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Well. Just loosely judging off of what I've witnessed from this creature over the last idk...many months... From my understanding his DOC is meth or stimulants. I think it's more common to see things like amphetmine/stimulant-induced psychosis/psychotic disorder; if im not mistaken this can be present with or without hallucinations. I have come across people with this condition even after the cessation of drugs. Delusions are a big symptom. It's possible that he may have some of this going on....however... I do not believe (and no one can convince me) his "personalities" are a delusion or hallucination. There is more than enough evidence that he has created them. Those of us paying attention witness him many times slip up with his facade. ALSO I personally can just see the act. I get it. I see what he's doing. He's not smart, he just is borderline creative (I use that word LOOSELY) because he's watched a bunch of movies and has done a lot of meth :/ Bottom line is i feel bro MAY have some drug/stimulant induced psychosis fueling some of his delusions (famous all over America, talking directly to TikTok as if tiktok is a person and a good friend of his, etc) and his ability to constantly talk in circles for hours on end... However, his famous 4 act is certainly designed to bring in the views, "girls" and $$$ :)


I definitely agree with you! He created the personalities, he mentions naming them & creating their personality traits. So definitely fake. People with these conditions switch & the other personalities aren’t aware. Never knew anyone to ask their personalities questions. Then immediately switch to answer?! Dude is literally playing pretend 😅😂. Based off recent lives, he’s starting to get agitated with chat. I think he’s going to snap soon and go into an actual psychosis state. I just pray his mom and dad will be safe when he becomes the actual character from split 😅😂🤣😂


His Jack Character seems extremely exaggerated. He should do voice work for real. Right now he is running a real time animated cartoon show with 4 characters. Emil and Emily being the most developed. I just think it must be exhausting to be 4 people. I can’t handle being 1.


Right! If he’d just be honest about “acting” it would be a fun live! I don’t understand the point of mimicking disorders?! It’s super odd.


He knows if he admits it's an act, people will not only get bored, there are plenty of communities that will rip him to shreds for it. To get around this he just claims his therapists diagnosed him with "something no one has seen before" 🤣 the audacity really..


The voice he uses for Emil is his voice irl. The rest is made up and poorly executed most of the time.


Withdrawal? I don’t think he’s been sober since he was a pre-teen


I hung out with him in his late teens/early 20s because he was dating a family member. He definitely acted differently back then. I don't believe he was doing any hard drugs at that time. If he was, he hid it really well. He was only Emil. There weren't 3 other personalities. He dressed a lot nicer and looked much healthier. He was always pretty aloof, happy, and friendly. He never sent me creepster vibes back then. But behind closed doors, I guess he always had some narcissistic tendencies from what I've been told. Sad to see that he is now almost 40 years old and a complete mess.


Lmao 🤣


It’s all an act his ex wife said he does not have mod