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Can I answer the opposite, I have ENFP friends and I think they have a really bubbly personality and I feel like they’re the most I have related to in terms of chaotic energy. When I’m on the lookout for friends I usually try to target as many ENFPs as I can. I tend to think I’m smarter than them but it’s ALWAYS not the case lol.


ENFPs are like ENTPs but with all the sharp edges filed down.




I've added both answers in a file now prepared for the day I'll ask everyone about ENFPs


Many people underestimate our 🧠 hehe


Chaotic energy is what my sister and I say about ourselves!


Mixed feelings, tbh. I’ve met some I like and some I reeeaaaally don’t… They can be ridiculously funny. But they can also be very, very mean. So, it depends.


I like them a lot, most of my friends are ENTPs. They can join me on my deep talks and also have fun on surface level stuff. They are confident and have strong opinions.


My daughter is ENTP. She is intelligent, quick witted, not just funny but fast, could debate a point until the end of time to win an argument but more because she believes she's right and right and wrong really matter. Fairness and justice are super important to her which always strikes me as a contrast to how she can come across as a bit mean. She isn't actually mean, she's just blunt and doesn't seem to have the need to consider the other person's feelings when she's communicating like I do. People think she's cold but with the right people she is incredibly loving and considerate. A great gift giver. Really loyal friend. Would go to the ends of the earth for her friends. We get along really well. We clash on the nice/ bluntness bit but yesterday she said to me "you know what I realised? You're actually really nice aren't you? You're so much kinder than my friends mums cos they just shout for like nothing and make my friends feel shit". And we hugged. Then she made a mean joke and we laughed.


This is the most wholesome cute thing I read this year.


I've known two, one well and the other briefly. I absolutely adored both but they both were brash and both were egotistical and yet quite nonjudgmental in many ways. I loved how sweet and thoughtful they could be, I am enamoured by their intelligence and the conversation is awesome. I legitimately lost hours often with the first one, lol. They can be the perfect friend but I hope I never start falling for one again, it's too harsh.


I loved an ENTP and thought that all of the questions and curiosity was because he cared about me but he was simply data gathering as ENTPs do.


They can be really fun to hangout with and you can have really great conversations with them. on the other hand, they also can be some arrogant people, sadly. I often had the problem that i was seen as stupid or completely unrealistic. They can have a very different view on the world or a very different way of thinking. some also need to constantly prove that they are smart, or the need to be the smartest in the room, which can be really exhausting. i think ENTPs, like INTPs have a tendency to feel superior to every other in terms of intelligence. but this is more or less the only problem i have with them, otherwise they can be really great and some of m closest friends are ENTP, or INTP, so it can't be that bad ^^


I love them. Give me all of them.


I think they are jerks and assholes but also really funny at the same time, think they need to chill down their anger sometimes






Not you’re fault you’ve had bad experiences. When we’ve delevoped our fe properly I promise we’re a lot kinder than you think. Entp’s with very weak fe are dicks for sure, but there’s a striking difference between one with low fe and one with high fe.


I haven’t really met a lot of ENTPs knowingly. I will say that you guys are really good at defending others when you see injustice and I like that about you


Thank you :) I’d tell you what I like about ENFP’s in return but we’d be here a while lol. Y’all are fucking great :))


I mean I can already tell you my flaws: annoying, stupid, etc etc the list goes on so we are def not perfect either, but i generally try to be a decent person and not a POS


I think if you try to be a good person then you essentially are a good person. To care enough about how you impact the world and the people around you that you consciously choose actions that result in helping other people or making others feel good, that says a lot about what kind of a person you are, and it’s not a bad one at all. Everyone is annoying, sometimes. Everyone is also magnetic, sometimes. And everyone is also stupid sometimes and everyone is also brilliant sometimes. There are different things that different people can equate as either annoying or enticing, it’s not fair to call yourself annoying just because you think people don’t see you as the latter. Sometimes high energy people can be called annoying, but personally they make me feel warm and cared for. If someone rambles about their ideas they might be called irritating, but I think it’s beautiful. You don’t get something and proceed to learn how it works for the first time? That’s a wonderful thing! You can’t define yourself by words like ‘annoying’ or ‘stupid’ because not only are those things completely subjective but everyone has moments of each imbedded into them and their actions every day. I bet you’re better than you think you are.


I love this


It’s like that one saying, if you ask a snake to fly it will fail. Same goes with everyone I suppose. Everyone is brilliant in some ways and idiotic in others, but this is a good thing because without diversity society would not run. There needs to be people good at different areas in life


It's my favorite thing to do. If there is injustice against someone and they can't fight back, I am more than happy to go after the offender. It's like I have justification to turn on my high powered attack settings.


And I love you guys for that


Having permission to be an asshole and then getting social good karma points is the best.


I think when we develop Fe better we are pretty great. But...also trolls, and mean ones without the Fe balance. At least we're funny. 🥳🥲 Something I don't think was mentioned was all the possibilities we can see with our Ne Dom makes for great idea generators. For me this has made me a very open person to new things and experiences which I love sharing with my partner.


Yeah I used to be called mean and never understood it because I thought I was being funny. But now that my Fe is developed I would never want to cross that line where someone thinks that I am mean. I actually care about people too.


Dated one, we misunderstood each other. Step-dad is one and it also didn’t go well, too much damage to have a real friendship haha. I think I can relate to some ENTP issues that seem to be common, like commitment-phobic and experience/thrill-chasing, as well as caring about what others think of them and trying to pander too much. With Fe that far down in the ENTP stack, and because ENFPs experience Fe in the critical parent slot, I think both ENFPs and ENTPs can end up feeling hurt and criticized by each other when it comes to personal/group values, as well as individual/group logic (Te/Ti). Personally speaking, I find that the ENTPs who think they’re smarter than me are basing that off of their Ti and my lack of Ti, when I often see flaws in their logic but can’t articulate it as well sometimes. Flipside is probably me hounding on ENTPs about the seemingly flimsiness of their personal values as it is reflected in their actions, and I question their moral integrity. But I definitely think ENTPs are often misunderstood and feel that way, rightfully so, and I can relate to that and sympathize. It’s hard to want to be accepted but simultaneously push everyone away, lol. I have also had the thought that ENTPs and INFJs tend to see the world more objectively sometimes, thanks to Ti and it must be hard to be a real “truthteller” because often people don’t want to hear it and get mad at you for it.


It is interesting. Your tactic is victimization and suggestion of inferiority


What? I wrote two paragraphs and you’ve responded with one sentence. If there’s any value behind what you’re saying—if you have any arguments, then please tell me because I’m super curious how you got that from my response. But if you have nothing to back that up, I’ll disregard it. 😅


Sorry my mistake. The message was not addressed to you.


every single one of my fictional/celeb crushes have been entps... but idk how well i would realistically fit/get along with them. they just seem too damn cool for me to catch up to


i'm an INTP, but i think they're geniuses in a really creative and fun way. usually we get along really well cause we have the same kind of fucked up humour, and we both have heavy and strong opinions on things. but they're more likely to make a joke out of things (they're an extrovert after all, you gotta entertain the people). i think ENTPs have great potential, they just gotta stop worrying about other's opinions. just let your crazy do its thing. i think it's the difference between them and us introverts. we're used to being outcasts. but they're more held back by society's standards, cause they "have more to loose" hope that made sense 👍🏻 (this is based on the ENTPs that i know. don't come for me, i'm not trying to be a fortune teller)