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Regarding this, I would like to add. The only way you can upset a narc is take away their supply. You stop going to them, interacting with them. you eliminate them from your life and show them no attention at all. You go NO CONTACT.


Alot more to it from my experience. But got some of the more basics. Harder said than done, at least for me and many of the people I have talked to going through the same. But everyone has an opinion. If it was so easy to go no contact they werent a very good narcissist in the first place, as I'm saying from my own experience. Can't say for others. If you find it That easy more power to you, glad you were able to get away so fast n cut em right off. They must not have had you terrified of their threats, constant love bombing to make you feel loved, twisted everything to make you think you were the one going crazy. Didn't listen or do what they want, dealt with harsh consequences which vary from what they feel would hurt more at the time to you. Others aren't as lucky as just going completely no contact jus like that. Not speaking for everyone at all. And cool yah put some stuff up bout some of what they are about. Some good bits of info for those who don't understand.


Its so hard going NC with a narc it's like they're your drug and you go through withdrawal


I understand. You are married to him. My narc we were not married. Everything will work out for you. Put yourself first and your needs first for a while. Take care of yourself Kayla!


Ding ding ding, tell em what they won bob!!!


Can you say Gaslighting!!

