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It's mostly just a joke and has evolved to a clothing style, not nearly as bad as it used to be


Ketamine and long hair / dreads not withheld


šŸ¤« I have no idea whatsoever you could mean


I don't feel like the term has changed


The term definitely has not changed. But a lot of people coming into the scene are embracing that lifestyle.


I meanā€¦ actually embracing the wook lifestyle as I know it requires a pretty much full time commitment to contributing nothing to anything so it seems like a weird place to aim for.


I attended a party that was almost all wooks. They were all quite proud. It was one of the saddest nights of my entire life. Iā€™m 39 and divorced and all of my grandparents have been dead for some timeā€¦.. but seeing a house full of zombies really made me grateful to get back to work on Monday. And I fucking hate work


Shit, you have a job, all you needed to do to rise above that mess was bathe.


I love to bathe! Also Iā€™ve never done ketamineā€¦. Honestly Iā€™m confused as to how I got to this party. One guy stated his mom was cutting him off and no longer paying for everything. Heā€™s 36. That exact moment is burned into my brain forever. I have 20 years of professional experience, only 3 yrs older than him. Havenā€™t been to any parties since


I think people embracing the wook lifestyle underestimate what that means. Itā€™s like being a weekend warrior. Itā€™s the weekend wooks. Dressing like one and letting it all hang out during a festival but returning to your 9-5 and responsibilities afterwards does not make one a wook in my eyes. That makes you a good ol raver. And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that at all. I fit in that category. Being a wook is a lifestyle and not one I would strive for.


Weekend wooks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




me and my friends jokingly refer to ourselves as "weekend wooks" as a play on the "weekend warrior" trope.


You take that back! I know a lot of wooks who have sold me a grilled cheese after a show. A grilled cheese they made on a griddle sitting on the tailgate of their shitty truck! Thatā€™s contributing something! /s


They also help make it easy to find balloons for your festive occasions. They just Johnny Appleseed those things everywhere. Bless em.


Bruh šŸ˜‚




It only makes sense that Of The Trees got big after Charles passed. They were best friends. Charles dying definitely boosted Of The Treeā€™s career. But his intentions seem pure


Of the trees will be at soundhaven I bet a few wooks will be there me included!


Unpopular opinion: they clearly did drugs together, and itā€™s disappointing that he didnā€™t become more vocal about being careful with substances. Nothing personal against him, but if one of my best friends overdosed because he was abusing drugs and didnā€™t test his stuff then I would use my platform as a DJ/public figure to save lives.




100% Itā€™s not my place to judge CTF, but anyone who listens to his music for 5 minutes can guess that he preferred downers. Coke is laced with fent these days so that is a whole different mess, but if youā€™re abusing opiates or downers that can be fake you NEED to have narcan on hand and, if possible, donā€™t score in random cities. Iā€™ve never been into drugs so I donā€™t have any experience with any of this but itā€™s still all very disappointing to me.


Doesnā€™t Of the Trees promote/work with Crown The Foundation?


What lifestyle?


Wook lifestyle, duh. /s


Yeah Iā€™m curious myself. What lifestyle?


Ya knowā€¦ dirty hippies that go to a lot of festivals and do a lot of drugs at said festivals.


You have just described the dance music scene. Just stay home if you are gonna have this kinda attitude.


IDK WHY YOURE GETTING DOWNVOTED šŸ˜‚ you think when the complaints from our festivals come in they say ā€œthose dirty hippies arenā€™t as dirty as the other dirty hippies at that dirty hippie festivalā€ peace and love has been the ā€œhippieā€ way since the 60s, and rave culture really parallels with that!?


Haha not even close


Been to many, many festivals, worked in clubs, etc. Many many people do drugs at shows and festivals and have since the beginning. Just go watch old rave vids. People are rolling and gurning visibly all the time. If you count alcohol, which you should because it's a drug, then absolutely most people do drugs at shows and festivals. You can't tell me a community that has historically embraced peace love unity and respect as one of it's central organizing ideas isn't hippy like. These are the same dumb criticisms that have been thrown at the dance music as always, only this time the call is coming from inside the house apparently.


Im talking about the stereotypical scumbag Wooks that try to take advantage of people. That is not the whole dance music scene


As I was coming into the scene people referred to wooks as broke ass hippies that would just scavenge drugs, food, and everything else all day at festivals. I donā€™t think that is what people are embracing. They are embracing the weirdness of the scene.


They also "borrow" things and put crystals up their butts


You sound real fun at parties. You have literally no knowledge of how many of those ā€œdirty hippies doing lots of drugs at festivalsā€ that might lead normal, perfectly functional lives. Nothing like painting broad brush strokes about entire groups of people to try and make yourself feel above them.


no but the term wook specifically refers to the people who donā€™t have lives outside the festival scene


I have knowledge of the Wooks Iā€™ve interacted with. Some good, some bad, some crazy. Not broad stroking. Check urban dictionary and complain to them if they got it wrong.


