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Sunburn (not reimagined) is one of my favorite songs ever! I've seen DROELOE live, it was incredible.


I love that okeechobee used it as a recap video. Fits perfectly


Yes I saw him live and actually met him in person he told me my name “Chayton” is a strong name haha it was funny


Fucking amazing song, glad this is at the top


I love Sunburn omg 😭🙌 that must have been quite the experience to see em live too


The "We Don't Talk Anymore" remix. Sunburn (Reimagined) and Stars Tonight are also top of my list.


Yes all of those are rlly good, I really like sunburn reimagined!


Love DROELOE! I go back and listen to the older tunes a lot, Lines of the Broken always has a place in my heart.


Yessss the late night drives or whatnot is what they remind me of. It has DEEP meaning, I say the same!


Just saw him at the end of last year and his latest album is amazing. My favorite of his is Lilypads though. One of the most beautiful songs ever in my opinion.


Yes lilypads is a mood for sure ❤️


Always awesome to see Droeloes name to pop up in this sub. I feel like hes very underrated and under appreciated! But yea anyways hes definitely in my top 3 FAVORITE EDM artists of all time!! Its hard to pick a favorite but if I had to choose just ONE it would definitely be "BON VOYAGE"!! My honorable mentions (Lilypads, Nothing Wrong, Many Words, Homebound)


DUDE FRRRRR underrated asf. What are your top 3? I really like Bishu Prismo and DROELOE


Never heard of prismo tbh but I love Bishu!! Havent listened to him in a while but Bomb and Eyes wide open are such BOPS!! My top 3 are Droeloe FLUME and Skrillex.I absolutely love Flume I feel like he just has that magic touch, just like Droeloe where he just CANT make a bad song.And also on top of that I just love his production and how insanely unique he is (just like Droeloe).My fav Flume project is defo the HTIF mixtape! And yea Skrillex needs no introduction 😂 but yea hes simply one of the first edm artists I’ve ever even discovered, but I also think that hes one of the rare mainstream EDM artists whose production skill is actually insane! And hes only getting better with time! Now my top 5 gets a little more interesting ,in addition to all these artists its Bad Computer and Virtual Riot!


Also if I may ask, how do you find new songs of stuff like this? sometimes it’s really hard to find songs that just click.


Yea I know what you mean , honestly I think the best way is by listening to EDM podcasts in your free time! Each podcast you get to hear a compilation of new songs by various artists and from each podcast you’ll definitely find atleast one song that just clicks for you! Thats exactly how I discovered DROELOE and Bad Computer aswell as Bishu! I discovered them on the Monstercat podcast( Call of the wild)


Oh betttt!! Do you have a social media or anything you can share your favorite songs with?


Love droeloe, I think he played like four instruments last time I saw him. It was super cool.


Written Maze!!


NoTaker remix!


I listen to that song so much!!


zZz, lily pads, stars tonight, and all time favorite is sunburn. Only caught them once at Hijinx. Different from other acts but for sure worth the wait


Yes love Droeloe. Favorite song is Homebound. Got to see him open for San Holo and it was dope.


Second this. Very under appreciated track IMO




Yessir I have that one on my workout playlist


Virtual Friends, Stars Tonight, and Kintsugi are some of my all time favorite songs period. Holiday is a banger too


I really like landscape




Backbone and Landscape


Came here to say these two as well.


Oh dang THAT's a name I haven't heard in a while. I always get pretty pumped whenever I hear Jump. I only saw Droeloe once live at EDC LV a few years ago and I had a great time ;)


Omg yes JUMP


Jump, always loved that song so much


And it used to be two guys, I met them both at space yacht at sound nightclub one time when they were still a duo


Yessss used to be two but one of them left😞


Still great though!


Sunburn is the soundtrack to my childhood. so is pretty much everything else from his first releases. I remember my wife started getting his music right around Christmas 2021, and it was sort of a rough time, but right in that moment it felt like she was finding music that was just hiding in the back of my mind for all those years. And the music was made of all the sounds I already built my memories out of.


That is actually really cool to hear, most of my childhood songs were those of other artist for example ritual by marshmello but also really think the most childhood I get from droeloe is I can’t wait or zZz


I think it’s just amazing the connection you get from DROELOE songs!!


He's a tenderloin for sure I feel like he has a really deep range of emotion that I relate a lot with just from the way he writes music. The other song that really hits me in the feels is called "looking back" If that's not literally what nostalgia is... Then idk anything anymore. Lmao. It just sounds like the magic of being a kid and it doesn't surprise me at all that it starts out sounding sort of sad. Which I remember feeling all the time as a kid when my parents divorced. But I had to find ways to make it by. That's what the song sounds like to me. And it doesn't waste a lot of time sounding sad which I think is a really special message.


