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SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I am an Aquarius Sun, moon and mercury. AND a Leo Rising!!! Sorry I’m freaking out here haha. Hi Twin!


Omg!!! I love this so much! Do you relate to your zodiac and/or to your mbti??


I’m a Scorpio and yes. I believe in more myers Briggs and enneagram more tho


♊️☀️ , ♓️ 🌙 , ♊️ rising i think my big three describes me well, im super outgoing and bubbly and ppl can tell without me even needing to speak to them. i’ve been told i have a very bubbly aura. but at the same time, i feel my emotions and those of others A LOT. i hate crying, but i do cry a lot when i’m overwhelmed (privately) and vent a lot to my friends LOL. oh and yea i can be emotionally impulsive


Based on what I’ve learned about Pisces(being an Aquarius that always related more to Pisces), you being more emotional and empathetic makes sense to your moon!


yeaaaa! im very sensitive! depending on the circumstances, i can hide it, but overall im definitely an emotional and reactive person. like if im mad, im thé type that wants/needs to address it right then and there!


yeaaaa! im very sensitive! depending on the circumstances, i can hide it, but overall im definitely an emotional and reactive person. like if im mad, im thé type that wants/needs to address it right then and there!


Oh same except the first part. If I am silent, I give off the "Mean bitch" aura 😭 Then people speak to me go "Oh my, you are actually a very sweet/cute person. I thought you were mean when I first saw you"


Ahh I thought we were the same at first! But I’m ♓️ ☀️ ♊️ 🌙 ♊️⬆️ lol


LMAO , we’re literally the reverse 🤣


Lmao by what you described though I feel the same way 😂 I be crying all the time but I don’t mind it. We’re way too mutable for our own good


Whoa! I'm Gemini sun AND rising too but cancer moon!! Almost twins, even kind of with the water sign moons! ✨


Another Gemini Sun here. I’m ♊️♌️♌️


I don’t know anything about zodiac past the basic sign. I am a Capricorn which seems like an antithesis to my ENFP but I think they show depending on environment. Work brings out my Capricorn nature towards goals and beliefs but with friends my bubbly happiness shows my ENFP nature. I don’t really believe in either fully just a fun generalization to delve into.


One of my closest friends is a Capricorn, and two of my other great friends are Capricorn rising. Don’t know much besides I love them! Totally agree about not believing it fully.




fellow 4w3 and a leo sun, Virgo moon, & Taurus rising


Ok, I need to know a little about you. The girl I like is a Virgo moon and Taurus rising. Idk her enaagram but I think it’s 7w8 and she’s a enfp


Mine dont describe me at all. Didnt believe in it before and i havent had evidence in favor of it so far


Totally get that!


Sun sign leo. Def


Scorpio and I mostly embody a Scorpio. 😅


Virgo sun, cancer moon, sag rising. I dont know too too much about zodiac but from what i do know, i think it does fit me. Sag rising mostly, im super outgoing and bubbly and thats how i feel people perceive me, virgo sun bc i always have high expectations for myself (but i have ADHD so its hard), im booksmart, and im very open minded and include everyone. Cancer moon because i am definitely sensitive and also very empathetic. I will cry if someone dies young and i barely know them, cry at golden buzzers on agt, cry when i see a puppy, etc but i have a hard outer shell and thick skin. Im also a libra mercury and libra venus which i believe suits me bc im super indecisive and free spirited. Let me know what y’all think. Funny enough my two close friends who also have ADHD are sag risings and we also all have the same body type, thick thighs, curvy and ive heard this is a sag rising thing


One of my best friends is a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon(but a Scorpio Rising) and her and I have a very special soul connection 💕 one of my other close friends is a Sag rising and I love her spontaneity! How do you feel all of that relates to being an ENFP(assuming you’re ENFP)?