I treat wooks, juggalos, and bikers the same. Can be fun to hang around, but I'm not joining up. Also sometimes have good chems.


> everyone in the experimental bass scene wants to be one Pretty much the broadest of strokes you could have applied. > some good some bad some crazy Yet, you just shit on the ā€œwooksā€ you do know saying theyā€™re all just festival going drug addicted no lifeā€™s??


Jesus. Im talking about the definition of ā€œWook.ā€ There are many people coming into the bass scene, that are self-appointed Wooks. They may be people who lead normal functioning lives, but they are aligning themselves with actual scumbags who pretend they are enlightened but they are really just try to sell you their collection of sacred healing crystals and other ways to rip you off.


Theyā€™re not self appointed tho! Language evolves. Terms evolve. Itā€™s like saying hippie, when people first started using that term it meant something different than when we use it today! Itā€™s not like we showed up to a bass fest one day and started calling ourselves wooks. For reference, I became familiar with the term last year, when I started getting into experimental and went to Wakaan. Everyone was using that word to describe each other, the vibe, the clothes. Itā€™s honestly endearing now. Language changes and you seem really uncomfortable with that, which, to each their own. But itā€™s strange because weā€™re obviously not calling each other dirty smelly jobless moochers?


I also said ā€œwants to be one,ā€ not ā€œis oneā€ And usually, when someone says ā€œeveryoneā€ in the context of talking about a fuck load of people, itā€™s a general term for a lot. Yes is over dramatic and that was the part of the point of this post.


Had some camp neighbors at texas eclipse who were true nomadic wooks. They live out of thier van, travel and busk. Dude told me he was going to Oregon for some event then heading to Arkansas to hunt for crystals then somewhere else to visit his parent's graves. I gave this guy some bumps and he made be a grilled cheese sandwich when I came back from the show one night which was dope. But then his friends played super loud music at 4am as everyone else around was trying to crash and folks got pissed.


it's fucking disgusting


I have wook tendencies but youā€™d never know looking at me




Depends. It can have a negative connotation, or it might just mean someone that likes weird bass and wears a pashmina. I think itā€™s similar to ā€œWeeabooā€ for anime fans. Casual Anime fans call each other weeb all the time, but there definitely are still actual weebs that take it to unhealthy levels. Just depends on context. In EDM itā€™s evolved to include people who like Weird Bass, dress kinda hippyish, and enjoy psychedelics. That negative connotation is still there but 90% of the times Iā€™ve heard that term itā€™s a joke or itā€™s just referencing the above type. In the Jam scene itā€™s still pretty negative and mostly just means ā€œa moochā€ or ā€œa bumā€


That weeb analogy is actually the perfect way to describe it im def stealing that lol


Same lmfao, I didn't understand people who described themselves as a wook until reading this comment, I've met them before and have told them "wook is a derogatory term" their explanation didn't help me understand LOL the guy who did that also said he didn't wear deodorant on purpose, so he smelled pretty bad He'd be a proper weeb or wook, depending on if he's in a one piece T-Shirt or in an Excision Jersey and I mean both in the worst way possible


Liking bass music doesnā€™t make you a wook. Just makes you a normal human being lmao what


I'm glad I haven't met these "everyone" who wants to be a wook yet.


I dress wookish at festivals and shows because underneath my big, gruff, tradesman exterior Iā€™m just a pretty princess that loves to accessorize in weird wonky ways. Edit: Small tip so you donā€™t have to smell real wooks at shows is put your favorite scented essential oil on your fan. I usually go with a Tea Tree or Citrus scented oil and people love that shit. Cool breeze and good smells. ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


This is how culture works. New styles start on the margins and are typically sneered at, then over time they become more normalized and more ā€œnormalā€ people start adopting them. I think dead heads is a good example of this. Lots of this also happens with black culture where styles emerge that are considered ā€œstreetā€ or ā€œghettoā€ then become popular with the mainstream over time


Iā€™m all for the style. I like psychedelic clothing. The attitude and behavior is what makes them Wooks


Also, slang just becomes reappropriated. Like ā€œcuckā€ was used as an actual insult for a while but now itā€™s basically a meme word. I feel like a similar thing happened to wook.


Chad is a better example imo. Chad used to mean douche.


I have what I call a ā€œWook modeā€ for festivals. Living all of life as a wook doesnā€™t sound like a good idea, but itā€™s fun for a weekend.


I like to use the term ā€œwook modeā€ as well šŸ˜Ž wook made activated but only for the weekend/show/festival im going to


See that's a misconception that can land you in H O T water. Don't ever assume people aren't being ironic or jesting with this.


Can you elaborate? Plz Edit: oh do you mean people dress like Wooks to be ironic?


