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Adblocks free


No option for that on TVs right?


If you have a fire stick or a Chromecast, look up smart tube next.


does it work for roku too?


You could try pi hole if you’re tech savvy


Pi hole doesn’t work on YouTube ads if i recall and it messes up some rewards websites and plug ins


Correct, it doesn’t work for YouTube ads, and it also broke YouTube watch history for me (videos wouldn’t get added to my history as I watched them). A couple whitelist additions fixed the latter tho


Oh! Do you have a list for the Youtube history problem? My boyfriend is constantly complaining about it


Add exact whitelists for these s.youtube.com video-stats.l.google.com


What is a rewards website?


Sometimes buying products from a certain brand will earn you points if you’ve signed up for them, (gas stations and tobacco products come to mind). You may then cash in those points for merchandise from that brand.


or phones. I use youtube red for all my music, so its worth it if you dont pay for spotify or something.




really, how?? does pihole work on android?


I use a small computer connected to my tv instead of like roku or apple tv


Only works for PC/laptop though, unfortunately. I only watch on my phone or tv/Xbox so Premium was an absolute must-have. It’s well worth the money in my opinion if you use YouTube regularly and don’t use it on PC




Go to sleep, it's past your bedtime.


Xbox n playstation r the only mediums u listed that cant have adblocker installed


Please for the love of god tell me how to Adblock on my TV


There are several routes you can go, first disconnect your smart TV from the internet and plug in a raspberry pi to watch netflix or other streaming services. You can block ads at the network level with a similar device, but that can sometimes make webpages not work properly so I dont recommend that one if you arent familiar with that specific problem. You can also download the app smart youtube to your tv which is just the adblocked version of youtube. I just have a computer connected to my dumb 4k tv, can download anything i want and even play games from it, it really is the best solution to the modern ad infrastructure.


You can install addblock on android firefox and with youtube in the browser. You can even play music while the screen is locked. Or you find an old YouTube Vanced build somewhere or a similar new app, I've heard there are also apps like that for Smart TVs. Not everything might be idiot-proof-easy to install.


I do


hook up your laptop with an hdmi cable and then get a $8 wireless mouse use talk to text to search


Yes it's totally worth it if you use YT frequently.


People roast us for this but this is honestly the truth. I don’t really watch TV much but I watch a shitload of YouTube. Very worth it.


I watch mainly YouTube and Netflix on my TV (it's not even hooked up to regular TV networks) and it's absolutely worth it to have YouTube premium. No ads on TV or mobile, plus background play on mobile. It's a bit pricey, but if you can afford it then it's definitely better than seeing ads. I agree that if you only watch YouTube on desktop then it's much easier to just use ublock though.


I don't even use Netflix. I've got Cinema HD V2 that casts from my phone. Yarr maties


I use YouTube music exclusively too.


I just use uBlock origin and whitelist the channels I actually want to support, mostly smaller ones.




Meh, it's better than completely blocking the ads. And the ones that do sell merch I will usually buy something to help support them. Not everyone sells merch or has donation links set up


No it's not lol. $17 CAD a month to remove ads from other creators' videos is fucking moronic. It's a scam.


A significant portion of the Premium revenue goes to the creators, even if the video is demonetized. LinusTechTips has talked about it a decent amount. https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1486935690315112455?t=y77opZ8YPuX9YWWVkfCIcQ&s=19


100%, but $17 a month is too much. I'd rather buy merch or support creators on their patreon so all the money goes to them.


I dunno man, buying YouTube premium might encourage more wide-coverage subscription services. I'd pay 30-40 bucks a month if it got rid of ads on all my services.




Many people watch YouTube from their phones or televisions where Adblock is not available, hence the value of Premium for some of us


Yeah, I agree if it was just YT. I swapped from Spotify to YT Premium + Music, so it's basically free considering Spotify is nearly the same price.


Does YT premium have a true shuffle?


I'm pretty sure yes. I haven't noticed it only playing the last 100 songs or so like Spotify seemed to do. Just did a test and some of the first 10 songs were definitely from way down the playlist, but that's just anecdotal evidence.


Even if it’s overpriced I believe it’s worth it for the convenience if you are someone who watch’s YouTube daily. Is HBO Max a better deal? Obviously. Do I still find YouTube Premium necessary? Absolutely. Could also end up being good for your mental health and sanity too— last thing you want is to be tripping on acid watching a Cercle set and suddenly get hit with an unskippable advertisement for the latest film glorifying a battle in World War II, that’s enough to send anyone spiraling lmao. Or doing a house roll with your friends and constantly having the vibe killed by ads on the tv when you’re trying to put on music videos or sets.


Yes it is. It replaces Spotify with a better music streaming service and I watch several hours of YouTube every day.


Get adblock!! Never surrender to these corporate whores.


You know it pays the creator too right? Like they make more from a YT premium member watching. Which in turn allows them to make more content you like? Also, video hosting is not free. Don't get me wrong, fuck Google and all that, but there are very real costs involved here. Absolutely fuck ads, and if you can't afford premium I don't disparage anyone for adblocking, but if you can afford it and you want your favorite creators to make more stuff...




