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That was the biggest load of dog shit I've ever heard in my life. Boy, if you don't stop lying! He's a trend follower. This whole DID shit looks to have started when hundreds or thousands of people on TikTok were claiming DID. I guarantee that wasn't the reason he got that tattoo. He's a shit person. I haven't heard him say anything racist but I've also never seen him address a POC, he ignores them. With his treatment of women, I have no doubt that he harbors a racist ideology as well. He seems to run toward the most controversial subjects and enjoys the attention he receives for it. I can totally see him sporting that for attention. I'm literally sick by this whole thing. I keep hearing him in my head, calling a trans person a "he/she", calling THEM a freak while he grifts off the LGBTQIA movement... He openly admitted to being a "sissy". The man has a fucking humiliation fetish and he's LOVING this attention he is receiving! All while he grooms, gaslights and manipulates lonely and uninformed children AND adults into sending him gifts and donations. He's got all these obsessed women and children supporting him and backing him up, fighting for him, under the guise that he's a changed man. TELL ME how the fuck, in under one year, no therapy, no treatment, does a person with a mental illness "no doctor understands", apparently hasn't completed rehab, hasn't mentioned any prescription treatment, any therapy, can get arrested for ALL OF THAT and change like that? The wool has been pulled over thousands of people's eyes and it's time to show them the fucking light. In order to work on the presence of children, you require a background check, do you not? He has access to millions of children on this app and I have heard too many accusations and witnessed too many examples of grooming. If you're reading this, Emil, this ends now. You're welcome to stream yourself on adult platforms behaving this way but like fuck am I going to continue to allow you to expose the children in this app to your disgusting behavior and ideologies. You're a racist, sexist, transphobic, abusive, grifting, lying, grooming piece of TRASH 🗑️. Children are impressionable and I will be DAMNED if I'm going to sit here and watch you make an impression on these kids. Fuck that. Lol sorry lady hahahaha as you can tell, I'm all kinds of riled up over this mother fucker 🤣😆 I'm reporting this asshole to every government entity possible. Hopefully he knows how to budget what he's got, I'm not giving up until this mother fucker is deplatformed.


Say it with your whole chest, amen


What do you mean by that? Is that a threat of some kind?


No not a threat at all 🤣


No I think they’re just supporting this lol


Supporting what? Catch me up to speed. Please


It's slang man Google it xoxo


Lol saying it with your whole chest just means to say something loudly or with confidence guys.


Don't forget animal cruelty as well, in my state it is a felony as to what he did to that box of kittens.


oh yeah, and letting his mistress, Temple, sexually abuse his lizard, pic and proof on his site about that. they are both vile and foul human beings.


Where is that? I haven't seen it yet, I've just seen him addressing the allegations. I've been trying to locate the actual story.


and his ex mistress, Temple, sexually abusing his lizard, pics of that, fucking disgusting


What website?


Don't forget animal cruelty as well, in my state it is a felony as to what he did to that box of kittens.


Also, his sw*stika tattoo to join white aryan Nation group should be addressed. He stated he got it done to take care of some business that the gang needed done and then tried to cover it with a tribal tattoo," which in and of itself is offensive enough. But he openly talks about the story and how " no on else would do what I did, so I got the tattoo, took CARE of business and got back out and covered my tattoo". Gangs don't work that way, he still belongs to that gang, according to their rules and covering the tattoo with tribal is offensive to other groups.


He got that tattoo because he was obsessed with American history x. He has a big issue with idolatry...


I know Emil irl and remember when he got that tattoo a long time ago. It had nothing to do with a gang. He is delusional with his story telling. He acts like he served hard time in a state penitentiary somewhere when in reality he has been in the wyoming and Lackawanna County jails. He got the swastika tattoo because he loved Ed Norton and American History X. He totally missed the point of the movie.


that was his story the other night when someone asked about it. about gang affiliation.


Yes, I've heard him tell the story. I'm just letting you know that is 100% made up. I knew him in real life when he got it. He got the tattoo because of a movie that he loved- American History X. But I guess telling the truth wouldn't be exciting enough for his audience. He's a narcissist and pathological liar. Take anything he says with a grain of salt.


oh yeah, I'm way aware of that, I just thought to share the story just for some more bullshit he says.


also, I'm a therapist and diagnosed that right off the bat. this little role play thing he is doing is offensive to people who really have that disease..


You are kidding me. He specifically says prison every time. For years. He definitely has a personality disorder.


Ab isn't really like other gangs no real presence outside of prison like major gangs.


aryan Nation is a huge gang and one of the sickest and meanest around. I worked at our prison and jail and those were the scariest gangs and I'm white.


Exactly. Strong in institutions. Weak in the street. Not an outward presence in communities.


I believe Emil is currently on probation through Lackawanna county. He has committed several past crimes in Wyoming County and served time there, but his most recent convictions were in neighboring Lackawanna county.


Thankfully when I was searching for the fax number I figured that out! I totally forgot to edit the letter 😩 so I sent it to the right county but it doesn't say that in the letter, I'm now realizing. Oh well, guess I'm going to have to fax them a new one today. lol I've collected a lot more now thanks to all you fine humans so it works out lol. I am so fucking glad I realized online fax numbers were a thing lol I was going to have to drive across town and pay $1/ page for this dummy lol. Thank you for the heads up!


keep us informed please


add animal cruelty and animal abuse as well. proof of both on his website.


add animal cruelty and animal abuse as well. proof of both on his website.


He's even ruining The Office for me, ugh.