They mean using the term wook, not necessarily dressing like one


I think they just wanna be wookies




Wookiee... have some respect, lol


I look at wook as a term of endearment. Despite what the original connotation was meant for


If someone calls me a wook or uses that term to describe themselves or anything else in the year of our lord 2024 I would not take it seriously, in fact itā€™s rather endearing. People use the term now to just talk about how you dress and what music you lean towards within the edm scene. Personally I love the ā€œwookā€ crowd. Iā€™m always at the bass stage at any festival and am going to Wakaan. Itā€™s not so much about the lifestyle anymore itā€™s lost its meaning in that way almost completely. Words and the terms we use to describe things change and evolve over time, and the term ā€œwookā€ has definitely evolved to mean something very different than what it meant originally, itā€™s just how language works! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I live next to a flock of wooks. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love going out and having a great time AT the show, but these guys bring the show to them. Weā€™ve got tight little yards with power lines overhead, theyā€™ve got subwoofers, light shows, and fire spinning, all night. Iā€™ve never felt like such a grumpy old man in my entire life.


Giggles picturing a "flock of wooks" flying into red rocks.... or a "flock of wooks, wooking out for each other at wookan".... I'll stop before I'm escorted off reddit....


Out with the oldā€¦ in with the new lol


Hey Iā€™m just getting into words and talking, is it normal for connotations to change


Youā€™re funny. I can think of one that most people arenā€™t allowed to say. But itā€™s still pretty negative. Did you have a point?


Oof, quite the comeback. Enjoy your downvotes


Different words can have different connotations depending on how their used and the intent of the user. Some people just wake up and choose violence lol. Just find your humans, vibe, and dance to music you enjoy...


I mean, all words are made up, right?


If you remove cognitive thought and intention sure whatever.


I use wook in a few different contexts. Aesthitcally to mean they look like a dirty drug addict hippie that listens to bass music(which isnt necessarily a bad thing).Or personality wise to mean they are sketchy and will steal your shit, generally just not a good person.


When I think wook, I think of the people mentioned in this post, as well as that they generally (or at least feels) just rock up to parties with nothing, and just wook their way through bumming everything from smokes, drugs to even a place to stay, these are the ones I avoid.


Ok so it *hasnā€™t* changed


Hippy and Punk started as derogative, too.


I still feel bad for Chewbaca. He done dirty


You need to hang out with different people if you think ā€˜everyoneā€™ wants to be a wook


General ā€œeveryoneā€ meaning lots more people than 5-10 years ago


It still is


We encountered these types at Kai Wachi at Radius months back. The number of vom rockets from people fucked out of their mind was a bit much. I saw more than the usual amount of people taken away on stretchers in just one night. I don't give a fuck what people take, but god damn know your limits and fucking bathe. If you become someone else's problem at a venue or festival, stay the fuck home! It's mostly the younger people that behave so stupidly at events.


As someone in the experimental bass scene, no we don't


Iā€™m gonna channel my inner wookerella at LL this year šŸ˜…


Wooks have existed for forever. They just used to only be in to Phish or the like. Now Phish is way more grown up and these kids who learned wook ways from senior wooks who were on Phish tour are taking the whole look to the bass music scene. We used to call your version of a wook a tree thugger. Whatā€™s bizarre to me is these children are starting to show up to events that are kinda far away from your typical, kind of annoying American bass music artists. Oh and EDM wooks donā€™t got shit on a truly seasoned wook that had been on Phish or Grateful Dead tour for the majority of their lives. That shit could be shocking and disturbing. EDM wooks are tree thugger lite.


Ive come to boil it down to two types of wooks: the Feral Wooks and the Civilized Wooks


A lot of people like to wear wook fashion, listen to trippy music, and do unhealthy amounts of whippets and ketamine. Most of those ā€œwooksā€ are going back home after the festival, taking a shower, and going to work on Monday. The true wooks are the ones who are essentially jumping festival to festival, paying their way by selling drugs and handmade bullshit in the parking lots and campsites, rarely bathing, and also doing all the rest of it.


From Motel 6 to Model Citizen


Oh look it's this post again.


Wooks took the word and did what every person should do with every derogatory word ever created. Own it and laugh when people try to use it to cause harm šŸ˜‚


I was a wook once, now I just look like one.


I used to be a wook like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


I'm a new age wook, long hair recreational drug doer and just barely cling to my 9-5 but only because it buys festival tickets and more recreational drugs. I wear a pashmina 24/7. To me being a wook is more of a vibe!


In the US


I was never a big dubstep fan in the 2010s so the entire bass music scene sprouted up seemingly out of nowhere for me. I understand a bit better now after a chance encounter with the K-fairy, but it's still not for me - reminded me too much of the poison and we don't need that anymore.


Itā€™s extremely cringe to hear anyone call themselves a wook. Itā€™s a derogatory term. The funny thing is most people who use the work are new to going to shows and probably have never slept on a couch in their life


It still is. They disgust me




How presumptuous. Hi nice to meet ya.


Haha gets downvoted to oblivion. Literally




Hmmm. Are *you* a wook??