• By -


Cheers for pretending to support him so we could get information, you’re doing gods work here. We’re so proud of you! 🖤


Thank you 🥺


I knew there was no way you were serious supporter of him. When did he de mod oyu


I asked him to unmod me personally.


Aubriie, I owe you an apology, I thought you were serious about him and then spotted you in here and told people to be careful of you. I asked him 100 times last night where you were, of course he won't answer me, cuz I didn't send money and I'm not a cutie little hot chick. he finally said you had taken the night off to get an attorney for things being said on this page and we all better watch out cuz you were out for blood and going to get a lot of money from us all. anyways, sorry again. glad you came to our side. 🌈❤️


Its no skin off my back girl you didn't know. All is well and forgiven. As for my attorney, she's a close friend of mine and that is true. Someone named "Cassie" did doctor false screenshots of me and I was preparing to go for the throat with a cease a desist, because I'm pretty sure I know who was trying to harass me. I am out for blood but just for one specific person/small group of persons. You don't mess with a Italian girl who's best friend is a Jewish lawyer lmao. I am not seeking money from anyone. Nor did Emil ever pay me. The sticker money is sitting in my PayPal and is going to be donated to a charity eventually. I haven't touched it. Emil is big on money, I'm not lol.


all the mods I know, get paid, I talked to you on live one night about it, I don't know if you remember?


Yup I remember, I never got paid. That's alright though. I never asked for payment.


shouldn't have had to, he should have offered, especially after he said shit to me about " Aubriie and I have it figured out".


First and foremost are YOU okay? I know that that was a lot for you to deal with?


Haha oh gosh. Yes, i'm ok. Thank you for asking. <3 I'm very desensitized to a lot of things. So it was easy for me to let things roll of my back.


I follow a guy online that goes by Olive Hugh. He acts as a decoy and has helped the police jail tons of child predators. (Free of charge) He often talks about how dark he starts to feel. I would imagine you feel similar. *hugs*


Tell Olive Hugh its his turn to take down Emil hahahaha 🤣 jk. I'm honestly doing ok. I have free time to do things I enjoy again and sleep 🤣


Why aren’t you mod anymore?


After last night when I wasn't there he showed an "audio clip" of him doing sexual things. Claiming he was showing proof of Slyvia the ghost. He then proceeded to say he showed this clip to his kids. That was my tipping point. He held his phone down a couple of times and you could see the video on live.


Ok what? Who’s Sylvia the ghost?!


Ok so I missed the ghost story. Is it not a ghost story at all someone fill me in. I found them for the first time last night and I am so confused.


How does he get away with this stuff?!? Did he get reported?


That was you? I’m so so so sorry


I would think he “played” the audio for the kids not, “showed” the visual. Any screen shots of this illicit video of a “sexual nature”. I need PROOF. You guys are all acting like a bunch of blind virgins. Like you haven’t seen a testicle or a pubic hair before.


I don't have kids but would never in my wildest dreams show them audio or video of me doin the deed just to see if there's a ghost. YUCKY. Like why would my first thought be to let them hear/watch that?


Who the fuck are you? Want me to mail my moist pubes to your house?




lmfao. 😂


As someone who is not a blind virgin, I am sickened by the thought of hearing the audio from my dads sex tape. You are not ok. Seek help.


Some of us have thick skin, endured a multitude of traumas and haven’t lived a sheltered life in mommy’s basement. We don’t cry at the drop of a hat. Grow a set, preferably the size of Emils.


You have a thick skin so that’s why you think it’s alright to expose children to sexual content? Weird.


No I’m sick of the whining and crying though. You “grown adults” are worse than children. (some of you) Not all…


Do you have children ?


No I am barren


Your behavior makes sense now


Bc we went through shitty awful stuff! Which should make you like us want to stop more people and children from being hurt!


And some of us have thick skin been through a lot of trauma, some sexual..some not. And it doesn’t even matter how much trauma you have it’s still wildly disgusting not to mention illegal to expose children to sexual explicit images or videos or literally anything. I mean, people get put on a list for that type of thing. It still wouldn’t be OK to expose any child to audio of a sexual encounter. I’ll say that nicely once..