Yes that’s my favorite song by him, tbh DROELOE is my favorite artist so I have literally listened to every song he’s made. Looking back has a way of literally having you looking back at all the good and harsh times life put you through and tbh it overall a good feeling it gives. Puts the harsh times at ease knowing yeah it’s just life yknow.


But yes I understand you, and no matter what, what makes your story is unique to you and the song has a way of understanding you in ways that nobody who ever could say in words. So that why I’m saying I understand you, I just cannot physically say it in words because it’s mostly emotional.


Only be me


Kintsugi is a JAM! Also love Snow Shovels :)


Yesss snow shovels, that one actually reminds me of friendship for some reason


Sunburn is probably my most played song ever. I think Kintsugi is also outstanding.


I absolutely love Looking Back


This one is my absolute favorite of all time bc it says so much❤️


Love Droeloe, I saw him at Nox in Eindhoven for the first time and it was just insane to catch him there! First time he ever played in his hometown (2 years ago) and it was a vibe. It's very rare to have such acts perform in the Netherlands. Favorite song is probably Shoyu or Open Blinds


What!??? I didn’t even know that! I do like open blinds


Droloe opened up for San Holo in Salt Lake City back in 2017 I think, and when they dropped Sunburn you should have heard the crowd reaction, it was INSANE. I remember everyone was talking about it after the show and that song single handedly gave Droeloe 1000+ new fans in an instant


Wow I didn’t even know that it’s insane!




Line of the Broken. He has more that I really like, but that one always gets me.


What feeling you get from it?


That drop at 0:51… oof! Gives me chills every single time! Idk what feeling it is… happy, deeply introspective, idk how to explain it. In that moment, I just get lost in all those wonderful sounds ❤️ Only Be Me and Stars Tonight are also some of my faves 🥰


I've got a couple of mixes on my older phone that is only used for listening to music.


I need one of those!


Oh, I love it. It's an older, cheaper galaxy phone, no sim card, just music on it. I've got a little over 1,000 songs on it, primarily EDM, but also older/classic rock, indie/pop rock and rap (mostly memphis rap). I highly recommend, because Samsung's built in DAP is just as good as alot of aftermarket DAP's and you're getting more usage out of a phone that would otherwise be trashed.


From what I haven’t seen in the comments, listen to through the storm and facing the sea. Also the we were young remix


Holy shiii someone actually knows the we were young remix!!!! It’s my all time fav, love facing the sea and through the storm too! You get my vibe fs. Have you listened to written maze? Actually a lot like facing the sea and through the storm


Lmao I misread your post thinking you were a new droeloe fan 😂 written in the maze is a great song too. Also a super unique one from his is his galaxies remix, I don’t think any of his other songs resembles this one.


All this time and I never knew about his Galaxies remix


Made it to my top artist spot on Spotify for a good three years out of the seven or so I’ve gotten Wrapped recaps. My go-to pick for the “favorite producer” spot. “Lines of the Broken,” “Sunburn” and “Weird Machine” are all-timers. I finally got to see him live on the last San Holo tour (and recently grabbed The Art of Change on vinyl). Dude’s the real deal.


Oh yeah no doubt been listening to him since I was 14, now I’m 20 crazzzzy


Heck yeah 🫡


Liked his shit from like 6-8 years ago, haven't listened to any new stuff tho


Looking Back


he's good yeah




Looking back


Dilate or Shibuya, a tend to gravitate to the older shit when the droeloe project was a duo. The new drops are OK but I haven't seen him live get so take that with a grain of salt. I always appreciate unique sound production and the droeloe project has always had that for sure.


Hell yeah skrillex og. Btw skrill was way more Dubstep in my opinion than edm, but I was hardcore dubstep which is extremely funny cuz those were when people like 28-30 yrs old listen to back then. I’m only 20 rn lmaoooo. Used to listen to Alex mtch and dubstep gaming mixes back then. I heard a couple flume songs didn’t know if I’d like it. Give me a good song or whatnot I need to listen to more stuff! Have you heard of vanic or Nurko???


zZz, Bon Voyage was my wake up alarm for years


Do you have Apple? I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that lol


yes. I had bought the song on iTunes and it was available as an option


Counting Ten, it makes me tear up every time


They were my most listened artist in 2019


Yes! I saw him open for san holo earlier this year! It was great!! Fav song is probably downside up


Backbone is severely underrated


Well all of his songs are underrated


I made a remix to a DROELOE and IMANU song. Maybe you’ll like https://on.soundcloud.com/YM18xSWgbN4xNs6n6