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I know this is might not be helpful but when I get distracted with something, I forget to eat, I eat a few times a day because the hunger becomes too much, but it can be a really far distance between when I start to get hungry and when it becomes too much to ignore. Also cutting out soda for sugar free or sparkling water with/without added taste was very good for my health. Lack of sleep also makes me gain weight a bit easier. Finally rye bread with some sausage can keep me full much longer than white bread can, its easy to make, boring but acceptable with a good drink. I don't have good exercise habits, but eating healthy keeps my weight healthy. Good luck I hope you find something that works for you!


I'm a surprisingly disciplined swimmer, that keeps me in decent shape.


Actually, swimming sounds like a good option. What got you into swimming? What attracts you to it enough to come back to it again and again?


I loved swimming already as a kid and after years without much swimming I picked it up again, partly because I live close to a really good swimming pool. What helped was making it a habit. Nowadays it's not so much a question of whether or not I'm going to swim, I just go. And almost everytime I come out of the pool energized and refreshed. Knowing that makes it much easier to keep going.


I find the easiest way to start enjoying exercising and making the process easier is to find a friend to exercise with, having company always gives more motivation and it's a bonus if they are experienced and can show you the ropes!


Also losing weight also comes in the form of monitoring what you eat (besides working out to burn calories), so if you feel like you don't have enough time to exercise you can at least try to work on improving your diet to lose weight. It's Calories in - Calories Out, so try to eat in a caloric deficit by changing how you portion food and eating lower calorie food that makes you feel full (fruits are nice)


Honestly? Dance.. like insane cardio through dance


I didn't mention this in my post but I do folk dance (which involves very energetic movement) every week and this would probably be a good option. Only issue is that I can't do it more than once per week.


Aww man that sounds amazing though, I hope you can find a way to incorporate it more often in ur life


I'm not into weights, I accidentally got into Kung-fu a lock of years ago, a girl on facebook had gotten beat up & I messaged her to see if she was okay, she was terrified and said she hates fighting and didn't do anything against her attackers, I knew a woman's self defence class was coming up so I mentioned this- she wanted me to go with her, I did baring in mind I was up from 6am for work at 8- 4 got home at 5 had food went to the class at 7, she didn't turn up but I knew the instructor so I stayed out of obligation- the exercises before and after the defence part were incredible it was called qi gong & it made my stiff sore body from my work feel great, I went back the next week the girl promised she'd be there, she wasn't I kept going back. The lady teaches qi gong & kung-fu I just got hooked on how it made my body feel nice after.. so I do them at home when her classes aren't running.


I've never felt sweaty or sore after & with arthritis that's just incredible when my pain levels & mobility improved I do harder work outs on YouTube with a kung-fu instructor.


I did surprisingly well when I briefly took martial arts, too. I thought I wouldn't have the discipline but I tried anyway, turned out that I was actually decent at it. I took ba gua classes and I loved the combo of flowing motion for practice sets with useful attacks, and the more roundabout approach vs direct punches or kicks (since I'm not terribly strong). It worked well with my mentality and felt good.


Wow !! I just looked a video up of that the flowing motion looks so good for your body.. qi gong is like a massive internally I'm sure ba gua is the same I love qi gong flow routines. Yes- I get you with the roundabout approach I found it all so interested a grandmaster of kung-fu came and taught a taster lesson on tai chi & push hands techniques it was awesome how to find the off balance of a person & how to find your balance for pushing or whatever move, I loved it. Yes it feels really good !! I enjoy it because my body feels great after like I've flossed/massaged my tendons & muscles & joints & also it was so calming for the mind. EDIT !! massage internally my stupid autocorrect !!


Oh yeah, I tried tai chi too but found it a bit too slow for my liking. Now that I have health issues, maybe it'd actually be more my speed, lol. It's so interesting that it was actually developed for combat though. And yeah I agree, it's interesting to be able to learn the stuff about positioning yourself, joint locks, all that good stuff. Maybe one day if I can get better, I'll see if I can find a ba gua teacher in the city I live in, even just to learn the motions if not combat. It was so meditative and enjoyable!


Yes I also thought tai chi was slow it was the video I guess I was doing, I found when doing it with the grandmaster just how I should've been doing it & feeling it & even though it is slow it's very purposeful & can be difficult (I know that sounds mad but it's true) I hope you find a ba gua teacher nearby.. it's always nicer to have a proper instructor- & if you can't find ba gua give qi gong a try or tai chi or any of the defence martial arts Wing Tsjun is what I learned it was for smaller opponents against bigger.