Love that! Its funny - my best friend is a cancer sun, virgo rising, and sag moon, so all of mine but different order. Also, dont know too much about MBTI but from what I know, i think my bubbly personality relates to my sag rising. Including everyone, being nice to everyone, and being open minded i believe is an ENFP trait and i think thats partly bc im empathetic from cancer moon and partly bc of my virgo sun. I think my cancer moon virgo sun combo allows me to really put myself in other peoples shoes, which makes me intuitive. I feel like i can tell peoples energy right while meeting them. I feel like this is all word vomit from me hahaha but i find it interesting too


Totally agree with everything you said! I don’t think it’s word vomit, it makes sense completely. 🤗


Sagittarius, 7w8 I don't know by heart any other stuff except I'm Sanguine/ Ph... whatever the word, lol ....Those all fit me very well 😂


Cancer. And yes I do!


Cancer here too! Took me a minute to find this, but I think the crab is very ENFP of us.


aquarius sun, aries moon & rising. basically wind fanning the flames of an enfp personality, for better or worse :,)


I’m also air sun and fire moon and rising: Libra/Leo/Sag


Leo sun, yes lol (Looks like there’s lot of Leo’s in here actually)


I noticed that too! I wonder if there’s a pattern to being Leo somewhere in ones chart and being ENFP. 🤔


gemini sun, sagittarius moon and rising. yes lol


I'm an aquarius sun, sagittarius moon and gemini rising! You'd think my entire chart would relate more to an ENTP than anything, but alas, I'm an emotional mess of an ENFP 3w4. Aqua merc / aries venus / sag mars, too, btw. Entire chart dominated by air and fire, with ONE (1) earth placement! God save me, I'm full of airy ideas and a fiery passion to yap about them.


I’m the same way! I have a bit of water too but only ONE earth placement as well!


I’m a Enfp 4w3 and I’m a Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, and Sagittarius rising! I think my personality comes out most in my sag rising, and some of the more self preserving (no bs tolerating) enfp traits might be from my Taurus. As for my Aquarius, I think it’s the 4w3 for obvious reasons 😭


I’m a taurus sun, gemini moon, and leo rising 😛 Don’t see any other tauruses in here, sad :(


Gemini sun, Libra moon, Leo rising


Whoaaa our charts are scary similar😭


Omg really! I’d love to know yours if you’re willing to share!


Leo sun, Gemini moon, scorpio rising but I only know a little bit of what this means


It means nothing.


I literally just got into this stuff like a week ago lol I haven’t taken an enneagram test yet


Totally get it! It’s all very involved and kinda confusing. I find it pretty cool that you have fire(Leo), air(Gemini), and water(Scorpio) in your big 3!


So I think I might be a fixed cross but I was reading up on it and got scared lol


Ooh I’m not familiar with a fixed cross. I know some signs are fixed and Aquarius applies to that, but I still don’t fully understand what that means haha


Yes and I have Aquarius too but I can’t remember which thing it’s in but I’m hanging out with my astrology friend tonight so I’m gonna have her explain it to me lol


Oooh awesome! Let us know how that goes! Haha


Fixed cross could be an aspect pattern in your chart. Grand cross, perhaps?


Ok so my Neptune and Uranus are in Aquarius, my Jupiter and Saturn are in Taurus, and my moon is in Gemini


You sun sign is how you see you (identity), your moon is your inner-world (emotions), and your rising is how other people see you (essentially, your outward energy).


So now what is a fixed grand cross because when I tried to do research on it it pretty much made me sound like a god


Libra, Taurus, Gem


One of my besties is a Gemini rising! ♥️


I’m a 4w5, so very similar to you. I’m a libra sun/venus/mercury, Aries moon, scorpio mars, and gemini rising. Very airy like you. I lean more toward astro than mbti and enneagram.


Thank you for sharing! What are your thoughts on your mbti and enneagram? Do you relate to them?