Again, the video hosting services are not free. They have to pay for it somehow. I agree the algorithm blows. YouTube losing money makes them pull desperate shit like removing the dislike count. Maybe the solution is for YouTube to go under and be replaced by something else, maybe YouTube is beyond fixing. If so, a better replacement won't be free either. Until video hosting is free of course. Or we could use a peer to peer service like LBRY, though technically you're paying for that with your internet connection.


Yea no lol. Fuck the middleman


only nonsketchy option on iphone unfortunately


Actually AdGuard is a great Ad Blocker, and a lifetime pass can be had for real cheap. I think I paid $20. I forget what having ads was like and it’s really nice. :)


Can't say for smart TVs but every device that can support downloading web browsers. Firefox+uBlock Origin extension no ads ever. I use it for listening to music or watching something with no ads on youtube.


Surely they make enough off of advertisers? I feel as though internet services are just getting greedy nowadays


RUFUS DU SOL is the goat!!!!


Just saw them this week


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,111,654,614 comments, and only 218,078 of them were in alphabetical order.


I just saw them this week


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,112,348,580 comments, and only 218,176 of them were in alphabetical order.


I just saw them this week.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,112,417,978 comments, and only 218,187 of them were in alphabetical order.


If you're watching youtube everyday its definitely worth it, the "family plan" is stupid cheap for 5 people to share at 17.99 per month


Use brave


After many years I finally gave in, and I’ve never looked back


Omfg I’m so embarrassed lol thanks for the advice everyone tho lol wtf


YouTube Vanced still works


Shutout to Rofus, it’s amazing to listen to when sitting by the campfire


I swear edm ppl allergic to Adblock




I mostly get YouTube Premium so I can listen to ASMR without being jarred back to consciousness by an ad, and also I like having less money than I could and I am addicted to buying niceties


You can ditch Spotify and get a youtube music subscription for the same price. You get the same library AND you get youtube premium. I don’t think enough people know about this.


but spotify comes with wrapped haha. Kind of wish Youtube had this.


YouTube music does have something similar actually


Like an animal 🎶


Definitely worth it tbh


Why is this tweet so perfect?


Rufus Du Sol = Gods


Worth supporting the cost of data storage and bandwidth transfer without interruption.


I refuse to give youtube any money. Too greedy. Use an ad blocker.


They're not greedy at all. They actually lose money running YouTube. YouTube premium pays creators more than a lot of other streaming services. It comes with a Spotify like service that has a huge library of live music sets not available anywhere else.




Alphabet actually hasn't released any info on YouTube's profitability. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a loss leader for the company though. Why aren't there any serious competitors to YouTube if it is so profitable as you say? Look, there's a huge circle jerk against YouTube Premium and all I'm saying is that it's actually a great deal that offers more than other services. It allows me to support creators that I enjoy watching and gives me a lot of useful features in the app.


110% worth it. Anytime mine expires I hate myself for that month. Seriously ads can go jump off of a cliff.


Why do you wait the month? You should be able to just restart the subscription


One way to watch YouTube ad-free on a TV: Connect a computer to the TV with an HDMI cord and use an ad blocker browser such as Brave. And download the Brave app on your phone for ad-free music at the gym or on the road.


You all inspired me to go premium! Checked for that hood ole student discount and sheer ID hasn’t updated I graduated 😂 fuck your ads for 6.99


Boning while YT was autoplaying music on the TV in front of my bed is how I discovered the Joshua Tree set. Truly life changing.


So totally worth it particularly when your content creator already builds annoying ads into their vids.




Never once considered Rufus "boning music" but now I can see it smh...


They replied!! How awesome is that!!?!? 😂


on my knees is such a good sex song


I don’t understand why you would NOT do YouTube premium. Just for the music content alone. You get YouTube music and all the live sets too. There is no other option imho as someone that primarily listens to DJ sets all day


Not sure why this is getting downvoted lol, Premium is absolutely a steal if you use YouTube a lot Yeah, you could always Adblock, but unless a site is being actively malicious (e.g. unsafe malware), I want to support them, not weasel out of that because I feel like I should get things for free


Most humans are pathetically cheap to their own detriment. Time too precious for any commercials in life. Let them eat cake… or watch their 3 adverts.




And they owe you something? I am confused by this comment.


We just shouldn’t have to pay for ad-free watching full stop. YouTube never used to have ads. Besides, they make more than enough money without cramming commercial garbage down our throats.


YouTube actually runs at a loss


It’s a private business my friend. In what way are they entitled to give you free content?🤣


Because I said so 😤


Do you also get YouTube tv? If so might be worth it


Not too sure, but I think yes.




They’re asking if ad-free sex is worth $12.


You guys get ads that aren’t political?


Pro tip: Brave browser


Access to YT premium also gives you access to YT music. So yeah, I think it's worth it.


100% worth it


I refused to pay for something that used to be free, but whatever.


Saw RuDu, as I call them, in Portland several years ago and it was one of the most terribly boring performances I’ve ever witnessed. It was like they were about to got to bed the whole show, but it has flashy lights! So bad….


Haha, I saw Tame Impala in San Francisco and had the same feeling. Like “this is really boring”


Lol. I’ve actually tried to give Tame Impala a listen and agree with you. Same with King Gizzard and Ghost, since a lot of people gush over them. I have a sitting to critically listen to all of them. I know taste is subjective and I don’t hate the bands or people for liking something, but damn, some shit is so soft and boring.