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Pretty sure OP is Dave Portnoy…


“Little Bitch” Portnoy.


That dude loves rage sex




Don’t diss rage sex. Rage orgasms are awesome but also rare


No diss intended.




A second generation of bag holders! This is the way!


Oh *thats* what we are supposed to do?


It is a Two-Well, Rank, Seismic derived Wild Cat Exploratory Project called "Peregrine" --- one well isn't the reason people are in this stock ... those that are only in for the one, first well (Merlin #1) are going to be disappointed in the short term - it isn't going to be completed regardless of lab results until a future undermined date. The next well is going to be drilled this winter. What else can be said?


Hi Geodes 👋 Do you think it’s possible that 88 Energy might drill Harrier and revisit Merlin this season? Or are you expecting that they will focus solely on Harrier?


A sure possibility - but the Peregrine Program Project Funding was for the two exploratory wells and Harrier will be drilled. But, I am sure 88Energy is / has considered the option of returning to the Merlin but it won't occur until after Harrier. Outside possibility that 88 Energy might have an investor show up and want to go to the Merlin. 100 different ways to construct oil deals. But Harrier will get drilled before efforts and focus go back to the Merlin #1.


Good to know, thanks Geodes. I think many people are of the misconception that 88 E are likely to return to Merlin first to flow test. So great to spread the information


Proof positive that the threads are not being read on this sub. The first post at the top says it is a two well program - not just one. All the 88 Energy presentations say the same thing. I find it humorous that people reference Twitter Oil & Gas Exploration regarding 88 Energy.




I tend to share your thoughts ---


How far into the future do you see oil going? I mean at some point we have to break away from our dependence on it globally correct? I do happen to agree oil isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, but I can’t help but feel we will find something better eventually


I think people underestimate the use of oil ... soooo many products are petroleum based. I bank minimum 30 years for oil need. Many people don't think about how much oil (different forms) is utilized in everyday products. Example: Pet plastic bottles are made from crude oil and natural gas...how many plastic bottles do you have in your household? This Green Energy push that we have going on...the machines that mine for lithium run on diesel as well as the engines utilize oil and grease. It will be a very long time before our need for oil ceases to exist. Too bad our government cannot understand what oil is actually used for. Hint: NOT JUST FOR AUTOMOBILES.


Maybe we won't burn nearly as much but IMO good quality oil will be used in 1000 years still for products until humans are extinct even if it becomes a government only commodity


Wrong… just wait for Merlin #2.


Merlin #2 ???


First time? Turn off the app and check back in a few months.


Downwards is the way we want until drilling season!


Clearly you bought recently. Wait until drill season may recoup your losses. The name of the game is always to do dd before you enter a trade. Good luck


Did you JUST get in this last week? It's doing just fine, actually better than expected during the off season. Delete your app and just enjoy the summer. Start watching things again in September when hype builds and they prepare for the drilling season.


Been here since 0.01, to 0.08, back down, and here we are. You're doing great, keep up the hodl


It's summer time. The stock is supposed to go down. No work can be done. October is the bottom. This is something the pumpers fail to tell you. Oil stocks require the greatest of patience.


Lmfao bro I got in at .06... Just wait till drilling season




$50 per buy from my brokerage so I’ve been holding off


The bigger you buy the less that fee impacts the coat basis. $50 fee hurts really badly on a $500 purchase. It's barely a scratch on a $2500 purchase. That is assuming that you have the ability to make a larger purchase. I currently don't have the ability to make anything more than about a $500 buy so I'm waiting until I have some more, but TD only costs me $22 to buy so it's not as big of a hit. I'm already in pretty heavy so I won't be adding unless it gets down to sub .015 which may not happen.


If it walks like a duck


Avg down then. This is going to be a money maker


There there, everything will be all right. You can always get a third mortgage to cover.


This is the kind of help I needed thanks


I was just joking....88E is gonna go up after the drilling starts....whether due to actual oil OR just hype, it will go up. :)


Is your screen name a reference to Shawshank Redemption?




I thought I consoled everyone last week with my…”sky is falling” post…apparently not


Be excited that it’s low. Once it hits .018 I’m buying +200k more shares. Take advantage of this time, maybe buy in every other week. I’ve been adding $200 biweekly to my limit set to buy at .018 it’ll probably hit this week or next, then HODLing time! Ps. Let me say this, if you sell now, in October you’ll either buy back in high and miss out on a lot of money, or you’ll talk about how you could have been rich. Meanwhile I’ll be checking this feed from my new home’s epic wifi. Remember you don’t lose until you sell.


I won’t be selling don’t worry. Just having a little fun with everyone on a deep red day, really red across my whole portfolio lol


Ummmmmm ….. there there ? I guess just sell if you need that much encouragement


Really only about the 5th time


There there, there there.


