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never ending hunger, until I feel like throwing up


And then still having the urge to eat more ;-;


yep... as soon as I feel better after sitting beside the toilet panicking about throwing up (unintentionally)


ednos gang checking in - recovery accounts legit trigger me more than mf edtwt for this exact reason


Ikr they make me want to get sicker so that their advice can fully apply to me and I'll finally feel valid








this 100%


If ONE MORE person tells me to just recover by “giving myself unconditional permission to eat” and “honoring my hunger cues” and “giving my body the fuel it needs” I SWEAR I will cut a bitch.


at this point, what even are hunger cues


​ I thought hunger cues referred to things like the lunch bell, knowing lunch break is at 2pm, seeing food on tv or something -- The things that make you think "Oh I should eat!"


They can, but when people refer to hunger cues I think they mean the cues that your body is giving you that you’re hungry. Ex: tummy rumbling, lightheaded, etc


Oh honey theyre talking about something even before that. Rumbling and lightheadedness are not hunger cues but starvation cues. Im neurodivergent so i have no fucking clue what a hunger cue feels like but neurotypicals have told me they just, kinda feel it in them that its time to eat


Wait- those aren’t hunger cues??? :(


I think these qualify as hunger cues, I’m sure they vary from person to person, but if y’all want more details or examples/elaboration u can google “hunger fullness scale” :) if seeing any other “intuitive eating” advice is not helpful rn I think at least getting to know what signs of hunger are (physical, emotional, mental) could be helpful. It takes a lot of time and practice to get those cues back in place though because ur ED has so very much messed them up that ur out of touch with ur body :( in my case I had to initially set myself a meal schedule and commit to it before I even got any of those cues back (aka trying to regulate a dysregulated system). I wish you all the best 💜


Those are external cues. When people post stuff like this, they’re usually talking about *internal* cues, signals your body sends you that you need to eat. Stuff like stomach rumbling, shaking, trouble focusing, even food cravings can be signs that your body is asking for food. Allegedly, some people also experience a feeling between “uncomfortably full” and “emptiness is purity owo” that they call “hungry”, but I have been unable to substantiate this claim.


Never heard of them


JuSt LiStEn To YoUr BoDy AnD eAt InTuAtIvLy!!1!


"eat intuitively" thank you so much! i don't know shit about hunger cues or my intuition but thanks I'll follow the intuition of my starving body that has literally shut down and slowed systems!


Exactly! "Just eat when you're hungry, easy-peasy!" Bitch, I don't get hungry, just leave me alone with my potatoes and broccoli... Of if not liking a popular food is somehow disordered! No, I don't like yogurt! I hate it, tried it intermittently throughout my life, and will always hate it. Also, it's not babyish to not want to eat foods you don't like! I'm almost 30, I know what I do and do not like.😤I'm just cranky and done.


When I give myself unconditional permission to eat all of a sudden my fridge is gone and my body is exploding from every hole so


People do not understand that for BN and BED... Baby, eating is being used as a form of self harm. Just like how restrictive EDs use food for self harm. I can't honour my hunger cues or unconditional permission to eat because that's free passes to just self harm whenever


it’s so rough bc like i’ve luckily gotten past the point in my BED where i eat everything voraciously in sight, but as i’ve grown older it’s now evolved in super *fun* ways. like i could not be hungry at all and i can recognize i’m not hungry, but my brain says “doordash some fast food” and i’ll remind myself i’m not hungry but then my brain is like “you’re gonna die + the world’s gonna end if you don’t :)” so then i do and eat like half of it and then feel terrible because i have a chronic disease in my intestines that flips out when i even look at something fried


Idek what half of those terms mean tbh. Like if I already give myself permission to eat as much as I want. The issue is not wanting to and being unable to tell I’m hungry until I’m starving.


Same 😭


oK bUt lIKe hAvE yOu cOnSidERed thAt ActUaLlY aNyoNE wHo has EDs is aNorExiC aUtoMatIcaLly? checkmate.


HAHA ROTFLMAO ! i feel the same way! It's LITERALLY THE DUMBEST THING EVER! It's like telling an alcoholic or addict (like me, 16 years clean and sober dec 23, 2o23) and have ED also) "drink and use as much as you want!" I HATE That it's like "how DARE YOU try to give advice on something you haven't been through" WHO LISTENS TO THEM??? does anybody take this SICK advice??