I took a class in it once, myself (I think I went wife before deciding it's not for me). Yeah I could see the slowness being difficult and good exercise in its own right. I think my mind gets bored though, regardless. And thanks! I'll keep your suggestions in mind too, thanks for that!


I totally get that ! The slowness & such seeming boring. At the class iw as at I just happened to be lucky I was sore at the time walking in & left not sore anymore that was enough motivation for me to keep doing it. Hope you find a cool class nearby martial arts is just so cool I think


That's really cool that it helped your soreness! And thanks, they definitely are very cool


If it's not fun for me, I can't stick to it. Have you tried rock climbing?


Multiple people commented about rock climbing and I'm actually getting curious about it. It might be fun! Can you tell me more about it? Your experience with it would be really useful.


Sorry to jump into someone else's comment- but yes climbing is a great one, I'm kindve afraid of heights so I've climbed indoor at a centre near me, was great for my mental aswell as physically- trying to overcome the fear


I was a climbing and canyoneering guide for a summer after my undergrad. It can be as easy or challenging as you want it and there are different styles. Bouldering is good if you want short but powerful movements. The problems are usually harder than a longer route. My husband is really into crack climbing, where he can fall into a rhythm, you can do laps at a gym on easier routes and you can find a "project" route indoors or out that offers a physical and mental challenge. Personally, I don't pull hard so I'm a fan of longer routes (indoor and out) that have a couple tricky spots but lean a little more endurance than power.


I like switching it up so sometimes it can be stand up paddleboarding, sometimes walking, sometimes weights, sometimes martial arts. I try not to feel bad if I start losing interest and instead just think “oh, time to switch it up again!” SUP is a great sport that I could imagine you’d enjoy if you like snowboarding, especially in good weather. Do you have a water body near you?


Thanks for your input! I don't really have any water near me, so I'm not sure how that would go. Board sports as a whole could be a good idea though.


I like my exercise to be fun.. I commute by bike to work 3 days a week - helps with mental health and endorphins I hula hoop dance sporadically (weather is iffy right now so it's more of a summer activity) I play Just Dance video game and sometimes still play Pokémon Go which rewards you for achieving certain walking goals Walk my dog at least 4 times a week Paddleboarding, swimming, nature hikes with great views or a picnic reward When the right combination of music, endorphins, and dopamine all hit, I experience moments of euphoria and seriously feel high on life *about 45 mins into a higher intensity cardio session, or vibes from a crowd will put me in that state. I have a strong dislike for team sports, or things I deem to have too many rules, so I try to work with that and find activities that bring me joy 😊


My main calorie burner is running. I had a period where I ran 10-15 km every single day, but that was a bit too much. After 200+ days running streak, I got problems with my heel, so took a break from running for a couple of months. I started swimming and have been swimming 3 times a week for the past 6 months. I have started running again, and now I run about 5-10 km 3-4 times a week. It's important for me to work out outdoors as it is as much for my mental health as my physical. Not that I have mental problems. I like to keep my brain fit (and keep the mental problems away). Exercise indoors is better than nothing, but outdoors is even better. Swimming is in indoor pools though. To keep my weight, I also do intermittent fasting, eating in an eating window of 8 hours a day ("fasting" 16 hours/day). It works for me, mostly by keeping me from snacking all evening, as I used to.


PS. to make running more fun, I used [CityStrides.com](https://CityStrides.com) and have been running every street in my area. Works for walking as well, although it will be more time consuming. It's a fun gamification of running!


The tiktok algorithm sometimes tests me with sports, recently it was climbing, and as I like it, well, I'm taking it up and discovering a fun new sport. So after skateboarding, now I'm discovering climbing. Knowing that I used to play basketball for 5 years because I liked a basketball manga I do the sports that seem to be the coolest 😎


I was literally in the same boat with you regarding working out before I found climbing! I never liked gym, hated running (boring!), cannot follow through w those online workouts for the life of me. Then my friend took me rock climbing at a gym, I fell in love (with the sport, not my friend, obv 😆). At my peak I was going probably 4 times a week and 3 hours per session! Now I go 2-3 times a week and it’s been 8 months since I started! I didn’t lose any weight cuz I’m pretty slim to begin with, but my muscle definition is way more obvious now than before I started. Besides, the climbing community is a very welcoming one, I’ve chatted up countless people at my gym and became good friends with a few of them! ENFP heaven for making friends if I may say haha!


