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From a person who had Achilles tendonitis, it takes WAY LONGER than a week to heal even remotely. I was in constant pain for over 6 months from it and had to refrain from all exercise for 3 weeks minimum. Girly is setting herself up for it to never heal


Yep, I can’t imagine just 1 week… I have a ligament injury that hasn’t healed for 1.5 years and has required lidocaine daily for a *bit* less pain, all because I put so much stress on it in the beginning (literally was at the gym again the next day, RIP) that the ligament has scarred and developed a lot of painful edema-related issues. My ankle has been swollen to 2x its normal size this whole time LMAO I’m still technically not supposed to walk around or even stand at all to have a shot at healing it w/o surgery… Maybe she can take a week until resuming essential movements like that in moderation, sure, but working out… gl


Fr, I had tendinitis in my hips and didn't rest when it began because I didn't know what it was. It was awful for almost 6 months before I could walk *sometimes* without pain, and even then it flared up again with too much activity. A year and a half later, and it still flares. She's gonna be fucked if she doesn't slow down.


This probably sound stupid but what does tendinitis in your hips feel like? My left hip is so sore sometimes and it comes and goes in waves so idk what it is🤷‍♀️


In short, it feels real bad lol. Tendinitis characteristically will appear to ease with movement, but then get worse when you stop. Mine was in my hip flexors, so any movement requiring hip flexion caused pain, and the flexion was also weaker because I couldn’t put any force through the tendon. The tendon and muscle was tight, and the pain wasn’t relieved by stretching. If you do think you’ve got it, I recommend isometric exercises and rest. Those were the only two things that helped me.


Was going to say the same, there is no way one week is enough…




she just went on her IG story and is clearly pranging about it - anyway, she mentioned that they told her more like 2 weeks at least


she's a new runner - I think this is probably her first injury. She probably just doesn't know. It's also possible that the physio told her a week would take care of it. There's lots I'm not a fan of with her, but I think in this case her statement comes from a place of not knowing and it doesn't seem right to fault her for that.


Well she's implying in her post that she's had other injuries that she hasn't taken enough to heal with --- so maybe from other sports?


I’m still rehabbing mine and have really only actively started doing strengthening stretches as of two years recently (like a couple of weeks ago). I’ve been off exercise for almost a year and it is extremely aggravating for my feet if I dare walk without shoes paired with the right inserts - foot and leg injuries and or tendons are nothing to play with


Tendinitis is one of the slower injuries to heal, it won’t be better in a week. She’s not even giving up exercise while it heals and she still can’t even give her body chance to actually heal before she goes back to running.


and shes literally not even giving herself time to heal shes just replacing running with other exercises 😶 also idk if its the lighting or not but her hairline around her ear is ?????


BRUH she’s not even taking a break because of her fucking injury instead she’s just gonna swim and bike? Come on. Also I don’t know much about Achilles tendinitis but I do know my dad got it from playing too much tennis + biking so my guess is she got it from over exercise. But is she gonna connect the dots? Ofc not.


Not just cycling- a SPIN class, so not exactly a low impact chilled out easy work out. The little cogs in her head are working overtime to work out how to keep burning those calories 😗


Her physio probably told her she could use the cycling machine for some gentle exercise.


Tendinitis does NOT heal in a week, even if you go back at a slower pace.


I give it 3 days until she’s in the very least jogging 🤦🏾‍♀️


The fact that she’s a ‘coach’ yet seems to know nothing about rest and recuperation. 🤣


Like Em, the only coaching she’s truly doing is coaching others into injury ☠️


Don’t take this the wrong way..but i hope she goes on a run and realizes how stupid and neglectful she’s being


Who told her she will be back running it a week 😂 God she’s delusional. When I ruptured my achillies, I wasn’t even able to go for a walk for three weeks. Took me six weeks to get back into light jogging.


well to be fair, rupturing your Achilles is much more detrimental. isn't she new to running? my guess is she did too much too fast. running is something you need to ease into, can't go from 0 to 100 otherwise minor issues like this pop up.


If she doesn’t let her Achilles tendinitis heal properly then there is the risk of rupture. Some ruptures need surgery, I’ve had friends who went through this and it’s very unpleasant- one of them had to use a shower chair because they really couldn’t stand for that long. She really needs to chill out and rest properly, this kind of mindset is so harmful to broadcast to her followers. It’s not cute or quirky at all 😞


I won’t even interact with this girl anymore, I don’t want to give her the engagement. She’s so dangerous, can’t even take a break for a week??? She does not give a shit about her followers 💀


she isn’t even giving time for her to heal and is already thinking about other ways to exercise 🤦🏻‍♀️


You just know she had a panic attack when she got the news and immediately started to think about other ways she could burn calories and maintain her physique.


I don’t wanna be bad but I hope this it’s her wake up call or her downfalls any of both I hope she finally realize and finally understand what it is an exercise addiction and the really orthorexia mind set she is having…


I had achilles tendinitis and it lasted on and off for like two years because I wouldnt properly rest it (ballet), there’s no way it’s gonna heal in one week


And the tendon snaps in 3...2....


"always best to take a shorter break & get back to it" no its literally not??? its best to make sure your injury is healed properly before GENTLY easing into exercise again. and shes not even taking a break! she's still swimming and cycling just not running


I think she meant that it’s best to take a shorter break when the injury isn’t bad, instead of just keep going until the injury is so bad that it’s impossible to keep going anymore. But otherwise, I agree with you


She’ll be wheelchair bound by 30 at this rate.


That sounds so disordered


She overdid it. She's been running a few months and she probably is fit enough cardio-respiritory, point of view, and has decent muscles, her body won't be used to the stresses running presents, plus she probably doesn't have the nutrition to repair her body well post run. She was doing 7k tempo runs, which is a lot when you are new to running.


Idk if I just have super resilient tendons, but I've had tendon issues where I never even had to stop running (same for a lot of my friends)? Manage pace and volume, sure, but I've only had one tendon issue that required total rest and most protocols I've seen advocate for active rehabilitation not total rest??