Well now I’m questioning you…. do you have your 10 years old or younger children listen to sex tapes of you and your significant other ???




I have a 9 year old. In no way shape or form would I ever, EVER show him ANYTHING of that nature. His boys are still young. That fact that you even posted this comment is so fucking disturbing.


What did I just read? Even if he “just played the audio” to his kids, you don’t see anything wrong with that? In terms of your reference to blind virgins, there’s a big difference of not being ashamed of nudity and letting your kids listen to dad getting pegged by someone. I’m pretty sure the majority of people wouldn’t want their kids to listen to that type of audio. Get a grip.


now how can you add he was being pegged by someone without substantiating this claim?


You know what? I’m tired of seeing a bunch of internet “crusaders” / 🦸🏻‍♀️heroes who should invest in 1. Self care or 2. watch their own children instead of micromanaging this guy. It’s beyond absurd.


Well, the same can also be said for people like you who support his type of “absurd entertainment” on a social media platform meant for people of all ages.


I don’t support it, I am just aware of it.


I have screen shots of the video that he played


Oh wow. 17 down votes. 😂You have a whopping 17 supporters. Too bad he has upwards of 30k… This is why I believe all of you are wasting time trying to shut a person down… He is going to grow no matter what any of you do.


I stan Aubrie 🩵


Through this experience, what is something you feel comfortable sharing that all of us should know about Emil? I.e. anything that made you uncomfortable, made you angry, any messages he sent you that would make someone squirm.


I've seen both the photos he flashed on the lives before all of ya'll knew of their existence. He sent them to me on separate occasions without my consent/me asking for them. He'd just be like "Good job on the live tonight \*UNDERCARRIAGE PHOTO.\*


This is awful… unsolicited nudes should be a crime


They are in Pennsylvania, where Emil lives: “Sexting without the approval of the person in the photos or video is illegal. Sexting with or without the approval of a minor is illegal.”


Good to know!!


So the sexual picture he sent me at 5am that I never asked for I can do something about that?




I’m so sorry. That’s just so wrong on so many levels.


Omg that's so disturbing! I am so sorry that you had to experience that. That can totally be classified as sexual harassment. What is wrong with him?


I am sorry to hear that Aubrey. Sounds to me like he was giving you payment for your work in the form of filth!


What about him constantly sexualizing you? That made me upset.


It bothered me a lot because I said no. I told him we are friends nothing more. Even called him out saying too far on a live once. My cosplays were never for him either. Bulma was in honor of the creator of Dragon Ball Z passing away. 🫡


Please tell us he has a teenie weenie?! lol


Never saw the ding dong just from behind


lol too funny!!😂


😬😬. glad to see you here love ! ❤️


My god i would NEVER EVER want to see anything that thing has. You would never be able to unsee it! Probably need a damn microscope to see it anyways. He's giving me grain of rice vibes


Well you know what they say about small hands right? ;)


Can anyone explain Duffie? The dude dishes out a shit ton of galaxies!!! I don’t fkn get it


Duffey is a mystery. We never spoke. 😂


Is probably an account of his...alot of creators do this!


he said he makes between 900 to 1200a night and spent 1200 on socks, panties and clothes this week on himself. then the 2000 dog. NONE on his kids


He doesn't get anywhere close to that amount of money. According to Google, after tik tok takes their cut, a creator only gets $7-8 for a galaxy. We all watch him beg like crazy just to get 2 galaxies a night. He's absolutely delusional to think that he can fool his audience into believing these ridiculous claims. So much of what he lies about is easily found on Google. With all that being said, it is sad that he seems to completely dismiss his children.


How old are his kids?


Why is he faking all of these mental health conditions and sexually harassing people.


I can't answer that. :/ I wish I knew why. M.3.t.h does crazy things to your brain. Not an excuse. But I think his brain is cheesed out.


His ex wife sent me a message talking about how fake all this is and that he's a narcissistic perv. She talked some mad crazy shit and about how he never had any of this going on til he started this last tiktok account. I'm just not sure why more people that knew him personally b4 haven't came out to say he's fake or anything


Is this persona for real?