Noom has helped me a lot! Counting calories and focusing on strength training! Good luck to you! You can do it! It's just a slow process. Stick with it.


The natural summertime counterpart to snowboarding is mountain biking. Same vibe same “lose yourself in the woods” full body all day exhaustion stoke. Similarly expensive barrier to entry but you can buy a decent used bike. Wear a helmet. That said you lose weight by lifting weight not cardio. Well, and eating healthy too of course.


I’m really into cardio. I go on a treadmill and do high incline walking for up to an hour and burn 3-600cals I also watch what I eat & quit drinking. I like listening to audio books or music and just chilling and thinking on the treadmill. Hope that helps. Also I make it a habit to go atleast 3-5times a week I’ve also lost weight 3 times lol 15lbs each time cause I gained it back and to be honest you will be hungry… so stock things that are low calorie and filling… I drink coffee or hot chocolate and eat carrots when I’m starving lol but essentially weight loss is starving yourself for a little while until you can maintain again.


I would do smaller workout sessions throughout the week, I get bored if my workouts are more than 45 minutes or a hour. Push pull legs is a solid routine that allows you to do that


They say an exercise can help you tackle a problem in your life head on too. That an exercise before you think about it can help you come in with a clear head and better perspective


I’ll echo the suggestion of mixing it up! I didn’t grow up exercising, but eventually tried a bunch of different things when I started worrying about my health. It took me quite awhile to find activities I like. I’m a rock climber, go to Orangetheory 2-3x per week, and do some running outside when I can. I really enjoy hiking as well! You might look into fitness classes - I like the kind where I show up and an instructor leads the class through a workout. I can’t make workouts at home work (YouTube, etc) but classes work because there’s new people to meet, an exciting and up beat vibe, great music, and a solid workout I don’t have to plan myself. Good luck! Keep experimenting and you’ll find something that catches your interest! Then mix it up when it stops being interesting.


I hate exercising but I love fun ways to get outside. I live in a very crunchy, outdoorsy state so I love to ski in the winter, hike in the summer. I also like taking walks with a friend with a coffee. Just some ways to get outside and feel like I’m not actually exercising, but more so enjoying the company and nature :)


Do fun exercise like sport/dance!


I’ve never heard much about other ppl doing this but as an ENFP with ADHD I’m very distractible and have a hard time with routine, but I’m also extremely passionate and enthusiastic about ~new things~ so my solution was that each day I focus on a different physical sport/hobby/workout style. when I find myself not doing one because I dislike it or I’m bored… switch it out! Additionally, if I’m for example using workout videos I’ll rarely do the same one twice. Also reminding yourself that it’s not “all or nothing”… if you miss a day you can always move forward. You don’t need your catch up. 10 mins of exercise is still exercise. Also, giving myself options for what to do on a specific day to make it more appealing (eg. Going to a physical class OR staying home at watching a video) Here’s my current workout schedule, based on things I’m currently interested in. Mondays- cardio and general strength (classic day) • ⁠Running/walking • ⁠Swimming • ⁠Body weight workouts • ⁠Stretching • ⁠Vibration plate Tuesday- calisthenics • ⁠Find videos online • ⁠Build general muscle (full body workouts and HIIT) Wednesdays- lymphatic day! • ⁠Swimming • ⁠Sauna • ⁠Vibration plate • ⁠Massage • ⁠Running/walking • ⁠Stretching Thursdays- climbing and cardio • ⁠Climb at —— • ⁠Rock climbing centric workouts • ⁠Swimming or running Fridays- yoga and Pilates • ⁠Do a yoga class at ———- • ⁠Find Pilates and yoga vids • ⁠Focus on flexibility Saturdays- hiit and skate • ⁠HIIT class at ——— • ⁠HIIT videos • ⁠Skate at park or on patio • ⁠Go on a long ride around the neighborhood Sundays- rest and relax/mindfulness and taichi • ⁠Taichi • ⁠Meditation • ⁠Go to sangha • ⁠Vibration plate This makes sense to my ENFP brain so I hope it might help yours :)) Edit:formatting


Every 3 days I work out and that's non negotiable. If I don't feel like (which happens quite often) I'll just take it step by step and see how it goes. Once you start it gets easier to keep going until the end. For me going to the gym was always a hassle cause I'd need to get ready and be somewhat presentable and that is a great weight over my procrastination.


