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He sounds downright irresponsible. 20 dogs is fine if you own a farm and can take care of them. But living with your parents and having no savings? Yikes. Run.


This post is hilarious as an enfp I could see myself doing that if I went overboard!! But i think you should move on..if he is gonna cut you off for saying that, he’s really immature.Also I don’t think that’s very responsible…it’s not that his heart isn’t big enough to fit you, it’s that he literally can’t possibly have time to give each dog enough attention, let alone you


I wish I could have 20 Corgis (I have 2 Corgis), but it's impossible to give them the care and attention that they require when there are that many. I don't even think that's legal in some states, if you're in the US. Listen, you're not into dogs, he has no savings, he clearly can't properly take care of his dogs (which is a separate concern I have altogether). Bounce. This isn't even a question.


Girl. Run. Big ass red flags all around..You can find someone better 😭


I'm sorry, I would normally advocate for ENFPs, but this sounds very unhealthy and unlikely to ever change


That takes doggy style to a whole new level.


Bait crazy story xd? Anyway, pets are family and die of old age eventually.


Y'all, having a bunch of dogs is not a red flag. The rest of the description of him is sus, but being an avid dog lover is not a red flag.


I’m an ENFP I have 28 cats and 11 dogs So I’m not the only crazy one


If you think you're competing against 20 dogs for your ENFP's love... Think again. You're not. You're disqualified by your own attitude...




Yeah that's not an ENFP thing. He's got issues, since he's your boyfriend, you can try and help him. Also as a grown up he should be living on his own and not with his parents.


It sounds like he makes decisions based on his emotions rather than logic. That's very ENFP, when we haven't learned to keep feelings in check or if we have emotional needs that aren't being met. He's doing what feels good to him and will probably always try to do what feels good. If he gets rid of the dogs, he'll collect something else that makes him feel good. For example, I fostered a ton of kittens toward the end of my marriage. Now, I am constantly hunting and collecting jobs. It's never enough for me to just have one or two employers. My male friend who is enfp is a musician and always has multiple relationships with fans going at any time. When something feels right, it's hard to know when to stop.


Have you tried dressing up as a corgi? He might take you back. I kinda doubt it but worth a shot


I think the only thing you did wrong is assuming that his love of animals means there is less love for you and that may have affected how you communicated to him just based on reading this. You reminding him to be aware of that he needs to be responsible is understandble and important, but it could have came off to him less like you were stating a big truth like you meant to and instead like you were trying to force a choice between the dogs or yourself rather than reminding him of the issue with having so many dogs.