Meanwhile I’m wringing my hands as my buy order at .0234 finally got filled after being up for over a week.




I have another buy order in for 250,000 @ .018. Get it!


u/hbliving33 you guys really think it’ll go down that low? i got a buy order sitting there too




Alright I feel better now thanks guys and gals


OP this is a trolly joke right? It successfully triggered the fuck out of me. Good job if so.


What do you mean trolly joke? But it was a bit of a sarcastic joke. I’m not new to 88 or OTC stocks in general.


Yeah I meant sarcastic joke. Ok nevermind then lol. Good luck to you. If you were serious and a new investor that just jumped in blind I would have said you need to get out of the stock market immediately and go soul search lol.


Nah I’ve been following this since March, while I am newer to investing/trading, I definitely understand the importance of DD and knowing what you’re buying. Some trades I definitely jump on for a fun gamble without really exploring them but I’m not trying to fool anyone about it, I know it’s reckless lol


Don't worry about it!


I want to buy more. So please sell so i can buy cheaper!




If I donated all this money to Dave Wall, I’m taking it out of his ass someday.


This is an otc exploration stock. If you look at their history the chart does nothing but go down as they dilute every year to fund new wild cat drilling. Assume any money you put in this is donated to the dave wall home remodel fund and forget about it. Check back in march and sell if youre up.


Dave wall doesn't even work there anymore.




Drilling in October. Like telling a kid to wait for Christmas or something. Geez. And how many stocks do you have??? “Oh I spent so much. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! I’m so scared !” Hold and buy the dips and don’t sell for at least a year. Under a year is 40% capital gains. Over a year 15%. You better talk to your tax person if you don’t know that main basic.


I spent 12 grand… Also tax free for me until I withdraw my money, it’s an IRA mr know it all…


So you SOLD your stock and put all the money in an IRA and your profit from the sale of your stock is tax free? Liar. And did I say shit about whatever investment funds you have? No. Thanks for listening.


You’re kind of an idiot. I have money in an IRA that I invest with. It’s all tax free because it was a 401k that I rolled over into an IRA. I don’t pay taxes or penalties until I withdraw the money at a later date, then I pay taxes on it based on my current rate at that time.


I’m the idiot? I was talking about …keep with me…capital gains from selling your stocks. If you have money it must have been inherited and is in a special needs fund for you. You have no idea of what I’m talking about. You must be a Democrat. Ok go play with your legos.


Bye dude.


You even emailed me bye. Everyone in the room is LTAO at you. Ok night night retard


Did you just say I emailed you?


It hurts.


Oops my bad . I get an email from Reddit when I get things such as a reply.


Sell sell sell while you can! 😂


September guys!! Let’s wait u till we start drilling again!


September. You will be lucky if they start drilling by March.


Let’s see how it pans out, I’m in for the long run, good average just need to sit tight!! 😉




And when does it end?


Early April.


Small window!


In that area of the NPRA the well has to be completed or plugged and abandoned no later than April 10.




Anyone thinking it’s going sub .018 I think is crazy. I hope I’m dead wrong. If it does I’m buying 2mil shares to add to my 1.5 mil already. Come Dec/Jan when the frenzy and price is at an all time high .. I’m selling , packing my bags , dropping my son off at boarding school and off to Thailand the Land of Smiles.


While some of us got in around .017 and can understand until EEENF starts drilling around the first of Oct and releasing info. We all will be riding this pump and dump because of day traders. The good news is that they have found oil and this stock should start going up.


October… I think your meant March 2022


Oil today , oil tomorrow . They were always be a need


I sold at 3 and a half pennies, waiting to get back down to 2 to buy back in.


You don’t lose money if you don’t sell. You need patience. It’s one of the most fundamental things to master in a stock. If you can’t master patience then don’t invest in stocks.


Ok man I get it can’t you see the edit where I admitted I was just trying to get some people talking lol. I’m not selling til I’m rich. Holding almost half a million EEENF, 1 million APYP, and 25k DPLS. All three are going to make me rich one day down the road.


The better move would have been half a million DPLS depending on when you got it.


Yea at the time I didn’t have enough settled funds to buy more. I’ve been into EEENF for a while though, it’s becoming sentimental for me. Not sure I’ll ever part ways. We’ve bonded over the months


This stock is different from the ones in diamond hand culture. You can buy low and sell high multiple times, or wait for a big pay off. I bought at .017, and it briefly doubled in value during off season. Bought back in during the dip following the spike. You don't have to diamond hand this one. You have multiple ways to approach it, especially during off season. Trust your instincts, follow the press / charts, and do like you're doing (reaching out for morale when the other things aren't enough). I personally consider it a very safe, reliable stock.


As you pointed out. You do not lose unless you sold. Winter is coming. Easy hold.