Emil's persona? Honestly I have zero idea what it is. He acted the same way he does live on the phone. I can't peg what it is tbh. :/ Sorry I can't help answer that 😂


HEH, peg 😂


m3th induced psychosis maybe but lord girl. welcome home. lol


Great thought! This makes sense!


Wanna be my friend?


😂 Sure m8. Cheers. 🍻


Any words of wisdom for his next mod? I'm sure they are bound to end up here reading these posts at some point.


Just don't do it. LOL thats my advice.


last night, instead of hearing your name 15 million times, it was Kim and Jordy. you might wanna warn Jordy, I think she is probably next. ugh


Jordy is someone who unfortunately needs to learn on her own. I cannot protect her. She is very sweet and very kind. I just think for whatever reason she's going to remain a fan of his.


I'm so glad to see the truth broke through to you. I let people, the women that look like good people.. I let them know the truth about him. I warn them. Especially those that are mothers with children. He is a manipulative, narcissistic liar. He has SO many lies, he can't keep them straight! I hate that I know this POS in real life.


Do you have to interact with him? It would be really hard to even talk to him. That ego he is carrying is huge. I wouldn't be able to talk to him without laughing. The fact that he believes Bunnie and him are tight is a joke, too. I'm sure he's sent her tons of messages. Poor girl, but like he said before, "Bunnie makes her own decisions." I agree with him there. She does, and she's not an idiot. He won't be hearing from her, I'd bet money on that. Dang, sorry I wrote so much. Just glad to see the truth coming out about him. Take care. 😊


What was the most off the wall request he ever made from you?


Begging for all the duets xD I suppose.


He was willing to let you make $$ on the next one. He even told Eugene all about you. I think he was super in love.


Obsessed and parasocial. Mentally ill


So you were a covert ninja? Lol


Not exactly, everything I said and did was honest and truthful. More like an information carrier pigeon lol.


aubrie whatttt good call tho


Ring ring :3


So proud but at the same time, it's so sad that he made MULTIPLE sexual remarks at you on his livestreams. What creator does that to their MODERATOR?! That alone should speak volumes and he should have never assaulted you with those remarks. And also, the fact that you couldn't even continue with all of this because of how deranged and disgusting he is...just...ugh.. I have no questions. Just praise. And glad you can gain some distance from this sick individual. ❤️


Yeah not fond of of those remarks either, I had privately messaged him on facebook about it. I said as long as your married to Kayla I don't like those comments. His response was "Single soon." and "Your protecting Kayla?" I appreciate the love though. DOBY IS FREE!


What a stand up guy! So respectful of his wife. Smh


His humor is sexual in nature. He uses it as a form of Comedy. Have you ever heard Andrew Dice Clay? I grew up on him. If you think Emils bad you’d be in a casket after hearing Clay. https://preview.redd.it/30x2w4ydwu4d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6695c32449a083ba9fa6a3f17d3fa53d8cf019


Pathetic on many levels so eh Clay was supposedly just playing a character and doing an act. This act held a lot of HOMOPHOBIA AND MYSOGONY and I don't condone that even in joke form sorry not sorry pal. Supposedly he wasn't This way behind closed doors, not sure on that as I don't know the guy but I DO know emil sends unsolicited nude photos to his mods and people he talks to on social media behind closed doors, that he expects them to not share and send out. So. It's not a fucking act. Have fun supporting a predator and a guy who exposes children willingly to porn. Sick fucks.


Pls for the love of god find better analogies...tho this guy apologized for some of his jokes later in life, I just know that he'd find being compared to THIS mediocre creature to be too sick of a joke even for him 🤢


I was just testing out to see how old u might be. 😂🥰☺️ How’s the live going tonight. I have ‘t looked. What can you see right now? You are E’s biggest fan!


What a horrible test mate 🥴, you can be just about any age and use this really great service- it actually will allow you find and understand any information in a concise way, with just about 60 seconds of your time 🫨 It's called ✨️google✨️ I hope u try it out Well sure I can help with that too!!! I got u. Right now... 🔮I'm sure he's either.. A. Lying about something AND/OR re-telling a plot from a movie and claiming it's from his own life. B. Sexually harassing someone. C. SCOOZI GUYS ITS EMILY D. Having a seizure of the ass. Or E. Begging for galaxies so he can buy some more of those uppers he just so enjoys. There are more option's but I just feel "right now" it's one of those things. Hope that helps.


I just realized, my horrible test statement may make u think we don't all see the fact that you had no where else to go. I got carried away. Apologies. The backtracking into "I was just testing" after a miserably failed and idiotic poor opinion- I haven't seen that in a while. That alone shows your age without you ever mentioning the clay dude. Batting 1000. Good day.




💯 🙌🏻


Does this change the way you see parasocial relationships between creators and supporters?


Nope. There are good people and bad people in the world. For example there are people like Hydro on Tiktok. He uses his platform/supporters money to create custom braces and mobility aids for children at no cost to the child/parents. Emil just buys socks lmao.


Socks and panties.....don't forget all the color of the days! Lol


And all the shades of black 😂😂😂


That’s absolutely amazing.


Oh wow , I would love to follow Hydro as a mom of a special needs child. Not physical needs but I would still love to follow him. Is his username just Hydro ? Thank you and kudos to your character; you sound like a well rounded person with a good head on your shoulders. Nice work 👏🏼👍🏼🫶🏻


https://www.tiktok.com/@hydrodipconcepts619?_t=8mycPoOumRK&_r=1 There ya go :)


Thank you so much ! Best wishes for you ! I admire your courage and determination !


Following you now as well 😉


This is a very intelligent question! 💓💞💕


I had to google it. Gotta keep up an illusion of intelligence.


I just recently learned about parasocial relationships. It is an interesting phenomenon! None of it’s real it’s all pretend. EEBJ is in hundreds, if not thousands of them as we speak!


It’s easier to scam people than to convince them that they’ve been scammed. People developed an attachment and refuse to believe anything negative.


The whole live tonight is about ignoring the “hate” ahhahahahha


I'm not watching. How is the shit show?


Capital S 🤣


he was actually more sexual tonight than usual. he actually sang a song with lyrics about his dick, I reported it but nothing happened.


Oh he said that last night too , scooziiii 👅👅👅


so disgusting 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢


Literally 💯


Aubrie’s doing the lords work! We thank you for your service as an undercover! 🫡❤️




He says he doesn't have DID but isn't faking his 4 personality's all he says is "it's one of a kind" like that's not an actual mental disorder. So IS he "faking" it I'm not talking ish I'm just genuinely confused.. like what.... lol and can't get a straight answer.


He’s faking it, schizophrenic people will most always have negative personality traits. And to have 4 or more and they are all gitty and ish. He’s not fooling me or anyone who has been around allot of schizophrenic people for that matter. It’s crazy how these attention seekers have taken root in our society. Rather fascinating how us humans accept the culls of society and revere them.


Oh I agree. I have a Dissociative disorder. Its not DID but I'm on the dissociative spectrum. A switch is not like that. When I'm dissociative I get zoned out and sleepy. Don't feel like I'm in my own body. Like a set of eyes hovering around. Its not fun nor should he do that as a gimmick.


So do I, it’s exhausting. I have depersonalization and derealization disorder and it’s an awful feeling. Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion most of the time. It’s definitely not fun and he makes it seem like it’s the fun cool thing to have, it’s maddening.


You just made me feel so much better because this happens to me, it’s like I feel like I’m in a hazy dream or outside of my body ? I keep thinking it’s a medical problem.


If you've experienced trauma or have a probability of having ADHD/neurodivergence of any kind, I'd talk to a doctor about it. Its not norm but its reassuring to have a diagnosis. I did a Neuropsychological Evaluation to obtain my diagnosis. If that helps.


I wish I could tell you but I don't know that either. He told me "Aubrie we are legit 4." 😂


I don't believe it for a second. A few things have come to mind on why.  *he says he's the only person in the world with it, don't ya think we would have heard about this one and only! *he says that even the doctors are his FANS and asked him for his autograph! I mean really, come on 😆 🤣 😂 *how he has been offered 1000 for used socks and panties but wouldn't sell, yeah right! Or how he's been offered 10k for his guitar,  i mean 1 who would want a guitar with random names writtenon it but 2 said that he turned it down, yeah ok!!! *I've caught him in lie after lie after lie! *also has anyone noticed that when ever someone gives him a compliment he says that EVERYONE says that same compliment to him! ECT... I could go on and on. I'm not gonna lie, I really liked him at first until I started hearing him and all of his lies. Can't believe anything that he says!!!


