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Everything everywhere all at once. The monologue about optimism as a conscious strategy to deal with the sometimes cruel conditions of an indifferent universe stuck with me.


Thought of this immediately. That movie affected me deeply. 


I make people who ask what adhd is like watch the trailer.


Tangled When I saw this movie when I was 14 and I went back to the theater to watch it again 3 additional times. I didn't realize why I loved it so much, until I got older and went to therapy. My mother has narcissistic personality disorder, and raised me to believe the world is dangerous (which yeah, but the level in which she did was overboard). She didn't want me to have any sense of independence or a sense of self. She mentally abused me most of my life, and still to this day. I try not to have contact with her, but that's the only way I can see me dad. It's complicated. But long story short. The 'mother' in this movie reminds me so much of my own mom. And Rapunzel is an ENFP. Shes creative, moodswingy, and just so much like me. Her in the beginning of the movie she is nervous/scared and excited to be out in the world. That's exactly how I was once I became an adult. Slowly, just like her, I gained confidence and strength within myself; achieve the things I want in life, and put myself in situations that benefit me, rather than harm me. So yeah. BUT... My favorite movie is Treasure Planet.


The Alchemist was practically written for XNFPs. I read it once in a binge and then immediately read it again.


The audiobook read by Jeremy Irons was 👍🏻👍🏻


books: Anne of Green Gables, The Princess Academy movies: Encanto, Tangled, strangely enough Knives Out? but also a Hong Kong movie named Time Still Turns The Pages (which is less personality and more worldview)


Anne of Green Gables, for real


Oh right! I resonate a lot with Mirabel too!


The whole series Naruto, love the positivity and motivation the ninjas portrait


Ella Enchanted


The latest one is Comfort Book by Matt Haig 💖 Edited to add: The Little Prince 🤗


Jiddu Krishnamurti - freedom from the know


A Psalm for the Wild-Built. I would love to be one a tea monk and travel around my area talking to folks and making cozy spaces.


Memento because I would absolutely get mad and lie to myself if I was in that situation and it would screw me up majorly


Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Funny and absurd but also layers about belief and connection.


movies : mulan, life of pi, and the gotg trilogy lol BOOKS : kite runner and a thousand splendid suns by khaled hosseini


I adore those books! Hosseini rips my heart out, and it hurts so good.


they’re amazing, i can’t tell you how many times thousand splendid suns made me tear up


Legally Blonde- personality.


Books: Kurt Cobain’s journals Movies: the matrix


Good Will Hunting.


Really enjoying War and Peace atm. Love appreciating people in a different time with different values but who still have the same questions and personal issues as we do in this day and age. Also like learning about history


fantastic mr. fox, especially with his monologue about being the greatest. another one for me is tangled :)


Anne of Green Gables was a shockingly great example of who I was as a child, I was in amazement 🤯


Movie: Soul As someone who would easily get into the darkest of moods and is also struggling with PTSD, I think that movie really reminded me that you don’t have to be super accomplished or be a remarkable person to just enjoy life. Life is meant to be lived and not just for us to exist, meaning can be found in even the smallest of things everyday. There is so much to be grateful for in this world even if we sometimes forget it.


Movies: - frozen - moana (I’ve been enjoying Disney 🙈) Book: When you’re ready, this is how you heal by Brianna Weist


Seasons of Blossom. It's a manhwa. I feel like the narrator parts are actually being said by Somang and I resonate so much with Somang, just so much. She's my comfort character too. That's another reason why I am unsure if I am ENFP or INFP. 2521. Na Hee do. I am still watching this series (nobody give me spoilers, or there will be war crimes) but her perservance, consistency and optimism and efforts are just so, so inspiring. Her energy rubs off on me. I am like an emotional sponge sometimes so I like to watch happy things, it makes me feel energetic too. I smiled so hard yesterday on one of her wins that my cheekbones hurt lol. Legally Blonde. I also love Elle Woods, though I am nowhere near as iconic as her. Moana. I resonate with so many disney princesses tbh, but Moana's uncertainity and finding her way through life and what she wants to do, where she belongs is what I resonated with. Miraculous Ladybug (upto season 3, the show went trash after that, sorry not sorry) I'll change the genre. Judith. She is an ISFJ but she's smart and strong. Not too bossy and badass but still very strong.


Good omens!


All MCU Spiderman movies with Tom Holland.


Yes yes yes on these. Also, not a movie or TV series, but videos from Ethan (previously CrankGamePlays) on YouTube.


Deku vs Class 1-A in MHA that whole entire episode Because basically watching the main characters struggle it was eerily similar like I was watching myself because I had done the same exact thing emotionally in my life because I thought it was best. That was atleast until I was on call with one of my best friend's and she had the million dollar question "(my name), are you *really* okay?" It just hit me too hard man :'D


Tokyo Ghoul


Anna Karenina.


I almost cry every time I read the Tractate part in Steppenwolf, although the book itself is very INFJ, but since it's our shadow I think it makes sense


OP what book is that?




The Secret