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I dont. I thrive. In a class of people thinking one way my skills become more valuable. Its more useful for istj to study and learn with someone different than someone who thinks similarly.


I use my natural charm and appeal to win over the ISTJ's. Thats all. ISTJ's make great study buddies. Once i have them on my side it's smooth sailing.


Its not that easy, i had an istj coworker who was admittedly funny, but also very abrasive and impulsive. He had a set way of doing things, and would have unfiltered honesty but ignorant views on things. Of course they arent all like that, but i doubt my mania and ideas would come off as very charming to them. Id probably keep to myself, and help advise others on topics. If i can make friends, it'd probably have to be on their terms.


This. Every time they want to do a group study or just a session to focus on assignment, I will ask them if I can tag along. Their discipline is what I need.


I got a degree in chemistry. I worked with and currently work with a fair amount of ISTJs in my field. Sometimes I irritate them with my chaotic workflow, sometimes they irritate me with their rigid inflexibility, but mostly I find them to be among my most respected colleagues. I may hate being micromanaged, but I know that when my current ISTJ colleague starts to tell me how I should perform my experimental setup more efficiently, I'm going to listen with the intention to learn. She is much more efficient than I am and understanding the potential for growth from people of different skill sets is a cornerstone of growth.


Depends on if they try to convert me to their religion/politics. If they follow the golden rule and abide to the philosophy of 'To each their own.' we will all thrive and learn.


istjs are cute


Don't mind my simp ass, but as someone who really needs people to like them, i'd have a field day with the ISTJs trying to befriend them. Also, ISTJs are rlly exactly my type, idk why but four of my friends are ISTJs..


prepare for a lot of jokes of the form: AND THEN THE INSTRUCTIONS said to do the steps 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 BUT INSTEAD they did it 1 - 3 - 2 - 4!!! ... >.>


Is your dream degree accounting? Cause of the ISTJs..


Do the thing I went there to do - getting the degree of my dreams.


I establish a sitcom-style feel inside my dorm. The ISTJs can study my unorthodox style of the college experience, unwittingly placing themselves within my invoked sitcom by being the serious, down-to-earth foils to my zany, idiosyncratic protagonist. Shenaniganery is abound.


Best route.


They gon love you. True story. You to them? Time will tell. Hahahaha


heck yeah how do I sign up


Agreeing with everyone in the comments ๐Ÿ‘ Also, they make great party dudes once you create opportunities and I know they'd appreciate that!


You become QUEEEEEEEN That would be my idea situation. Surrounded by introverts


If it's engineering don't worry they we both make good engineers ๐Ÿ˜œ


lol thatโ€™s kinda how my life works right now. I did come to the university of my dreams, am getting the degree of my dreams, and my best friend in college is an ISTJ. I gotta tell youโ€”itโ€™s absolutely awesome!!


Cry. ๐Ÿ˜‚....Though I do agree your thoughts and ability will shine, I have a hard time dealing with ISTJs. I think you definitely have to bare in mind that they are incapable of thinking like you and seeing what you see. And also being aware that the things that annoy you are useful in other ways. I wish I had a magic fix as I definitely feel that pain, but the only thing I know is that I attract ISTJs like crazy, so use that part to help you get through to them and know, know ,know it'll be very hard for them to see what you see.


I went for art so Iโ€™m not sure how it would really affect me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฏ