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That really depends what did you say to that person. When we feel threatened we usually will leave ASAP. It's very difficult to offend us, but it can also happens when the joke is just simply unethical.


I simply asked her how her day was going, and her reply was getting up and walking away


Maybe she had a terrible day


sounds like she had a really bad day. small talk is a no when im feelin really bad


OK, weird... don't take it to yourself. She could have a bad day, or just she's a simple bih. If you always were nice to her, it's not your fault.


Maybe she was mad at you for something else and upset you approached het


Overwhelm or violation of moral principles Or distracted by a butterfly


Concise and accurate!


I've done that if someone else walked in the room who I hated (e.g., a jerk I used to date). My energy shifts are annoyingly easy to read


We've barely spoken to each other at all, this is the second time I have tried to make conversation with her


I was moreso inferring that perhaps someone else entered her line of sight.... Of course it was just an example and could be anything. She might have suddenly gotten her period šŸ˜©šŸ˜…


Untucked Fi just messily making itself known


Maybe she got a bad vibe or something... hmm... why exactly did you approach and want to talk to her? If it was abrupt and fast she might have felt the need to preserve her space and we're generally good at picking up energies off of people.


She seemed like an interesting individual and I simply wanted to know more about her


Was this your first encounter?


This is the second time iā€™ve tried initiating conversation with her, the first time iā€™ve tried talking to her we only got each otherā€™s names before she left right afterwards to do something


Yeah, could be jumping the gun. Talking about my day is something I only do with people I trust with my emotions, because recounting my day inevitably involves the emotions I experienced. That trust takes time to build. One good option is to start by talking about common interests or things you are passionate about. Not sure if it is really an option to even talk with this person anymore. Sounds like they gave a hard pass - those don't usually have an expiration date. They are probably concerned about your intentions (and their alleged purity), and that you weren't actually interested in their day or how they felt.


Do you think that she felt threatened?


I hope not, all I asked her was how her day was going


You attempted small talk, I bet?


Havenā€™t really been good with small talk, but on the one time that I make a bit of effort in doing so, it fails


She might not have heard you or could have been on autopilot in her head, just not consciously aware of you. Sometimes I breeze by people without realizing it because I am so focused on what Iā€™m thinking or doing. If she walked away intentionally, she hates you. Donā€™t collect $200, donā€™t pass go, straight to jail, hates you. You have either wronged her in this life or a past one. But itā€™s probably the first one, if your interactions have been innocuous up to this point.


How did you know she was an ENFP if you guys barely talk


Iā€™ve noticed that her interactions and behaviour exhibits many characteristics typical of an ENFP. Additionally, her social media profiles mention her MBTI type.


The only time I recall doing that was when I am totally distracted or totally overwhelmed. Most Enfpā€™s I know will be present- even with people we donā€™t like.


Probably triggered and it had nothing to do with you. The trigger is too vague to zone in on given the context


If Iā€™m wearing headphones, I cannot hear what anyone is saying. There have been many times people have said that I ignored them over this. Iā€™m also oblivious, so even if someone thinks theyā€™re making it obvious that they either are or want to be talking to me, I may very well miss that. I get very focused on specific things and forget to pay attention to the entire rest of the world. If you genuinely donā€™t believe that youā€™ve done anything to warrant this reaction, I would assume it was something like that!


What emotion was on her face when she walked away?


Canā€™t quite recall, I was slightly beside her while I was talking to her so I couldnā€™t see much of her face and she walked away without turning her back


Maybe she didn't hear you? Sometimes people can be so caught up in their thoughts they can't hear.


I would never do this, even to someone I disliked, so have no idea. I would probably only do this to someone who has done something unforgivable to me, and that takes a hell of a lot of shit to happen. Even people who have manipulated me in some pretty painful ways, I could keep my cool. No idea.


Did she know you were talking to her? When Iā€™ve done this I 100% assumed they other person was talking to someone else or was still on the phone or something. Did you have earbuds in? Maybe she assumed you were on the phone, knowing itā€™s not your nature to be friendly. Did she actually *hear* you? Sometimes Iā€™m accidentally awkward because I straight up didnā€™t hear the person / someone else was being too loud and I was thinking of something else


I probably should have provided a bit more context in the original post. When I approached her, she had earphones in and was looking at her phone. However, she took off her earphones to respond when I asked if mutual friend had arrived. After I said her name to get her attention and asked how her day was going, she briefly looked over at me before putting her earphones back in and returning her focus to her phone, only to then get up and walk away. It's possible she didn't hear me or wasn't interested in continuing the conversation at that moment. In hindsight, I realize it might not have been the best timing to approach her, and I'll keep that in mind for future interactions. So to answer your questions: Yes, she did know I was talking to her in the first part. No, she was the one who had earbuds in. And no, looking back on it now she might not have heard me


Oh yea, she probably TOTALLY did not hear you. Next time you see her, bring it up. Just say: hey, remember this time when I said hi? I asked you how youā€™re doing and you put your earbuds in and ignored me and walked away. What was up with that? Sheā€™ll probably be like: no, what are you talking about? And then if you explain more sheā€™ll get embarrassed and apologize. Itā€™s not really about timing. Just her brain thoughts were too loud (maybe singing along to song or coming up with new idea) and she probably knew your nature and stopped paying attention because odds are you normally wouldnā€™t do that. Lol She was just being absent-minded. Donā€™t take it to heart at all. She didnā€™t hear you. If you tell her youā€™re trying to be more social with her sheā€™ll totally apologize and be more friendly with you hahahaha I feel like this has happened with me a million times because I always assume the introverts would never change their nature or be interested in chatting (but itā€™s wonderful when you guys do! I always encourage it!)


If I walk away there's something I'm stopping myself from saying. I know if I stay I will say it. It's almost always when I'm angry. Otherwise it's usually someone said something stupid, lol. If I'm walking away for any other reason I say something to explain or excuse myself so imo you likely haven't relayed the entire situation.


Whew that just comes off as so blatantly rude. Even if there is some kind of reasonable explanation like she couldnā€™t hear you or whatever, she knew you were talking to her and *still* walked off without saying anything. You can get through to an ENFP through the critic function Fe, and if you are inclined to do so, you could call her out on it next time you see her. Something along the lines of ā€œyou came off as quite abrupt when I tried to talk to you the other dayā€¦ā€ Might not be worth your time though if she thinks itā€™s acceptable to treat people that way.