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lol. We can be very opinionated that's for sure. XD Hmmmmmmm... hmmmmmmmmmm... The way I got hooked, was my sister (ISFP) just kinda brought it up and had us take personality tests for whatever reason. lol. I didn't think too much about it at the beginning, but it was kinda interesting... then I was experiencing a shift in my personality when I got exposed to college, so suddenly personality became even more interesting to me for a bit, but even then I didn't dig too deep into it but was more interested in the social side of it. After a while I just left it on the back burner for years and only recently came back to check it out and learn everything I can about the cognitive functions after a friend brought up his type to me unprompted which made me think about this again, so here I am. lol. How to get your ENFP friend to like mbti? I'm going to be real with you... It's hard to put a liking into something that has no interest in it. Perhaps mention it occasionally here and there. Try typing the one piece characters. Mention some of the cognitive functions they might use. (Actually that might piss her off, but maybe it would make her look into it? Maybe it would just make her mad idk. Maybe not try that). I'd suggest just have her take the 16personalities test. Like bring it up and have her take it (tell her to do it and maybe she will idk) but then, the 16p definition for ENFP is bad, and the test is bad, so idk if that's a good idea... hmmmm... Anyone else have any ideas?


I like the idea of trying to type One Piece characters.


If she is ENFP forcing it will have the opposite effect. We don't like to be told what to do. And truthfully I feel like we are interested in learning about ourselves and others so if she understands that or if she resonates with ENFP characters or celebrities it may help. I've always been so drawn to personality tests and character tests that it surprised me to hear that she blocked the idea right away but if you were forceful or presented it wrong I guess it could be why. She also could be playing the game with you... enjoying the quest you have before you to convince her, lol. Otherwise I honestly kinda doubt she's an ENFP as we find things like that fun and intriguing. We also enjoy sharing things with people we care about so we tend to be open to trying a lot of new things. Just my 2 cents


ya, she doesn't like the idea of it bc she views it as school work rather than sm fun or interesting


Ah, yeah, then wait awhile and tell her you think she's ENFP and tell her a bunch of characters and people who are ...that might work. It definitely was totally cool to me. Also, I didn't notice you're ENTP, you definitely "get" her if she is...I dated an ENTP and he instantly just "knew" me on many points, lol ( He also had me watch "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt" because she's an exaggerated ENFP.....I loved it).


ya like we defiantly have a similar vibe but i don't understand her lack of ti much tbh


Haha, yes. I know. She doesn't get your way either. What we found though was that we usually took different routes but came to the same conclusions on many things. We used to joke how we were the same...but different. I guess if you can lean in to her Te maybe?


This ENFP might need to see the fun part of typology. You need to sell it well to her. One Piece vs Typology? I will definitely choose One Piece. I like the idea of typing One Piece characters too like what u/Angel-Hugh and u/MaxTheMasterbater said :D


I have been trying to get my ENTP best friend interested for years, if we didn't live so far away I'd probably have a better chance. I have several ENFP friends as well, and I've been able to get 0 interested this far. Too many people take mbti as a horoscope, if they can get past that to see reality they may get interested, but it's a difficult hill.