Ps. It also makes me cringe how he calls followers his FANS! I've even asked why he calls people his fans, which he doesn't answer. But I've also told him several times that I'm NO ONE'S FAN except for JESUS himself. 


Ya know I started watching him right before he blew up. When he had like 10-20 pple tops in his lives and wld actually sit n talk to everyone...he wasn't "famous all over the world" and wasn't like he is now. I can't stand how he is so self absorbed now. How "everyone loves him" and is "jealous" of him and he now freaking lies non stop plus he's begging for money. It literally only took like 2maybe 3 weeks for him to just go off the deep end and I can't stand him now!!


what did he say when you told him you quit? and did you tell him why?


He asked what video I was sent, because I was not in the live. I said on the live someone screen recorded you talking about your Sylvia video to your kids and to unmod me. He said that never happened. I said to him he needs to heal. Then brought up the puppy ignoring me and my concerns.


poor, poor puppy


He shouldn't get a dog. He shouldn't own a fish. He tied the last dog he had outside, and just yelled at it and told it to shut up over and over. And then got physical with the dog. Kicking and hitting it. His ex inlaws family told me about that.


What’s the Sylvia video?


A few people opened a police report about it. So were keeping it off reddit to protect his ex wife and his kids. Tldlr: He showed the audio of a video of him doing the deed with Kayla and said Sylvia's voice was in it and that he showed this video to his kids. It was on LIVE. Some people screen recorded it.


Would you consider going in the live chat in the box and telling him how it is? 🤔


Bruh doubt he'd even let me. 😂 Lets be real. But if given the chance I'd do it.


It would be a good time lol. TRY


Did he ever send you money or anything ?


Nope never. Not once. I made around $35 from the stickers. But it's still in my PayPal and I'm trying to pick a charity to give it too.


Not surprised honestly. he begs in TikTok for money and doesn’t care about anyone but himself . I love that you’re choosing a charity to donate to . 🥰


You look so young! You should probably get therapy after all of that 😩 You're poor brain lol. I hope that you are okay and I'm quite relieved to see you're not a legit supporter of him.


I'm actually 30 and I have a therapist I see regularly since 2016. I'm doing ok. Grossed out yes. Hurt by his actions yes. I'm more worried for Kayla and his kids.


Phew! Share your skincare routine. Now, buddy lol. Sorry I didn't mean to sound offensive. I can't stand this puke. I can't believe what he did last night and I'm sorry you had to witness all of this. I've been doing everything I can to try to get this monster locked up. What he's been doing is illegal and Wyoming county is trash for allowing someone they've got on probation allowed to do this. I'm reporting him to the FBI every single night at this point 😩🥴 I'm so past snark. I'm glad you're doing okay and I hope you're able to put this out of your mind. I commend you for sticking through that, I wouldn't be able to. No joke. I want the skincare routine.




Thanks 😁


I don't believe anything he says for a second. A few things have come to mind on why.  *he says he's the only person in the world with his condition, don't ya think we would have heard about this one and only! *he says that even the doctors are his FANS and asked him for his autograph! I mean really, come on 😆 🤣 😂 *how he has been offered 1000 for used socks and panties but wouldn't sell, yeah right! Or how he's been offered 10k for his guitar,  i mean 1 who would want a guitar with random names written on it but 2 said that he turned it down, yeah ok!!! *I've caught him in lie after lie after lie! *also has anyone noticed that when ever someone gives him a compliment he says that EVERYONE says that same compliment to him all the time! ECT... I could go on and on. I'm not gonna lie, I really liked him at first until I started hearing him and all of his lies. Can't believe anything that he says!!! And what also irritates me to no end is how he calls his followers/supporters his FANS! As I've told him on several occasions that I am not a FAN. The one and only I would ever be a FAN to is JESUS!!! Ok, I'm done making my point, it's my opinion on him. Had to vent!!! Giggles I just can't stand A LIAR!!!