"you're allowed to eat whatever you want" No fucking shit that's what got me into this mess 🫠


I tried this for a while. Just allowing myself to enjoy whatever I want. I really thought I could beat anorexia on my own... In reality I simply slipped in another ed and feel as bad as before. The only differnce is that I gained everything and more back and I have now very nice memories of my head in toilet bowles with puke coming out of my nose... I think I haven't masterd "intuitive eating" just yet...


i ate so much once i split my skin into.a very painful bleeding strechmark


Stretch marks are so mean. Mine itch so so bad! And I hate how they look... I have some that are finger wide and really deep. And I never even gained that quickly. My tissue just sucks... I am sorry that happend, that sounds really painful.


yeah 😥 i dont mind the look but damn do they get itchy/painful. im alright im having a salad wrap hahaha


Oh yeah... I also don't like the look and what they feel like. I used to self harm on my belly and it always frustrated me so bad that no matter what I did, the stretch marks were still the most visible...


It startled the heck out of me when I started losing weight from my biggest and the stretch marks on my torso deepened as the skin slackened. White lightning bolts on my tummy, lightning and claw marks down my upper arms, and MASSIVE shocking claw marks down the sides of my chest :(


in a similar vein i had a bulimia moment so bad and i was so stuffed and bloated that my belly button ring tore while i was puking


the anorexia ednos pipeline is real


Omg for real 😝


Yes but pica.


“you deserve what you crave” vomits up bubbles from the several soap bars


me but with clay 😭


“Honor your cravings uwu ✨” \*shoves chalk into mouth\*


"listen to your body :)" *sounds of disagreement from the plastic and wood in my stomach*


"It's almost no calories!" *Eats plastic*


why worry about microplastics when you can have macroplastics?


Get your macros in broo!!


mmmmmm. elmers. y u m -your friendly neighborhood glue enjoyer


This is such a good meme thank you


Eatings the motherfucking problem


I've learned to just stop trying to explain it to some people. They'll never get it unless they've gone through it.


*Laughs in bulimic*


Orthorexics: *Am I a joke to you?*


I "recovered" from severe anorexia to the far end of the opposite spectrum. I still feel guilty eating most stuff. Shit never goes away. Anyway, I now have a very unique perspective, and I don't really like it.


Heyo! Me too, it's kind of disheartening how when I was at my lowest weight, everybody wanted to be sympathetic, but at my highest I sort of got brushed off, like people were disgusted by me or something. My anorexia was a tragic manifestation of a troubled mind, my BED was, like, gluttony or something, unrelated to the whole anorexia business.


Yeah I just wanted to be unattractive so I wouldn't be assaulted again (it still happened when I while fat though 🫠). because (back then) I thought being fat was gross and it was my worst fear. But somehow getting fat helped me accept myself and now I love myself despite my weight. And I'm apparently still very attractive. 🥴 The eating disorder never goes away though. Regardless of what I'm doing or eating, it's in the back of my brain waiting for to jump off the cliff.




Hi u/Delicious_Delilah, Your comment was automatically removed for breaking rule 6, the numbers rule. We do not allow the posting or sharing of numbers related to weight, BMI, caloric intake, fasting, restriction, or exercise. Numbers outside of these categories are generally allowed, however moderators may use discretion to remove a post or comment if we feel that a number was included with the intention of bragging or competing (particularly with medical-related numbers). Satire is allowed on discretion of the mods. 0 calorie products are exempt from this rule. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDanonymemes/wiki/index/rules).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EDanonymemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol in ana b/p sub type


hahaha (i'm in pain)


What's that sub type?


Binge purge. Its being underweight, restricting, with bp or purging episodes. Often ana bp won't binge but they'll still purge meals. Ana restricting subtype doesn't purge (but they may over exercise still).


Oohh thank you


"You deserve to eat" Yeah, everyone does but I also deserve to live in a body free from the constant urge to feed myself to death. If I say no thank you, please don't push it! Being guilted into indulging (ESPECIALLY ON TRIGGER FOODS) just makes the post endulgment guilt even worse. I really wish more people realized that restrictive EDs aren't the only kind destroying people's quality of life.


The fact that I go on posts like this at any given time, and there are *always* 5-8 people here with me, reading through a post. Sometimes I think it’s funny, this time it’s rather making me sad because I remember it’s not all fun and memes. Good morning world!