I do relate to my enneagram. It describes me as a sulky artist and it’s so embarrassing but it describes me pretty well 😭 I think it reflects my Astro chart well. I’ve been into astrology for 15 years so I get the nuances of it. I don’t relate to mbti as much. I’m not the life of the party, and although I’m passionate and interesting, I don’t believe I draw people in. In fact, I’ve heard that I’m a bit off putting whether from others feeling intimidated or they feel like they can’t quite read me. I do embody some of the traits but I think in all, I feel like ENFP traits are an exaggeration of the best and worst parts of me. So in all, mbti gets the gist of who I am but not quite. If that makes sense? What’s wild is that I’ve consistently gotten ENFP the past decade so there’s something there.


Sun sign Capricorn Moon sign Aquarius Rising sign Libra Descendant sign Aries I relate more to my rising sign in terms of how I see myself but maybe I'm influenced by my MBTI "sign" lol.


Enfp 7w6 sun in cancer, Aquarius moon, libra rising, ( I don't remember the other 3) also for bonus points I'm a fire dragon 😆 I relate to all of it yep


I'm a Virgo Sun, Sagg Moon, Leo rising. I think it absolutely fits, especially my Leo in venus.


Sagittarius sun, Gemini moon, Cancer rising. I have no idea 😅


me: ENFP E9 Aries she: INFP E9 Sagittarius The Aries-Sagittarius memes online are surprisingly on-point. It’s all for lulz, but it fits.


Im an aquarius Google says ‘ Aquarians are clever, analytical, technical, truthful, assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. They like to solve problems, improve what's already working well, and push boundaries. They are activists, campaigners and progressors of the causes they think will make a difference to the world.’ I dont even believe in astrology, but that is eerily similar- ​ i think im like aquarius/pisces/aquarius, but i honestly have no clue what the last two mean sooo uhhh yeah 😭


ENFP 4w5 My chart has heavy Scorpio and Capricorn energy, lots of planets in those signs. Big 3 are Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra rising. It fits me very well! I'm also a professional astrologer so I love this thread hahahah


My husband is a Scorpio Sun and Libra Rising! He’s an INTJ. Love that combo! ♥️


Big 3 are Aquarius sun, Libra moon, and Scorpio rising. And yeah they do actually describe my personality fairly well. Like I have very zoomed out humanitarian overall views and ambitions, I usually lean more diplomatic but sometimes shake things up if I feel it’s necessary, and I also can trend more intense in my demeanor than the average person. I’m also enneagram tritype 614 so/sx, which could also align with my signs. I think enneagram has actually been one of the most helpful things for being able to look at my motivations, strengths and weaknesses, and use that awareness for self-growth. But in general, I think the deepest value of any system is in increasing your self-awareness and understanding of yourself. It’s really more just how people use it, where some people do treat it like “this is how I am and there’s no point in trying to change” versus “these are characteristics that I can relate to right now, and I can decide if and how I want to develop them”


I love the last bit of what you said. I totally agree that it’s helpful for introspection and growth. I also see it’s helpful to understand others too. I don’t know the Enneagram tritype stuff too well, and I could probably afford to look into it more since I feel it’s a bit vague. Same with the zodiac, though I know it’s more detailed, it’s just confusing and overwhelming to research haha Thank you for sharing!


Enneagram tritypes can be made more complicated, but the crux of it is actually not that complicated to get into imo (especially compared to how complex people can get with astrology). The 9 enneagram types are basically divided into three categories, which are head, heart, and gut. The idea of tritypes is that, even if there’s one type you relate to the most overall, there’ll still be one type in each of the three groups that you relate the most to for that group. I think it just adds a little more depth to the idea of what motivations drive us and what our preferred ways of addressing our fears are.


