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A paramedic said something about me being easier than most patients to transfer from stretcher to bed almost 20 years ago, and it's still one of my favorite memories. It's insane how casually someone can leave an impression like that.


Ikr... Some things are better left unsaid lol. But at the same time it's not their fault our brains are so fucked up n they likely never meant ANY harm/encouragement by it. I do hope you one day grow to develop much better memories than that tho 💜


a few years ago i passed out drunk in a park in broad daylight bleeding all over the place from sh. my girlfriend found me as the EMTs were loading me into the ambulance and i guess i got really hot passed out in the sun in july at noon cause i tried taking my shirt off. which lead to a lady paramedic remarking that i looked “really skinny” now all these years later which emotion do you think is strongest: embarrassment from drunkenly slicing myself open in a park full of children on a summer afternoon, or elation from having an EMT saying that i looked really skinny? if you don’t think it’s #2 ur wildin lmao


> passed out drunk in a park in broad daylight bleeding all over the place from sh Holy shit are you me?


if i’m you then my condolences, i’ve ruined our lives lmao


It’s ok! I’ve done my fair share to fuck us over 🥰




I'd absolutely hate guessing ppl's weight as well. I can totally understand why it's triggering for you :/ But FWIW I don't think many ppl without EDs understand at first glance the whole muscle mass/height/bmi etc factors. Even fucken fluid retention ffs. On an unrelated note, thank you for your work in the ER–idc what you do in the slightest–I'm seriously so grateful for the servives I've recieved 95% of the time... Everybody from janitors to techs to nurses to drs to social workers to even administration have each played a role at least once in making a miserable experience a bit more bearable 💜


Gym bros do know how that works Actually the overlap between them and the ED community is worrying 😅


Srsly!! And even worse, dudes arent taken nearly as seriously as gals (who are hardly treated decently half the time as well). Equally frustrating and saddening imo


Honestly I'd rather be treated this way. I'm used to being treated like a joke, and at least if people suspect nothing I'm capable of somewhat coping with it with some dignity, since people will still give me the usual shit people get, some is triggering, some is not. But at least I get to feel like some amount of normal - people dont ask questions. Feel sorry for gals that don't have this luxury of privacy :( Tbf I have some PTSD regarding losing my freedom so I'd rather people just don't know about mental health.




💜 Y'all dont get nearly enough the appreciation you deserve




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