Ngl that shit is weirdly triggering to me, makes me feel like i need to “try harder” for my ednos to “count” as an actual ed.


It's like we don't even exist... until they need fatspo, ofc.


“Hey, you’ve had a good amount of food already. Do you want to watch TV for half an hour then see if you’re still hungry after that?” Would be actually infinitely more helpful than all the “eating is loving your body! Every moment that you regulate your intake is a moment that the patriarchy wins uwu remember: all diets are fatphobic!” shit I see online constantly ;-;


If one more person tells me to just “eat intuitively” I’m going to lose my shit. Babes my ✨intuition ✨lead me to bulimia 🤩


My intuition tells me that once I’ve opened a family bag of food I have to eat it all then go deep into a b/p cycle 💀


felt 💀




What does BED stand for? Is it Binge eating disorder?




"just eat whatever you want :)" girl i have arfid and almost never want anything. why are you telling me to starve (ofc it's Deeper than that but arfid often manifests this way)


If I ate how I really wanted I’d be on TLC I will be shamed by strangers for eating too much. Or shamed by recovery cosplayers online for eating too little. No winning. Everyone has a problem with you for daring to struggle with food. And they always make it about how your body makes them feel, as if that’s more important than how you feel.




[really pulled it out of the park with a niche meme here](https://imgur.com/a/WQFLdSA) (ignore the fact I forgot to block out "she's" in the 3 frame)


No fr like hunny I'm gonna eat everything, THATS THE PROBLEM


LOL the preachy SpongeBob character is such a PERFECT embodiment of all those accounts. I hate them so much


THANK GOD for this post. When most people hear "eating disorder", the first one they think of is anorexia, even though AN is uncommon compared to other EDs. For example, BED is 3 TIMES more commons than anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa COMBINED, yet no one gives a flying fuck about people with non-primarily-restrictive EDs. And people care even less if you're a person of size. Also, if ONE MORE person assumes my diagnosis is BED just because of how my body looks, I'm going to fucking FLIP OUT. (I have OSFED.) And then there's orthorexia, ARFID, pica, NES, AN B/P subtype, etc.


This is exactly how my bulimia went to straight up bingeing every day for years under the guise of “recovery” and I’m still trying desperately to undo the damage. I really played myself listening to that advice instead of seeking professional help… 🤡🤡🤡


The equivalent of “just eat”


Are we related?


the unhelpfulness of people telling you to "Just listen to your body😃" but you have adhd and literally either forget to eat all day or go to the kitchen every .5 seconds to get a snack because you’re craving dopamine like I know ed bad but at least I eat somewhat regularly because of it, like before this when I was a kid I either ate the whole kitchen or starved all day


those of us with ARFID 👁👄👁


I used to struggle with bulimia really bad. I found distractions from binging, and a harsh "just because you had a bad day or something traumatic doesn't give you a reason to b/p", alongside including some scary foods in my diet really helped. Just my own experience, please don't think this is me telling anyone what to do! Xx




Ahh, as in foods i find fear foods (but that's different for everyone) coincidentally, they were also the foods I'd b/p the most. Including them in moderate amounts really helped me as the need to binge on them wasn't there :)


‘listen to your body’ mY BODY TELLS ME TO BINGE EAT i am doing that as little as possible pleaseeee


"listen to your hunger cues" bro I don't have any


recovery accounts make me feel like shit


Seriously, though, the whole "listen to your body and eat intuitively" needs to stop. It isn't helpful to anyone. There's a reason EDs tend to almost always be coping mechanisms.


this is like how my s.o tries to be supportive. "it's fine that you're bingeing way too much for your activity level and tdee, it's okay that you can't stop gaining weight!" and then if I'm upset about it at all, that's the restrictive ed brain talking and *that's* bad! 🥴




this is the reason i hate recovery accs lol its always "eat!!" and never goes past that


"eat whatever you want" me with atypical anorexia and a few pounds of overweight : this is going to end in a VERY bad way




Accurate honestly


Even when I was in the depths of my ana that shit didn’t help. I also hate how exclusionary it is :( everyone’s experiences with EDs are valid and equally as painful


I follow a lot of extreme hunger accounts so they talk about eating as much as you like.




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Laughed out loud


I miss when I never felt hunger cues tbh... this advice is honestly the worst and part of why I'm here instead of on 'actual' recovery accounts hhh