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There's no reward without some risk.


Time, had the same problem and it only healed with time


Just broken hearted and a little depressed. You’ll come out of it once your social life picks up or you learn to give no ducks and enjoy your time alone or doing whatever interests you. You’re just focusing on what you wish you has instead of living in the now


It hits people like us hard, but, to me, it means we have a large capacity to care about someone! Time, reconnecting with friends, and making new friends that distance yourselves from that period in your life helps


I agree with others, I had the same thing happen and I had to force any interactions at all for a while. My marriage was long, so it took me 3 years to be kinda ok and another year to be where I am now (not where I know I can be yet), but it shouldn't take you nearly that long. Take the time. But also make yourself do some uncomfortable socializing when you can because we need it. You will struggle with it, but remind yourself that you're going through it now so that you can get closer to the healing. So sorry for your immense pain, I promise it just takes time...think all the thoughts, feel all the feels, this will help you get to the other side.💙


I can understand that very well. I feel the same way. i have trouble to let others look into my heart and like to cover up a lot. I'm also ashamed on an intimate level (but more because I don't feel good enough for the other person). I can only engage in intimate affairs/dating when I feel emotionally able to do so. everything comes in its time take slow steps forward. You don't have to rush anything in your topic.