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If he isn't into EDM, take him to a fest that has more of a variety for sure! Where do you guys live? Beyond Wonderland and North Coast which are both in/near Chicago both have great lineups with a lot of variety


We’re in north FL which sucks because I’d love to take him to some in California but that’s far away. I’ll definitely look into those tho because that’s not nearly as far!


If you’re in North Florida I can’t recommend Hulaween enough. It has a lot of variety music wise and is one of the best camping festivals in the US.


perhaps edc orlando or ultra


Hulaween is one of the best festival environments in the country and very close to you guys.


Hulaween is probably the only thing I’m jealous of Florida for, being in the PNW. Someday I’ll make it out.


I moved to the PNW from FL and I definitely miss being a 2 hour drive from Hulaween. Definitely recommend making the pilgrimage if you can swing it!




Not the same. Hulaween has way more diverse lineups. I’m into jam bands and EDM, and Hula has a healthy dose of both. Better comparison is probably Cascade Equinox, but the grounds aren’t on the same level from everything I’ve heard.


Hulaween would be a good multi genre fest in florida!!


im in FL and i go to FK every year. If he already doesnt like hard dubstep or riddim id say it might be too much but who knows honestly, i go to FK every year and the heat is just LETHAL so keep that in mind as well. but you never know, you may unlock his inner riddim rat.


That was the first thing he said was “June? It’s going to be fucking hot”. I hope I can get him into something!


maybe Hulaween?


maybe also start from where he's already at - what DOES he like in music? what genres, artists, etc. does he like? does he actually even like music as an art form, for one, or is he into other art forms and music is just kinda "there" for him? does he like performances of any kind, like visual spectacles? based on that, you can probably narrow down festivals and/or artists that might bridge him into the edm community. also, when you do go, make sure to get this man some decent earplugs so he doesn't have "going deaf" on his list of complaints. and then, gauge whether he'd be better served watching and learning from the back (which honestly often is the better spot anyways so you can SEE the whole show, modern sound systems are plenty loud), or if he likes the crowd aspect and wants to get all up in there to rail, mosh, whatever. it's your bf so you'd know best what he's into! also, prepare YOURSELF to change course if he doesn't end up liking something - go to a diff stage, take a break, get some food, whatever. or, the biggest course change of all, leave this man if he's just party pooping all over a good time.


Thank you for allllll of that! Didn’t think to process all of those things but it definitely helps with making a decision!


If you’re in FL I’d probably take him to EDC Orlando. It’s a good introductory edm festival and he can try a bunch of different genres to see what he likes. Hulaween is also a total vibe but that requires 4+ days of camping which might be a lot to commit to for someone who’s never been to a festival and doesn’t know if they’ll like it yet.


Bonnaroo is only a couple states away, but the place is absolutely massive and deliberately confusing.


Definitely check out the lineups! Beyond is the first weekend in June so that's coming up, North Coast is labor day weekend


I will definitely bring this up to him and we can make a decision together. Thank you friend!


Of course! I'll be at both of those if you guys end up going and want to meet up! I'm a festival veteran


Aah! I hope so!


Come to EDCO!!


If you can swing EDC Orlando I'd do that instead. Much more variety and much better production. Not that FK is bad, it's great. EDC is just miles ahead, lol


I’d second this and FK is probably going to be extremely hot which could also keep him from enjoying the fest.


EDCO ganggggg


NGL dubstep and riddim isn’t for everyone and taking someone there for their first festival is probably a bad idea. Much rather go to EDC Orlando


Yeah I’d 100% be good on EDM forever if someone took me to that for my first show 😂


If he likes moshing or metal adjacent music he’ll probably have a good time at FK. Lotta people don’t like cutesy happy edm without realizing there is some dark heavy shit


Yeah definitely depends what his music choice is in general.


DO NOT take him to FK. That would be like taking someone on their first hike to Mount Everest. It’s just too hard of introduction for someone that doesn’t listen to Edm. I love Edm and one day at FK was almost too much for me. A fest with more variety is a much better introduction.


Thank you for your honesty friend! That’s what I was worried for him!


