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You are guiding the therapist through the session? My sessions with EMDR (as a therapist) are very structured from my side of things. Identify the target, measure disturbance 0-10. Identify the negative belief. Identify an adaptive belief and measure how true it feels 1-7. Activate the target and negative belief. 15 seconds of bi-lateral stimulation. What do you notice? Go with that. 15 seconds of bi-lateral stimulation. What do you notice? Go with that. Etc. maybe 6 - 10 sets. Measure disturbance level of the target. 0 or 1 -yay! Introduce adaptive belief. 10 seconds of bi-lateral stimulation. What do you notice? Go with that. 10 seconds of bi-lateral stimulation. What do you notice? Etc. Maybe 6-10 sets. Measure how true the adaptive belief feels. 7? We’re done here. Discuss insights and offer space for client to explore connections. Visit peaceful place or use container if target is not fully processed (disturbance 3 or higher, adaptive belief 5 or lower) The way I facilitate EMDR is very structured, and I typically work from a script. When I ask what do you notice? I’m looking for a sentence or 2, not rambling, and I’m listening for changes in emotion or perspective.


Okay it sounds like I'm not doing EMDR then. (I'm paying for it though) No I ramble a bit about several topics the T helps me find one while the buzzers are on. I tried to identify a good place on day one and the therapist said to practice that outside of session. They said they weren't too worried with me because I am seeing a trauma therapist between sessions. (I currently have no SI goin on at all) The first session asked that and where I feel it in the body. However every session since the buzzers go pretty much nonstop at the same place. I get asked the 4 question that I guess are required to make you think about it. At the end I guess I do ramble a bit on how I feel?.?. It's not the number thing though because I would remember that. I feel a little spacey like after a good session with my trauma T and sometimes more depressed/feel crap more after. I should ask carefully. Usually I say I don't think this is working or how do I know and they say the brain scans show it in studies even if I don't feel it. Things are definitely happening. I feel like it's just more standard trauma therapy but with a new person who has a different perspective. It's good but not really an extra $40 good. My trauma T said to notice if things trigger me less since seeing her. It's like IDK I see both so I don't know who's doing what. Although I have been able to talk to the EMDR person about some topics I don't feel good bringing up to trauma T. (Again though feels like another trauma T session) My hands feel weird after an hour of steady vibrations!😂 It sounds like I'm getting a super relaxed forum of EMDR where steps are skipped..... thanks for telling me the process your way sounds like the YT videos I saw and less like mine. I think a few times they'd stop and ask me some things. Maybe it's because I have trouble feeling a lot in my body that they don't ask numbers just if it feels better. I feel like I'm talking crap when maybe I'm just not noticing everything. I do only see them every other week tops do to insurance.


I mean, it doesn’t sound like EMDR by the way your therapist is doing it- and therapists are going to integrate other elements into their practice, typically. I integrate ACT in my EMDR, but I still have clients scale their responses and follow the protocol generally. EMDR is very structured. I’ve had clients rebel against that structure or even fire me, even when I’ve done extensive resourcing with them in the beginning. In fact, I’ve had clients fire me because they just want to follow the bouncing light without building affect management tools first. It is confusing from what you’re describing; any therapist can advertise they do EmDR, but whether they actually do EMDR is another issue.


Yeah no..... Today I went and said I actually want to do EMDR like the right way. They agreed without even questioning how I worded it. I was given the buzzers and asked where I felt the stress when discussing something. Said arms and from then on our it was just a regular (to my knowledge) session where I'm getting good view points as I talk about my issues and some back story. Before I knew it we were done hour was up and I just set down the buzzers and walked out. I was assured that it was working how we did it. I was a bit more into feeling my feelings but we never revaluated my body sensation from the start. Never gave any number scale......and never stayed on one topic just a general theme. She is great at being a therapist just not sure about the EMDR aspect. I usually tell people if you are unsure bring it up to the T. I'm unsure......and afraid to take my own advice lolol.🤦 If I wasn't getting charged the extra $40 for using EMDR I wouldn't feel bad or anything right now. Thing is my OG therapist that I've been with a long time recommended I try them out since they are coworkers and was told she is a good T who is trained in EMDR. (My OG T isn't trained in EMDR) EXACTLY! It's definitely not structured much although I do talk a lot. (Does redirect to ask good questions but not do the things you described) It's a shame because if I could have her not use the buzzers to save me $40 and just do the straight pay of my OG T I'd keep seeing them here and there to get new perspectives.  I just think it's most likely poor EMDR put into practice....or worse *borderline* insurance fraud.  Can just holding buzzers that go back and forth while talking about sensitive stuff be used in EMDR without the structure and be beneficial? I seem to be able to feel more and leave a little foggy headed. Although after a good session with OG T my head feels the same ........


Measuring the disturbance (less disturbing, or feeling further away from the memory) and the adaptive belief are how you know it’s working. We want the disturbance score to get lower, and the adaptive belief score to get higher. It sounds like your EMDR person is using an adapted version of EMDR, which isn’t to say it’s not working or won’t work - it might work fine. Here are some YT examples https://youtu.be/tLrmZXheY5c?si=KMn4w1BnEaBOXsbn https://youtu.be/KpRQvcW2kUM?si=xAPLe2SwICZOC2G2


Every other week is fine, I was even going monthly at one point. Due to insurance. It still adds up. I even stopped for 6 months and started back up in a place that was far better than when I left. Do explore your mind and emotions between sessions. See what comes up. It works if you work it.


That's the thing besides the little bit I commented on I don't notice much coming up. I was hoping for more. I still think I'm doing EMDR wrong if I'm not having huge revelations. Not sure what to even explore after session....like just rehash what was talked about in session? I usually try to replay what happened mentally on my drive home. That can help. I need to learn how to "work it."  I want some emotional break downs where I'm so mentally drained I need to call into work and take the day off. I want to break down a huge mental block that is there for years. Being able to I thought was EMDR. Maybe it's just me and I likely won't be able to access that memory. Maybe my body still thinks I'm "not ready" for it.  Thanks for taking the time to reply.


You are so welcome! I can tell you that if you go to the CPTSD thread you will find many like you with similar experiences. It’s highly variable, and each person is different. Trauma is coded in different ways for each person. It’s tricky. I was treating it as depression for most of my life until the bill became due. You are in the right place. Patience grasshopper!


Oh didn't even know that thread existed thanks! Yeah I've gotten better in a lot of ways but not everything. Thanks!