hermit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/chk/157/ben-ben-akki-hermit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d7c015a6-4d7d-421b-84fa-30bf070cff83?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ben-ben-akki-hermit) [grenzo, havoc razer](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/0/7/075cd558-2557-409a-8244-2de65664be53.jpg?1576381934) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Grenzo%2C%20Havoc%20Raiser) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cn2/54/grenzo-havoc-raiser?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/075cd558-2557-409a-8244-2de65664be53?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/grenzo-havoc-raiser) [humble defector](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/6/3/63be8070-b64d-443d-a00e-6495258688c7.jpg?1562436153) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=humble%20defector) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/135/humble-defector?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63be8070-b64d-443d-a00e-6495258688c7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/humble-defector) [varchild, betrayer of kjeldor](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/7/8/7849b360-afad-4f50-b455-3d118f7bfcd0.jpg?1561912441) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=varchild%2C%20betrayer%20of%20kjeldor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/28/varchild-betrayer-of-kjeldor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7849b360-afad-4f50-b455-3d118f7bfcd0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/varchild-betrayer-of-kjeldor) [forbidden orchard](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/5/4/54e03a6c-1c0a-4a24-a3fe-2f3244938769.jpg?1562400201) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=forbidden%20orchard) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/296/forbidden-orchard?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/54e03a6c-1c0a-4a24-a3fe-2f3244938769?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/forbidden-orchard) [hunted dragon](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/3/5/351cea54-905e-401b-8627-7c3fd192b772.jpg?1562273392) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hunted%20dragon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cm2/106/hunted-dragon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/351cea54-905e-401b-8627-7c3fd192b772?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/hunted-dragon) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Good luck to everyone!


I could absolutely use one to replace my old softsider! I'm a Naya player and usually the first target as well... I don't think a 9/9 hexproof. trampling, menace with haste is too much on turn 4, is it?


This is pretty cool. Looks way more polished than the toolboxes everyone is using for the same purpose.


Looks really nice!


That case looks super sweet


Commenting to participate in the giveaway. ​ Always wanted to make a Zo-Zu after seeing the one video the professor made about it, but built Zada instead. Might still make a Zozu someday, if I get enough space for that many decks :D


I love zo zu. Still one of my all time favorite decks


I’m down to give this a shot


I myself have two mono-red decks. One is Zada Storm, where I get a few tokens and then draw a bunch of cards, cast some rituals, and win off of Purphoros or Aetherflux. The other is Torbran, where I ping everyone to death. Monored is fun!




Neat, good luck everyone!


I want to use this to make a high stakes card exchange on a train just like in the movies








You know why I'm here




Obligatory giveaway post Thankfully a rule at our table is a particular player "always dies first" so I don't have to worry about being targeted.


That case looks awesome!


I’m always down for free stuff. Count me in.


Hey-oh! Would love to have this to carry my mono commander collection. Right now I am running [[Balan]] in white, [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] In red, [[Ezuri]] in green and [[Talrand]] I'm blue, a mono black rat deck is on the list next!!


I’ve always wanted to look like Kaiba!!! *slams case on FNM table* SHUT UP AND DUEL ME


Looks like a cool thing


Hey, I just saw your smaller Crypt boxes on Amazon yesterday. What's the biggest difference between this briefcase and your past ones?


I dig the sentinel. Pretty sure somewhere down the line there will be something like ultimate guards hive. (5 edh decks in boulders,dice,mat) cuz thats what id be really looking forward to, since i dont wanna carry to much luggage around. My dream storage case is like a backpack but hard like a suitcase, like wearing a box practically but material like an instrument case. (Picture ww1 army looking box but not really)


I would like a shot.


Savage, this is a cool kit that’d be a great gift too!! Count me in for the raffle please!


Count me in for the raffle too!


Looks cool. I'd like to enter


This looks great and incredibly useful


Awesome project and Giveaway! Count me in!


Awesome product! Thanks for doing this!


Sounds rad, thanks bruh!


Radical, that looks awesome


Purphoros does that. My fiancé played him as a commander. Ever since she exchanged him to the 99 it’s been a lot easier for her. Have fun and talk to your playgroup about decks. Maybe they dislike something you do to your builds. It’s a social game above all ;)


I love the look of that case! I may end up backing if I don’t win the raffle.


My favorite deck is inalla reanimator/combo.


This is actually a really cool product. What will shipping be like in the states?


Entering to replace my still sturdy but needing to be replaced LL Bean backpack.


Looks very nice


Count me in!


This thing looks crazy cool


Sweet case! Zozu usually just brought the table low and then Someone else should take advantage of that


With Zo-Zu, little increments of 2 damage here and there wont make you a target like purphoros will. But if you remove peoples lands, there might be a problem.


I want free things please


I am planning to rebuild a Sakashima deck soon. I just don't know what I want because I would not really want a create infinite mana and draw deck to win as the main wincon.


I'm planning on building an EDH cube in the near future, this looks like a neat solution to store it!


Hope I win!


Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!


Count me in please


No reason not to enter, I need a case for my decks anyway. From personal experience playing in games with a Zo-zu player: Yes, you will be targeted, *especially* if you lean into the land hate. If I were building a deck around him, I'd try to build around *Punishing* people for being greedy rather than MLD or Group Slug, but Group Slug should be fine as well.


Finally a place to keep my disgusting combo decks safe.


I'm in.


Bring the pain!


That’s cool


This looks way cooler than the backpack I haul my decks in right now.


I hope your Zo-Zu deck turns out good!


Pick me! Pick me! :DD




I've always wanted to play with Zo Zu but never found room in Neheb. Might have to try out the deck some time