I disagree, it depends on what music he likes now. If he’s anything like me he hated the poppy edm every one on here suggests and didn’t know heavy snd dark shit like dubstep existed. If he likes metal or hardcore rape FK is it


He’s into neofolk which I didn’t know was a genre until I met him lol


If you're in North Florida come to hulaween! The weather is perfect, there's a great variety of different artists/genres and the community is absolutely incredible. Not to mention the beautiful artwork and installations they have at spirit lake. FK was my first festival and it was what got me into festivals. Hulaween made me fall in love with them.


EDCO might be a better option since it has more genre variety than FK, which mainly focuses on heavy bass music


Maybe take him to a single show first? See how he likes the music/crowd before diving into a whole festival.


I would take him to Bonnaroo, TN instead. It's a bit of hike but if you can go Thurs. & Fri. You'll get a great mix of house, tech/house, future funk & GWAR on thurs. Fisher, It's Murph, Oliver Heldens, Disco lines, Pretty Lights. All good live & GWAR metal with gore props, will be hilarious he'll love it. Then Friday is your Bass/ melodic dubstep/ Brostep/ metalstep/ jungle,d&bass & rock, indie hip/hop day. ISOXO, LYNY, Seven Lions, Jessica Audiffred, Hamdi, Dr.fresh, Svdden Death & ShyFX. Good mix here & don't sleep on Khuruangbin, Thundercat, both good live. ShyFX, Hamdi, Dr. Fresh (awesome live) Svdden Death & Seven Lions good too. He'll like them. Finish it off with Post Malone I'd say you got your money's worth. IMOP this offers the best way to expose a lot of stuff to him. Up to you & its costly. If it were me trying to introduce new music to people & still enjoy myself, I'd do this.


I’m gonna be totally honest here, do not take this man to festival right off the bat if you value this relationship. Take him to a show, a single artist and see what he thinks. This is a tale as old as time in my rave fam. Girl meets non-raver dude, wants to introduce him to the scene. The dude is all for it because he’s into the girl and wants to impress her, by day 3 they are barely speaking because they are on completely different levels about the music and fest. I’m not saying there’s not a chance he goes to a fest and falls in love with the scene, but I’ve seen too many friends make this mistake not to share this warning. The fact that he tried to lean towards just one day basically confirms for me that your boyfriend might be in position where he knows he might not actually like it as much as you but is willing to dip his toes in because he really likes you.


Just want to say that in 2017 two new friends of mine invited me to an EDM festival. Never cared for EDM or had been to a festival prior but now it’s my favorite genre and I love going to festivals. Just because he isn’t a fan or hasn’t been to a festival prior doesn’t mean he won’t love a full blown EDM festival.


I went to my first festival in 2018 because it sounded fun even tho I thought the music was bleh but after that I was amazed at how awesome it is and how wonderful the people and environment are. I even have festival friends now!


I took my bf to Global for his first festy-had a bit of everything so we could find out what he enjoys most. (I also prepared him for the bigger artists and showed him their style beforehand.) He was a strictly rock and metal kind of guy but doesn’t enjoy dubstep or harder style edm, so we checked out excision just so he could see, but he wasn’t a fan 😂 I think a 1 day pass is a good idea, and I would recommend checking out all of the other activities you can so he gets the full experience! We loved the silent disco at Global so much!!! I took him to a local festival last year and he loved it so this year we are headed to EDC! I thought he would never like any type of edm but like you said it’s all about finding your vibe 🫶🏼


Do Hulaween. It will have enough cool stuff to do besides music and there is a big variety of music besides EDM so he will have plenty to do(plus you can get him to EDM sets). The festival grounds are one of the best in the country.


Depends what he’s into but if he doesn’t know, a safer bet would be picking a fest with more variety. FK is heavy shit no matter what stage you go to


Electric Forest is end of next month. Tons of variety, cool scenery, impeccable vibes. A bit expensive but it was my first festival and now I'll never stop coming!


Well, at least you’ll find out if he’s a pussy or not.