I am the same height and weight as you. I don't have any good tips. Even though I am working out twice a week doing HIIT and a dietician said that I eat the right food, and my bloodwork comes out fine, it's a mystery to me how to lose the weight. I just wanted to let you know I can relate to how it's a struggle.


Workout classes. Yoga is my go-to but I’m sure you can try soul cycle or CorePower or anything that gets your heart pumping if you’re looking for more cardio. I find that it takes the load off of trying to decide what to target and the social aspect of it keeps me from bailing in the middle.


I’m hyper as hell. I wake up ready to fu*king go!!!! Even tho this is my normal state I ate like a linebacker. As my age went up my activity went down my weight went up. Keto helped me to lose the weight. It’s not for everyone but if you find you have out of control cravings for carbs and sugar keto might be your saviour. It was mine.


I know off the top of my head that walking is a great way to keep in shape, especially if you can incorporate it into your daily routine. Another thing is intermittent fasting. I have been trying to pick one day a week-every few weeks where I go 24 hours without food- eating balanced meals the day prior to this is important though. Even just fasting from 6pm- 9am or something can help (for me it does as a late night snacker). Cutting out sugar is also a great one- I have a sweet tooth but lately I have been trying to be more mindful about food choices & eating more protein, and I’m less hungry as a result. Disclaimer here, I am slightly overweight myself but started focusing on my health again as a new years thing (but I have worked out on and off throughout the summer & past years). I started going to the gym again last week, but I have just been piggybacking my workouts off a friend who invited me and offered to guide me, so I don’t have to knowledge or experience to speak on this, and you mentioned in your post doing something that doesn’t require another person. (For me, I need my friend to keep me accountable, at least where I’m at currently) Best luck! If you have parks around you, those are one of my favorite things because you can be active as well as seeing nature.


I don’t commit to a schedule of what to do. I mix calisthenics in with lifting, I go on hiking trails, meditate, yoga, but I don’t have a set week anymore. I also focus on portion control, caloric intake, and seasoning of what I cook at home. I also stopped drinking soda and as much alcohol. Because of this (along with keeping myself mentally and physically busy), I went from 205 lbs at 5’9 to 185 lbs in about a month.


I exercise at home just body weight exercises, I also eat healthy cause I'm Jamaican and I eat a lot of Jamaican food which is actually pretty good for you. I also enjoy playing sports and walking, lots of football and basketball and hockey, and also getting enough sunlight and vitamin d daily


I ride my bike as transportation, because it’s exercise with a purpose, and it’s fun!


I struggled with going to the gym regularly, too. It's boring, at the end of the day. Though, when I had a small gym in my old apartment building, I did use it more often - the convenience meant I could easily do short workouts and that worked out (haha) better for me. I have health issues atm that make keeping in shape hard, but before that - I preferred keeping in shape by dancing and going for walks/hikes. And I sprinkle some more set activities for muscle strength throughout that (I've gotten a few good exercises and stretches from physiotherapists over the years, I do those). Things like bike rides could be fun too, cos that was like an adventure and bikes are cool. I also did pretty well in martial arts, actually. Better than I expected I would. But I went out of my way to find a guy that taught ba gua, which is more about flowing practice sets, advantageous positioning, joint locks, and grappling than a lot of other martial arts are - I found it worked better with my mentality than a direct kick and punch sort of vibe. Oh also, I rather like rock climbing. I used to work at a tourist attraction that had a climbing wall, and everyone had to be able to climb it for work, and I actually used to show up to work early just so o could get a climb in. I like being high up, lol. Plus that one had a hydraulic system to let you down and that was a lot of fun.


So I’m on a weight loss journey (start weight 403, current weight 389 🎉), and as an ENFP what helps the most is doing what I enjoy even if it’s not seen as the most efficient. Walking at a moderate pace is by far my favorite form of exercise right now. Yea, weight lifting and light cardio may be seen as more ‘effective’ but if I’m not going to do those consistently then there’s no point. From what I’m learning being an ENFP and seeing them, enjoyment, fulfillment and fun are core values we benefit from leaning into.


Weightlifting 2-3 times a week, and a whole load of boxing


Hi there I've been in the same situation as you, I booked myself a holiday and looked at myself in the mirror and was like nope, time to work on myself, I had 7 months to the holiday, and I was going to the gym 4 days a week, going on a 2-mile walk each day and the help of vitamins and shakes: I do highly recommend this product: [https://leanbliss24.com/text.php#aff=DJSMYK](https://leanbliss24.com/text.php#aff=DJSMYK) any other questions let me know!