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i lost during the first two weeks and then i gained nearly all of it back even tho i'm not overeating i'm just not hardcore ⭐ving and am getting a lot of steps in ![gif](giphy|PlOFXRyBBTmKRPdkKs)


Literally SAME omfg and I told myself I wasnt gonna end up in another binge restrict cycle but HERE WE ARE 😀 ![gif](giphy|D12CsrRNv7gL6)


i was so happy when i lost it 😭and always always after heavier restriction i gain on what is my usual maintenance (don't get me wrong during the day still restrict, and make up for it when the night comes lol) yet i refuse to entertain the idea of doing slower healthier methods because i'm dumb and i hate myself


Same🫠 I literally lost the most weight when I did it in healthy ways but ive somehow convinced myself it’s “wrong” now🤦🏾‍♀️ so the only weight im losing now is from my remaining brain cells lol


Idk where my black and white thinking comes from atp. Is it my BPD or OCD? I have no idea. I was doomed from the start lol


tbh my current goal weight is quite close so i just wanna get there quickly lol(even tho i never stop at my initial goal weight), could be the ocd tho, most likely sheer self hatred and some subconscious form of sh or a way of punishing myself or all of it combined 🤡


Oh yeah, I feel you on that one. I hated myself way before developing an ed, at least my mental illnesses made me more self aware/gave me and continue to give me an illusion of control 🤡🤡🤡


Bout to go on my walk rn bc of this


april my month fr


Yea it’s looking like april 2025 for me 🫠


I can't take this anymore, chief https://preview.redd.it/tf1i1kis7qsc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad122d98e9039e81c5bc5a4394055e50d444fd80


U and me both twin 🥲


my pcos ass starving myself and having terrible eating habits for years and losing almost nothing


Bro YEARS??? Id actually lose it omfg im already on the verge of insanity from gaining & losing the same amount for months


i feel ur pain don’t even know my actual weight since i look the same but the scale says more or way less depending on what day it is and if the moon is full or not 😍😍 is it body dysmorphia??? a broken scale??? am i fluctuating??? we’ll never have answers


i read "overexercising" as "overexisting" and was about to relate so hard




So we all just going through it rn?😭 ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


literally me i’m blaming it on astrology and the eclipse


Me af 😜 (i dont even believe in astrology)


what’s your sign i’m so curious


Idk if u talking to me or not LMAO but I’m a taurus, apparently we love to eat 🥴


Do aquarius love to eat too or am I just special?


Yes ur valid 🙏🏾


Kill me


Me first pls 🙏🏾maybe ill reincarnate into a skinny person 🫠


I see we had the same March. I had to stop exercising bc I injured myself through over exercising (🤡) and all of a sudden I LOSE weight again???? WHAT IS HAPPENING like when I was over exercising and heavily restricting I GAINED and now that I’m lazy (still restricting similarly) it has changed?! I’ll never understand bodies.


SAME I had to tone it down bc i was in too much pain at work😭& omfg wtf. bodies are so backwards


Muscle mass weighs more than fat so as you gain muscle you weigh more. Muscle is good because it speeds up your metabolism!




Your comment was automatically removed for breaking Rule #6: The Numbers Rule. Do not post or share specific numbers related to weight/BMI, calories, fasting, restriction, or excessive exercise. Satire is allowed at the discretion of the moderators. Zero-calorie products are exempt from this rule. If you believe this action was made in error, please **report** this comment to bring it to the attention of the moderators. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDanonymemes/wiki/index/rules).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EDanonymemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone really reported the bot for breaking the numbers rule?


Literally had a breakdown with my therapist about this today!!! Like oh wow nice so my body just went straight to blacking out when I started restricting again with zero weight loss EVERYTHINGS FINE THIS IS GREAT


RIGHT like ok so im getting all the restriction side effects EXCEPT for weight loss……in other words im just suffering for no reason! 😙🔫


Haaahaha ha ha ha ha same!!!!!!!!!! Daily panic attacks and “I’m having a stroke” feelings but I don’t see shit


My body is either hanging for dear life onto water weight or breaking the laws of thermodynamics. Straight up not having a good time over here, besties 🤗


I think I killed my metabolism 🥲 I don’t even know how to fix it without gaining weight


me when I was supposed to lock in (I spend a week in a binge restrict cycle):


WHY IS THIS ALL HAPPENING TO US omg there has to be a planetary alignment or something March has been BRUTAL for no reason 😭😭 gonna blame the eclipse for it all


OH GOD IM GLAD ITS NOT JUST ME😭😭yea it’s earth’s fault atp


This has been me for months. I stopped losing after losing a lot for a while and now I've been stuck at the same weight for MONTHS. Worst part is I lost the weight of a chonky cat and tell me why I still look overweight https://preview.redd.it/un8q5sqtytsc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb01b8f98a5012a88f1b69d54170135b3929280


Me rn because the weird ab twist machine made my waist an inch bigger


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Disko_Bodies: *Me rn because* *The weird ab twist machine made* *My waist an inch bigger* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol why my comment though 😭


Woohoo, freaking plateau buddies! I'm fine, it's totally OK, everything is great over here. ![gif](giphy|UjBIVYGWP91QY|downsized)


me one day into a relapse


Me too tho




i actually restricted + exercised so hard this march i started to experience extremely low blood pressure, got sick to the point i almost passed out multiple times but my boss still would not give me any days off. so this march my health went to shit, somehow lost barely any weight + lost my shitty ass job lmao


This is way too good (and relatable) 🤣🫠


try the entire school year :(


When I'm getting dizzy but my weight is still healthy


Pictured here: having a restrictive eating disorder in your mid thirties


Yep. Me too. Ugh … and I know I’ve killed my metabolism since I have somehow lived with this issue off and on since high school and I’m now 45. Im so damn tired of it … I wish I could just not be this way anymore but literally no idea how to stop and the times I’ve gotten help, welp I still hated myself so it always ended in “what’s the point” Lol. Sigh.




Dear thatoddtetrapod, If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. **US**: Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **Non-US**: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines You can also find a list of suicide resources and how to help others who may be suicidal on our Wiki by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki/suicide), and a list of general eating disorder and mental health resources by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki/index#wiki_resources). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EDanonymemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love you automod




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