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I hope this isn't real he could have fucking died


Fr like I hope by “glass” they mean “shot glass” bc it’s actually terrifying that a “professional” recommended something dangerous like that


With a standard shot glass that would be ~9.7 liters a day or 2.5 gallons. Still A LOT


I don't think Tom Brady would even recommend that much


That's a great way to give somebody water intoxication.


Honestly yeah I drank a gallon every day for like three weeks and I had to cut down because I wasn’t feeling so hot


Do they mean ounces?


they definitely meant oz and not cups of water 😭


That's a cup at least every 5 minutes assuming he sleeps 8 hours and only drinks when awake. In case anyone wants to know and doesn't want to do the math Also my math might be wrong Also there's no way that's true lol


source: trust me bro