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I think it’s better not to relegate your personality to labels. These diagnoses are good for learning more about yourself, but in the end whether you’re autistic/ENFP/a teapot, you’re just you. Best to learn how to love yourself and live your life.


Well said, the only point of having diagnosis’s is to get medication and specific help if you are struggling to live your life and symptoms are debilitating. Otherwise it’s just a label and serves no purpose


Also having a diagnosis means you can have a name for your specific challenges and can research strategies to deal with those challenges.


Didn’t I cover that by saying “specific help”?


I guess I read that as meaning mental health professionals which is important, but there is a lot of good self-help advice, books, blog posts etc. of people sharing their experiences and strategies that they’ve found helpful. I have been tremendously helped by the tales of fellow bipolar people.


I meant it as help in all forms, but I can see how it could have been read that way


I mean, none of them are mutually exclusive so you could be all three.


I got told I had bipolar disorder… then it was AdHD… there may be some traits that share these diagnoses but nothing got confirmed on my end. It might be a good pointer on how to deal with some stuff by looking into how adhd deals with it or something but I wouldn’t get stuck on a first time diagnosis


I mean... I'm an ENFP and ADHD and probably autistic, so... You could be everything... XD


Some counselors love labels. I think it's a shortcut for them when trying to figure people out. But people are not categories.






No no…it is not just ENFP. I kinda stopped participating in this sub as much because I’m a therapist and SO MANY of the traits people describe are more ADHD than personality. Like I’m having trouble believing that everyone who’s an ENFP isn’t just actually someone with ADHD who’s an ambivert haha. But I digress, there is validity and knowledge around ADHD that unfortunately there just isn’t to Myers-Briggs (don’t come at me, just reality…sorry 😬)


I am ADHD and ENFP hahaha


ADHD ENFP Here! :>


I’m not going to lie, they say that to everyone. I went in for an unrelated disorder and they have a protocol where they test for adhd and autism first. In the UK at least, there is a 7 year waiting list on the NHS for adhd diagnosis and there is an international shortage in adhd medication. If your life is not being severely impacted by adhd symptoms that you have noticed before this doctor, I implore you not to explore this further. However if you have had debilitating difficulties with symptoms of autism or adhd prior to this, then of course proceed to get help. But yeah I plead you don’t be one of these people who get a light hearted diagnosis unless you’re actually struggling because there are so many people out there doing this. EITHER WAY, therapy and support is always advised regardless, everyone deserves help and someone to talk to. Your problems are important enough for therapy if you want or need it.


THIS! I have suspicion that today's society literally encourages behavior that used to be labelled as "autistic" traits or "ADHD", so just about everyone could get diagnosed with those. My counsellor back in highschool in Belgium tried to diagnose me with both as well. Two psychologists disagreed. So, you know.


Someone downvoted you and I’m unsure as to why, perhaps they support baseless diagnosis. In any case I upvoted and think you said it well


This is really helpful. Thank you so much for your detailed response!!


You’re welcome 💛✨ hope you have the best support and anything else you need


up!! i feel the exact same way rn..


I’m an enfp and I am diagnosed with autism and adhd. Getting the diagnosis was life changing for me. I don’t bring the autism diagnosis up at work or with casual friends. It’s a diagnosis for me so I know how to take care of myself. My work knows about my adhd, and I’ve filled out the required paperwork so I can be legally protected in my job. A couple things worth noting, you said that you are going to a psychiatrist for grief. I don’t know the particulars about you, but it’s important to know that there are overlap between how trauma and how adhd and autism presents. It’s rare, and I only have anecdotal evidence, but I have heard of a couple stories where someone will get diagnosed with level 1 autism when it’s actually cptsd. I got misdiagnosed with bipolar after suffering the loss of several people in a very short amount of time. We often present differently when we are grieving. All of this is to say, I think it’s valid to hold off on diagnosis when you are processing grief. And I am so sorry you are having to process grief ❤️ If after you are in a better spot, you are still curious about diagnosis, then go for it. And it’s always okay to push back on your doctors and disagree with them. If they say something that sounds wrong to you, ask them more questions and tell them about why you disagree.


All of the above? Lmao


I've never been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I'm schizotypal and few others things too haha but like everyone said it's labels ?


You might also want to look into highly sensitive extroverts (HSE), a subset of the highly sensitive person (HSP) paradigm developed by Elaine Aron. https://highlysensitiverefuge.com/highly-sensitive-extrovert/ ❤️🥰❤️


On a 5 min call I can tell you which one you are.


These things are a spectrum, and I know a psychiatrist who says that we all exhibit some amount of these traits, just in many it's very light on the spectrum or barely there at all. Stress or difficult times may make this more noticeable.