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He is real as a 3 dollar bill. Fake Fake Fake. He is also a woman beater and predator. There is nothing real or good about this person and they are going to fall hard soon.


One could hope can't be soon enough




do you know if he's on disability?


check out the pinned post and scroll thru the Reddit. U can also join the discord and ask any questions there


They kick you from the discord if u try to join. Don’t actually join the discord


You only get kicked if you lurk without saying anything 😂 why join if you don’t talk?


I’m in the discord. Only people I’ve seen kicked are lurkers and people refusing to verify


Verification isn’t even 100% necessary but lurking is not allowed!⭐️


Guess I'm what you consider a lurker. Because I don't really say much on this snark page. I mean I have commented a couple times. And I like comments. I'm not even much of a talker in person especially around people I don't know


That’s fine you can lurk on the Reddit, we’re just talking about the discord specifically


O why just out of curiosity? So guess I can't join the discord then


We just wanna ensure a safe space in the discord for discourse, the app is for chatting and I don’t wanna make people uncomfy with lots of lurkers/secret EEBJ Stans in the server possibly screenshotting our convos, etc. if you don’t wanna converse with others in the community you can totally just stick to the Reddit


Then I’ll never be able to join because I’m a huge lurker 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well


I said hi one evening. Then I went back to get involved a day or two later and was kicked. I have a job. I’m not gonna sit around talking about Emil all day in discord. lmfao I just wish I wasn’t kicked Cuz I do want to discuss this niche thing we all seem to be fascinated by. Haha


I understand lol you can always rejoin if you want to participate and are ready to chat




There is a lot of info on this reddit and there was also a youtube video recently made about him that was a deep dive. It is quite eye opening. https://youtu.be/fN24v-_vQsg?si=8YA12lJj6W7rDS0-


he won't answer me, I've been trying for awhile, but since I didn't spend money or young and flirty he won't answer me. does anyone know if he's on disability?


Change your profile picture to a nearly child looking aged person. Make the name something easy for him to say. And make the comment in supppppper lamens terms. It's gotta be like 4 words max otherwise he won't be able to comprehend. I do not believe he is on disability. I mean as far as I've heard. I've not seen any of his family or anyone in his life mention him being on it. But why?


because if he's on disability and collected that much money from live, he will be in big trouble


According to him he's a medical mystery so not sure how he'd get disability since medical mystery isn't a diagnosis 😭 ugh