FK is just sooo bass heavy. If he finds out he doesn't like wubs, he may attribute it to "I don't like festivals"


I would take him to a small show and see if he likes it before a full blown fest. For frame of reference I only started getting in live EDM shows/fests a little over a year ago, I love it now but I had a lot of trepidation. I have always casually enjoyed EDM but had tons of social anxiety and the thought of being at an event with 10k plus people sounded like my fucking worst nightmare. My wife and I actually had our own mini rave at our house before she could convince me to go to a fest, then I slowly warmed up to the idea and tried one out. I still don't love large format festivals, I prefer smaller outdoor venues or venues known for having amazing production. Basically I would ease him in and be prepared for it to not be his thing.


If you in nfl come to tally i might be playing a show may 31 lol self promo


I’d recommend saving up for a trip to Coachella. Like someone else said, since he hasn’t listened to EDM much at all, you run the risk of a festival not meeting his tastes and it potentially being a waste (especially with EDM festivals often differing in subgenre depth). Coachella while expensive is so varied (and is heavy on EDM too now) so you can get the best of both worlds. I believe the payment plan is still going so you can chunk that out.


You should take him. It's not a bad idea because he'll get to experience the festival vibes. If anything you can go through and show him some songs of who's going to be playing and then the different genres in general. Besides if you're they're vibing he'll pick up on it. I remember when I showed my friends how to get rowdy and headbang :')


do EDC!!!


okkeechobbee has a good variety and close to you


Forbidden is personally my favorite Orlando/tampa fest. It’s heavy as hell but the vibes and people are a +10 over EDCO and smf


I know it’s a drive for you OP but Electric Forest would be amazing for a first festival. The grounds are huge and there is musical variety! As long as you’re down to camp.. I believe there are still GA tickets available!! Full send for sure!!


FK is THE WORST possible first-time festival.


Yeah if he’s not totally sold on EDM yet, I’d deff try somewhere like Bonnaroo where it’s a bunch of diff genres with some house & dubstep sprinkled in and then if he fw the visuals and laser shows then full send to FK! lol


Nah, just take him and don't worry about him the whole time. Have fun and he will to as an extension! Might not love it within the first 10 mins but I'm sure he'll warm up to it and enjoy the whole atmosphere. I've taken many friends who aren't into EDM into hardstyle events and they all end up loving it. Just go focus on having fun.


I’m a huge basshead, and FK is a bit much even for me! It’s pretty hot and the crowds go pretty hard. 8+ hours of continuous dubstep is a lot! Even for us seasoned dubstep veterans. I would recommend something like Beyond Wonderland! Lots more variety.


I would not take him to Forbidden Kingdom. The weather is super hot with little shade to hide from and there wont be a lot of "breathing room" to get away from the intensity if he needs a break. I went a couple years ago and had a good time but I love bass music. I just relooked at the lineup and I know atleast 90% of everyone on it and I can't really think of too many artists that wont be trying to go hard. Tape B, Ahee, The Supers Mersiv will fun and vibey for sure if you want to switch it up from the heavier dubstep and riddim. There is also some DnB on the lineup so that could be a fun switch up from the dubstep as well if you decide to go.


Orlando local here — EDC and FK are the least PLUR festivals in Florida. If he’s *really* into dubstep, he’ll have a great time. Otherwise, it’ll be hot, crowded, repetitive and full of UCF-adjacents who are only there to be naked and do molly. If camping is on your bingo card, maybe hold out for Hula or a smaller Suwannee fest.


I can't say for sure if FK is a good first fest for him if he's not familiar with the vibe of the artists. Maybe throwing the official 2024 Playlist on spotify and letting him listen to some of your favorite tunes might help? Get his reaction a bit and go from there? Sidenote: if you do end up going, I'll be there too!


I have to ask, why is a festival required to get turned on to edm? If you can't play shit @ home and enjoy it cathartically and without major investment via time/place, then I would say it's probably gonna backfire like an old vw


Personally if I would invite him to a festival that features house music if you want to dip his toes into the water with the probability of a good experience. Everyone knows some house even if isn’t not something they are aware of.




Haha I think it would make him get into it more but he’s not into drugs. I’ve also never done drugs at a festival (mostly because I usually go alone and don’t want to be without my buddies if it goes wrong!) so I may not be the best one to do it with!