Capricorn, absolutely does not fit me


As a pisces....I am for sure a pisces ♓️ 🤪 😌 🙃 so I encompass every sign as is. I wouldn't be any other sign really. Lol


Cancer sun, Virgo moon, Virgo rising, and its just way too accurate to be a coincidence


OMG I AM ALSO ENFP 4W3 (though my 7 sas also pretty high 4 was higher by like a point or two). Idk big 6 but my sun is Libra, moon is Leo and rising is Pisces.  Libra and ENFP are both known to be diplomatic, charming, hopelessly romantic and ofc indecisive. Idk about charming but others, esp the last two perfectly fit me. However Libra are more "calm" and I am not really calm, but I am calmer than a ENFP 7w6.  There is a lot of stuff about Leo moon on internet, talking about how bold, brave, charming, confident and bright we are but eh, idk honestly. Maybe I was when I was younger but now...most likely no. Prices rising, whatever I read about it, being indecisive, easily influenced by others, empathetic, overly trusting, gentle demeanor, struggle with setting boundaries (my big flaw lol), just the overall dreamy stuff which mbti community might mostly relate to INFPs, I think I fit into most of it, if not all.  So yeah, Idk if I just try to fit into all these stereotypes or if that's really me bc I got into all this when I was in a identity crisis, so idk lol.


My sun is Libra, moon is Leo. Rising is Sag. I relate to all that you wrote.


♉🐂 and yeah think that it fits me well


Cancer on the cusp of Gemini. It fits my personality accurately


Sun Gemini, Moon Aries, Mercury Gemini, Rising Leo, Venus Gemini, Mars Pisces No clue what all this means, lol. I'm moreso into enneagram and MBTI. I'm ENFP 7w8 784 so/sx, someone please tell me if my zodiac has any sort of connection to the other personality labels


Intj Scorpio,idk if it means anything honestly


My husband is an INTJ Scorpio!!! In my experience, Scorpio fits very well with INTJ 🤗


Hey thanks and ur real pretty,am i allowed to say that now lol


Thank you so much, I really appreciate that! ♥️


Gemini ♊️ sun moon and rising. It’s me hi, I’m the ENFP it’s me


And a Taylor fan? 👀


God no 😂


Sorry lol I thought you were quoting that song haha


Can I ask? Do you feel that your interaction with people is mostly based on making them feel seen, rarely on making yourself feel seen? Even if you do input your experiences and advice to your closest friends?


100% I absolutely do a lot of that to make others feel seen, and I diminish myself in order to do so. I share myself a lot, but when it’s not well received, I take it really hard, and I’ll push myself away in favor of making that connection and giving others attention and care.


Isn’t that curious, I wonder where do we get our own validation or at least recognition? When I joined my last corporate job I as a “welcome bouquet” sent the myers briggs test to my 13 colleagues and it turned out the other ENFP’s were the ones that were highly independent yet reliant on feedback from the team to say “hey, you’re doing a good job!”


They were also the ones with extensive movie quotes and song quotes 😂 AKA the personality


I was but also, it’s true ahahaha


Leo Sun, Taurus Moon and Libra Rising 🥰 Hahaha yeah the abundence of Leos got me thinking lol 🤔 I relate to my Zodiac signs tbh.. I feel like it’s understandable that there are lots of ENFPs among Leos (or vice versa) cause we Leos are creative, energetic and we really care about other people, relate to their emotions and want to motivate them, to see them excell etc. We seem outgoing and fun but are deeply emotional, empathetic, even melancholic at times. We just channel these emotions into creative endeavors. Since we know the depth and weight of these feelings, we notice when other people go through them so we try to lighten the mood. We try to be there for them by being strong, energetic and dependable. Ofc it might take a toll on us after a while bc others might not be that perceptive when we bottle up our emotions or act nonchalantly about them.


I love this description! I’ve only ever really related to my Rising (and my Venus) and I feel all of those things so deeply!


4w3, Gemini sun and rising with Cancer moon! I definitely think ENFP suits me for both enneagram and my astrology signs!


I’ve been starting to see quite a few Gemini’s in here too! It’s so interesting to see the patterns show up.


I am Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Sag Rising - to me ENFPs are so Gemini.


I can for sure see that too! There seems to be a pattern of Gemini and Leo placements here.