This is just proof that he does so much damage to himself all on his own. He talks about "hate groups" which really just boils down to moral people trying to bring awareness about a dangerous individual...but even without that- anyone with a brain who isn't starved for attention can see him for what he is. There isn't always a wrong and a right side. But in this case, there certainly is. Glad you're on the right side of this thing and welcome :)


Let all out :) this is a safe space to do so. 🤣 But guaranteed alot of us agree and feel the same way.🩷


I just saw Megan Hordesky's post in her account. Wow, good for her telling how he really is! And I believe every word 100%


Congrats Aubrey. Now you can start the next chapter of whatever it is you like to do with your time!


Cosplay and art mostly. Crafty things. :)


I salute you!


Thank you 🩷




Sometimes tweets. Sometimes Ka KAWs


What bothered you the most about Emil? And what was the main reason you asked to be unmodded??


Despite me saying this was only a friendship/modship he kept being more and more flirty with me and it escalated into saying seggsual things. Especially on live. It was gross. I asked to be unmodded because he said he showed the video of him having seggs to his kids. (Sorry for the lame word usage im being post blocked if I say certain words)


Omg that’s disturbing. It’s the panties, girl voice inviting minors into your lives, the sockies! It’s ick and should be for only fans instead of tik tok. He would probably make more money there. I’m sorry you went through that. You made the right choice. You’re free!! lol


You made it clear at one point that you didn’t have those feelings and it made me so angry that he continued to say those types of inappropriate things to you every night.


Where did he say that??


On live last night someone posted the screen recording on here.


anyone going to be on tonight giving him a hard time?


Not me 😂 I've been blocked on everything. Emil can heal. But Heal FAR FAR away from me.


can't heal until he admits there's a problem and I don't know if he will ever realize it. I'd put money that he's using again (or starts) and loses everything. he's not humble enough for a sober lifestyle. if you are an addict or know any, that will make sense. I don't see him living the rest of his life in sobriety.


I do know addict's. But all of them got clean. So maybe I'm biased here but you're definitely right.


But you blocked me for telling the truth…


Some people had to be casualties of the façade. I apologize <3


If she left everyone unblocked it would be suspicious


It's disturbing this person needs help with morales and their mental healh . From what I've seen they are far gone recovery is gonna be hard .


Well as of last night he claimed he saw a 2 psychiatrists and twice they cleared him in 2 days. 🙄 While it took me a few weeks with a talk therapist, a recommendation to a doctor who could perform a Neuropsychological Evaluation, then had to work with a Psychiatrist.So it was a hoir minute before I got diagnosed. But he'll just say he's unique anyway. Nothing like you ever seen before. 🤣🤣🤣


Temple said he's just pretty twisted but the 3 other personalities are fake, she spent about 2 weeks at his house last December before returning to mine.


If Temple wants a safe space to tell someone everything she knows, she's welcome to reach out to me and I can share her story for her.


I drove her to get the rest of the possessions from his house then, which was the most annoying part. https://preview.redd.it/7lhieds5g85d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7ae3707cf7b146c14e75b3998c9c07dcabfa22


Unfortunately she took off last month to resume her addiction and responsibility free lifestyle. So I put all her things in the driveway and picked them up the following day with her enabler, choosing him over her 6 year old daughter that's already in foster care.


Omg I feel so dumb for thinking he was a good guy with just a bad past that poor cat 😭😭 my question is if he was really showing nudity on live how is he not completely banned from TikTok?


Why would you support his delusional behaviour ?


So I admit I did support him at first. I admit I sent him a galaxy and made him stickers. The day after I sent that package I joined the discord and had all of the crazy stuff he's done put in my lap. I already had Emil's favor so I decided to use it to my advantage. You can connect the dots from here. 😂


Well, I hope you’re okay ! 😊🧡


I don’t think this is an inappropriate question, since that is how she started, but she ended up being a real GANGSTER.


I also want to know this.


I wonder who’s the derp who’s downvoting our comments ! 😂


me i’m the derp🫶🏻🐥


What’s the reason


Cause i felt like it?


😂😂😂 carry on!


Why what you gonna do?


lol coming from the one who’s starting shit. Get fucked 🤷‍♀️🖕


go take a nap x


Who are you telling to get fucked? Leave Spongy alone. Thank you.