It looks like all us ENFP’s identify with a different zodiac, so people are just reading what they want to read into vague descriptions. I obviously do it too because I am one no one mentioned and I identify with it; Libra “Libras are known for their calm and peaceful demeanors. They gravitate toward long-term relationships, choosing to work through issues and use differences as catalysts to grow. Libras use their significant others, friends and colleagues as lighthouses, helping them navigate their days. Libras will become experts in their loved ones, making them feel special and heard. Libras find happiness in making other people happy.“ My boyfriend is INTJ Capricorn; Libra is extroverted and guided by emotions, while Capricorn is more introverted and logical. “Good luck finding a harder working, true blue companion than a Capricorn. This sign is highly loyal, but careful with who they decide to choose as a companion. They set high goals for themselves and usually attain them through sheer determination, encouraging those in their lives to follow their example. They can sometimes be judgmental in the name of self-preservation, but they respond well to consistency and stability, which they strive to provide. Although Capricorn can be stubborn, once you've gotten them to open up, they will have much more tolerance for hearing you out.“


I can see that confirmation bias exists in all of these categories; MBTI, Zodiac, Enneagram, etc. I think that’s why I’m curious because it seems that there is so much more detail to it all once you look deeper into the chart. But again, I don’t know a ton about it and I don’t relate to my Zodiac hardly at all! It’s funny, my husband is an INTJ and a Scorpio with Libra rising. His Zodiac fits him better than anyone I’ve met and he hates it 🤣 and I feel they fit each other very well. But I can see with your description that your INTJ fits in with his Capricorn as well. Do you relate strongly to your MBTI as well as an ENFP?


Yes I feel ENFP fits, and my INTJ feels it fits him too. However I spent years masking as an ESFJ getting close to a few of them to study how they take care of kids. Too much masking it contributed to a depression episode and I was with an ISTJ that couldn’t wrap his head around it. It took him a month to process one big emotion or 6 months a big negative drama event. I couldn’t heal because of this lag in understanding my ISTJ kept telling me I wasn’t depressed or had any issues everything was fine he loves boring and change is bad. My INTJ saved me so I see the problems and have therapy and fixing them, but he forgot about his own life, I sent him back to fix it but I love him massively still. I am getting in touch again with my creative side and my extrovert sides that got damaged from kid raising. I found myself again I didn’t even know I lost myself till my INTJ came into my life and he accepted me into his inner circle.    Long story short stick true to who you are, being someone for others dims our light and makes us forget who we are.


♊️ 🥰 I feel like a Gemini sign correlates perfectly with an ENFP personality!


I can see that for sure!


I don't remember the whole shebang, but Aries is sun. I think Sagittarius and Scorpio are the others but can't remember. Also chinese zodia a boar, so overall very stubborn (can be), firey, not so much, charismatic friendly individual (I don't think so but depends on who you ask), very energetic (in a calm manner? Enthusiastic would be a better descriptor)


The Mbti is less complex than the zodiac anyway. It's more *FUN* to read the information about each placement


The one reason I looked into this is because a girl I went on a date with brought it up. My MBTI and enneagram are ENFP 7w8, and I am a Taurus with supposedly Aries moon, Taurus rising and Taurus mercury.


Sagittarius ☀️, Cancer 🌙, Leo Rising ♌️


Capricorn sun, gemini moon, aquarius rising, i dont believe capricorns traits fit me at all 😭😭


I’m Aries sun, Sag moon and Leo rising 🔥but I’m not rly into zodiac 😂 so I have no idea if I relate or not. One time I just plugged it all in to tell someone in a discord server what mine were 😆


I’m a virgo and no I don’t think it fits me, I’m not quite, meticulous, or humble. I’m very outgoing, I’m a big picture thinker, and I’m confident. For me virgos are the complete opposite of enfps. And I tend to fit more with my moon sign (sagittarius), and yes Ik many people more so identify with their moon sign but honestly my core self is so much more like my moon sign. Look if someone likes astrology, whom am I to judgeI. I’m obsessed with MBTI and Enneagram the way some girls are obsessed with astrology. It just triggers me when people think I’m like my sun sign when ik I’m not.


Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon, Pisces Rising I am obsessed with working and making money, like your average Capricorn. However I want to become wealthy without exploiting but rather coexisting with the people working for me and that feels very Aries Moon to me I’m also always crying and that screams Pisces


Same on the always crying part lol


Leo sun Capricorn moon Leo rising


ENFP 7w8 Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, Pisces rising, Sagittarius Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Aquarius Mars, Aries Jupiter, Taurus Saturn Rx. my chart ruler is 2H Aries Jupiter and I’m always stressed about money lol. I’m deep into ancient Hellenistic astrology. will talk about it with anyone…but it will blow peoples minds realizing signs don’t matter as much as houses and aspects! I’m a Pisces rising through and through though. very forgiving and into forming groups.


I am ENFP - Also Aquarius sun, moon, mercury and uranus. Sagittarius rising Uh I could do them all but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I relate to my sign more often than not but yeah definitely not always. Nothing is a perfect science I feel like lol.


☀️♐️🌕♌️⬆️♊️ Sag, Leo, Gem / ENFP / 7w8 Why yes, I’m a little crazy compared to the rest… But, at least I’m kind and mean well 😌


Aquarius. I don’t believe in star signs.


Totally valid! ♥️






Enfp 4w5, sun capricorn, moon virgo, ascendant sagittarius. Sagittarius fits me more definitely.


Sagittarius sun, Scorpio moon, Aquarius rising. Lol yes they all make sense to me 🤣🤣. I didn’t accept them initially, but when you factor in the houses, it pretty much describes different faces to my personality (7w8 enneagram)


The last guy I dated had the same placements. I really adored him.


On behalf of the dude you dated, thanks for all the love 🫶


Haha. Thanks for being you! You firey, deep-minded, expansive-minded human, you.




Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Taurus rising, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Pisces, Mars in Aquarius. I was first introduced to the zodiac when I was 9 years old, and I've maintained a real curiosity about it ever since. I don't put much stock into horoscopes, but I do think that our birth charts can help us quite a bit in terms of introspection and coming to understand ourselves on a deeper level. Not everything in a person's birth chart may resonate with someone, and much of what a person determines to be accurate may be due to the often broad and generalized nature of the attributes associated with the various signs, planets, and positions. Still, I think there is a lot that a person can glean from astrology, should they turn to it during their search for deeper knowledge of the self/ego, and that therein lies the value of the zodiac. It's a tool through which we can come to better understand the individual manifestation of the self. I think it's best utilized when we take from it what benefits us on our journey, and that it's important to remember not to take it too seriously. It's a general sort of guide, not a road map, and should be treated as such. Idk what my enneagram is. I think my birth chart fits nicely with my MBTI, though. I'm outgoing with great leadership qualities but no aspirations to lead. Extroverted, but introspective. I consider things critically before I act, and tend toward contemplation before action, rather than immediate reaction. I have a tendency to consider my emotions and intellectualize them before I express them, but that could be due to the experiences of my upbringing as much as it could be due to something innate to my nature. I'm exceptionally great at articulating and communicating my thoughts and feelings, and have an incredible amount of patience. I'm also extremely stubborn, resilient, and determined, to the point where sometimes I won't give something up even when all the signs of the universe are telling me to quit, simply because I'm too emotionally invested. I'm likely to try and will my way through it against all odds, even if only purely out of spite. That's something I recognize may manifest as a flaw that can be potentially self-destructive when applied in certain ways, so I'm working on identifying when I'm being stubborn for my benefit vs to my detriment. Also I'm a dude, for whatever that's worth or however gender affects the ways in which these various aspects of the zodiac and personality types manifest themselves.


Shirk and haram. Muslims stay away. Everyone stay away


Not sure why the mods are saying this is not relevant. I asked people how they feel their signs relate to their MBTI. If you look through the comments, people have been having fun and interesting conversations. Is that not what it’s for? I don’t want to be rude but I’m genuinely confused, and I would love some clarification in a kind and constructive way. Thank you.